The Will of God

Christ taught this world a very special prayer, long ago.

Every Christian today knows this prayer.

Most Christians even pray this prayer.

But nary a one of them . . . understands this prayer.

Below, is Christ speaking:

Matthew 6:9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Matthew 6:10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Those two verses are probably enough to write an entire book about. But this is just a letter, so let’s just use four words here.

Thy Will be done!

No . . . let’s make this really easy; and consider just two words:

Thy Will

How many Christians do you think have prayed the words, “Thy Will be done?” Millions? Billions? In the past 2,000 years, this author would venture a guess that our LORD has heard these words prayed to Him about one Trillion times! (A few billion Christians, being replaced every 60-years, praying this prayer over the course of their entire lifetime might come to perhaps, one trillion times.)

Yet almost all Christians actually live their lives so as to assure that God’s Will is NOT being done in their lives, nor in this earth! Almost all Christians! So here in this letter, let us examine just what the Will of God is, here on this Earth. There is only one place to go: His Word. And in this letter, this author shall only use the Words of Christ as sent down in His Bible. But there is one important Truth of God that every Christian really needs to accept before trying to place the Will of God at the center of their life. Very few Christians have been taught about this Truth of God, within their denominations. Fortunately, more and more denominations are coming around, in these final days, to understand that it was Christ who created this world and it was Christ who created Adam and Eve. Reference the first fourteen verses of the Gospel of John and then realize that John did not write his Gospel until AFTER he had returned from Heaven with the Revelation. It was in Heaven that John learned the exact nature of Christ, in this universe: hence we have his first fourteen verses which “introduce” his entire Gospel to the world. Reference his verses here.” (Link opens in a new window.)

This special knowledge which John was given in Heaven, came more than 30-years after everything else in the New Testament had been written. The Book of Revelation and the Gospel of John were written long after all of the other New Testament writers had died.

This . . . is what makes the Gospel of John different than the others.

This . . . is where we learn just “who” Jesus and/or Christ was!

Christ was our Creator. As our Creator, He also delivered the Will of God (meaning His Father) to this world. When He had “closed-out” His Old Testament, with the book of Malachi, He finished everything with a few special words. Oh, He absolutely knew that He was coming to this world, using the body of Jesus, but regarding the Will of God, Christ gave Malachi one very special “gem” of Heavenly Truth! Nearly all Christian denominations completely ignore this verse, but regarding mankind’s following the Will of God, this might be one of the most important Truths placed in the entire Old Testament! Christ, our Creator, speaking:

Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not . . .

The very important part of Christ’s Words above, is that every Christian needs to go back all the way to Adam and Eve, to accurately determine what the Will of God is, here on this Earth. In fact, there is no other way of placing the Will of God in your life here. Oh, but that is only half of it! Every Christian needs to go all the way back to Adam and Eve, to truly understand everything that Christ has been trying to teach this world, which He created. Always remember that Christ is our Creator! One cannot fully understand Christ’s teachings until one fully accepts that fact.

Christians! Satan absolutely DOES NOT WANT YOU TO KNOW that it was your beloved Christ who created this world, then created Adam and Eve, and later sent His Commandments and Laws down to Moses! In this, Satan knows that his lies make it easier for us to dismiss these so-called “ancient concepts;” which truly came only from Christ’s Father, our LORD. This is only because over the past 2,000 years, Satan has successfully caused most Christians to believe that Christ’s Old Testament is now obsolete, and therefore defunct (meaning broken or no good).

Read what Christ is teaching you in His Scriptures above! (For now, just go back and learn John 1:1 – 14 and then Malachi 3:6! These, alone, are able to bring any Christian back to God’s Will.) You shall learn, below, that YOU have just one life to answer for, on Judgment Day and no other person shall be permitted to answer for YOU.

This author detests selfishness! But this author will freely admit that here in this letter, it is time for every Christian to become just a bit selfish: but only regarding their obtaining, and then protecting (from Satan), their Eternal future! No matter what you have been taught, no matter what Satan has caused your religious teachers to believe, and no matter what your parents, grandparents, and your own beliefs have taught you, every person has one major event to face after they die. It is called Judgment Day, and there is no escaping it.

On that Great Day . . . it will not matter if you tell God that you went to church every Sunday. God wrote a Book for you to learn! (If your beloved spouse wrote a book, or even a 5-page magazine article, would you not read their work, start-to-finish?) Well, your beloved Creator, who is your God; and His beloved Father, who is your LORD, wrote a few Books called Scriptures: and they only ask that you pick up one of them, and then read their work, start-to-finish!

Or . . . could it be that you do not love your LORD as much as you love your daily life, or family life, down here? Are you too busy? Are His expectations too high? They really are not that high; and you really are not that busy, honestly: you just do not love your LORD as much as you ought to. (Or, as much as you need to.) Sorry for the honesty: this old author is not very good at holding back.

And in all honesty . . . it is quite easy to love our LORD down here: or more correctly, it is quite easy to just “say those words.” But it is an entirely different matter to place His Words in front of every fleeting thought you might have, here in this life of yours! For you see, it is the Will of God that we all place His Word before “anything and everything” that we find in this world, or in our lives! While God fully understands that no person is perfect (and that we all sin), He does require that we show improvement as we grow. He also understands the difference between a toddler, a child, an adolescent, a young adult, an older adult, and an elderly person. He created all of that, so just keep trying to improve.

Christians, you must learn that you cannot dismiss the Old Testament as just ancient, or “not current.” Christ created this world, Christ created Adam and Eve, and Christ delivered the Old Testament.

Please consider just a few Old Testament Scriptures here:

In Psalms, David is writing a Psalm about the ancient God of Moses, or the God of the Old Testament, if you will. In this Psalm, God is teaching about Himself, and those events that will take place when He is placed upon that cross, later in history:

Psalm 22:7 All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,

Psalm 22:8 He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.

Psalm 22:14 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of my bowels.

Psalm 22:15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast brought me into the dust of death.

Psalm 22:16 For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the wicked have inclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet.

Psalm 22:17 I may tell all my bones: they look and stare upon me.

Psalm 22:18 They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

All Christians should study Psalms 22 – 24 closely. This author placed the above words in red to emphasize that only Christ could have experienced (and spoken) these words which He instructed David write for Him. Also, the “bolded words,” above, are repeated nearly word-for-word in the Gospels: regarding the events of Jesus’ crucifixion.

All of this shows that Christ WAS the God of the Old Testament: for in the Psalm above, we find the God of the Old Testament using the pronouns of “me, I, and my.” Even Paul wrote that it was Christ who spoke to Moses (meaning it was Christ, who delivered the Ten Commandments, the Laws, and all ordinances):

Hebrews 11:24 By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter;

Hebrews 11:25 Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;

Hebrews 11:26 Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had respect unto the recompence of the reward.


So Christians . . . your 33,000 denominations have completely failed in teaching you the “how-and-why” your Gospels are the Good Tidings from Christ, your Creator. Because the Will of God and the Truth of God is that His Good Tidings are only “in addition to” ALL earlier teachings from Christ, your Creator! As a matter of fact, the Good Tidings from Christ, your Creator, are “fully dependent” upon your living according to what He earlier placed in your Old Testament.

Christians . . . please read that last sentence again! “The Good Tidings from Christ, your Creator, are “fully dependent” upon your living according to what He earlier placed in your Old Testament.”

Malachi 3:6 For I am the LORD, I change not . . .

Mankind’s Truth of God, in this matter, is that one cannot receive the Good Tidings until one has accepted (and lives according to) the Will of God which was taught in the Old Testament. (Or for our younger folks, “you cannot have your desert until you have eaten your meat-and-vegetables.”) In this, your 33,000 denominations have completely failed these Truths of God. Every religious leader and Bible scholar should have easily, and long ago, observed that Christ’s Gospels were not sent to teach a great deal regarding the Will of God, nor the Laws of God. This was not the purpose of Christ’s Gospels because Christ had already delivered those Truths in His earlier Scriptures! Even a child can read the four Gospels and correctly observe that Christ never excused this world from obeying His earlier Commandments, Laws, and ordinances: because the words are just not there! Period! The word “Gospel” is only found in the New Testament: Matthew 9:35 is a fine example. From here, go to Strong’s Concordance and you will find the word “G2098” for the Greek word “euangelion.” Your Christian teachers will tell you that this is the word “evangelist,” but ignore your teachers for a moment. The word “evangelist” is an English word that did not exist in the Greek language so let us just concentrate on the Truth of Christ here. The word “Gospel” means Good Tidings, Glad Tidings, Good News, etc. It exactly means that your God, from the Old Testament, has visited this world, yet again, but this time He brought some Good Tidings: meaning, “more information” about the events of His great Resurrection-of-the-dead, at the end of this world. He even states, quite clearly (and repeatedly!), that only those who are found to be obeying His Laws and His Will shall obtain this Great Reward of His Good Tidings. (Never mind the Epistles found in the New Testament! When it comes to the words of Paul or our Creator, always choose our Creator! Paul has no reward waiting for us, but our Creator does!)

Now, just because your religious teachers have chosen the path of teaching you an easy and effortless way to Christ’s Good Tidings, this does not make your religious teachers right! In fact, they are merely teaching the lies of Satan. For Satan, long ago, worked his deeds and wove his lies into every existing Christian denomination of today! (We shall give some very detailed examples later in this letter.) Oh, my friend, it is easy for us to “give in” to our teachers: we are taught to do this from childhood! We watched our parents do this; and we watched our grandparents do this.

But your religious teachers are wrong . . . all of them!

Meaning . . . every . . . single . . . denomination!

(Below, we shall present an informal “case study” of one young denomination today; and show how Satan is actively weaving his lies into this very young denomination. The older denominations are too difficult because nobody, from today, was there to witness Satan’s work of long ago: also, his works took place over hundreds and hundreds of years. In this so-called “case study” of today, you shall be able to see Satan’s deeds, as they are happening today, right in front of your face. Indeed, this author truly believes that Satan is concentrating his efforts on this one denomination, here as we approach this world’s end-times.)

Satan wants (and Satan has indeed taught) your religious teachers to teach you that the New Testament takes the place of the Old Testament. Words to the effect of, “All of the old laws were nailed to the cross!” God’s Truth, on the other hand, fully reveals that Christ sent down His Commandments, laws, and ordinances in the Old Testament: they are to be kept forever, and that nothing shall ever take their place.

SIDE NOTE by jpw: Regarding that Will of God which Christ taught to Moses, we shall heavily document everything stated above, in the Scriptures quoted below. In His Words quoted below, notice how many times Christ used the terms, “for ever,” or “throughout your generations,” etc. This is quite significant, especially since it is Christ who is speaking those two phrases to Moses. (For those who desire more details, go to and do a search for “for ever” and then “generations.” The King James writers always placed a space between for and ever, so this will help in your search. Select the King James Version and click on Exodus, to the right, after you get your results.) Christ certainly knew the words He spoke to Moses! He could have used the words, “Until Messiah comes,” or He could have used the Old Testament words of Isaiah, “Until Immanuel comes.” But Christ did not use those words, did He? (Religious teachers, please remember the words, “Until Messiah comes,” because you shall receive a heavy dose regarding the absence of these words, throughout this letter.)

All of this demonstrates that God, long ago, properly (and completely) instructed this world as to what His Will is, forever. It teaches us about what God expects from us, forever. The Gospels, on the other hand, are a “lesser Testament” per se: those words meaning “almost, but not really.” Again, the Glad Tidings and the Good News of the Gospels are merely an addition to Christ’s Old Testament. Christ’s Old Testament teaches what our LORD expects from us; while Christ’s Gospels teach us of our LORD’S reward, if we succeed in everything that Christ earlier taught in His Old Testament! One could accurately state: that the Glad Tidings of Christ do not apply if one has failed in the Will of God which was detailed in Christ’s Old Testament. (Hence, the importance of John’s Gospel, 1:1 – 14.) That is why this author has a small desire to say that the Gospels are a ”lesser Testament:” because they become null-and-void if we fail at the lessons which Christ placed in His Old Testament.

Never mind what your religious teachers teach. And never mind what you think Paul taught. And never believe that you have “safety in numbers:” such as, “God will not hold our Sunday Observances or Graven Images against us because there are just too many of us!” Learn from your Creator, below!

Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

God’s Word above includes every Christian on His Judgment Day! (Quite sadly, we find 33,000 Christian denominations, today, teaching that this only means “all other denominations, but not our denomination!”) Christians! DO NOT “give away” your eternal life! Do not sacrifice your eternal life to someone who is merely teaching the mistakes which they, themselves, learned in Seminary college! This “someone” is a person who you barely know, if you think about it! Satan’s works always go back to shortly after the beginnings of every denomination. (We shall demonstrate this, below, by way of William Miller’s Dream. For his dream described the failure of every denomination that ever existed, possibly including his own! That is yet to be determined, but they are “inching closer” every day.)

SIDE NOTE by jpw: This author makes no secret of his steadfast belief that the Epistles (of the Apostles) are not Scripture, never were Scripture, and were absolutely NOT placed amongst God’s Scriptures by Christ! Many, if not most, of them were placed in the Bible by the very same people who gave us Sunday worship: back in the days of the Roman Emperor, Constantine. However, they can be a great lesson for people today. (Not regarding God, but rather Satan!) If one reads these “letters,” one can see each of the Apostles striving to bring folks back to the Truths which Christ delivered to this world, as Jesus. Even in those early days, folks were quickly beginning to deviate from Christ’s Truths and through their Epistles, Christ’s Apostles were trying to “plug the holes that Satan was punching into the dam,” even back in those days. One can easily see their efforts in each letter. One can easily see this in the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation, where Christ is performing some “churchly maintenance,” such as His addressing the eating of meats previously sacrificed to idols (in the marketplaces of Asia Minor) where Paul ended his work, some 30-years prior. As one reads through the first three chapters of Revelation, one can actually learn some of Satan’s deeds already woven into those early churches.

Whenever a new denomination is created, Satan’s work there begins, every single time. The very recent creation of the Seventh Day Adventist church is a classic, current, and therefore perfect example to study. This church is barely 150 years old. It was given a truly miraculous beginning (in several ways), yet it has already succumbed to “some” of Satan’s lies and it has added-to, changed, and even dismissed many of God’s Scriptures and Truths. One can actually see this taking place, here today: because Satan has only recently increased his “pace of work” within this church. This author could be wrong, but this author firmly believes that he can see the Hand of Christ, in several places, regarding the amazing foundation of this fine church: about 150 years ago. But this author can also see Satan currently “weaving his lies” into this church in order to try to take control of this church, today! More on this below.

Before any person can hope to find God, that person must first learn about God! The only successful path of learning about God is to learn the Will of God and His expectations from us! This Will of God is found ONLY in the Truths of God, the Word of God, and the Understanding of God; all of which have been placed upon this world. WHERE? It is called Scripture: and it can be found anywhere and everywhere. It goes by many names, but all one truly needs is a desire to find God’s Scripture. This old author has been stating (and writing) for over 30 years, that there are no disagreements found in any of God’s Scriptures. Why? Because God is perfect; and it is “nothing” for Him to keep His Scriptures Accurate and True. (It is only mankind who constantly “scurries about” trying to proclaim certain vanities, or a new knowledge; caused by their own personal beliefs, vanities, expectations from God, and of course, Satan’s lies.)






The Will of God

It is time for all Christians (regardless of denomination) to receive a heavy dose of the Will of God.

This author shall try to leave all non-Biblical Scriptures out of this letter, and this author shall try to minimize Satan’s works (and show more of God’s Works) for the remainder of this letter. This shall be fairly easy. The hard part is that this author is going to ask that every Christian here “leave their excuses at the door,” when learning the Will of God here: by way of God’s Scriptures. (Quite honestly, every Christian has a lot of “bad lessons” in their past, so this will prove to be difficult for every reader. It did for this author, years ago. But these days, this old author “relishes” fixing his past mistakes: still retained from his 30-, 40-, and 50-year-old youthful days.) Remember, it does not matter if your “bad lessons” came from Satan: because God still expects you to get past them via His Scriptures which cover this world, today. When you ever stand before God, on His Judgment Day, you will have to answer for the life you chose to live here! The only thing that matters, here in your life, is whether or not you decide to truly follow the Will of God, here on this Earth.

Solomon said it best: “Fear God and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.”

The Will of God . . . according to His Bible


We shall walk slowly through this matter and begin with the easy parts of God’s Will. About 1,400 years before Jesus was born, Christ came here to visit Moses. You can read all about this in the first five Books of Christ’s Bible. They are commonly called The Torah and these five books end with the death of Moses.

Christ gave Moses Ten Commandments. Ten simple and easy Commandments, honestly. So, we shall start with the easiest, Number 4. Oh, Number 4 goes on and on for just a bit, but basically, it is only three words long:

Remember the Sabbath!

Three simple words that even a child can understand. That child might have just one question and that would be, “what is the Sabbath?” Once answered, every child would fully understand God’s Will in this matter. This author is not going to waste any time here trying to prove that only Saturday is God’s Sabbath. Every Christian fully understands that the Sabbath is Saturday, the last day of the week. But, when presented with God’s Fourth Commandment, your religious teachers will squirm, and they will be uneasy about everything above: and they will quickly pull “Old Number 4” from their “canned excuses” and then smile as they speak their vanities to you. (You are not the first to ask them about this!) In this, they will always try to tell you why they are dismissing the Will of God, here on this world which God Created. At some point in the discussion, when they can see that you shall not be dissuaded from God’s Truth, they will always utter the words, “Look, just choose your day and stick with it.” In this, they are informing you that the discussion is over; and these words will be their closing argument every time. However, God’s Fourth Commandment does not say, “Choose your day;” it says, “Remember the Sabbath!” Not exactly the same, are they!

Christians, this author does not believe in sugar-coating anything. If you are worshiping God on Sunday, you are sinning against God. Think about it this way: God said to “Remember the Sabbath,” but you have freely chosen to “Ignore the Sabbath.” In this, you have freely chosen to set the Will of God aside, in your life. (And God can see this!) So, this author asks you now; when you pray the LORD’s Prayer, do you speak Christ’s words, “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven?”

If you go to church on Sundays, then you do not want God’s Will to be done in your life; and you do not want God’s Will to be done in this Earth. It is quite simple, and you will be questioned about this on God’s Judgment Day. This author would never say that a person is going to hell for this, but they shall surely be questioned about this when the Book of Life has been opened. It is called the Book of Life and we shall all answer for that “life” and that “direction” we chose to pursue in that one “life” we were given.

This author would also add here that Satan often, but not always, works through “opposites.” God Commanded the last day to be kept holy and Satan changed it to the first day, Sunday. In this, Satan is “thumbing his nose” at God: and in this, Satan is “using us” to disrespect God.

Graven images!

“Two simple words” found in Christ’s Second Commandment, but it should be noted that one of these words is not commonly used in today’s world, so this author shall define the word “graven” here. “Graven” means anything that was made by man! Period. A graven image is any image (painting, statue, or any other picture, image, or even a cross hanging on a wall) that has been made by human hands! Remember, this is Christ speaking below:

Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Exodus 20:5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

Quite honestly, this Commandment comes in two parts. First of all, we are to make no “images” of any sort with our hands. Secondly, if we have failed in this, we are absolutely forbidden to bow down, or worship, in the presence of these graven images!

Christians, if you go to a church that has a cross on the wall, the “stations of the cross” on another wall, a statue of Moses (or some saint) in the corner, a picture of Mary holding her baby, or even an altar at the front of the congregation, then you are worshiping in the presence of graven images. This author has heard all of the “excuses” over the years. “This” represents “that.” That statue reminds us of “this event.” The cross teaches us of the sacrifice that Jesus made for us. The words, reasons, and excuses of this world are endless here. But Christ’s Commandment here is simple. GRAVEN IMAGES! Pure and simple: all are graven images in God’s Eyes! God even defined what a graven image was in His Second Commandment: “any image, or any likeness of anything that is in Heaven or on the earth, or in the seas.” A person can come up with hundreds of excuses, vanities, and beliefs here on this earth, but God only sees one thing: graven images!

God’s Words are very easy and very simple! Christians, if you have a cross hanging on a wall in your house, or any other image or statue, they are graven images. Any Nativity Scene at Christmastime is a graven image. First of all, the wise men did not arrive until approximately 18 months later (and the “many wise men” presented their “three gifts” in Nazareth!): hence Herod killing all babies under the age of two years, throughout all the land of Israel. Matthew’s story teaches that Herod diligently inquired of the wise men of how long ago the star first appeared to them. Apparently, it had appeared somewhat less than two years prior to their arrival in Jerusalem. Do you honestly believe that Herod did not know the difference between a two-year old toddler (running around) and a newborn infant? This is why Herod killed all children under the age of two years. Also, Jesus was born in the Fall, not the winter. (The Romans always took their census in the Fall, after the harvest season, because this is the only time of year that their agrarian subjects actually possessed grain, and/or money, in order to pay their “census tax.”) More on this very important issue, below.

Setting aside the fact that a wintertime Nativity Scene represents “no actual truth of any event,” it is still, and always has been, a graven image in God’s Eyes! (Yes, the Jewish shepherds arrived on that “early autumn” night, as the angels commanded them; but the many wise men, carrying just three types of gifts, had only just departed their lands on that fateful evening of Jesus’ birth; thereby beginning their “significantly less than two-year” journey. This is exactly why Herod called the wise men to the side, for a private meeting and “enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared to them.” Hence Herod “slew all the children in Israel, from 2 years old and younger: according to the time he had diligently inquired of the wise men.” This is all found in Matthew, chapter 2.)

This author’s point here . . . is that this so-called nativity event never really happened! Every Nativity Scene is a graven image according to God’s Commandments, and it is a sin against Christ Himself: who wrote the Ten Commandments in stone with His Own Finger!

Christians, if you have any graven images in your life, then you are sinning against God. Think about it this way: God said to “make no graven image,” but He also said that if you do have graven images in your life that you are absolutely not to “bow down and worship” in their presence. Nearly all Christians have freely chosen to allow graven images in their life and in their places of worship! If you have allowed this, then you have freely chosen to set the Will of God aside, in your life. (And God can see this!) So, this author asks you again: when you pray the LORD’s Prayer, do you speak Christ’s words, “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven?”



Christians, this might be a good time to take a break from all of this bad news. Consider what you have read above and then compare God’s Word to what you truly hold near-and-dear to your heart, in this world. (Discard everything this author has stated above and discard everything your religious teachers have taught you. And learn this for yourself, as if your life depended on it; and learn it from the Word of God on this Earth: it is called Scriptures. They were all quoted, or linked to, above.) So, do you hold any of the above “earthly mammon” near-and-dear to your heart, or would you prefer that God comes closer to your heart? God cannot, or will not, come closer to you until He sees you at least “starting to move” in the direction of His Will: meaning His Heart. And you do this by making sure His Will is done in your life, little by little. So just start with something little. Oh, how God loves “little by little!” For this shows God that you have decided upon a good and decent DIRECTION for this life which He has given you. This old author can guarantee you that God will match your every move (made towards His Direction): He did so for this old author, long ago! God does not fail any of His children, until they have first failed Him! To state that particular Truth of God more accurately; God does not leave any person until that person has first left God! Can you see the difference in the two statements? In Christ’s story of the prodigal son, the father did not call the son back. The father waited patiently to see if the son would return, on his own. Only then, did the father become a father again. Unfortunately, some prodigal sons never return. Unfortunately, the Book of Revelation teaches that this world’s prodigal “Christian denominations” will never return to their Father. But Revelation is quite “general” in nature: there could be a few exceptions. But only for those who return to the Will of God in this earth.

To help you understand mankind (and Satan) better, please do notice one very important thing about all of the mistakes above! All of the Christian sins, above, were learned ONLY in your Christian churches. Oh, but it gets worse. All of the Christian failures regarding the Will of God, above, were learned ONLY in your Christian churches. You did not learn even one of the “above” Christian mistakes from God’s Scriptures! (Jesus faced this same problem in his day.) The name of your denomination does not matter here! Because everything you learned above came by way of nearly ALL of the Christian denominations found on this world: Sunday worship and a lot of graven images in our churches (and yes, graven images in our homes).

Quite honestly, this author could be wrong here: but this author ventures a guess that about 95 out of every 100 Christian denominations have been described above. There are currently more than 33,000 Christian denominations in this world: this number is increasing daily. (Reference this here, here, and here. (Blue links open in new windows.) So, this author can only guess that about 95% of all readers here find themselves with a major dilemma here: regarding God’s All-Seeing Eyes. So, take a break and consider everything above very much. Allow God’s Truths and especially His Will to “gnaw on your heart” and upon your eternal soul. And never forget those words that you might frequently pray: “thy Will be done.” So again, take a break and consider God’s Words above, once more: and think about what place God’s Word, and God’s Will, currently occupies in your life! Never mind this author’s words; just remember God’s Words. And when you get back from your short break, understand that things are going to get much harder here. We are finished with the easy stuff.


Now, please understand that this author presented everything above first, only because no Christian teacher can dispute the easy Truths of God, which were placed in His Ten Commandments. It just cannot be done, anywhere on this Earth! No matter their words to you, always remember that mankind has no authority to ignore the Will of God. Mankind has no authority to diminish the Will of God. And mankind has no authority to alter the Will of God. We only exist because it is His Will that we exist!

SIDE NOTE by jpw: Satan has convinced this world that we were born of our parents and that we all have certain (and inalienable) rights and even privileges. NO! Each of us was created ONLY by the Will of God and each of us shall die according to the Will of God. This will be a difficult Truth for some: but it is a great Truth of God. Every single reader, reading these words now, cannot take their next breath: unless it is God’s Will that they do so.

The next set of God’s Truths shall be a bit more difficult to accept only because today’s Christian leaders have gotten very good at dismissing that which was not placed within Christ’s Ten Commandments. They squirm and get very nervous when trying to dismiss Christ’s Ten Commandments, but they will not hesitate to tell you that everything you are about to find below was “nailed to the cross,” or something like that. So, one would do very well in noting that every single denomination which failed in Christ’s Sabbath and graven images, above, also fails in everything below. However, the “failures regarding God’s Will” presented below shall add nearly all of the remaining denominations to God’s list of failed Christian churches.




In the Torah, God gave many laws to Moses. These are not the Ten Commandments, which are actually higher than all Laws, because the Commandments were written by the hand of God (Christ) and were given directly to this world by Christ (and not Moses). Every true faith and every true religion follows these Commandments of God, including the Buddhists, Hindu, and Confucionists. Even all native tribes upon this Earth adhere to these Commandments, which were placed everywhere. One can easily find all Ten Commandments detailed, or explained, in Christ’s Old Testament, New Testament, and Qur’an: the three most “accurate and detailed” Scriptures still in existence.

However, we are talking about Laws now. Truly, God did adjust a few of His laws within various Scriptures given to various peoples. Not much: just a few subtle changes to accommodate the various peoples of this world. And yes, this includes His Commandments, just a bit. Muslims are not required to keep God’s Sabbath. Rather, they are required to bow down, in worship, at a specified hour, and they must do so five-times per day and every day of the week. It does not matter if they are at work, in school, shopping, in an airport, or on vacation: they must adhere to the Law that Allah (Christ) sent down to them. (So Christians, do you still think that Christ’s Saturday Sabbath is really an inconvenience to you? All you have to do is to remember one day and then just rest on that day!) Buddhists, Hindi, and Confucionists similarly were not given the Sabbath. But the entire western side of this world most certainly was!

Returning to Christ’s Laws given to Moses, there were many of them. They are commonly called the Law of Moses or Mosaic Law: they ought to be called Christ’s Laws, to differentiate from His Commandments. (The only reason this author suggests this is because today’s Christians feel NO connection to Moses, of the olden days. But none of this is about Moses; it is all about Christ, our Creator.) Given this, Christians need to somehow come to understand, and accept, that these Laws truly are Christ’s Laws. Just one of these Laws taught about “clean and unclean meats.”

Clean and unclean meats!

The entire western world understands God’s “clean and unclean” meats Law, so we shall get straight to the Christian failure here.

Acts 10 – Christian leaders absolutely “love” Acts 10!

Below, are the verses that nearly all Christian leaders teach their denominations; so they may continue eating ham, sausage, bacon, pepperoni, shrimp, lobster, crab legs, catfish, and all manner of unclean meats:

Acts 10:9 On the morrow, as they went on their journey, and drew nigh unto the city, Peter went up upon the housetop to pray about the sixth hour:

Acts 10:10 And he became very hungry, and would have eaten: but while they made ready, he fell into a trance,

Acts 10:11 And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending upon him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth:

Acts 10:12 Wherein were all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air.

Acts 10:13 And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter; kill, and eat.

These Christian leaders are very convincing when teaching this story because they know how to “leverage” their religious authority. (Jesus faced this same problem in his day.) Today’s Christian leaders always stop teaching at verse 13 because their personal vanities regarding diet, have now been satisfied in their minds: and the main body of Christ’s story here is now unimportant. Because they like their bacon in the morning! And they know better than God: regarding good and bad food, here on this Earth! And besides, our government inspects our meats these days; so this allows us to discard the Word of God.

Well, what the average Christian has never been taught, is that Christ’s “quite lengthy” lesson here actually begins with Acts 10:1, but it is not CONCLUDED (meaning UNDERSTOOD!) until a day later in Peter’s life, in verse 10:28. The “two little sentences” that your religious leaders quote to you . . . regarding meats, were merely our Christ building a foundation for His lengthy, substantial, and life-altering lesson about how all peoples and all nations are equal in His Eyes! For you see, the story actually begins with a Roman Centurion summoning Peter to his home: a thing that the Jewish leaders, in that day, wrongly taught was prohibited to all Jews. (Just one more problem that Jesus faced with religious leaders in his day. Oops, sorry: just one more problem that Christians currently face with their religious leaders of today! Sorry for that mistake.) If you like, you can read this WHOLE STORY of Christ here.”

Or you can just read Christ’s conclusion now, in Acts 10:28.

This is Peter speaking:

Acts 10:28 And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean.

OH . . . so Christ’s actual lesson here WAS NEVER that we are now free to eat any unclean meats we might desire! No. No. No! Christ only wants us to learn that all people who He created upon His Earth are clean in our LORD’s Eyes! My friend, as you read this story in your Bible, please understand that the “unclean meats” part was never in dispute with Peter. He knew better and was patiently waiting for Christ’s “other shoe to drop,” the next day, regarding this very important lesson. Peter knew that this was to be a very special lesson because the number 3 kept coming up in this lesson. The number 3 was a special number between Jesus and Peter: between these two men, it meant “a life-altering event” was coming from Christ, so Peter needed to remain patient, remain alert, and pay close attention to every event that was about to transpire. Peter did not let Christ down this time; in fact, Peter managed to deliver a Truth of God that every Christian should place at the center of their lives! (Oh, how Christians are taught to consider themselves better than all unbelievers, all other faiths, and even all other denominations. Quite sadly, Jesus faced this same problem in his day.)

My dearest friends . . . your Christian leaders understand this story: but only regarding the clean and unclean meats lesson. (They still have not figured out the clean and unclean people lesson in this story, regarding their unfounded lies such as: “You need to be baptized, born-again, and saved; because everyone else is going to burn in Hell forever!”) The fact of this matter is that your religious teachers just do not care for the inconvenience which this story imposes upon their lifestyles. There shall be a great deal more regarding “their inconveniences” later in this letter. But it should be noted that their inconveniences are not the issue here. This author could care less about the questions that God shall ask them on Judgment Day. But their lies and deceit, here in this world, being taught (as if they were Scripture!) to innocent, God-fearing, and God-seeking folks: now, that is a different matter for this author! We, today, call it deceit. Long ago, Christ called it “guile.” Find this word in your King James Bible: it is a most important word.

Again, this author would never say that eating unclean meats will send a person to hell, but it will be just one more line written about you in God’s Book of Life. How many lines does a person get? This author has no idea. But if this author had one line for not keeping the Sabbath, and then two lines for graven images being found both in my church and in my home, followed by “a bolded line” for my particularly vain, stubborn, and reasonless refusal to follow Christ’s Law regarding clean meats: well, this author would begin to wonder, “Just what place have I truly chosen to give God, in my life?” And please do not take that statement the wrong way: this author has asked that very question himself many times throughout his life. And this author has not always liked his honest answer to that question! Life is an “ongoing affair,” and we can never rest upon our laurels: because most of our laurels are only in our minds. Fortunately, this old author has managed to place his worst lines behind him, via some hard decisions; and then this author prays, continually, that some of his smaller “current” lines (which this author is having trouble defeating), might be reduced to “punctuation marks” in God’s Book of Life. ALL of God’s Scriptures, EVERYWHERE, teach that Christ designed Life to be more about “getting better” at this life; than it is about “having reached” any sort of level in this life.


Christ also instructed Moses to observe Seven Holy Feasts (sometimes called Holy Days or High Sabbaths). These Feasts are to be kept every year and Christ commanded that they are to be kept forever. Christ knows what “forever” means: mankind does not. Today’s Christian leaders, most certainly, do not.

The Four Spring feasts are:


Exodus 12:14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever.

UNLEAVENED BREAD (begins at the sunset of Passover and lasts for seven days.)

Exodus 12:17 And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this selfsame day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever.

FIRST FRUITS – Let’s spend a little time on this one.

Leviticus 23:14 . . . it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.

So, this feast was commanded, by Christ, to be kept forever! But when?

Leviticus 23:11 . . . on the morrow after the sabbath the priest shall wave it.

According to Christ, this feast is properly kept on the first day of the week following the first sabbath AFTER Passover (when Jesus was crucified). This shall forever be a Sunday feast (“the morrow after the sabbath,” as Christ stated above) and in that particular year, it was the very day that Jesus was resurrected. Do note that this day (Sunday) begins at sunset Saturday evening. We have a webpage here proving that Jesus rose Saturday evening, at sunset, when Sunday began: it was exactly at that last glimmer of light when a person cannot tell if Saturday has ended or if Sunday has begun.

Just as a minor help to all here: Jesus clearly stated that he would lie in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights.” (Link opens in a new window. Also hopefully, regardless of what religious teachers teach, every reader here understands that God never lies or cheats! Ever!) So, if he was placed in the tomb at sunset, then he came out of the tomb at sunset: three days and three nights after he died. Jesus died just moments before sunset. Your Bible only states that his tomb was “discovered to be empty” at sunrise on Sunday! You will find many Scriptural proofs, regarding all of this, on our webpage here tabbed, “IT WAS SATURDAY!” Regarding Christ’s Holy Feasts, He died on the Passover, then the Feast of Unleavened Bread began, and He left the tomb exactly 72 hours later: meaning sunset Saturday, which was the beginning of Sunday. Christians ought to be celebrating “Christ’s Commanded First Fruits” on their “pagan” Easter Sunday for several reasons. Because Christ was, indeed, this world’s first fruits to be resurrected from the dead, and also because Christ commanded that we celebrate this event of His, forever, in Leviticus 23:14. First Fruits is a Sunday Feast! The Sunday after Christ was crucified on Passover!

Again, please remember that Christ commanded that this Feast be kept FOREVER!

Now, this author shall give all religious teachers here an easy math lesson: all they need to do is to be able to count on their fingers. Easy. (We are looking for three days AND three nights.) Using your fingers, count the days and nights between Friday afternoon and Sunday morning: Friday day and Friday night. Saturday day and Saturday night. Sunday day and “wait, what?”

Oops, the best one can do is three days and two nights! And that is only if we liberally “permit” all of today’s Internet lies regarding “how Jews counted days back then.” (All of these Internet lies are merely folks trying to justify their Good Friday to Easter Sunday nonsense, which was taught by Satan!) The Jews knew (and still know!) how a day and a night was measured. And Jesus does not lie. When Jesus said three days and three nights, Jesus meant three FULL days and three FULL nights. Christ does not cheat! 72 full hours!

It was our Wednesday sunset (the beginning of Thursday) through our Saturday sunset (the beginning of Sunday).

Setting all cheating aside (and giving full honor to the Truth of God), this leaves us with Thursday dark followed by Thursday light, Friday dark followed by Friday light, Saturday dark followed by Saturday light.

Christ departed His tomb when the Saturday evening light faded with the sun!

As Christ, our Creator, promised . . . three days and three nights! Easy! Unless one deliberately tries to make it difficult. Maybe, someone like Satan?

Matthew 28:1 In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

So . . . the Apostle, Matthew, wrote that near the END of the sabbath (meaning sunset on Saturday!), both Mary’s went to the sepulchre because it was now “almost, but not quite” Sunday: for the first day of the week truly “dawns” at the Saturday sunset! Notice that Matthew clearly stated that it was not yet Sunday! The Greek word Matthew used for, “dawn,” means “to begin something or anything.” (Such as the dawn of a new era.) This word does not require the rising of the sun.

FEAST OF WEEKS (Pentecost) – 50 days after the Feast of First Fruits

The Three Autumn feasts are:

FEAST OF TRUMPETS – Was commanded, by Christ, to be kept forever:

Numbers 10:8 And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow with the trumpets; and they shall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your generations.

FEAST OF ATONEMENT – Christ actually taught Moses, twice, that this Feast was to be observed “for ever.” Furthermore, it is the only Feast that requires fasting. (24 hours: meaning from “evening unto evening” as Christ stated.) All Christians should take careful note that keeping the Feast of Atonement is mentioned in Acts 27:9.” (Link opens in a new window.) Christ also commanded that this Day was to be kept forever:

Leviticus 16:29 And this shall be a statute for ever unto you: that in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, ye shall afflict your souls, and do no work at all, whether it be one of your own country, or a stranger that sojourneth among you:

FEAST OF TABERNACLES – Let’s spend a little time on this one because Jesus was born on this day!

As a brief introduction, (Scriptural details can be found elsewhere on this website), this world’s Messiah was prophesied to be the most special messenger ever sent down to this Earth. The reason the Messiah would be the most special messenger is because the Messiah would be God, our Creator, HIMSELF! But God never prophesied “that part” of the story to us! The Messiah truly was our God (who created this world) disguised as one of us! And we knew Him not! The first fourteen verses of the Gospel of John teach all of this. When Christ gave Moses the instructions for observing the Feast of Booths (called Tabernacles today), all people were to live in temporary domiciles (such as a manger; or a tent, cave, or lean-to) for seven days! Clearly, when Christ (our Creator) came down to this world as the Messiah, He was using a temporary domicile, or person, named Jesus. Christ did so, fully understanding that this world would kill Him: so the body of Jesus was really just a temporary “home” (or a booth) for our Creator. Christ was born “exactly” on the first day of the Feast of Booths which occurs in the Fall: the Romans also conducted their census (solely for collecting taxes) in the Fall because that was when agricultural societies had money: because the crops had just been harvested and sold. This author has forever been amused by the fact that when Joseph and Mary travelled to Bethlehem for the Roman census, why was there was there no room at the Inn? The Inn should have been empty because it is not a temporary domicile such as a tent, manger, lean-to, or cave. (How could Paul make a decent living as a tent maker? Because every Jewish family needed a tent in Israel, one week each year! These families also needed that tent on Passover, but that is another story.) Yet, true to His own Law, when Jesus was born, Christ (and Joseph and Mary) lived in a manger for seven days! This was exactly as Christ dictated the Feast of Tabernacles to Moses, some 1,400 years prior. And when these seven days were complete, Jesus was circumcised. This was exactly as Christ had dictated to Abraham, some 2,000 years prior! (Our God keeps all of His Laws.)

A small gift to Bible scholars: Speaking of how Christ detailed His Feasts to Moses, long ago; many Christians today, wonder how Jesus could have kept the Passover (now called the Lord’s Supper) and then also die on the Passover. It is important to remember that some 1,400 years earlier, Christ detailed the requirements of the Passover Feast to Moses. It was to be a “rushed” night-time event, beginning at sunset, as the 14th day of the month began. (With God, every day begins at sunset.) This means that as soon as the sun had gone down, the unblemished lamb was to be slaughtered, quickly roasted, and consumed with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. (God’s Passover was purposed to leave a bitter taste in our mouths! Just one more reason for Christians to keep the Passover, today. More on this below.) This is the Passover that Christ desired so strongly, in Luke 22:15,” the night before he was crucified: exactly as He had instructed the Passover to be kept, with Moses, some 1,400 years earlier. (Blue link opens in a new window.)

But in the days of Jesus, the Jews had changed all of this to an afternoon event, nearing the end of the 14th day of the month. Generally speaking, the first hour of light (meaning daybreak) was always considered to begin around 6 am. The official unblemished “Temple lamb” was always killed at the ninth hour (meaning, 3 pm). And yes, Jesus died at the ninth hour, which was the exact moment the high priest killed the ceremonial lamb. For right or wrong, the Jews had their reasons for moving this to a “daytime event” in the days of Jesus. Few Christians realize that when Jesus was crucified, the Passover was an event similar to a Super Bowl or World Cup Soccer Final game. Millions of people were there, standing in front of Jesus on that cross. They were standing there because the actual Passover rituals were not to begin until the ninth hour. In other words, there was nothing else going on in Jerusalem that afternoon. (And where did these people sleep on their annual Passover pilgrimage to Jerusalem? In their “Tabernacle tents” which Paul, and others, had sold to them, detailed above.)

The ancient historian, Josephus, wrote in his Book of War, that there were typically nearly three million people inside Jerusalem on the day of Passover. Please click here to read the observations of Josephus, some 2,000 years ago. When you get to that link, scroll down to Chapter 9, paragraph 3. Josephus even mentions the practice of no more than 10 people sharing one lamb: exactly as Christ taught Moses in Exodus.

But why is Tabernacles important to Christians (and the rest of this world)? This author shall only give a “temporary” answer for now and will try to provide an “incredibly detailed” answer at the conclusion of this letter. But for now, just consider the words of Christ, our Creator:

Leviticus 23:41 And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the year. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month.

Christians! It is imperative that we all remember that it was “our Christ” who spoke the above words to Moses! It is also imperative that we understand that we are not keeping this feast for our Creator: rather we are keeping it for His Father, our LORD!

Please understand that Moses wrote the Book of Leviticus. About 1,000 years later, a prophet named Zechariah wrote a book that is found in every Bible. In his words below, Zechariah wrote about certain events that shall occur in the coming days when Christ is ruling this world, in total peace, for 1,000 years. (Mankind calls this “the Millennium.”) Since Zechariah gives a great deal of information regarding those folks who shall gather (for war) at Armageddon, a few facts regarding Armageddon must be presented first.

In the Book of Revelation, there is a great gathering (for war) at a place called Armageddon. Do note that there is no mention of this war ever taking place: there is only a gathering for war.

Revelation 16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Revelation 16:16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

Most Christians are falsely taught that Christ shall destroy all who gather at Armageddon, even though this is never mentioned in the Bible. Yes, it is true that the next several verses of Revelation 16 describe the seventh (and last) angel of God pouring out the last vial of God’s wrath (before Christ returns); but Revelation never teaches that this last vial is poured out only upon Armageddon. In fact, Zechariah teaches otherwise! Zechariah, quoted below, teaches that many of those who gathered at Armageddon survived the seventh angel and that Christ shall rule over them, after He returns!

This author can only guess that this war never takes place because this is the moment when Christ returns to this world to rule this world for 1,000 years. (Please note that in Revelation 16:17, the seventh angel did not really pour out anything: other than voices, thunders, and lightnings; and then one very great earthquake! Also note earlier, in Revelation 16:14, that the three unclean spirits gathered the armies to Armageddon precisely on “that great day of God Almighty:” possibly meaning the very day which Christ returns to this world.) Quite honestly, this “gathering for war” is of no importance to this author, because this author has absolute faith in Christ and in whatever actions Christ takes, upon His return! But what happens after this gathering of armies is of immense importance to all of humanity: no matter their faith. For there has never been a time, in mankind’s history, when all nations came up to fight against Jerusalem and all of these nations were later ordered (by God) to keep the feast of tabernacles every year (and in Jerusalem), or face destruction (by God). In the verses below, the prophet Zechariah can only be describing events that shall occur in our future. (Small hint for all Adventists – you might pay particular attention to verse 14:16 below; because it reveals an earth-shattering “mistake” that your religious teachers are currently teaching about “probation.” More on your denomination, later.)

Zechariah 14:16 And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.

Zechariah 14:17 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.

Zechariah 14:18 And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the LORD will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

Zechariah 14:19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all nations that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

So, when Christ rules this world for 1,000 years, all who live upon the earth shall come up to Jerusalem (to the throne of Christ) and keep the feast of Tabernacles: and they shall do so every year. For any who fail, Christ shall send a plague upon their nation, and all shall die.



SIDE NOTE by jpw:

(If you have already read our webpage tabbed “PAUL,” then please skip this section. Everything in this section comes from that page. To all others, this is a much-abbreviated lesson about “PAUL.”)

Every Christian leader will quickly point to Paul as having taught this world that many things which Christ commanded (to be kept forever!) are no longer necessary. They will wrongly state that Christ either “fulfilled” a certain Feast or this-or-that Feast was nailed to the cross. (Also, they have utterly failed their Christ in failing to mention that Paul, never once, instructed people to stop keeping Christ’s Holy Feasts! NOT ONCE!) Perhaps now would be a good time to give a very brief mention of Paul’s failings! Paul certainly was a “great man.” Paul certainly fulfilled Christ’s desire to build many churches. But Paul was not God and Paul’s words are not Scripture, sent down from Christ’s Father, our LORD!

Paul told his churches, in his letters, that he was permitting them to eat meats which had previously been sacrificed to false gods (a common practice in Asia Minor, in those days). Basically, Paul’s instructions were, “we know there are no false gods, so do not worry about any of your meats being previously sacrificed to false gods.” Paul actually stated, on one occasion, that he was granting them “this liberty” from Christ’s Laws.

1 Corinthians 8:4 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one.

1 Corinthians 8:8 But meat commendeth us not to God: for neither, if we eat, are we the better; neither, if we eat not, are we the worse.

1 Corinthians 8:9 But take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak.

So, here we find Paul granting an exception (or a “liberty” from God’s Laws) to these new Christians that Christ never granted to any other people: and an exception permitted nowhere in Christ’s Scriptures. (An exception which Christ, Himself, later took great offense with, some 40 years later, in His Book of Revelation. Read on:)

Let us continue:

1 Corinthians 10:27 If any of them that believe not bid you to a feast, and ye be disposed to go; whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question for conscience sake.

So, here we find Paul, again, instructing these new Christians to just stay silent on the issue of eating meats sacrificed to idols and act as if it were not a problem.

Let us continue:

Romans 14:2 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs.

Romans 14:3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.

Romans 14:4 Who art thou that judgest another man’s servant? to his own master he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall be holden up: for God is able to make him stand.

So, for a third time (in Romans), Paul is telling these new Christians to use their own judgment regarding meats sacrificed to idols, and/or unclean meats. In Romans 14:3 above, Paul openly declared that God does not care what you eat!” Paul also taught that “if you want to obey the law, then obey the law; just do not judge those who freely choose to reject Christ’s Laws regarding their eating meats previously sacrificed to idols.” In verse 14:3, Paul takes his transgression so far as to declare (IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD!) that Christ is now accepting those who eat meats which Christ previously prohibited. Wait! What? Please keep reading:

While much of this might make sense to religious teachers today, who feel that it was a non-issue really, these teachers need to learn what Christ thought about Paul’s teachings above. Christ was not, at all, happy about the liberties that Paul granted this world.

A brief history lesson here regarding Paul’s churches in Asia Minor (meaning Turkey and Greece). A group called the Nicolaitanes governed nearly all of the lands where Paul had established new churches. The Nicolaitanes controlled the marketplaces, and only meats which had been previously sacrificed to their false idols could be sold in any village or town market. This practice was common throughout the region:  as they were the Mafia of that day. This author completely understands the logic of Paul, in his letters above. We detailed, and explained, Paul’s real-life reasoning (which today’s religious teachers fail to understand) on our webpage tabbed “PAUL” here.

Now . . . please find, below, what Christ, our Creator, thought about this “liberty” which Paul granted. Please remember that Revelation was written between 30 to 40 years after Paul died. (And Paul began writing his letters some 20 years prior to that! John lived for a long time after all of the other Apostles had died. No Christian teachers, of today, teach this timeline of events. Nor do they teach that John’s Gospel is a “different” Gospel because it was written after he had returned from Heaven: where he learned many details about Christ, our Creator. No other Gospel writers possessed the knowledge discerning both Jesus’ place on this world and Christ’s place in Heaven.) Please understand that in the words below, Christ was addressing the great-grandchildren of the recipients of Paul’s original letters. Paul was addressing many new and floundering churches who were “near failure;” while Christ was addressing established churches. Big difference! (And that is the best this author can do, here in this “abbreviated lesson” regarding Paul.)

Christ, speaking to the church at Ephesus:

Revelation 2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.

Christ, speaking to the church at Pergamos:

Revelation 2:14 But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

Christ, speaking to the church at Thyatira:

Revelation 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

My dearest friends, this author is not disparaging Paul: not in the least. We have a webpage here tabbed, “PAUL.” On that page, we explain why Paul was probably forced to permit these infractions against Christ. Paul had a church to build. Paul was preaching in a land where some people were still burning chickens and goats on an altar in their back yard. More often than not, they would present their animals to the local Nicolaitan (meaning the local mob leader) who would take ten percent of the animals, sacrificing one percent and keeping the rest. The farmer was then free to sell the rest, at market, and feed his or her family. We, today, need to understand that the folks Paul was trying to “bring to Christ” needed SOMETHING to eat! The Nicolaitanes controlled all food markets in the larger towns. Christians of today must learn that Paul was NOT writing to generations that would come along some 2,000 years later: he was writing to heathens, of his day. To clearly demonstrate that last sentence, for today’s world: if you do ever find someone in your neighborhood who is sacrificing chickens and goats to a false god in their back yard, then please do feel free to teach them Paul’s words: because they worked quite well, some 2,000 years ago, with folks who did the same! Otherwise, stick with our LORD God, in Heaven, who sent His Scriptures down to us, through His Christ.

Every Christian should take careful note that Christ never retracted His instructions to keep His Seven Feasts forever. He could have! He knew the words! Rather than using the word “forever,” Christ could have told Moses, “Until Messiah comes!” Christ also had four Gospels in which He could have stated this! It would have taken “no effort” on His part, but He did not. In three-and-a-half years of teaching this world, through the body of Jesus, Christ never ONCE uttered those words! That should tell each reader here, something! Moreover, in Revelation 2 above, we learn that Christ, also, never gave Paul the authority to retract His ordinance regarding meats sacrificed to idols. So, Paul was wrong! Paul made a mistake! So? Paul’s words never were intended to be Scripture, and Paul’s words will never be Scripture! The same people who decided to attach the Epistles to God’s Four Gospels and Acts (and then named it the “New Testament”) are the SAME PEOPLE who decided to abolish God’s Sabbath and then created this world’s Sunday worship! That should tell each reader here, something! Satan cannot change any Word of God that has been sent down as Scripture. There is not one documented case of this ever happening in history. But we do have a webpage here tabbed, “WHAT? TWO BIBLES?” On that webpage, we document Satan actually changing (adding to) the words of Paul, found all through Paul’s letters. And we document how a great many Christians today are living according to Satan’s lies which were incorporated into the New Testament, in 1881, in England. We even name that Bishop, from the Church of England, who Satan fooled into changing Paul’s words.

Christian teachers . . . please stop treating Paul’s words as if they were Scripture! Please stop teaching that Paul’s words were “inspired.” Paul was either very wrong or a horrible liar! This author maintains that Paul was just wrong: yet wrong for a good reason. Paul was very alone in that land of heathens, and he did not want to become someone’s backyard sacrifice: so Paul made a few allowances. This is not the case today! But do understand that God never has, and never will, “inspire” mistakes or liars!

So, STOP teaching Paul! Has our LORD not sent down enough material for our Christian leaders to feed Christ’s sheep? Christian leaders! Please consider that question before continuing here. Because when this author listens to your sermons and teachings, all this author hears, mostly, are the words of Paul! Christ never placed the words of Paul in His Scriptures. Only other men did so!



Returning to Christ’s Seven Feasts: it is very important to note that Christ never, even once, gave any people any instruction to discontinue His Seven Feasts (or Holy Days). Search His Scriptures! (And remember that Paul’s teachings are not Scripture.) Here in this letter, we have documented six of these Feasts as being commanded, by Christ, to be kept forever! FOREVER! Oh, today’s Christian leaders commonly teach that every one of Christ’s Feasts are no longer kept, nor required by God, regarding Christians of today. They teach these falsehoods for several reasons. First, these Feasts of Christ would be a huge inconvenience to them, personally. Imagine having to live in a tent, in your backyard for seven whole days: “Why, that is just absurd, and I am not going to do it.” Imagine not being able to eat breads, muffins, biscuits, or donuts for seven whole days after Passover? “Why, that is even more absurd, and pointless, here in these modern times: and I am not going to do that.”

And then Passover! “Are you kidding? We can’t be killing lambs in our civilized Western societies: that is just outrageous!” They will also teach you, falsely, that Jesus was our Passover and Jesus was our lamb. Yes, Jesus was our Passover, but that is only half of the story. This author could (and will) argue that Jesus is the lesser half of our LORD’s story, regarding His Passover. (More on this incredible story, below.) All of this is because Christian leaders, of today, are clueless as to exactly WHY Christ instructed that these Feasts are to be kept FOREVER: and, more importantly, as to what place Tabernacles and Passover will take in our own lives and in our own future, should we ever reach Christ’s Heaven. For you see, Christ’s coming down to this Earth as Jesus on the first day of Tabernacles, His dying on the day of Passover, and His resurrection at the dawn of the Feast of First Fruits were only examples of what awaits each of us, in our distant future, in Heaven. Every single Christian teacher, that ever taught about Jesus, basically understands that both Jesus (and Christ) are our examples in life. But they ignore all of this, when it comes to any “inconveniences” this might impose upon their vanity-ridden lives. More on this, at our conclusion.

Please rest assured, that when Christ told Moses (or this entire world, really) that this world was to “keep, or observe” something FOREVER, that Christ understood this word and Christ meant what He said. (Even if your Christian leaders do not!)

Again, we shall address the importance of Christians keeping Christ’s Passover, forever, (per Christ’s instructions in Exodus 12:14) later in this letter: but only after we have shown each reader just what they will be doing, on a daily basis, once they obtain their place in Heaven. However! The entire point of this letter is that a lot of people are not going to find their place in Heaven because they are ignoring the Will of God, here in this world. Every person needs to keep everything (in their life) in its proper order: so, learn and follow the Will of God FIRST! Then, arrange everything (in your life) according to this “known Will of God.” Also, every person needs to learn that there is nothing in God’s Will that prevents any person from having a whole lot of fun in their life!


In the Torah, Christ also gave Moses many statutes and ordinances. These are separate from His Ten Commandments, His Laws, and His Seven Feasts. It is important to note that the Biblical statutes and ordinances were specific to the children of the Bible (meaning Jews and Christians). Remember that Jesus came as a Jew and hence, clearly demonstrated that the root of the Christian faith is found only in Christ’s ancient Hebrew Scriptures. In His Qur’an, Christ gave many “laws and ordinances” to the Muslims also: they vary only slightly and only Christ knows why. Also, in place of the weekly sabbath, Christ gave the Muslims five periods, each day, when they are to bow toward their Holy Place in Mecca and pray to God (Allah, or Christ). In His instructions, Christ explicitly taught why He was not making the Sabbath a requirement for the Muslims (and many other faiths, throughout mankind’s history). And in His instructions to the Muslims, Christ did require that all work must cease at these appointed times of prayer. Regarding adultery, stealing, and all sorts of criminal acts, the laws and punishments given by Christ, to the Muslims, are nearly identical to those given to Moses. It is only today’s Christians, following their Western vanities, who feel that the Muslim nations remain “brutal and archaic” in their strong desire to continue following our LORD’s Will! Perhaps Westerners who cry the most about harsh Muslim punishments for criminal acts would be best served if they returned to Christ’s original (and similar!) laws which were given to “our side of the world:” since these are the same Westerners who constantly whine about their increasingly crime-laden neighborhoods, cities, and states. Each reader here shall learn, below, that 99% of all Christians have already departed from the “Will of God” being placed in their lives and also, found in this world. When 99% of an entire nation (such as America) no longer follows the Will of God, you get the Western World (and America!) that exists today. And since this world no longer follows, or even understands what the Will of God is, the only option remaining for this world is to “wonder” how all of this worldly-mess ever happened. Simple, easy, and logical.

The Muslims are not perfect in their observance of God’s laws either. Yes, the Muslim nations are governed solely by men. Hence, the news reports, seen in the West, about a poor woman being given the death sentence for adultery (while the man escapes free from punishment). That IS NOT what the Qur’an instructs. In fact, on this issue, the Qur’an is “softer” on adultery than Christ was in the Torah. Christ told Moses to take the adulterer and the adulteress (upon the testimony of two witnesses before the local “elders”) and if judged guilty, stone them BOTH to death. In the Qur’an, Christ ordered 80 lashes for the man AND the woman. If they did not punish the man, they were not permitted to punish the woman: according to Allah’s Word. Neither Christians nor Muslims are perfect in their observance of God’s Laws! So Christians, let Christ deal with the failures of His Muslims, and tend to your own Christian failures: for they are great!

Regarding Moses, and the West, this author will not go into all of the various laws that Christ gave to Moses. But they include varying punishments for adultery, homosexuality, stealing, injury to your neighbor or their animal (with different punishments for intentional or accidental) and placing all evil out of your sight (by death, sometimes) for certain evil acts. Christ specifies those few horrible evils which qualify for stoning or banishment. It does not include all manner of sins, because we all sin! Christ, in His infinite Wisdom, exactly details those evils that will harm the entire society! And in His infinite Wisdom, Christ makes it clear that all of His laws and all of His ordinances are the Will of God!

So, this author asks each reader, yet again; when you pray the LORD’s Prayer, do you speak Christ’s words, “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven?”







The Seventh Day Adventist Church

This author has written many bad things about Christian churches on several webpages here, including this page. This author has shown, on this website, how there are currently more than 33,000 Christian denominations in this world. Between them, you can find every possible lie that Satan could ever hope to teach mankind.

Some teach that Christ was not divine, some say otherwise. Some teach that Jesus never rose from the dead, some say otherwise. Some say that Heaven is already come down to this Earth (Rev. Pat Robertson, et al), some say otherwise. The Catholic church teaches that all Baptists are going to hell because they do not adhere to the Catholic Sacraments, they do not take Communion, nor do they obey the Pope: the Baptist church teaches that all Catholics are going to hell because the Catholic doctrine prevents them from ever being born-again, baptized properly, and then saved. Some say that Jesus was God, and some say that Jesus was just a nice guy. Think of every religious polar-opposite idea that you could possibly imagine, and you will find Christian denominations that believe in each side of these various possibilities.

And then MULTIPLY THAT BY ABOUT 33,000! Because the vast majority of them disagree on many different topics.

So, just how would an unbeliever go about deciding what church to join, if they were so inclined? What church should they pick? Quite honestly, the odds are entirely against them here!

Every single denomination will advise them to find a church that teaches only God’s Scriptures. (Hint: this means “their church” every time. All 33,000 of them!) But this author has demonstrated, here on this webpage and throughout this website, that ALL OF THEM have failed Christ, by bending, twisting, and perverting His Scriptures! It is shameful, and almost funny, that they can all see the failures of THE OTHER denominations, but they cannot see their OWN failures, as detailed above. So when they vow to teach only God’s Scriptures, they actually mean they will teach “their lies” and claim their lies to be Scriptures! Oh, they all have their excuses, vanities, and “personal expectations of God” to teach:

“That was hung on the cross. Christ fulfilled that, so it is done. We don’t follow that practice. Our government inspects all meats now. Saturday or Sunday? Just pick your day and stick with it. Paul said this; and Paul said that.” And the granddaddy of them all, “That was just the old Hebrew way; those Laws are out-of-date now and we have grown past them.”

(All this . . . while Christ, and His Father, our LORD, watch from Heaven, most likely thinking, “NO! That was the Christ Way! Ways given to Him by His Father, our LORD! And you dare to call yourselves Christians, after My Son’s Name?”)

This author could go on forever with Christian vanities and excuses! So, this author is going to set all of this nonsense aside and try to get to our LORD’s basic Truths, here in this world. Because we all live our one life, here in this world! This author’s New Testament is 404 pages long. If you divide our current 33,000+ denominations by 404 pages, you get 82 disagreements for every single page of the New Testament.

If you take “only” Christ’s Scriptures from the New Testament (meaning the Gospels, Acts, and Revelation), you now get 126 disagreements for every single page of our LORD’s Word: meaning Christ’s Word! These words are not just ancient religious writers teaching the ancient world: these are the WORDS OF OUR CREATOR! 126 disagreements, or denominations, for every single page of God’s Word!

Setting all “political correctness” aside, it is painfully obvious that Satan has already won, here in this world. The Book of Revelation teaches this clearly. Ezekiel taught this, clearly, in his Book. Mankind cannot defeat the prophecies of God! We can only accept them as our truth and move on with our lives.

But . . . we can try to understand them! This is the hard part, because to understand them, one must ACCEPT THEM as God’s Truths! (Does each reader here remember this author requesting, at the beginning of this letter, to leave all excuses at the door? If one cannot do that, then one will never understand this letter, nor this website.) Yes, this is the hard part! So, to make this a bit easier, this author will state that all prophecies are “general” in nature. They apply at the international, national, and even down to the State and Provincial level. And while this clearly means that it includes the “vast majority” of folks, it does not include every single person and/or their families! There are exceptions to every rule and to every prophecy. For example, when God prophesied that the Jews would be carried away to Babylon, there were a few Jews who escaped that fate. In this manner, most prophecies are “general” in nature.

The Book of Ruth teaches this! During one of the worst periods in Israel’s history, Ruth and Naomi found success! They set all religious things aside, they set all vanities aside, but they kept the Will of God in their ways and in their lives! These two women never abandoned the Will of God throughout their hardships. Indeed, they both stayed true to our LORD’s Ways and ordinances, with Naomi guiding the younger Ruth. And with Ruth obeying the older, and wiser, Naomi.

So . . . church, or no church? (Not a fair question.)

Ok . . . God, or no God? (That is the point of this letter.)

And, quite clearly, there is only one answer. God! Seek God and seek God only. He has only provided one place to find Him: and it is not “in a church.” It is only in His Scriptures. Fortunately, He has made His Scriptures available upon every square inch of this planet, for those who desire to find His Word.

Apparently, the real problem here (with mankind) is that we think we need help understanding God’s Scriptures. (Always remember that this author does not believe in “political correctness:” it is one of Satan’s ways.) We absolutely do not need help with God’s Scriptures: He has made them that simple and that easy to understand. He knows us; and even a child can understand His Word. Enoch was taken up to Heaven and Enoch never had any help. Noah never had any help. Abraham never had any help. Isaac and Jacob never had any help. And most certainly, Jesus never had any help: and Jesus absolutely proved that a successful life CAN BE LIVED only by knowing the Scriptures of God!

But then, if there is help available, who would turn away from that help?

This life, which we have been given, is far too important for us to get wrong. When you only get one chance, you cannot afford to get it wrong. Oh, but it gets worse! This one chance that we have been given here actually dictates how God determines OUR ETERNITY! Meaning our next billion, or so, years in Heaven. (There will be much more on this below.) Every person who ever drew a breath has come to this required decision at some point of their life. Some reach it early, some reach it after producing children and finally realizing how important our future is, some reach it after finding their self in prison, and some reach it only in their final days, when they can see that their end is near. Sadly, some reach this point and then completely reject it. Returning to our words above:

So . . . church, or no church? (Not a fair question: because that is where you help lies.)

It was not fair above and it is still not a fair question now. The real question is help, or no help! The word, “help,” means that you still accept responsibility for your life, you are still in charge of your life, and whatever “help” you do receive, will only be viewed as an “assistance” to YOUR OWN EFFORTS and YOUR OWN DEEDS in life. That is what “help” is. That is all that “help” is. The “help” can only point you in the right direction. God still requires that you make the journey that He has designed for you! The entire point here is that without your EFFORTS and without your DEEDS, any help is worthless: because it will get you nowhere! (Oh, it might make you feel good and feel safe, regarding Judgment Day. But in this, you are only lying to yourself, and you have gone nowhere!) Every “good” religious teacher will tell you that you cannot just hand your “eternal life” over to their auspices (meaning “their protection”). What this means, is that you cannot just “join their church” and decide that you can now keep some of your sinning ways, as you become aware of them. Every “good” religious teacher will tell you that God does not permit this. This author shall not name them, but there are some large Christian denominations that REQUIRE every person to hand over their “eternal life” to their auspices (but this time, that word means “their rules, regulations, and/or sacraments”).

Side note by jpw: My dearest friends, did you notice those words above? (The “help” can only point you in the right direction.) Well, one major point of this letter is to teach this world about the “help.” Because there are well over 33,000 denominations in this world, THAT WILL POINT YOU IN THE WRONG DIRECTION! (Sunday worship, graven images, unclean meats, ignoring Christ’s Laws, and about 33,000 et ceteras. Please continue reading:

So, this now brings us back to “church.” This is where help exists, this is where Scriptural expertise exists, BUT this is also where Satan spends most of his time working, these days. (Hence, the indented paragraph above.) When this author was younger, Christ taught him an adage to always remember: “If you want to find Satan, go to a church.” (Oh, Satan is like a huge corporation: sure, he has little companies, his minions, over there tricking Satan-worshippers, witches, fortune tellers, and a few half-crazed people here and there. These are small potatoes! Diversions! Because this is ALL designed to disguise his primary war against Christ’s churches: a war Satan is currently winning. Indeed, this author would argue that Satan is currently at about the 99% level of victory.)

And we shall address that matter now.

Always remember . . . that human nature dictates that if you know you can see Satan over there, then you believe you can safely relax your defenses over here, in your life! That describes mankind’s human nature: but it does not describe God’s Designed “spiritual nature.”


So now, let us examine (only as a very typical, yet current, example of) how a Christian denomination, today, might fail this world’s Creator, meaning, our Christ. Everything written below is merely this author’s humble opinion, but it shall be reinforced by a great many Scriptures below. This author is not currently, nor has ever been, a member of this church. This author has never even set foot inside one of their churches. But this church publishes a massive amount of information: both written and digital, upon their many websites.

IN THEIR DEFENSE, one must remember that it was Christ who created this world and Christ who created Adam and Eve. Fortunately, this church understands all of that. One must remember that it was Christ who told Noah to build the ark and it was Christ who made a covenant with Abraham. Fortunately, this church understands all of that. One must remember that it was Christ who sent down the Ten Commandments and all of His Feasts, Laws, and ordinances to Moses (in the Torah). Fortunately, this church understands “most” of that also.

Yet, in this author’s humble opinion, Satan “nearly” has this denomination in his death-grip. This author believes that this very young church has already passed the half-way mark (exactly as the young Catholic church did centuries ago) and is well on their way to following the same path as every other major denomination that has gone before them.

The name of this church is the Seventh Day Adventist Church. And the sole purpose for this church being in this letter (regarding the Will of God) is that this church is slowly (and currently!) departing from its knowledge of what the Will of God is in this world. This a is new and recent development for them! This author could be wrong, but this author firmly believes that this church was started by at least two true prophets of God. (No, we are not referring to the final two witnesses of Revelation.) One of these founders, was a Baptist preacher who had a dream regarding a casket of jewels, precious gems, and precious coins. This casket was not shaped like a funeral casket (which immediately comes to mind); rather it was shaped as a storage box hinged with a curved-top lid.

His dream truly was an incredible prophecy (and statement from Christ) as each reader shall learn below. However, as is always the case, his dream was a prophecy that was not understood in his day. A minor part of this prophecy is that William Miller (the former Baptist preacher) accurately described the failure of the Jewish faith, back in the days of Jesus: and therefore, revealed one reason why Christ had to come to this world (using the earthly body of Jesus) to mitigate the damage that had been done. A major part of this prophecy is that William Miller (the former Baptist preacher) accurately foretold the impending demise of this world’s entire Christian faith: beginning at its first denomination and continually growing with the addition of each denomination. And true to William Miller’s Dream, the Seventh Day Adventist church is currently following “that same course” of their founder’s dream, nearly to perfection! (But not entirely, “yet.”) To be honest, William Miller was a founder of the “general Adventist movement,” called Millerism in his day. From this movement, the Seventh Day Adventist church was created soon after. More on this below: we are still in the “introduction.”

Quite honestly, this author could not even come close to understanding even a fraction of this world’s 33,000 Christian denominations, until discovering William Miller’s dream. (This is because there are far too many denominations for any person to understand! Only God can understand them. And God did describe each of them, perfectly, in William Miller’s dream.) William Miller’s dream taught this author that all Christian denominations (and the entirety of mankind, since the days of Noah!) have followed the same pattern of failure. But what is significant here, is that God’s dream, given to William Miller, describes that “pattern” to perfection! (It is almost as if Christ taught William Miller of Satan’s workbook or “playbook,” here upon this earth!) This author is firmly convinced that this Seventh Day Adventist church was given a miraculous beginning. And again, each reader here shall be able to read William Miller’s description of his dream, below.

Now, this author has, perhaps, a dozen webpages here on this website which describe the utter failure of our Christian denominations here in this world. But that only means, “this world, today.” One of our pages begins with the history of the Duncan Hines Cake Mix. Ironically, that 2018 webpage was tabbed, “The Christian Failure.” It describes the existence of too many cooks in Christ’s Kitchen! It is a long letter, but it is a good letter. This author did not know it at the time, but it is a letter about William Miller’s dream! Except that William Miller (and God) did a better job.

For you see, William Miller’s dream was about any (or perhaps, every) Christian church receiving a divine beginning (in a small box, per se). God originally laid-out everything, perfectly, in their casket (or box). But then, the cooks (meaning religious teachers!) enter the room of William Miller’s dream: they disturb “everything” that Christ already had “perfectly arranged” for them; thereby bringing in “their dirt.” They couldn’t just look at, and accept, Christ’s Beauty and Perfection, rather they had to touch it and soil it: each of them, in their own way. (Meaning their vanities, their personal beliefs, their life experiences, their personal expectations of God, their grandparents’ beliefs, and yes, even their lies: which might gain them a higher position than some other leaders in that church.) Long ago, Christ told His Disciples to just “feed my sheep.” He did not instruct them to cook the food, boil the food, season the food, or to slice-or-dice His food. Christ instructed “His church” to feed His sheep. That’s all! Just deliver His Scriptures to this world! There is no need to interpret, bend, twist, contort, symbolize, lie about, make spiritual, or even EXPLAIN His Word! Quite honestly, Christ knows that every person, upon this earth, can understand His Word, exactly as Christ has presented to this world! Christ is THAT perfect. So just deliver His Word! Feed His sheep! Every person who ever decides to seek God should only have one question: “What is the Will of God on this Earth?” They are not idiots; they do not need another person to interpret His Words for them. People only desire to learn THOSE Words that Christ actually delivered to this world, so they can then make their own decisions regarding that life which our LORD desires from them! Simple! William Miller’s dream was ENTIRELY about there being too many cooks in God’s Kitchen! In his day, in the Baptist church he grew up in, and STILL TODAY!

Please find William Miller’s dream below. The people who enter the room are religious teachers who attempt to add (soil) their own vanities into Christ’s Known Truths. This is “the dirt” addition: and it is ever-increasing today. This is “primarily” a Christian dream because only the Christian faith has a “man” at its foundation. For right or wrong, Christians base their religion on one man, Jesus. So in his dream, Christ enters the room as a man (Jesus) and straightens everything out: at the end of the dream. Could this be on Judgment Day? We just do not know.

Below, please find William Miller’s dream. It is a short read, but in his dream, every person can see exactly how their denomination, and all denominations of all faiths, departed from the original Word of God: meaning Christ, who created this entire world. Not only this, but every person can see how our Creator, no matter the name we might call Him, honestly feels about the failures of every denomination. (Yes, Jews and Muslims, this includes your faiths also. While Christ, our Creator, was here using the body of Jesus, our Messiah, He absolutely taught that the Jewish faith, of His day, was guilty of every point revealed in William Miller’s dream.)


I dreamed that God, by an unseen hand, sent me a curiously wrought casket about ten inches long by six square, made of ebony and pearls curiously inlaid. To the casket there was a key attached. I immediately took the key and opened the casket, when, to my wonder and surprise, I found it filled with all sorts and sizes of jewels, diamonds, precious stones, and gold and silver coin of every dimension and value, beautifully arranged in their several places in the casket; and thus arranged they reflected a light and glory equaled only to the sun.

I thought it was not my duty to enjoy this wonderful sight alone, although my heart was overjoyed at the brilliancy, beauty, and value of its contents. I therefore placed it on a center table in my room and gave out word that all who had a desire might come and see the most glorious and brilliant sight ever seen by man in this life. The people began to come in, at first few in number, but increasing to a crowd. When they first looked into the casket, they would wonder and shout for joy.

But when the spectators increased, everyone would begin to trouble the jewels, taking them out of the casket and scattering them on the table. I began to think that the owner would require the casket and the jewels again at my hand; and if I suffered them to be scattered, I could never place them in their places in the casket again as before; and felt I should never be able to meet the accountability, for it would be immense. I then began to plead with the people not to handle them, nor to take them out of the casket; but the more I pleaded, the more they scattered; and now they seemed to scatter them all over the room, on the floor and on every piece of furniture in the room. I then saw that among the genuine jewels and coin they had scattered an innumerable quantity of spurious jewels and counterfeit coin. I was highly incensed at their base conduct and ingratitude, and reproved and reproached them for it; but the more I reproved, the more they scattered the spurious jewels and false coin among the genuine. I then became vexed in my physical soul and began to use physical force to push them out of the room; but while I was pushing out one, three more would enter and bring in dirt and shavings and sand and all manner of rubbish, until they covered every one of the true jewels, diamonds, and coins, which were all excluded from sight. They also tore in pieces my casket and scattered it among the rubbish. I thought no man regarded my sorrow or my anger. I became wholly discouraged and disheartened, and sat down and wept.

While I was thus weeping and mourning for my great loss and accountability, I remembered God, and earnestly prayed that He would send me help. Immediately the door opened, and a man entered the room, when the people all left it; and He, having a dirt brush in His hand, opened the windows, and began to brush the dirt and rubbish from the room. I cried to Him to forbear, for there were some precious jewels scattered among the rubbish. He told me to “fear not,” for He would “take care of them.” Then, while He brushed the dirt and rubbish, false jewels and counterfeit coin, all rose and went out of the window like a cloud, and the wind carried them away.

In the bustle I closed my eyes for a moment; when I opened them, the rubbish was all gone. The precious jewels, the diamonds, the gold and silver coins, lay scattered in profusion all over the room. He then placed on the table a casket, much larger and more beautiful than the former, and gathered up the jewels, the diamonds, the coins, by the handful, and cast them into the casket, till not one was left, although some of the diamonds were not bigger than the point of a pin.

He then called upon me to “come and see.” I looked into the casket, but my eyes were dazzled with the sight. They shone with ten times their former glory. I thought they had been scoured in the sand by the feet of those wicked persons who had scattered and trod them in the dust. They were arranged in beautiful order in the casket, every one in its place, without any visible pains of the man who cast them in. I shouted with very joy, and that shout awoke me.

The story actually begins with the key. That key is one of authority; or more correctly, that key is one of religious leadership. Our religious leaders truly have taken upon themselves, a self-appointed authority to open that casket and soil the truths that Christ, Himself carefully placed (and arranged) inside that casket. This author has presented many examples of this above; and many, many more, throughout this website. (The average layman could never accomplish such a feat, of soiling Christ’s Truths: meaning the average Jew, Christian, nor Muslim.)

The original Hebrew faith (casket) was magnificently laid-out and presented to Moses and the descendants of Jacob (Israel.)

The original Christian faith (casket) was magnificently laid-out and presented to Christ’s Apostles, who, in all of their Epistles, acted like William Miller in the dream. They quickly saw folks changing (and soiling) that which Christ had left upon this world. Every Epistle of the New Testament was trying to bring people back to the original Truths that Christ had taught.

The original Muslim faith (casket) was magnificently laid-out and presented to Muhammad, a descendant of the first-born son of Abraham, meaning Ishmael. One can listen to the harsh words of many of their violence-prone Ayatollahs, today, and witness how Muslim religious leaders have altered (cluttered-up and soiled) the original jewels that were supplied to them. Christ’s Qur’an truly is a book of peace and forgiveness! Or at least it once was before a great many strangers (Muslim religious leaders, throughout history) entered the room and soiled that casket which was given to Muhammad.

But this letter is primarily intended for the Christian Faith!

Christians, throughout your Gospels, you can easily see the William Miller’s Dream “lesson of failures” regarding those Jewish religious teachers in Jesus’ day. It was a never-ending fight with Jesus. In fact! Jesus lost his fight, technically! They killed Jesus!

Christians can easily see the failures of the Muslim religious leaders of today: at least those leaders who are prone to violence because they are the only leaders shown on Western News programs. Christians, regarding the violence prone Ayatollahs (and others who privately, and quietly, fund them), you are right. But don’t blame the casket which our world’s Creator gave to them! Their casket is perfect; Christ’s Qur’an is perfect! Until you read Christ’s Word in His Qur’an, cover-to-cover, you will only see the dust, dirt, false jewels, and counterfeit coins that were long ago brought into the Muslim room of William Miller’s dream. (And where do you see this dust and dirt of the Muslim faith? On your television sets every evening!) So do not judge the average Muslim who might live down the street from you. Judge their religious teachers who are fully described in William Miller’s dream. And then get ready to judge yourselves.

Because Christians . . . the next spoonful of medicine is yours!

All of the other faiths upon this world can easily see your faults, errors, and your place within William Miller’s dream. To be honest, yours is the most-failed religion this world has ever witnessed. How can there possibly exist over 33,000 denominations soiling Christ’s little casket of jewels today? And you Christian teachers expect to be taken seriously?



So please allow this author to illustrate everything written above, by way of today’s Seventh Day Adventist church. (They are a nearly perfect example because they have not yet completed William Miller’s dream. This author would “venture an honest guess” that they are almost half-way though William Miller’s dream: where the panic-phase should be considered. This author could be wrong on this one: it happens.) They are one of the youngest churches known to this author, they had a truly miraculous beginning (in the opinion of this author), but with their founders gone, they have recently allowed Satan to place their church within his death-grip of lies, vanities, and very cunning deceits. Oh, the Adventist denomination is not alone in ANY OF THIS. While this author shall represent that this denomination is a picture-perfect example of everything stated above, this author will quickly add that this denomination is doing FAR BETTER than ALL OF THE OTHERS! (In this author’s humble opinion.)

More on this below. The bad parts must come first so each reader can fully understand the good parts which follow.




Adventists! Your teachers are wrong: they are very good people, but they are wrong. Christ is not returning to gather up your church, and the “obligatory” few like-minded folks like you. (That word, obligatory, means your Adventist teachers are required to say this for reasons of “political correctness” in these latter “socially minded” days.) You are falsely taught that when Christ returns to this world, He shall gather your church up, while He is in mid-air, and then take you all back to Heaven. You take your teachers at their word because it makes you feel better (and safer). But do you read this anywhere in Revelation?

Never mind what your religious teachers teach you, just for a moment. In your Scriptures, do you read anything about Christ coming back, gathering His favorite church, and then waving goodbye to the rest of this world? (“See ya! Wouldn’t want to be ya! I am leaving now with my ‘best church’!”) This would qualify as an “enormous event” in history and should be found all through Ezekiel, Revelation, Matthew, and many other places. But it is not! Your religious teachers have taken “just one, or two, sentences” (from Revelation 20) and then twisted them, perverted them, and symbolized them; so that your feelings will not be hurt when you might have to consider standing next to the rest of us sinners, in front of God, on Judgment Day. (And by the way, every single one of this world’s 33,000 denominations teach this very same lesson to their folks!) So, does any of this sound Christ-like? Does any of this sound like our Creator, or His Father, our LORD? Do you honestly think that our Creator, who created billions, upon billions, of us shall only take one little denomination at the end? Thereby leaving the rest of us to burn in hell, until even hell is cast into the lake of fire. (More on this at the end of this letter.)

Now, the only “special sort of folks” that this author finds anywhere in Scripture is Christ’s elect. And as one would expect, Isaiah, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Revelation ALL teach a great deal about these 144,000 people. In Revelation, Christ does not name them as His elect, but they do match, exactly, Christ’s description of His elect in Matthew 24:31!” PERFECTLY! (Link opens in a new window.) For, quite significantly, they are the only people described as standing before the throne of God, without fault! Christ details their number, where they come from, why He chose them to be His elect: and especially, what their jobs will be when He returns! This is A LOT OF INFORMATION: it is not just one, or two, verses that some religious teachers tried to bend, twist, contort, or reduce to “mysterious symbols.” Regarding His elect, Christ gives hard, fast, and exacting details; and He does this throughout His Scriptures! Of these, one detail which Christ “prominently” teaches: “These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.” And since approximately half of Christ’s elect shall be females, just what does Christ’s Truth leave us with here?

Well, just what does a “woman” always represent in Christ’s prophecies? Ask your religious teachers for that answer.

So just where are those many verses of Scripture that teach of Christ taking His “best church” to stand before the Throne of His LORD? Where are those many verses of Scripture that teach of Christ’s “best church” being faultless? This author cannot find a single verse!

Adventists! Your church leaders currently teach of two Judgment Days: you Adventists are to be gathered up on the First Judgment Day, and “only the wicked, and this old author, shall be left behind,” after this event is complete. Seriously? Only the “wicked” are left on this world for the thousand years that Christ rules this world? According to your denomination’s teachings, these “wicked and damned” shall include Christ’s 144,000 elect: you know, those who shall “stand faultless before the Throne of God!” (This clearly demonstrates that your leaders feel that the church “they built” now contains “all of this world’s good people,” and everyone who remains, is evil! Sounds like a typical denomination, to this author!) There is not one Scripture, sent down to this world that teaches any of this nonsense. Apparently, this would be a good time to show that Zechariah has something to say against your church leaders’ personal expectations from God: (Revelation too, afterwards.)

Zechariah 14:16 And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.

Zechariah 14:17 And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.

Does this sound like “only the wicked were left behind?” Or does this clearly teach that Christ will still be trying to save, maybe a few more folks, before His REAL Judgment Day? Furthermore, does this sound like there is ANY SORT OF “PROBATION DOOR” CLOSING at Christ’s return? Because this is what your Adventist leaders are teaching you. So now, about that! This is merely the “desires” of your Adventist leaders, because this is what they expect from God as a reward for all of the hard work “they” have done to deliver you to Him. Every single Christian denomination (meaning all 33,000 of them and meaning yours!) teaches their followers that “they” will never face the wrath of God, as detailed in Revelation and Ezekiel.

Furthermore, when this author reads Zechariah 14:16 – 17 quoted above, it definitely sounds like Christ, the King, shall be ruling this world from Jerusalem. Hence the entire world travelling annually to Jerusalem: to worship our King. Why would Christ be ruling, in Jerusalem for 1,000 years, if the door of probation closed when He first returned? Adventists, your church also teaches that Christ gives no person a “second chance” after their first death. Of all people, Paul is the one writer who absolutely proves that there shall be a “second chance” (but only according to God’s Will) when Christ returns to this world.

Please read, in Revelation, that when Christ returns, His elect shall, indeed, meet him in the air, where they shall be changed “in the twinkling of an eye,” and Christ shall scatter (assign) them across this world to help Him rule this world (from Jerusalem) for one-thousand years. It would be nice if Christ did gather up your church, but the words are just not there, in Revelation:

Revelation 19:11 And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

Revelation 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself.

Revelation 19:13 And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.

Revelation 19:14 And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.

Revelation 19:15 And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.

When you read the words above, does it NOT make sense that if Christ (The Word of God) is coming to “make war” and to rule this world with a rod of iron, that He would do so right here, on earth, in front of mankind? Likewise, are His armies “which were in heaven” only going to come halfway down and then retreat back to heaven, along with today’s Adventist church? And if Christ does rule this world for 1,000 years, would Christ NOT do this, most likely, from Jeru-Salem, meaning His City-of-Peace? Adventists! You certainly have the right to answer those questions, in the negative; but do discover, for yourself, that there is not one word of Christ returning to Heaven with His “best church” anywhere in the verses above. After this, please do understand that every denomination teaches that theirs is Christ’s “best church.” This is because their pastors similarly feel as if it were they, who “broke the eggs” in their denomination’s “recipe for success.” (This is exactly how the jewels and gems of William Miller’s dream became soiled.) Adventists! You can see the flaws in all of the other denominations: especially those who utterly fail at the Will of God, shown above in this letter. Adventists! You need to learn how to see your own church’s flaws. Let us continue:

Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Revelation 20:5 But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

This is EXACTLY where today’s Adventist teachers teach that it will be “their church” who shall rule with Christ, during that one-thousand-year period. But they claim that they shall do so from Heaven, only. Supposedly, this is because Christ brought His “best church” back to Heaven with Him after He only came half-way down; and then retreated with His Heavenly armies, who were at His side. DO YOU SEE ANY OF THIS IN THE VERSES ABOVE? WELL, DO YOU? Also, read the words of Revelation 20:4 very carefully. Have any Adventists ever been beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the word of God? This author cannot think of any, from his history books. Yet, your church leaders are teaching that ALL OF YOU qualify for this verse. In John’s words above, do you see even one distinguishing principle that does ANYTHING to separate your Adventist church from all others? Please do remember that every other Christian denomination is also teaching that this ONE LITTLE SENTENCE (really, just one!) is describing “their” denomination too!

Never mind the second sentence because it is not important, here in this lesson. Your Adventist teachers (and all other denominational teachers) teach that this little sentence is describing “the” church that “they” built! And they do so with zero supporting Scriptures from any other place of the Bible!

They completely ignore the first half of this verse and concentrate only on the second half. And that second-half is their BIGGEST mistake! Because quite honestly, Revelation 20:4 is only describing dead people, who were beheaded for the witness of Jesus. Still referring to these dead people, none of them ever worshipped the beast (which has existed since the foundation of this world), ever worshipped the beast’s image; and also never received the mark of the beast upon their foreheads, or in their hands. The words here are quite clear! There is no reason for every Christian denomination to twist and pervert Christ’s words so that their church members feel “secure” in their lives and in their sins! And what about Christ’s “living” elect? Matthew 24:31, linked above, describes that event quite clearly also! 144,000! Not 144,001 of them!

Now, regarding the real Truth of God in this world, Christ’s Book of Revelation spends an incredible amount of time teaching this world about His 144,000 elect. (Christ also describes His elect in Isaiah 42:1, 45:4, 65:9, 65:22, Matthew 24:22, 24:24, 24:31, and also in the Gospels of Mark and Luke. Basically meaning: THROUGHOUT ALL OF CHRIST’S SCRIPTURES!) Please click here to verify these verses.

Not just one, or two, verses that your Adventist teachers like to use. (It should be noted here that the term “throughout all Scriptures” is the first test that any “good” religious teacher uses to validate any idea, or concept.) Even though Christ does not name them in Revelation, these folks are, quite clearly, His most beloved and cherished people upon this earth and they are called from all twelve tribes of Israel, in Revelation. Also, there are exactly 144,000 of them. There are NOT 144,001 of them, or Christ would be a liar! Because of Christ’s precise number, your Adventist teachers have been forced to “symbolize” this number, so as to make Christ’s Word “fit” into their vanities, their personal expectations from God, and also the number of people who currently belong to “their denomination.” This is what teachers do when they do not understand something: they make it fit! (Jesus faced this same problem in his day.) If any reader here skipped the previous section on William Miller’s Dream, THIS would be a good time to go back and learn about his dream.

Each reader has just learned a perfect description (and a perfect example) of William Miller’s description of “dirt, dust, counterfeit, shavings, sand, and all manner of RUBBISH:” to the point where “Miller could no longer see, nor identify, the original jewels of God!”

Adventists! The first resurrection is for Christ’s elect: meaning His MOST FAVORED. Actually, that is not entirely correct. The first resurrection is partially for Christ’s elect, from our past, who died for Christ long ago! (Beheaded for the witness of Jesus and for the Word of God.) But Christ’s “living” 144,000 elect shall actually witness His return! THESE are those folks who are changed, “in the twinkling of an eye,” when Christ comes down. No, they clearly were not killed for the witness of Jesus, but that is only because they were scattered, according to Christ’s instructions; and protected by both the earth and His angels. Satan, most certainly, will be trying to kill them, all through the Tribulation! Revelation teaches this quite clearly.

Like all of the Apostles, Paul got the events correctly, but erred on the timing of Christ’s events. Apparently, since they are still alive when Christ returns, He shall not need to resurrect them, but merely “change them,” in the twinkling of an eye. Yes, they shall rise up to meet Christ in the air. Revelation also teaches that they shall stand, with Christ, on Mount Zion! And they shall sing a song that no other people can sing! Where is Mount Zion? On this Earth!

Revelation 14:1 And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.

Revelation 14:2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:

Once again . . . does it look like Christ is ON THIS EARTH in the verses above? And do these 144,000 appear to be only His “best church?” Be careful how you answer that because elsewhere in Revelation, Christ teaches how there will be 12,000 taken from each of the tribes of Israel. The tribes of Judah, Levi, and Benjamin are Jews! Your Adventist leaders solve this problem by teaching that they are Jews who converted to the Christian faith. JUST WHERE, IN SCRIPTURE, DID THEY LEARN THIS? NO WHERE! There is not one single Word of God’s Scriptures that teach of even one of Christ’s beloved Jews converting to Christianity in the end time! (Please do remember how the jewels, gems, and coins of William Miller’s dream became soiled. Because this is just one classic example found in the history of mankind: an Adventist example, this time.) There is no better example of how Satan convinces our religious teachers to set aside a particular Word of God, which they do not understand, and then follow their personal vanities and/or expectations which are found NO WHERE in Scripture. Also, what about that “other” religion which Christ, our Creator, made? Do not deny the Muslims anything, when Christ/Allah returns! Just because your Bible does not teach of 144,000 elect called from the descendants of the twelve princes of Ishmael, DOES NOT MEAN that they do not exist! Christ’s elect are His best-of-the-best: “for in their mouth, was found no guile: for they are without fault before the Throne of God.” (Revelation 14:5) The Muslim faith has a great many people, in whom God finds no guile! (However, no Christian teacher will ever teach this Truth of Christ to their followers.)

Side note by jpw: Before we leave Revelation 14, a few critical notes must be made here.

Revelation 14:2 And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:

John said he heard a voice from heaven. This clearly teaches that he was currently on Mount Zion: with Christ and his elect! The Lamb was on this earth, the elect were on this earth, and a voice was heard “from heaven.”

Revelation 14:6 And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,

This cannot be! This verse teaches that long after Christ came half-way down to this earth and then vanished back to Heaven with His “best church,” the Gospel is still being preached to them that dwell on the earth? The Adventist teachers clearly state that only the wicked shall be left behind. Does Christ not know how to give up? It should be noted that the Adventist church also teaches that our Christ is not a “second-chance God.” (This author heard them teaching this as soon as this author’s webpage tabbed, “Second Chance God” was moved to this particular website.) If one studies the timing of Revelation 14:6 closely, it absolutely proves that our Christ truly is a “second-chance God” as Paul described in Romans 11:32.

Please allow this author to show all Adventists just a FEW detailed “real-life” mistakes taught by their religious teachers. Oh, there are many more: as you read these mistakes, please keep in mind, everything you read above. And think for yourself, if William Miller or Ellen White ever wrote about these things. This author certainly could be wrong, but this author would venture a guess that none of the concepts discussed above, or below, were taught by your founders (who truly were given a miraculous beginning, with Christ’s jewels lined up perfectly). If this author is correct, one can now observe the soiling of William Miller’s jewels occurring today, and tomorrow. This author has never read a single word that Ellen White wrote, so this author could be wrong. Please let this author know if Ellen White disagreed with anything found here:


This church claims that God’s Scriptures teach that people should not drink alcohol, such as wine. They go so far as to claim that when Christ turned water into wine, that word was actually “grape juice.” By “that word,” they mean Strong’s Concordance for word number G3631 for oinos, or wine! (Link opens in a new window.) This word is never, even once, used to describe grape juice in the New Testament and this is for many commonsense reasons. (We shall discuss those reasons shortly.) But first, please do note the words that Jesus, himself, spoke regarding this issue: clearly demonstrating that he did, indeed, drink WINE; the kind of wine this church discourages!

Matthew 11:18 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil.

Matthew 11:19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.

Critical side note by jpw: When all religious teachers have finished reading this section about “WINE,” they might humbly consider returning here, to find a special underlined Wisdom of God, delivered by Christ, in the second sentence of Matthew 11:19, above. They do not understand this Wisdom of God yet, but they will, in about six more paragraphs. Please understand that it was our Christ who spoke these particular words.

“Winebibber” is Strong’s word number G3630 – basically meaning “a wino.” (All links on this website open in a new window.) So, Scripture clearly teaches that John the Baptist did not drink alcohol and Jesus did drink alcohol. To make matters worse, Jesus did so with corrupt government workers, tax collectors, and many other sinners who were “frowned upon” by the religious leaders of that day.

This issue of the word “wine” being “grape juice” needs to be further addressed here because this church places a great emphasis on this matter. The entire world understands that wine comes from grape juice, so let us set aside all semantics here regarding that Greek word for “wine.” In fact, let us all agree here, just for now, that this word truly could mean grape juice. However in doing so, we cannot set aside Mother Nature. In Israel, the grape harvest normally runs from July through August (during the summer heat). Just like orange harvests in Florida, some grape varieties come-in early, and some come-in late: hence the six-to-eight-week window: which also depends on weather. So, lacking refrigeration, preservatives, and FedEx overnight service in his day, the only time of year that Jesus, might have had the opportunity to taste “grape juice” would be during those few weeks in mid-summer. Moreover, once you start mashing the grapes, the juice “starts turning bad” quickly! Meaning possibly three days, during the summer heat. But wine can store for years, if stored in the dark, below ground, and therefore away from high heat. When fermenting the grape juice, the yeast produces alcohol: normally to the level of 12%. At this level, the alcohol kills the yeast and any other germs in the wine. The clear wine is decanted, leaving only the sediment at the bottom of the vessel. This sediment free wine can be stored well past the following year’s grape harvest. Hence the long storage time, and year-round enjoyment at events such as weddings. Speaking of weddings!

Jesus first miracle was performed at a wedding! He turned water into wine. This would be the kind of wine with alcohol: the kind that is served at weddings! The kind where the guests have well-drunk the good and expensive wine first; and after everyone’s taste buds have become slightly numb, the ruler of the festival then breaks out the cheaper wine: and nobody is the wiser. The more the guests drink, the more gifts and money the young couple receives; hence the necessity for not running out of wine.

John 2:9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom,

John 2:10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.

John 2:11 This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory; and his disciples believed on him.

Now, the Seventh Day Adventist church teaches that Jesus turned the water into grape juice because they ran out of grape juice at the wedding and the governor of the wedding needed more grape juice. One might think, “Ok, that is possible. Weddings don’t work like that, even today, but it is entirely possible.” But when did this wedding take place? Continue reading your Scriptures: for after this wedding, Jesus went down to Capernaum to keep the Passover. As we learned in the Seven Feasts of Christ, above, the Passover takes place in the Springtime:

John 2:12 After this he went down to Capernaum, he, and his mother, and his brethren, and his disciples: and they continued there not many days.

John 2:13 And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

MEANING SPRINGTIME! Passover can occur as early as the first week in April and as late as the last week in April. It is possible that the described wedding event might have occurred in late March. The grape vines were only beginning to put forth their leaves at this time! There were no grapes (nor grape juice!) to be found anywhere in the land of Israel at the time of that wedding!

Clearly, the leaders of this church have taken their own personal vanities, beliefs, and personal preferences; and attempted to make their church members believe their vanities are Scriptural in nature! This is how the Word of God (and His Jewels) become soiled over the years. All of this soiling is a complete insult to Christ, and His Father, our LORD in Heaven! Here on this Earth, it is also an insult to the members of their church, who come to that church expecting the Truth of God to be taught.

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE by jpw: This author selected this particular church, as his example here, for a good reason: each reader shall discover that reason shortly. That reason will bring us back to the very point of this entire letter (or this church would never have been mentioned in this letter). Regardless, every reader here needs to understand that EVERY Christian denomination does this! Every single one of them! If you currently attend church, we are not talking about that church on the other side of town: we are talking about YOUR church. Again, every single one of them is guilty of the same! Some do it a lot; some do it a little. This letter should serve as an educational tool to all who attend church.

And before this author loses all Christian readers here, please accept “just a taste” of this letter’s conclusion now. Christ never told His disciples to “teach His sheep how to live their lives.” Christ only told them to “feed His sheep.” There is a huge difference between Christ’s Spoken Word and what is truly happening within this world’s 33,000 denominations! Christ actually “wants” each person to make their own decisions regarding all of this. In fact, this is the very reason we were all put here in the first place: so that He might be able to “accurately” judge us. No more hints!


The Seventh Day Adventist church claims that Christ, our Creator, designed mankind to be strict vegetarians. This church makes a Scriptural claim that before Noah, no person was ever described as eating meat. (We shall address this shortly, by way of Scripture.) But because the Adventist leaders currently prefer the vegetarian way, they then teach that Christ wants all of their followers to be vegetarian. Honestly, they do not forbid meats, but they do strongly encourage their members to become vegetarians: in order to “please” Christ and also to obey the teachings of Paul, and a few other writers of Epistles. According to one pastor, the only reason Noah brought so many “clean” animals onto the ark was that after the flood, there would be no plants left for mankind to eat. He claims that solely because of the flood killing all plants, Christ only then permitted the eating of meat. He also claims that Christ was a vegetarian.

Well, please allow nature, and science, to demonstrate that God gave mankind (meaning Adam and Eve) both meat-incising teeth and plant-chomping teeth. Also, please allow Christ’s Scriptures to shed some light on the vanities of these pastors: exactly as their “grape juice” vanities were described above.

Cane slew Abel. Cain was a tiller of the ground and Abel raised sheep. No, it was not just for their skins or wool. Just how much wool do a few people need for clothing? Abel sacrificed his sheep because they consumed (meaning they ate!) these sheep. God has never instructed us to tithe our clothing material! Cain sacrificed his grain because he grew it for their consumption.

Genesis 4:2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

Genesis 4:3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.

Genesis 4:4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:

Christ clearly taught Moses that Abel raised sheep and slaughtered sheep as an offering to his LORD. So, this author must ask now, why was Abel raising sheep? Furthermore, while Adam and Eve were still alive, but long before the flood of Noah, we find Christ teaching Moses:

Genesis 4:20 And Adah bare Jabal: he was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of such as have cattle.

Cattle? For vegetarians? And tents? Proper tents are made from animal skins; just ask any native American how their ancestors made their tents.

Any person who claims that mankind was “strictly” vegetarian before the flood of Noah is ignoring God’s Truths, God’s Knowledge, and God’s Wisdom placed in the Scriptures which He has sent down to mankind! In this error, they are spreading only their own personal beliefs and their personal vanities. Quite honestly, we all do this: but these religious teachers are doing so, IN THE NAME OF GOD. Oh, but it gets worse:

Below, we find Christ speaking to Noah:

Genesis 9:3 Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things.

Noah was not a vegetarian. Also notice that Christ did not forbid unclean meats to Noah. Abraham and Jacob also were not forbidden unclean meats. Clean and unclean meat restrictions were first given to Moses.

Genesis 8:1 And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters assuaged;

Why were there even cattle available on this earth, to load onto the ark? Could it be that people were NOT vegetarians before the days of Noah? According to Genesis 4:20, quoted above, people had been raising cattle (as a way of making a living), since the days of Adam and Eve! If Christ wanted mankind to return to vegetarianism after the flood, would He not have instructed SOMEBODY (meaning just ONE of His many prophets) to teach mankind about this? He could have easily instructed Abraham, the father of many nations, about this! Few Christians are taught this fact, but Noah did not die until Abraham turned 65 years old! With Noah being the patriarch of mankind, in those days; and Abraham being recorded as a “first born” in Adam’s, Noah’s, and Jesus’ lineage, it is nearly certain that Abraham’s father presented his first born to the patriarch, Noah. (Please understand that this is not found in any Scripture! However, the recording of first-borns was very important back in those early days: all the way from Adam to Jesus, as a matter of fact.) This author’s entire point here, is that Noah could have easily instructed Abraham to return to vegetarianism (if that is what God truly wanted). And being the only identified Friend of God in any Scripture, Christ could have easily instructed Abraham to return to vegetarianism!

With that . . . there shall be much more regarding Abraham, shortly.

Religious teachers truly need to think twice, or thrice, before turning their own personal vanities and beliefs into “alleged Scriptures.” When the pastor of a denomination teaches his members that no person ate meat before the flood of Noah, all members “assume” that their pastor (their religious leader!) has studied Scriptures and is currently teaching God’s Truth to them.

SIDE NOTE by jpw: This author fully understands the health benefits of the vegetarian diet. This author fully understands the deleterious effects that a high-meat content diet can have on a person, over the course of their life. This is truly non-negotiable, science-wise. But it is beyond the scope of this letter to discuss the importance (or lack thereof) that Christ places upon living a long life here. Were this the case, He would probably take a small place regarding the preventing of those who abuse children. Trust in God! He has an “eternity” planned for those who He selects to join Him. Try for a long life, if that is your goal here, but never believe that a shorter life is of “lesser value” to God! Trust in God! If we ever get to Heaven and finally learn what happened to the millions of abused children, we will probably say, “Oh, I didn’t know that.” Why? Because God is perfect! (And we are not.)

Continuing with this vegetarian issue, these same pastors teach that Christ was a vegetarian. Let us allow Scripture to teach God’s Truth here also.

Abraham was the only person ever identified, in the Bible, as being a Friend of God. Abraham must have been a pretty decent man! God spends nearly one third of the Book of Genesis on Abraham. There are 2,000 years of history packed into the Book of Genesis and Christ spends nearly one-third of that book teaching about Abraham. (As a side note: Christ spends nearly one-third of that book teaching about Joseph also. There are 50 chapters in Genesis: 14 are about Abraham and 14 are about Joseph. Two of the wealthiest men who ever lived, yet they both pleased God and they both made it to Heaven: even though Christ taught that “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Maybe, just maybe, we wealthy westerners should learn everything we possibly can about Abraham and Joseph! Because Christ sure did spend a lot of time teaching Moses about these two men!)

Abraham was no part of being a vegetarian!

Genesis 18:1 And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day;

Genesis 18:2 And he lift up his eyes and looked, and, lo, three men stood by him: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground,

Genesis 18:3 And said, My LORD, if now I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away, I pray thee, from thy servant:

Genesis 18:4 Let a little water, I pray you, be fetched, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree:

Genesis 18:5 And I will fetch a morsel of bread, and comfort ye your hearts; after that ye shall pass on: for therefore are ye come to your servant. And they said, So do, as thou hast said.

Genesis 18:6 And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth.

Genesis 18:7 And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetcht a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man; and he hasted to dress it.

Genesis 18:8 And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which he had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.

Please notice, in the verses above, that Abraham fetched a young and tender calf to feed his four special guests from Heaven. Please notice that Christ was one of those guests. Also, please notice that Christ did eat! Once again, Abraham was not a vegetarian! Christ was not a vegetarian! This author can only guess that Christ’s companions were three angels, so it is quite possible that angels are not vegetarians either, because Abraham fed them all and they did eat! This author knows nothing about a normal diet in Heaven, or with Heavenly beings, but every reader here just read Christ’s own statement to Moses, in Genesis 18:8, that they all did eat! About 500 years later, Christ personally dictated these verses to Moses, while in the desert. (As a side note: please find in Numbers 11, that Christ gave Moses and the Israelites manna and quail to eat while they wandered the desert for 40 years. Bread and meat! Apparently, Christ has no problem being served meat and Christ has no problem serving meat! So, for any pastor to claim that Christ desires us all to be vegetarians, this is a great insult against Christ, and the Truth of God which He sent down to this world, from His Father, our LORD. To save time, and to help keep this long letter from getting too long, we shall not quote Numbers, chapter 11 here.)

NOW . . .

REGARDING THIS VEGETARIAN BUSINESS – THE TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH! (This author cannot write the next few words of that famous quote, because God forbids mankind to “swear upon His Name, or anything in Heaven.” Matthew 5:34. So if you are ever in a courtroom and you are asked to “swear to God,” understand that you are forbidden, by Christ, to speak those words.)

Now that this author has made his point above, please find the “Whole Truth” of this matter, below. Set everything this author has written aside: for this author was merely trying to emphasize his point with every reader. Set everything the Adventist church has written aside: because they are only slightly right! Please read just a few Scriptures yourself and see exactly what Christ teaches this world. Christ has supplied a very short Truth of God regarding this entire matter in Genesis. Truth be told, this entire matter is more about God’s Garden of Eden, than it is about mankind’s diet. Please read Genesis 1:29 through Genesis 4:4. (About three pages of your Bible: or about 20 minutes of your reading time.) Genesis 1:29 clearly teaches that mankind was, originally, vegetarian. Genesis 1:30 clearly teaches that all lions, tigers, and bears were, originally, vegetarian. Adventist church leaders are right in this matter, OF LONG AGO. But the state of this world, LONG AGO, was that mankind, and all lions, tigers, and bears were living in a very special garden! They were living in God’s Garden! All they had to do was to pluck any fruit from any tree (with one exception, of course). Where Adventist church leaders fail, in this matter, is that God’s Garden was “taken away” from mankind! Everything changed after that. Even the lions, tigers, and bears started hunting for meat, once God’s Garden was removed from this world. Beginning in Genesis 4:2, once outside of God’s Garden, and in our current world, mankind is found (in the Bible) eating both meats and plants. The whole truth of this matter is that whatever the diet was in the Garden of Eden, those plants do not currently exist in this world. If they did, all lions, tigers, and bears would still be eating them! Mankind too!

This author can only guess that once Heaven comes down to this earth, along with God’s Tree of Life (and possibly His Garden of Eden), we will probably return to being vegetarians. Setting all guesses aside, there are Scriptures that describe certain events in Heaven, once Heaven does come down to this earth:

Isaiah 11:6 The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

Isaiah 11:7 And the cow and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.

Isaiah 11:8 And the sucking child shall play on the hole of the asp, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the cockatrice’ den.

Isaiah 11:9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

Also in Isaiah:

Isaiah 65:25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent’s meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the Lord.

To be completely honest, today’s Adventist teachers are right. They are right about God’s Garden at the beginning of this world; and they are right about that Great Event when Heaven finally comes down to this Earth, at the end of this world. But they have entirely missed Christ’s Plan for the life we are all living in today’s world, outside of His Garden! The truth of this entire matter is that we, today, definitely are not living in God’s Garden! Lions, tigers, and bears no longer have access to whatever special plants were available to them in God’s Garden! Similarly, mankind no longer has access to whatever special plants were available to Adam and Eve in God’s Garden. By way of our Creator’s design, all lions, tigers, and bears had the wherewithal to change their diets. By way of our Creator’s design, mankind had the wherewithal to change its diet also. THE MOMENT THEY LEFT GOD’S GARDEN.

In all of this . . . Christ expects us to see, learn, and “yearn for that life” which awaits us, in His Garden (or His Heaven, if you will). Oh, it shall truly be a Grand Existence! And it most likely was a Grand Existence for Adam and Eve, there in God’s Garden! Of that, there is no doubt. But our assimilating that future “heavenly diet” into our lives today, shall accomplish nothing regarding our earthly decision to follow God’s Will in this earth. It shall not count as “extra-credit” for any sins we might commit, it shall move “not one single person” closer to God, it shall not explain the Will of God in this earth, and it will not explain a single, solitary Scripture, of God, to any person.



We have now documented the Adventist wine and vegetarian issues. Earlier, we hinted at their erroneous “door of probation” issue. If there really was a door that was closing on mankind, anytime in our future, Christ would have placed this Truth of God in EVERY Scripture that He sent down to this world. But we do not find any “Door of God” in the Old Testament, in the Gospels, or even in Christ’s Qur’an: the final Scripture to be sent down to this world! Yes, Noah built a door in his ark. But that was not God’s Door! Noah’s door had nothing to do with any person’s soul going to Heaven! Noah’s door was symbolic of nothing; and had nothing to do with any person’s soul going to hell! MANKIND NEEDS TO LEAVE ALL MATTERS OF “GOD’S JUDGMENT” TO GOD! Noah closed his door so his boat would float! End of Christ’s story regarding Moses and there is no reason to make his door “symbolic” of anything! God obeyed His own laws of physics (which He created!) to make that flood happen: meaning that certain events had to take place, here on this earth, for that flood to occur. (Our God is a very law-abiding God! He follows His laws of nature, and He follows His laws in Heaven.)

Quite honestly, this author’s personal opinion is that this particular Adventist-belief is one of their greatest blasphemies against our LORD. We briefly addressed this issue, above, in the verses of Zechariah 14:16 – 19. This church teaches that when Christ returns to this world, the Door of Probation will be shut forever; and Christ shall not “accept one more soul” after He has closed this door. Well, Zechariah 14:16 – 19 clearly shows that those who gather for war at Armageddon (when Christ returns) will, years later, still be gathering in Jerusalem, year after year, to keep The Feast of Tabernacles and more so, to worship our King, Christ, on His Throne in Jerusalem! Also, Revelation 14 begins with Christ, standing on Mt. Zion with His 144,000 elect. In verse 14:6, we find an angel flying through the air “having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth . . .” Does any of this sound like our Christ is ever going to close a door on any person who still has even one breath left in their lungs? This author shall not pursue this issue further, except to show how Christ, our Creator, taught this world the COMPLETE OPPOSITE, while He was here, using the earthly body of Jesus. Indeed, Jesus taught how people can always come to Him: even if it is in their last hour, or their final few breaths! He taught parables about this! In fact, He was STILL teaching this very lesson in His final few breaths before He died! In His final moments, He found the strength to tell the just-converted thief, on a cross next to Him, that they would someday be in Paradise, together! They both died, mere moments from each other, as the Roman soldiers broke the legs of the two thieves; so that they might all be taken down from their crosses before the Sabbath began. (The Romans respected this Jewish tradition.) Never mind what any person teaches you: does anything in this “story of Christ” indicate that there is any door that He might close upon us, while we are still breathing?



This author shall not go further into the flaws of this denomination’s teachings. Enough of their mistakes have been documented here to show how Satan can “somehow” weave his lies into ANY and EVERY church! This includes even the youngest churches with recent miraculous beginnings.

SIDE NOTE by jpw:

For you see . . . the problem with ALL religions, ALL churches, and ALL denominations is that those leaders who come along later believe that they are the same as those founders who Christ chose to build their church. And since they “assume” they have received the same “Gifts of God” which their founders were given, they then believe that their own vanities and personal expectations of God are infallible: and this, wrongly, is what frees them to begin teaching their personal vanities, beliefs, and expectations from Christ, our God. Remember William Miller’s Dream! This, wrongly, opens a door for Satan to gain a foothold in every denomination that ever existed. (Actually, it opens about four, or five, doors: personal vanities, personal expectations of God, professional egos, life’s experiences, etc. Oh, how Satan loves doors. But God would like every person to understand that He left “no open doors” in His Scriptures.)

But it must be noted that every person has their vanities: this author included. It is a fight. However, it is a fight that religious teachers must take extra seriously. Before posting any webpage here, this author has learned that it takes two proof-reads JUST to remove any personal vanities that crept into the letter. And yes, this author has failed here and there.

To all religious leaders (of every denomination), your personal and religious vanities (and your personal and religious expectations of God) are causing you to be stiff-necked. And they are preventing you from growing in the Truth of God, here in this world.


Now Adventists . . . there is a reason this author chose your church as the sole example in this letter. Oh, it would have been so much easier to use any of the other denominations because their mistakes far exceed your own (exponentially!). This author was raised as a Catholic and grew up with close Protestant friends, so this author is intimately familiar with all of the “larger” denominations. But this author is using your denomination as a lesson to this world, and as a warning to you: attempting to kill two birds with one stone here. Your Adventist stone might require a “ground-up” effort to teach your teachers how to return to the Truths of God, found in His Scriptures.

If any reader here is a Seventh Day Adventist and is still reading this letter: know that you are a rock! This author has shaken your faith to the ground. This old author has long believed that we should all have our “faith” shaken to the ground, from time to time. If our faith is healthy, it will survive: all of this meaning not strong, but healthy! For a strong faith can still be wrong: Jesus taught us this about 2,000-years ago! But if our faith is not healthy, then it reveals a problem found in us, not in God. Sometimes changes are needed; and we must always bend towards God’s Will. (Indeed, when Christ started teaching this young author, some thirty-years ago, He shook this author’s faith all the way to “ground zero.” It was hard at first and this young author used to yell at God, just a bit! Ok, sometimes a lot! God is still shaking this old author; but the pain has diminished because His Word is always True. And this author has finally learned that it has always been my fault! Every time I have disagreed with God’s Scripture, I was the wrong one. Did it hurt? You better believe it did!) Having our faith shaken forces us to re-examine Scriptures that our mind might have chosen to ignore in the past, for numerous reasons. It also helps us re-establish our footing upon His Truths, which might have slowly eroded over the years. Finally, it helps us to see any of Satan’s ways which he has subtly woven into our fabric of beliefs! This old author has learned that Satan loves symbols because they open doors for him. Teachers love symbols because they allow their vanities, desires, expectations, and yes, even egos to dictate any direction that their minds find comfortable in following. People love symbols because they normally make our life easier, by way of excusing us from a harsh reality found in a particular Truth of God. And why are we comfortable with those symbols? Because we created them! (Two classic examples: every single one of today’s 33,000 Christian denominations teach their members that Christ is returning ONLY to save THEIR church! Also, every single one of today’s 33,000 Christian denominations teach their members that “only they” will be excused from standing before God on Judgment Day; for a number of various falsehoods which their denomination has invented. A rapture, a get-out-of-purgatory card, etc.)

This author can promise every Seventh Day Adventist (who might still be reading this letter), that everything will get better from here. But please understand that this author must continue “addressing” those who reject the Will of God on this earth.


“Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven?”

Adventists . . . your church has many “adjustments” to make regarding how Satan has managed to weave his lies into your church doctrine. You must remember that Satan has not woven his lies into God’s Scriptures: for this is impossible. Rather, Satan has woven his lies into your church’s doctrine, beliefs; and especially, your publications from about the last half-century, which it seems as though your leaders are now “married to.” At least three examples were highly detailed above: there are a great many more. Earlier, this author wrote that your church is currently in the death-grip of Satan. Every Scripture (meaning every Word of Christ) teaches that we (meaning individuals and churches) truly can escape the death-grip of Satan if we return to our LORD’s Scriptures. In this author’s humble opinion, yours is possibly the only denomination remaining that might still escape Satan’s death-grip. Everything you need to “understand” was detailed above. But here in this letter, this author shall continue to write to those who’s denominations are fully identified in Revelation 17:5. The harlots!” (Link opens in a new window.) The entire world understands who the “great whore” of Revelation 17 is, yet they completely ignore those harlots who came out of her in Revelation 17:5.

The first church to come out of the Roman Catholic church was the Lutheran Church (Martin Luther). Even Martin Luther wrote that the Pope, in Rome, was clearly identified as the Antichrist, in Revelation. (Click here) Yet not one single Lutheran teacher of today, teaches their members that their beloved Lutheran faith of today is clearly identified in Revelation 17:5.

Lutherans ignore this verse (of Revelation 17:5 above) because they are not taught about it. They are not taught about it because their religious leaders fully understand that their church is the first harlot that came out of the great whore. Their religious leaders simply “choose to ignore” these verses which they studied in Seminary. It is not the average Lutheran’s fault that they were born into a “harlot church.” There are many fine people, seeking our One LORD, in all of those “harlot churches.” If this author can wake-up only a handful of these folks so that they might COME OUT OF THESE HARLOT CHURCHES, then this author will be quite happy.

Therefore, this author shall continue addressing those folks and also this author’s most cherished: the atheists and agnostics. For they truly are closer to God, than the rest of us. Seriously! (Because 99% of all Christians have been entirely fooled by Satan and are truly walking further-and-further from the Will of God in this earth: every single day of their life! Unbelievers have accepted neither God, nor Satan, making theirs is a shorter, and straighter, journey than that of an “errant Christian.”) Truly, the misbeliever has three battles before them: first, to finally decide to read God’s Scriptures in their own homes, on their own time, and for their own selves; then, to shed the lessons and lies of Satan which are currently found within their lifelong, and possibly beloved, denomination; and finally, to take personal ownership of their own Eternal lives: something that will be new to every Christian upon this earth! The difficult part of this is that all three battles must progress simultaneously. Perhaps there is a fourth battle here: one’s own stubbornness! (And this is exactly why this author first requested that every Christian, before reading this letter, leave “their excuses at the door.” Because, quite sadly, a “stubborn believer” shall learn nothing here. And truly, Christ has always taught this world that He has no place, in His Heart, for stiff-necked people. This Truth goes all the way back to Cain.) To this author, all of this seems to be a nearly impossible task for misbelievers: indeed, Revelation teaches that it will not happen. But to each reader here, never underestimate your strengths and always remember that Revelation does not describe “every” person! (Meaning you, the reader here! If Revelation teaches just one thing, that one thing would be that no person, reading this letter, has failed . . . YET!)

Adventists! You belong to the most capable church that this author believes exists in these end-times: regarding the Will of God, in this Earth. Truly! Your church is one of the youngest churches today, so it has deviated the least. (Satan has demonstrated, throughout history, that he works slowly: he always begins with the truth, in order to make his job easier, and then he weaves his lies into our “incomplete understanding” of God’s Truths. One bit here and one bit there: and see what takes root. Once his lies have become our “beloved traditions,” seemingly learned from our parents and grandparents, Satan can then build-upon his earlier works. Satan enjoys working through symbolism because it is impossible to disprove “symbols.” So, always remember that Satan loves symbolism. This author believes it could be his preferred method, because it might be his best path through our religious leaders who, by way of their training, cannot be deceived in some other verses. Oh, symbolism can be such a dangerous thing in this world. Because it cannot be disproved.)

As far as this author can determine, your Adventist church founders included two TRUE prophets of God. But while “those olden days” are just a twinkling of an eye for God, and Satan, those olden days were a long time ago for every reader here. Today, this author can clearly see that your church leaders and/or church teachers are within the death grip of Satan, and Satan’s wiles. Let’s put this another way: your church leaders have left the original path and have decided to follow the lies of Satan: which he has slowly woven into your God-given original path. Study the errors that were detailed above. Then read, or re-read, William Miller’s dream; and you will come to understand (and actually see!) Satan’s past and current efforts within your Adventist denomination. Please take note of those underlined words.

This author has one question for every Adventist reading this webpage, regarding William Miller’s dream.

How did your church manage to deviate from its true course in less than 150 years?

Only an Adventist can answer that question. They might do well if they first think about the words this author is about to write to non-Adventists.




To all readers here: if this author were to recommend one church to ANY PERSON; believers and/or unbelievers, it would be the Seventh Day Adventist church! (No, this author is not, and has never been, a member of this church; and will never be a member of any denomination.) But for any Christian who desires a churchly life: surrounded by truly decent and like-minded people, and also seeks wholesome (Godly) social activities for yourselves and especially your children, this church (and pay attention here!) will ALWAYS SEND YOU IN THE DIRECTION OF FOLLOWING THE WILL OF GOD. To put this another way, this Adventist church will teach you exactly why you want to place the Will of God in your heart; and then it will teach you how to place the Will of God in your life. From there, you only need to follow what you find in your heart: for the journey is yours, and they cannot make this journey for you. This church cannot find God for you; and this church cannot deliver you to God, or Heaven; but it will point you down the right, and straight, and narrow road which Jesus spoke of. By our Creator’s Design, the journey has always been yours to accept. You just need a reason to take that journey, and that reason shall be provided shortly.

SIDE NOTE by jpw: For any Christian, of other denominations, please understand this author’s words above. Quite honestly, this author has nothing to gain by teaching about this Adventist denomination. While this author fully understands the various faiths which Christ has placed with various peoples throughout our history, this author detests the existence of any/all denominations within those faiths: for there is only one God, our Christ, who created this world. Christ only delivered ONE TRUTH to this world. But here we are, in this world, with all of these denominations staring us in the face. Nearly all Christian denominations (about 99% of them) will actually prevent you from following the Will of God, which Christ taught us in His LORD’s Prayer.

“Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven?”

Please read those words again! Nearly all Christian denominations have placed “physical and doctrinal” barriers in this world and in their members’ lives which prevent them from obeying the Will of God, in their lives. Oh, but it gets worse! This truth, of our world today, means that nearly all Christian denominations are literally working to “prevent” every person from getting to Heaven!

Note by jpw: Be brutally honest with yourself, here, if you currently attend church. If your church is teaching you to ignore God’s Sabbath, to allow graven images inside that church which you helped build, to worship in the presence of these graven images, to allow adultery within their church; to oppose God’s Laws, such as clean and unclean meats; to oppose God’s ordinances regarding the punishment of specific criminal acts; and then also dismiss God’s seven Holy Feasts which He commanded to be kept forever: then the church, you currently attend (probably every Sunday) is trying to physically prevent you from getting to Heaven! And they are doing so by preventing you from obeying the Will of God in this earth, as it is in heaven.

Yes . . . these are hard words! They are very, very hard words. Regarding all Christian denominations, this author suggests that each reader go back to the beginning of this letter and read it again. Read it again AS IF YOUR ETERNAL LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. You are not too busy! No person is so busy that they cannot learn about (and then protect) their Eternal life in Heaven, should their deeds here get them to heaven. (Deeds which demonstrate, to God, their love for His Will being found in their lives and in this earth.)

After this, should any person decide that they now want to place their Eternal life at the top of their priority list, please do understand that this Adventist church is the only church, known to this author, that will not PREVENT YOU FROM FOLLOWING THE WILL OF GOD in your life here. There could be a few others, not known to this author.

As shown above, this Adventist church is not perfect: not even close! William Miller’s dream teaches this world exactly why there are currently more than 33,000 Christian denominations in this world. Worse than this, every denomination can see the truths of William Miller’s dream in the “other denominations” (and even in the ancient Jewish church, of Jesus’ day), but they cannot see it in their own church.

But for all of its denominational errors (detailed above; but completely unrelated to our obeying “the Will of God in this earth”) this author has never seen this Adventist church lie to any person regarding what the Will of God truly is, in this Earth. (And that says something about this church!) The Will of God, upon this earth, has been placed throughout God’s Scriptures and the Seventh Day Adventist church places God’s Will ahead of any of their minor, and unrelated, faults. Please continue:

This letter is running long, so let us explain this Adventist church by way of the context of this letter.

If a person chooses to drink wine, or not drink wine, this has nothing to do with their following the Will of God in this earth.

If a person chooses to eat meat, or not eat meat, this has nothing to do with their following the Will of God in this earth.

If a person decides to agree, or disagree with, the existence of a “door of probation,” this has nothing to do with their following the Will of God in this earth.

Once each reader here understands the statements made above, they should place them in the back of their minds; because there is one huge elephant in this “room” that must now be addressed.

Setting aside this Adventist church for a moment, this author has Scripturally documented, above, that nearly 99% of ALL Christian denominations are actively working to prevent their members from following the Will of God in this earth: hence, they are actually striving to prevent any of their members from ever getting to Heaven!

Given this . . . this author has not found even one mistake in the Adventist church that prevents a person from following, and especially obeying, the Will of God in this earth.

For all of their mistakes, the Adventist church is the only church, known to this author, that will lead you down the road to finding the Will of God in your life. There are probably others, but this author has not found them.

For any atheist or agnostic who can clearly see the hand of “some” eternal being that created this massive universe, our solar system, and this world of ours: you are most likely clueless as just where to turn to find the actual Truth of this “eternal being who created this world.” So, welcome to this world’s biggest club! But that does not solve your problem, does it? You have watched, for your entire life, different denominations yelling completely opposite ideas at each other. One says this, one says that: nobody can agree on anything. In this author’s humble opinion, you have probably made the wiser choice: through your believing NOTHING, until the Truth has been demonstrated to you. Christians love to quote Paul, but they will not appreciate the quote below. Speaking about those who believe wrong things (um, such as about 99% of all Christian denominations today):

Romans 11:32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all.

Now . . . hear the elephant roar!

So, Paul teaches that the 99% of the errant Christian denominations of today, who have completely failed God solely because of their mis-beliefs, shall be ELEVATED up to the level of those who believe nothing: so that He might have mercy upon all. The 99% of all Christian mis-believers, who currently look down their noses at atheists and agnostics, shall be raised UP TO their level of unbelief! Paul just said this! This author will not go into God’s mercy here because it is beyond the scope of this letter. Also, there is a webpage on this site which addresses that matter. When this world ever comes to understand the truth of Gog and Magog, they will realize what a massive elevation God is granting to all mis-believing Christians here. Because God could have easily lowered these very folks DOWN TO the level of Gog and Magog! But God will not do this. However, God truly does have a great disdain for those who claim to believe but cannot put forth the effort to even READ what He has written for us! God has an equal disdain for those who place the words of their religious teachers BEFORE the Word of God which He has personally delivered to this world: as described in William Miller’s Dream, above. Oh, how Paul is teaching of such an incredible elevation above! And an incredible mercy coming to some! But only some: not all. Who decides this? No person on this earth, that is for sure. It is beyond the scope of this letter, but each reader should begin understanding some of the things that will be happening on this Earth during Christ’s 1,000-year peaceful rule, but with a rod of iron.

One further error of the Adventist church is that they vehemently deny that any person shall receive a second chance before Judgment Day arrives. (Not even a two-year old child who was brutally beaten to death by their mother’s drugged-up, live-in boyfriend.) But as usual, this Adventist mistake prevents no person from finding, and placing, the Will of God in their life. So again, there is no perfect church found on this Earth; but there are a handful who can accurately introduce you to the Will of God in this earth; and also warn you when something you might “believe” actually opposes the Will of God in this earth.

So now . . . atheists and agnostics! You do have a huge decision staring you in the face. You could continue to do nothing and just hope for the best. But that is a pretty big “hope,” quite honestly: albeit a blind and effortless hope! The odds are stacked against you, especially in today’s world, but this author shall go to his grave teaching that “it can be done.” But, are you truly willing to place your one chance at Eternal Life upon a few earthly “hopes, desires, and whims” that you find somewhere inside of you? Or would you rather do just a little work that will start you down the right path of discovering that Unknown Entity, somewhere who will make the final decision whether your Eternal life goes up, to His Father, or down into some unknown lake of fire? (His name is Christ, but that should not be important to you, just yet.) We are all free to make our own decisions in life because that is how (and why) this world was created! But you have just learned a great lesson regarding how any person might distinguish between the few good churches and the 99% bad churches. This author fully understands that it is those 99% bad churches that, most likely, have prevented you from even considering the possibility of attending a church. But this old author shall also go to his grave teaching that discovering “the Will of God here on this earth” will prove to be the most enjoyable efforts any person ever chose in life.

If you are looking for the perfect person to run for President, Prime Minister, or any other sort of leader, then you will never be satisfied. Easy! If you are looking for the perfect church to teach the Truths of God, here in this world, then you will never be satisfied either! Easy! This author chose the subject matter for this letter because this particular issue, all by itself, can determine whether a person makes it to heaven, or not. This author chose to expose the failures of the Seventh Day Adventist church because it is one of the youngest denominations, its mistakes are “current” and easy to understand, and it is probably the most capable church, in this world, regarding how we LEARN HOW TO FIND and then LEARN HOW TO FOLLOW the Will of God in our lives. Easy! This particular church was a perfect match for this author’s intended lesson regarding mankind’s failure with the Will of God, here in this world.

Ok, the Adventist church as made a few minor mistakes! So? Ok, they are also not perfect! So? Deal with what this life puts in front of you and get on with your goal of finding the Will of God in this world. There is a lot of crime and violence these days, but we all manage to navigate our lives according to the information we have accumulated throughout our years. So never mind all of the (99%) scurrilous religious nonsense that Satan has caused to exist in this world. And yes! 99% of this world’s Christian denominations are currently following the ways of Satan! Hence, the existence of the Book of Revelation! Easy! Know that God is simple, and God is easy! (Let everyone else chase their complicated tails and tales: because God is simple and easy.) He wants every person to live according to His Will: meaning His Ways and His Truths. More than this, God wants us all to find enjoyment, meaning true enjoyment, in following His Will. Indeed, God promises great blessings for those who are successful in following His Will: He teaches this throughout all Scriptures sent down to all faiths in this world which He created.

And this is where this particular (Adventist) church can help any person who does not know which way to turn:

Any church that gathers and worships on Sunday does not want you to follow the Will of God in this world.

Any church that places graven images inside its walls does not want you to follow the Will of God in this world.

Any church that has pews and graven images; and asks members to bow down and pray in the presence of these images does not want you to follow the Will of God in this world.

Any church that has an altar in front of the people does not want you to follow the Will of God in this world.

Any church that teaches of “even one” of God’s Laws being nailed to the cross does not want you to follow the Will of God in this world.

Any church that teaches you are now allowed to consume any meats which you might desire, clean or unclean, does not want you to follow the Will of God in this world.

This author could go on and on here! But every reader here should now be able to see how this world has developed over 33,000 Christian denominations. But this Seventh Day Adventist church! For all of its flaws, it has somehow not yet departed from the Will of God in this earth! (Yes, there are others.) Oh, it could: and it could soon. It has happened before. And this is why this author is worried about the Seventh Day Adventist already being in the death-grip of Satan! It might not have happened yet, but this author can see that it is nigh here. To understand this author’s trepidation regarding today’s Seventh Day Adventist church, please learn about one fairly recent church that used to be better than the Adventist church: in this author’s humble opinion. But the religious leaders of this “other church” truly signed Satan’s contract: and literally did so using the blood of its own members: meaning Christ’s own sheep! A truly tragic story.

This letter is getting long, and the church below absolutely failed, so this author is going to deliver the short version here: only those parts necessary to both reveal and understand their failure (and Satan’s success).

In 1934, a man named Herbert W. Armstrong founded a church named the “Worldwide Church of God.” This church absolutely taught that the Will of God must come first in this world. They kept all Ten Commandments: and did so in every possible way. They kept Christ’s Seven Holy Feasts: every year. They even slept in temporary domiciles during the seven-day long Feast of Tabernacles. They fully understood that the first day of Tabernacles was the day Jesus was born. They fully understood that Jesus laid in the tomb, as he promised, for three full days and three full nights: just like Jonah. They kept as many ordinances of Christ as was legally possible, in our Western society. Here in the West, we cannot stone our adulterers and we cannot stone our homosexuals, etc. We also cannot slit the throat of a lamb in downtown Los Angeles.

Long story short: Armstrong grew old and died in 1986. During his final, feeble, and infirmed fifteen-years, the politicians and power-hungry administrators of that church came out of the woodwork: with long-knives drawn. This included Armstrong’s son. About ten years after Herbert’s death, the main body (still using the name Worldwide Church of God) decided that they wanted to become more mainstream. (Meaning that they wanted to increase membership, worldly acceptance, and revenue.) They converted to Sunday worship, set aside all of Christ’s Holy Feasts, ordinances, and laws given to Moses. Because of this, the church splintered badly, with many pastors following their own vanities and personal expectations of God. One of their pastors in Oklahoma openly declared that all of Christ’s 144,000 elect belonged to his church and his church only. (That was a bit selfish of him.)

Well, this young author watched all of this happen with a slight horror and youthful (meaning not fully understanding) ignorance. This young author did not really care much for the church because Christ had just begun teaching this young author and also because Mr. Armstrong was only half-right on most topics. This author did not know much at that age, but easily realized that Mr. Armstrong’s being “half-right” placed him head and shoulders above 99% of all other Christian denominations who did absolutely nothing to follow the Will of God on this Earth. And this author had a great respect for the church members because they kept as many of God’s Commandments, Laws, and ordinances as was legally possible in Western Society. They actually planned their celebrations of Christ’s Seven Holy Feasts a year in advance (in several regional locations) so folks could make their arrangements. This author admired that greatly. Also, Mr. Armstrong’s mistakes were only in interpreting future prophesies; and our following the Will of God in this earth has nothing to do with our understanding God’s prophecies! More so, our obtaining a place in God’s Heaven someday has nothing to do with our understanding prophecy. It took this young author several years to conclude that Christ does not give “extra credit” for our understanding of prophecies! None at all. We shall be judged by way of our lives here and nothing else. It is called the Book of Life. But yes, our faith truly, and most accurately, directs our life. Hence this author’s strong caution to all atheists and agnostics above.

To all Seventh Day Adventists (and all Christians, for that matter):

The vast majority of Mr. Armstrong’s mistakes were minor and never affected any person’s efforts to follow the Will of God in this earth. Adventists, yours is a rare church that does likewise. All of Mr. Armstrong’s mistakes came from his false assumption that the Christian faith was at the center of Christ’s universe: his church in particular. Mr. Armstrong never fully appreciated that it was Christ who created this world. His church never understood that as our Creator, Christ also loves His Jews, Muslims, Hindu, Buddhists, unbelievers, misbelievers, and native tribes throughout this world! Christians, you are NOT the focus of Christ’s attention, here on this world that He created!

Until any Christian denomination (such as the Adventists!) learns that the Christian faith is only one of a great many faiths which Christ has personally placed, personally taught, and personally given Scriptures on this world of His, the teachers of that denomination will never, BUT EVER, understand future prophecies! This author can see this in today’s Adventist teachings as easily as he could see it in Mr. Armstrong’s teachings, thirty-years ago.

Returning to the utter collapse of the post-Armstrong church, which began in the late 1970’s and finally failed in the early 1990’s: near its end, the Internet was still in its infancy and was nothing like today! But this author would read some of the old “Internet Bulletin Boards” with members of that church stating that they were now completely lost and had no idea of what to do, or where to turn! They truly desired to obey the Will of God in every possible regard, but their brick-and-mortar churches (in their own neighborhoods) were ordered to stop celebrating all feasts and the Saturday sabbath; to stop observing all ordinances; and finally, to stop following the Will of God which they had been taught since their youth. This church abandoned their own membership solely due to infighting, politics, money, power, worldly acceptance, and every other sort of mammon one can imagine. The horrible part was that these folks knew all along that they were following the Will of God in this earth: or at least they were doing the best they could. These folks knew they were on the right path, but THEIR OWN CHURCH, who they counted-on (and built and financed!), pulled the rug, went mainstream, and left them standing with nothing. Now, why would a church go mainstream, after their founder had taught them (FOR 60 YEARS!) that “mainstream” was of Satan? Especially when that church fully understood that it was one of the very few churches which still followed the Will of God on this Earth.

My dearest friends, the words you just read above are, precisely, this author’s fear regarding today’s Adventist church. Earlier, we illustrated a few significant, but not eternal-life-threatening errors that Satan has already established in their church. BUT . . . if a church is currently teaching lessons that abstaining from wine is Scriptural, being a vegetarian is Scriptural, avoiding rock and roll music is Scriptural, and that some imaginary “door of probation closing on mankind” is Scriptural, then what comes next? (This author has only presented the tip of Satan’s iceberg here: some Adventists pastors teach that the first three angels of Revelation 14 are speaking only to their denomination! One of Armstrong’s splinter churches, some thirty-years ago in Oklahoma, taught the SAME THING! But one must always remember that believing in this sort of nonsense still does not prevent any person from placing the Will of God in their life.)

Before we move on from this fairly recent collapse of Mr. Armstrong’s Worldwide Church of God, all Adventists should take note that their church has recently decided to partially set aside Christ’s Second Commandment: that of “graven images.” It is only a small thing; quite innocent. The former (meaning original) Worldwide Church of God did the same. It “seems easy” for us to accept graven images into our life because they “represent this, they symbolize that, they help us to remember a certain event, and they show us how important another event should be in our lives.” Well, common sense tells us that there should be no problem here: EXCEPT, long before any of those vanities were heralded by the church leaders, they were “graven images” to God! Two recent examples of this Adventist failing can be found here and also here.” (Both links open in a new window.) Again, this author fully understands the logic behind these manmade images because this author, too, is just a man. But this author also knows that God only sees them as “graven images.”

This author heard one Adventist pastor teach that they can make graven images because they know to never bow down and worship these graven images. Well, excuse this author, but that is not what Christ wrote in His Second Commandment.

Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Notice the period. Christ’s Second Commandment actually comes in two parts, but the first part is the most important, because it keeps you from failing the second part later! Also, Christ uses the first part to fully explain what (and why) He desires (certain things) to be found in our hearts! These things truly guide the direction of our lives! For example:

Religious leaders must always remember that the Lamb, in Heaven, detests the LAM on earth! LAM?

LAM = Look At Me! = See what I did.

“My graven image is better than your graven image.”

And so the contest of vanities begins.

THIS . . . is “graven images.”

THIS . . . is not God!

This LAM goes way beyond our worshipping; it affects how we live our entire lives. It affects how we see and how we touch this world around us. It leads us in un-Godly directions, completely unrelated to worship. And Satan fully understands that this, by itself, stands fully against the Will of God in this earth.

THIS WORLD MUST LEARN . . . that Satan only works through baby steps: a little thing here and a smaller thing there; year, after year, after year. Each, by itself, appears harmless. This is how he remains hidden; this is why we cannot see him working right in front of us; and this is why we will never understand Satan. Because even our religious leaders are currently being fooled by Satan. And they have been fooled on many fronts! They can easily see this in all of the other denominations, but no denomination has ever had the ability to see their own errors! Since they believe they have defeated Satan, they feel they no longer have to guard against Satan.

Most of the sequence of events, described above, occurred in the post-Armstrong Worldwide Church of God, prior to Satan taking full control. (Toward the end, Mr. Armstrong’s health had been failing for some time; so for many years, he took less and less part in the daily affairs of the church which he built. For the last several years, he was merely a figurehead. This author would estimate that it took about 20 years for the changes to slowly take effect.) Through the failure of that church, this young author began to observe that ALL religious teachers have a strong, and seemingly natural, desire to incorporate their own personal vanities, beliefs, and expectations of God into their church doctrine; and then attempt to make them seem Scriptural. (This does not “mean” the Adventist church, but it certainly “includes” the Adventist church.) While this young author was being taught by Christ, he began observing the various differences between denominations. This young author often wondered, “If there is only one God, how can there be so many opposing denominations?” Christ taught this author that none of this was from Him.

In the various denominations this author has observed, everything came down to the “people.” (As opposed to the Will of God being considered first.) Certain people want gay ministers, people want to close all stores on Sunday, people are waiting for a rapture, people think the death penalty and clean meats are archaic concepts, etc., etc. (about a million times on the “et ceteras.”) This is not the way this world successfully operates! Christ did not design this world for majority-rules and minority-rights! Life was designed to be lived according to the Will of God in this earth: for that is really all we have, of His, in this world. God’s Word already perfectly addresses majority-rules and minority-rights! They are called Commandments, Laws, and ordinances. While this young author never really cared for Mr. Armstrong’s personality nor Mr. Armstrong’s strong disdain for other faiths, this author did easily recognize that Mr. Armstrong had built something quite special: unlike anything this former Catholic boy had ever seen before! But there was always something wrong in the way Mr. Armstrong placed his own church at the center of Christ’s Attention and at the center of Christ’s Universe. Just like the Catholic church did. Just like many of this author’s friends’ Baptist church did also.


Returning to this world’s Seventh Day Adventist church.

As this author stated earlier . . . all of the Adventist teachers’ personal vanities and personal expectations from God detailed above are minor issues; and of no consequence regarding any, and every, reader here living according to the Will of God in this earth. As it stands today, the Seventh Day Adventist church is probably the most capable church for teaching every person how to learn what the Will of God is, in this earth; and then, how to follow the Will of God in their lives. And quite honestly, this is all that Christ asks from us, here in this earth. While this church stands head-and-shoulders above ALL of the other 33,000 abominations/denominations, this author wonders just how long it will be before these errant Adventist religious teachers choose that same path which Satan placed in front of the Worldwide Church of God. (Setting aside all petty and harmless cosmetic cracks, this author is beginning to see one, or two, structural cracks developing in the Adventist Dam. Their current graven image of Nebuchadnezzar is a very small, yet structural, crack against Christ’s Second Commandment. To hear one of their primary radio-pastors teach that “we can make a graven image because we know we will never worship it” is one more structural crack.) Years ago, this young author watched as Satan placed Herbert W. Armstrong’s Worldwide Church of God in his crosshairs! Quite honestly, Satan made short work in that instance. Armstrong was an authoritarian who got old and sick: and as such, he made no provisions for the future of the church he built. While today’s Adventist church does not face that particular issue, Satan has about 6,000 years of experience in adapting his wiles for differing situations. This world’s finest religious teacher, wherever he/she is in this world, might only have about 60 years of experience fighting Satan. This author has multiple pages on this website, showing how Satan can magnificently modify his ways, his wiles, and his weavings into various church beliefs. And yes, societal beliefs! With, or without religion!

A further concern of this author is that Revelation clearly teaches that not one, single, Christian denomination shall be spared from the wrath of God, when the seven angels pour out His Wrath. We have a webpage here about that. It is tabbed, “GOD’S PROPHETS & ELECT.” On that page, you will learn a great deal about God’s Elect: they are God’s most beloved people anywhere on this Earth. Even they shall be required to fully pass through this world’s end-time tribulations, but Scripture also teaches that solely for His elect’s sake, God shall cut this time short. So, just who are these “elect” that God loves so very much? You will find everything on that webpage, but basically, they are virgins: in that they have never been defiled with women! And what are “women” in prophecy? Churches! Not this church and not that church. ALL CHURCHES! Not good churches and not bad churches. ALL CHURCHES! God sanctified the sacrament of marriage, so we are not talking about unmarried people here either! Also, we are not talking only about men here. This author estimates that about half of all God’s elect, shall be women. We are talking about churches here! (Ask your religious teachers to explain that verse to you. You will likely hear that all of a sudden, women do not always mean churches in prophecy. This author actually heard one pastor say, “It means all other churches, except theirs, because all other churches are the bad churches!” So do ask your religious leaders to explain this verse of Revelation 14:4, to you. Since you already know the answer, their words will teach you a GREAT DEAL about them. And remember always from Revelation 14:4, “these are they which follow the Lamb withersoever he goeth.” Meaning “even if the Lamb goeth in a different direction than their church’s teachings or doctrines goeth!”)

Hence, this author’s concern for today’s Seventh Day Adventist church: the only church, known to this author, that still teaches this world to obey the Will of God found in all Scriptures. Will they survive? The Book of Revelation, while containing many details of the end-time, is still only “general” in nature. John could not possibly write of every small detail of earthly life, today, in his book. His details are accurate because they came from Christ. His book is true because it came from Christ. All stated events WILL happen because they came from Christ’s Father, our LORD. But it is mostly “general,” in nature. So, will they survive? This author does not have the answer. The reasoning-side of this author’s brain wants to say that Revelation 14:4 teaches that the Adventist church (and all churches) shall absolutely fail Christ! Period! But the optimist-side of this author’s brain always brings this author back to the Book of Ruth: and God’s lesson found there regarding hope, determination, and mankind’s trust in God. The Book of Ruth (one of this author’s favorites) was written in Israel’s worst, and most lawless, of times: the Time of Judges! Yet Christ teaches, in His Book of Ruth, of how individual people can still do just fine in God’s Eyes: even in the worst of times. Oh, the Book of Ruth is one of Christ’s outstanding Books! It is a Book that shows us all, today, of just how we might survive the end-time Tribulation, if we just follow the Will of God in this earth. Every reader here should take careful note of the Book of Ruth! Just as Ruth and Naomi found success in times of tribulation, this Adventist church might also. The odds (and Scripture) are stacked against them though.

SIDE NOTE TO RELIGIOUS TEACHERS by jpw: The Book of Ruth clearly teaches that no matter how bad our times can get, an individual can still succeed, in God’s blessings, if they continue to keep the Will of God in their lives. The older, Naomi, was the wiser here; and the younger, Ruth, possessed enough wisdom to trust and follow the older. But can a denomination succeed as Naomi succeeded? This author believes the answer is, yes.

Can the Lutheran church (the first harlot of the great whore) return to the Will of God and escape His wrath? This author believes the answer is yes. Will the Lutheran church return to the Will of God? That is a different question.

Can the Adventist church return to the Will of God (meaning all of it)? This author believes the answer is yes. Will the Adventist church return to the Will of God? Well, they have a much shorter road to repair than the Lutheran church does.

Could this author be wrong here? Well, there is always that pesky verse of Revelation 14:4.”










It has been long understood that people have a higher motivation for achieving success once they understand the true importance of their task. This is because once they “understand” the value of their task’s importance, they increase their commitment to success. (In other words, they now have a reason to succeed; rather than merely being ordered, by their boss, to succeed. For instance, “Hey kids, we are all going to the carnival after the lawn is mowed and the car is washed.”) In this manner, this author is going to attempt to teach just WHY every person, upon this earth, would want to hurry up and place the Will of God at the center of their life. Also, this author shall teach this story as selfishly as possible! “Selfishly” meaning from you, the reader’s, perspective: because each reader truly needs to know (and wants to know), “What’s in it for them.” This author has written the words below in a few other places of this website. But this author never knows who is reading any particular webpage here. One person might come to this website on this page, and another person might come to this website on some other page: perhaps our page about guardian angels, Einstein, or Enoch. So, this author is going to repeat the short version of this story below, here on this page; because quite honestly, it now belongs on this page, more than any other. This is “God’s story” about you, the reader. No matter who you are, no matter what you believe or do not believe, no matter the name of your faith: you are about to learn “the story of you.”

This is the story that will explain exactly why you now want the Will of God to be found in your thoughts, on your lips, and in your heart. Setting aside all of the religious nonsense found on this little world, the story below will teach, “What’s in it for you!” Because in the story below, you are about to learn exactly what you will be doing in Heaven, on a day-to-day basis: IF you can somehow manage to live a life that pleases the God who created you.

(HINT: You will not just be sitting on a sofa, for millions of years, praising God whenever He passes by. Rather you will be very busy; and you will be asking God for His advice from time to time; except now, you will be asking Him face-to-face.)



Christ created this world and mankind. For a moment, let us just call Him our Parent because He made us. What do baby cows grow up to be? Adult cows. Parent cows, to be exact. What do baby people grow up to be? Adult people. But that is only half of it: the end result is that they grow up to be parents themselves, later.

Understand this now . . . Christ truly is our Parent! He made us. Through all of His Scriptures, prophets, books, Laws, Commandments, etc., Christ is trying to raise us so that we might grow up successfully. And what do we grow up to be? Well, we will be living in Heaven, so take a guess. Paul wrote that we shall someday judge even the angels, so take a guess. Look around at everything you see in LIFE, and then take a guess. Just who judges angels? Christ is raising us to be HIM someday. That is great news; that is the sole reason this world exists; and we shall document all of this below through Bible Scripture only.

But now for the bad news . . . He is not accepting the bad ones. That might make Him seem like a really bad God, but you need to understand the importance of why He put you here, in the first place: He is looking for something in you. (Your mother and father did not “put” you here; Christ put you here: and He had a reason for doing so. Christ put your mother and father here too, long ago: for the very same reason.) We are children of God: and we are expected to grow up doing infant things, then toddler things, then adolescent things, then young grown-up things after we first leave our parent’s homes. Later, or eventually, we are expected to learn to use our time here wisely and strive to become part of the “Godhead” someday. (Sorry, but that is the best descriptor this author can come up with, in this abbreviated story.) Hopefully, one day, if we can get past our Judgment Day, we will create our own planet just like our Parent did (meaning Christ). We shall create our children on that world and raise them to be good and decent people: just like Christ is doing here. We shall send down our LORD’s Commandments, Laws, and ordinances and teach our children just why those things should be of importance to them. The children who love you will follow your advice. The children who only want selfish things (which you placed on their world) will discard your advice. In fact, some of them will discard YOU.

Back to this Earth . . . if any person makes a conscious decision, TODAY, that they do not choose to be a good person here, respecting all others in this world today, then why would Christ want to present that person before His own Father, our LORD, tomorrow? Why would Christ want to lie to His beloved Father and claim that person as being a good example of Himself? Christ, and His Father, our LORD and Christ’s LORD, are looking to build, successfully, on what they have done in the past. Why would They take a person, who never really tried to be “decent and good” in their little life on this little Earth; and then give that person an entire world of their own? Why would They take a person who cheated and lied to all others (for monetary and selfish gain) and then give them a world of their own?

Christ actually taught several parables while He was here for a little while, using the body of Jesus. His typical lesson here was that if a person cannot take responsibility for a little thing, why should they then be given responsibility for a big thing? In other words, “if you can’t even handle this little life which you now hold in your hands here, what use would God have for you in His Heaven?” Sorry for the honesty, but that is how life works!

In this regard . . . the Adventists “have” God right! 99% of all Christian denominations have long since discarded both our Creator and His Father’s Will in this earth. We are all being tested here! In fact, we were put here solely to be tested! The very existence of God’s Book of Life proves that our Judgment Day is really our “Report Card Day.” WHAT? Well, it determines who, um, Continues! And each of us has our full time (from our first breath – to our last breath) to show God what we might bring to the table of His LIFE. Our entire life here, truly is “a probation.” Because we are all being tested here. The Adventists only got the slamming-door-part wrong. God has never slammed a door on any person who was still breathing! His story of the prodigal son proves that. His story of the thief on the cross proves that. His story of the Feast of Tabernacles being kept during the entire duration of His one-thousand-year rule (His coming Millennium) proves that.

Now that each reader understands just why their life is so important regarding their eternal destiny, please allow this author to “Scripturally prove” everything stated above. Hopefully, when you can see your end (meaning, hopefully, your Beautiful and Eternal end in the Kingdom of Heaven), you will learn just how important your short time here really is to you!

So, fasten your seat belt and start learning some incredible details regarding your future life, in Heaven.




The most important failure of the Christian Faith of today is that they do not understand the difference between Christ and Jesus. (This is Satan’s doing.) Christ made this world and Christ made us. Early on, He sent down all of His instructions to this world; but this world changed them, ignored them, twisted them, or just outright failed them. So, He came here as one of us! Christ left “every ounce” of His Heavenly Authority behind and came here to live EXACTLY as we do.

When Christ, our Creator . . . accepted that earthly body of Jesus, Our Creator became “one of us!” Just an ordinary person!

In this well documented event, He showed us that His Ways are not too difficult, and in the mind of this author, He showed us that His Ways are actually fairly easy and straightforward. (And yes, this really old author does have his youthful errors behind him. I understand that. And they were hard to leave, at first.) Of all the Gospel writers (and Apostles), John was the only one who went to Heaven, witnessed the day-to-day affairs in Heaven, and then came back to write His Gospel. His Gospel was written after His Book of Revelation! So of all Gospel writers, John alone, understood the difference between Christ and Jesus. John alone, saw how Christ had created this world, made a vow to His Father, came down here to live as one of us, and through His crucifixion, finally obtained His place on the Throne, next to His Father, our LORD:

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.

John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

John 1:4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

John 1:5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

John 1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

John 1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

WAIT . . . WHAT? To them, he gave power to become the sons of God! SERIOUSLY? So even John, after returning from Heaven with his Book of Revelation, understood that we are all going to follow the exact path that Christ, our Creator, showed to us?

Now back here in reality, Christ truly is raising His children (us!) to become the same as Him: one of the sons of God!

Before we get into the second biggest failure of the Christian faith, Christians MUST come to understand that our Creator designed His Old Testament to deliver His Commandments, His Laws, His Holy Feasts, and His ordinances regarding our daily lives down here. They are not “punishing” in the least. They are preserving! They preserve His Ways, and they preserve His Will! They preserve our path to Heaven, and they preserve our FUTURE as one of the sons of God, someday. Hopefully. But only if we succeed in loving, living, and fulfilling His Will in this earth:

“Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven?”

Now, the second biggest failure of the Christian faith is that they think Christ is the only son of God. (Truth be told, Christ is the ONLY son of God that this Earth WILL EVER SEE! But there are many other “sons of God” in Heaven: millions, possibly billions! But only one for us: Christ, our Creator.)

Sons of God? Wait! What?

(We shall walk very slowly through this matter and document everything by way of Scriptures.)

There is one Book in the Bible which this world is clueless as to who wrote. This author shall quote just a bit of it here. But the writer of this Scripture should be as plain as the nose on every reader’s face here! Christ, our Creator, wrote this Book. (In parts of this Book, Christ even addresses events in Heaven that took place before the foundations of this earth were laid. Clearly, no human was present before this earth was created.) Our Parent wrote, or dictated, this book to help His children (us). Some events of this Book took place before any Scripture had been delivered to this world. It is called the Book of Job. And it teaches this world a great deal about the many sons of God, up in Heaven!

Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.

Job 1:7 And the LORD said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.


Job 2:1 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.

Job 2:2 And the LORD said unto Satan, From whence comest thou? And Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.

SIDE NOTE by jpw: Christian teachers, please stop teaching that these “sons of God” are angels. Do you truly believe that God does not know the difference between an angel and His own children? Meaning Christ, our Creator? Either tell the world that you just do not understand these words or learn that our LORD God, in the Kingdom of Heaven has many sons in Heaven. But stop twisting our LORD’s Word so they might fit your “expectations” of Him.

Christ added to this lesson when He taught John about the many “mansions in Heaven,” while John was in Heaven, writing Revelation:

John 14:2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

A PLACE! JUST ONE PLACE! Christ left this world, after using the body of Jesus, and returned to His Home in Heaven. Since there are many sons of God in Heaven, there are many mansions in Heaven: for the worlds those other sons of God created! One must always remember that “Christ’s Father’s house” includes this entire universe. Christ went to prepare A PLACE for this world (us!). THAT ONE PLACE would be the New Jerusalem which comes down to this earth in Revelation:

Revelation 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

So, true to His Word, Christ did go back to Heaven and prepare ONE PLACE for us: New Jerusalem. Perhaps this author should illustrate a few facts about THAT ONE MANSION which Christ is currently preparing for us:

Revelation 21:16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

A furlong is one-eighth of a mile long. If one divides 12,000 furlongs by 8, then this New Jerusalem is 1,500 miles on all sides! And then 1,500 miles high! (It should be noted that John described it as foursquare at the base: so his words could describe a giant cube, or a foursquare giant pyramid.) Regardless, that is a mansion! And there are many other mansions in “Christ’s Father’s house.”

Christians! We are just one little planet in this incredibly enormous universe, which science is still learning about. One lesson that science has recently learned about this universe is that it is still expanding! Growing! (Possibly for more “sons of God” to be able to create their own world someday. That would be better than sitting on a sofa praising our LORD when He passes by. And doing so for billions of years! That last part sounds a little boring.) When you read Christ’s parables, in your Gospels, about a landlord sending his only son into a land (for this or that reason), please understand that Christ is one of the sons of God and Christ created this world. And His parables are True: in that Christ is the ONLY son of God that this world will ever see! Or ever kill! And we did kill Him. We actually killed our Creator! So now, please learn about Christ, in Heaven! Not Jesus on Earth, but Christ in Heaven! There is a difference!

And as you learn about Christ, in Heaven, remember that you are reading the details of your own life in Heaven, someday. For if you do well in your life here, you truly will follow in His Footsteps someday. After you permit your own children to kill you (on that world which you created), you will return to Heaven and begin building a mansion for your own children on that world which you created. But only for the good ones. Will you want to bring those who selfishly pursued the things of this world (and dismissed all of your teachings!) in front of your NEW LORD Father, Christ: who has graduated to His Father’s Throne after His death here, as Jesus? Or will you only bring the ones you are proud of? (Meaning the ones who lived the life that you taught them to live.) And yes, you too, shall hopefully find a place on God’s Throne after your own children have crucified you, on that little world which you will create someday! Never lose sight of the Path of Christ, our Creator. He taught us about this Path in His Scriptures! Learn all of His Footsteps here: because you shall truly leave the same Footsteps, someday, on your own world, which you created. (Depending on how you do down here; for these few short years you have been given here.)

Please continue:


Before Christ was permitted to create this world for His Father, our LORD (and His LORD) in Heaven, Christ made a vow to His Father. Just what was this vow? Scripture does not specify (nor is Christ’s vow any of our business), but every reader here can use their common sense and make an educated guess that Christ vowed to deliver His Father’s Scriptures to this world, vowed to teach mankind how important these Scriptures are, and possibly even vowed to die for His children on this earth, which He created. Oh, but He died for much more than our sins! And so will each reader here: if they are lucky enough to get to Heaven someday.

So please learn just a bit about the Psalms of David here. Most Christians will not appreciate this fact, but in His Qur’an, Christ taught Muhammad that He, Himself, gave the Psalms to David. Christ taught the Psalms, word for word, to David; and He did so for a reason. (Yes, this author is trying to keep “other Scriptures of God” out of this lesson: because this lesson is mostly for Christians!) Psalm 22 was written by David, but it is actually a Psalm of Christ. Psalm 22 is a prophecy of Christ’s crucifixion (taught by Christ Himself!):

Psalm 22:25 My praise shall be of thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them that fear him.

So, when every Christian reads Psalm 22, they now understand that Christ made some sort of vow to His Father, our LORD God. Actually, Christ made “vows,” meaning more than one, meaning Christ made plural vows.

SIDE NOTE by jpw: The entirety of Psalm 22 is our God of the Old Testament (meaning Christ) teaching David of His (meaning Christ’s) impending crucifixion. (Impending? Well, meaning about 1,000 years later. Christ knew what was coming, possibly way back when He made His vows to His Father.) The entire message of Psalm 22 is Christ prophesying of His own death and also giving incredible details, which no person can deny! Christ even prophesied of the Roman soldiers dividing His clothes amongst them; yet casting lots for His coat because it was woven, from top to bottom, and was without seam! In this Psalm, David merely wrote the incredible story that Christ taught him. Christ even recited (or attempted to recite) this Psalm shortly before His last breath!

Matthew 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

And what are the FIRST words of Christ’s Psalm 22, taught to David, 1,000 years earlier?

Psalm 22:1 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

To complete the understanding of Christ’s Psalms 22 through 24, please understand that Psalm 23 was probably the last fleeting thoughts of Jesus during his last few painful breaths. And then we finish with the magnificent Psalm of Christ, Psalm 24. These are most likely the first words Christ heard when He ascended back to Heaven. He had kept His vows (notice the plural “vows”) of Psalm 22:25: possibly meaning that He Created this world according to His Father’s Permission; and He taught His children (us) all of His Father’s Commandments and Laws; and when His work here was finished, He then died for our sins! (As taught in John 1:11) Those were just some of Christ’s vows to His Father, our LORD!

And upon His successful return to Heaven, where He came from, Christ graduated to the Kingdom of Heaven in Psalm 24:3 (Link opens in a new window) and became a part of our LORD. (This author cannot explain it, honestly! It is too great for this author to understand.) But notice back in verse 24:1, that it was declared (in Heaven) that Christ had successfully delivered “the earth and mankind” to His Father, our LORD. Later, in verse 10, Christ becomes the LORD of hosts (possibly because of His dying for our sins?)

Psalm 24:10 Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

Psalm 110 is another incredible Psalm of Christ, that reveals even more details about Christ, in Heaven; Christ, on Earth, and our own future one day: (The first verse is quite important, as it is a roadmap for the rest of this Psalm 110.)

Psalm 110:1 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

Note by jpw: The “LORD” here is Yahweh or more precisely, Jehovah (meaning Christ’s Father, who sits on the Throne in the Kingdom of Heaven). Strong’s H3068.”

The “Lord” here is Christ, our Creator, and King David’s God. Strong’s H113 which, when capitalized, refers to our Creator who made this Earth, or more precisely, that Lord who we all call God. (It means Christ.)

Remember, this Psalm was written by King David. His Lord, who spoke to him and taught him, was Christ, our Creator.

Psalm 110:2 The LORD shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies.

Psalm 110:3 Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning: thou hast the dew of thy youth.

Psalm 110:4 The LORD hath sworn, and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.

Note by jpw: This author has addressed Melchizedek on several webpages here: the webpage tabbed “A CASE FOR CHRIST” would have the best Scriptural documentation. Suffice it to say, here, that Christ was Melchizedek when Christ was visiting Abraham. Melchizedek is the ONLY person described, in the Bible, as being both a king and a priest. There are no such others in Hebrew history: nor in any of mankind’s history regarding our True LORD (and not false idols). Melchizedek was the King of Salem: meaning the King of Peace. Abraham gave his tithes to Melchizedek; and Abraham certainly knew what he was doing.

The next, and final three, verses of Psalm 110 describe Christ’s actions, at the end of this world: (reference Ezekiel, Matthew, and Revelation)

Psalm 110:5 The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath.

Psalm 110:6 He shall judge among the heathen, he shall fill the places with the dead bodies; he shall wound the heads over many countries.

Psalm 110:7 He shall drink of the brook in the way: therefore shall he lift up the head.

Note by jpw: This verse proves that Christ shall live on this Earth as He rules this world for 1,000 years. Indeed, He shall walk amongst us, and we shall lift up our heads to watch Him drink from an earthly creek. Christ WILL NOT rule this Earth from far away (in Heaven): as some Christian denominations currently teach of Christ returning only half-way down, so as to gather up “their” church members and then they shall ALL return to Heaven (leaving this author, and all other sinners, behind for the duration of His 1,000-year millennium.) Nonsense! Christ is not an absentee ruler! The Bible states that He shall rule this world for 1,000 years: no matter what your religious leaders teach you to the contrary!


This author stated earlier that Christ designed this world and this life, for His entire existence to be our example, both on earth and in Heaven. If we do well, it is true that we shall all follow in Christ’s footsteps. All of them! Every single footstep! (Again, this is only if we obey God and live according to the Will of God. This cannot be overstated.) How does this author know any of this? Because Christ placed this Truth of God within His Scriptures: your Christian Gospels, to be exact!


Christ explained to Nicodemus that unless a man is born again, that man cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

This author shall briefly address this world’s current mistaken beliefs regarding this issue later. (However, the Truth of God must be stated first.) Not one single person, living today, has ever been born again. Satan invented this lie (meaning a non-existent “shortcut” which allows mankind to bypass the Truths which Jesus was trying to teach to this world, and Nicodemus). Satan has never wanted mankind to learn the Truths of God’s Scriptures below; because these are the very Truths that will motivate mankind to return to the Will of God in this earth.

When Jesus used the two words “born” and “again” the first word was the Greek word “gennao.” Strong’s G1080.” It means to come out of the womb. It ONLY applies to the mammal birth process of exiting the mother’s womb. (This Greek word is not, and cannot be, symbolic of anything!) The second word was the Greek word “anothen.” Strong’s G509.” It means “again.” TWO WORDS! Remember that because you will need this shortly. So please remember, “come out of a mother’s womb” and “again.”

So, the message Jesus delivered to Nicodemus was, “unless a man comes out of a mother’s womb a second time, he can never enter the Kingdom of God.” Read the third chapter of John and see Nicodemus’ reaction. Nicodemus completely understood the words Jesus spoke to him. Today, our Christian teachers love to symbolize, spiritualize, bend, twist, and contort Jesus’ words, but they are just wrong when they tell you that you can be born again, here in this world and especially, here in their church. Jesus even states, outright, that this is a heavenly matter which Nicodemus was never going to understand (verse 12). (Also, being a purely heavenly matter, this teaches that no religious person can “simply” declare that they have been born-again, on this earth.) But Jesus is not finished here. Jesus then states that this Truth of God applies even to himself! This is quite significant!

John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

So, even Christ Himself (our Creator!), that “son of man” who came down from Heaven, could not ascend to His Father’s Heaven until He had first, come down from heaven and also come out of an earthly womb for a second time! This is exactly what the word “AGAIN” means! Oh, Christ was certainly in Heaven when He created this world, but He did not have a part in His Father’s Kingdom of Heaven yet: meaning until He returned to this world which He made, was born of the virgin Mary, and lived a complete life here, as one of us! Only then, could the Son of man ascend up to Heaven, and the Kingdom which is also there. Again, please read the first three verses of Psalm 24 to fully understand true ascension. (So, if any person tells you they have been born again, ask them what it was like to actually live in Heaven, before.)

SIDE NOTE by jpw: This would be a good time to mention one more Scripture of Christ that Christians have never understood. Actually, this is a CLASSIC EXAMPLE of how religious leaders make things “symbolic” when they fail to understand God’s Word. (It is also a classic example of how when you start to twist and bend the Word of God, you cannot stop! You must keep bending and twisting or everything you have ever taught, falls apart! Religious teachers! This is part of what this author calls Satan’s Death-Grip! Because you will never break free of your mistakes. You just can’t; because you are married to your mistakes. This old author can tell you that this hurts: it really does.) As a perfect example of today, the Adventist church currently teaches all of its members that when Christ returns to this world, He will gather up the Adventist church when He is about half-way down. After this, He, and His Adventist church shall return to Heaven, leaving all of us sinners behind for the next thousand years. There is one enormous problem here: Christ said this will never happen in John 3:13, quoted just above! To all Baptists (and many others); you teach this same mistake to your denominations! The old Worldwide Church of God did the same.

Now, in Matthew 18, Christ teaches this world an incredible lesson about His Father’s requirement for ANY PERSON to enter His Kingdom of Heaven. Not Heaven, but rather the Kingdom of Heaven!

Matthew 18:1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?

Matthew 18:2 And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them,

Matthew 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Study these three verses very closely: for there is a great lesson here regarding the complete failure of this world’s Christian teachers. Indeed, this CLASSIC EXAMPLE proves how when any faith, or denomination, “symbolizes” the Words of Christ, they “forever” lose the ability to understand His Words, on that matter! Jesus’ disciples asked him to teach them about the KINGDOM of Heaven. So, Jesus was not teaching about Heaven here: Jesus was teaching about His Father’s Kingdom. Jesus had previously taught that one must come out of a virgin’s womb, a second time, (truthfully, it was only Isaiah who taught that the second womb would be a virgin’s womb in Isaiah 7:14) before they could enter the Kingdom. Now, in Matthew 18:3, Jesus is teaching his disciples that we must also pass-through childhood again! Question: After Jesus was born by way of a virgin’s womb, did he not then pass-through childhood? This begs one further question: This begs one further question: Christ was definitely our Creator and Christ was definitely our Messiah (as Jesus); so was Christ not converted, and then sent to this world as a little child? Every Christian knows the answer to this question, regardless of their denomination!

While Christ was in Heaven, He was very busy. HERE IS THE SHORT VERSION OF CHRIST’S LIFE IN HEAVEN: Christ created this world and mankind, He constantly taught His children, He visited Abraham and blessed Abraham, He fed the children of Israel (daily) for 40 years while in the desert with Moses, etc., etc.. Christ later gave up every jot and every tittle of His Heavenly authority (even that of being our Creator!) and true to the vows He made to His Father, our LORD, Christ was then converted into being “one of us” by way of Mary. As Isaiah taught, Christ’s name, became Immanuel: meaning, “God is now with us.” Because all denominations fail to understand any of Christ’s Words here (regarding this entire matter), the only choice left to them is to “symbolize” Christ’s Words, meaning to bend the Word of God so it now fits our religious leaders’ personal vanities and personal expectations of our God. (This is what “symbolism” gets you. And this is all that “symbolism” gets you.) In these “earthly truths” and “Heavenly Truths,” one can finally see the CLASSIC FAILURE of this world’s Christian Faith: meaning all denominations.

Every Christian leader has different life-experiences, different personal vanities, and different expectations from what they think God is, or wants from us. This, EXACTLY, is how this world has created well over 33,000 Christian denominations. This, EXACTLY, explains William Miller’s dream above. And this, EXACTLY, reveals how Satan has found success within the entire Christian faith. Satan found all of his successes through our Christian leaders’ personal vanities and personal expectations of God. Jesus faced this same problem in his day.

About 99% of this Christian world currently worships many “false christs” which have been created by Satan, throughout the last 2,000 years. All of these “false christs” lead only to one thing: Satan! (Satan has always been this world’s “FALSE GOD!”) Indeed, the very existence of these 33,000 denominations prove that Satan has finally defeated God, on this earth! He truly has! One can actually “see” the beginnings of Satan’s work in the Epistles of the New Testament. The writers of the Epistles were constantly warning folks that they had departed from Christ’s teachings. This Christian world currently worships “a complete lie” which Satan hides behind. Satan is hiding behind this “false image of Christ” as he “props-it-up” in front of our Christian leaders; and in fact, all of us. And we have accepted his lies and made them beloved to us. Nearly all Christians actually believe they are worshiping Christ (on Sundays, kneeling in front of graven images, after eating a bacon-and-egg breakfast, believing that all other denominations are going to Hell.) Oh, Satan so-enjoys watching us worship that false image which he is holding up before our “unsuspecting eyes!”

Because Satan knows . . . that this Christian world now worships him! And Satan’s greatest satisfaction is knowing that Christ, and His Father, our LORD, are watching all of this happen. Every single Sunday! In front of graven images and praying to dead saints! Being taught that all others, who do not now worship “Satan’s false image of a god,” as they do, are going to Hell!


Christ is clearly attempting to teach this world that we can all follow in His footsteps! (Not the lies which Satan has placed before us: Sunday worship, graven images, unclean meats, ignoring His Holy Feasts, failing to put evil out of our societies, etc., etc., etc.) Christ is showing all of us, our future, by way of the examples and lessons which He long ago established for us. His past IS our future IF we can succeed here! We are His children, and He most certainly is raising us in a proper way: according to His Father’s Will. But quite sadly, some people choose to ignore their Creator. Hence the writing of this letter: so that some people (those who care to find their Creator) might learn just WHY it should be important to them that they obey the Will of God in their lives here. It is ok to be selfish here because no other person is going to guard your life for you. And as you slowly learn God’s Truths, you will naturally come to love Him, with no coercion (or selfishness) necessary. But this is not a weeklong, monthlong, or even yearlong event. It is a forever-path which you will come to cherish in your life after you have learned that you never tire of Christ’s Truths getting your attention. In fact, as you get older and wiser, you will ask Christ to send you more Truths that you do not yet understand. So, start down this path, rather selfishly, if you so desire. Because this old author can guarantee that your youthful selfishness, in this matter, will soon disappear: no matter your age. This old author can also promise that you will honestly wish you had started this path earlier in your life.

As stated above, sometimes it is ok to ask, “What’s in it for me?” Well, now you know that you “might just find” an eternal life in Heaven and taking care of a world which you created with your own hands. Ah, but the children on that world are now your responsibility. You know that our LORD is actually their God, but with You being their Creator in Heaven, they will call you God. And they will send their prayers to you. Your LORD will not mind; in fact, He will fully understand. Because long before you created your children on that world, Christ graduated to being your LORD (as taught in Psalm 110).

Can you now see how Christ can so easily forgive our sins? It is because He made all of the same mistakes on that little world he grew up in, several billion years ago; a world which was created by His LORD!

Can you now see how God’s universe is constantly growing? How His Heaven is constantly growing? How His Kingdom is constantly growing?

All of this is truly waiting for any person, on this earth, who can just make the simple decision that they want to follow the Will of God, here on this little earth we live in. It is that easy. It is that simple.

It is . . . exactly WHY we were all put on this little world!




There is ONE modern day issue, in this world, that can PREVENT any Christian from ever understanding God’s Truths written above: that earthly “born again” nonsense which is found in many denominations. Trust God, in that you would rather be “born again” on the world you created (as Christ demonstrated) than to be “born again” in this sinful life, on this sinful earth, and following Satan’s sinful lies!

Mankind needs to learn the full truth about our “current” Christian nonsense of being born again, here in this life! This author must add one more comment here. When Jesus used this term, he used two separate words. When Peter used this word, he used only one word! Big difference! Please learn the difference:

1 Peter 1:23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.

The Greek word that Peter’s hand wrote, above, was “anagennao.” Strong’s G313.”

Jesus used two words, gennao and anothen.” Peter used only one word anagennao.” (All links open in new windows.) What is the difference between these two words? Peter’s one word means “to change one’s mind” or to be “born again, in our thoughts (or feelings), so as to change one’s life.” In Strong’s definition of Peter’s word, the womb is missing. It is a mental “renewal of spirit” and yes, we should all do that. But in Jesus’ two words, (which reveal our LORD’s prerequisites for entry into His Kingdom of Heaven), the womb is absolutely required to be present: meaning to “come out of a womb.” And the second time (meaning “again”) is also required. BIG DIFFERENCE! If any Christian can be honest with their self, they will read 1 Peter 1 and fully understand that Peter is talking about Christians “purifying their souls.”

Christ, on the other hand, is teaching about our someday following His footsteps: step-for-step, womb-for-womb, event-by-event; and in Heaven mostly, with a little time spent on earth. He stated that EVEN HE could not enter His Father’s Kingdom of Heaven UNTIL EVEN HE had come out of a womb, a second time. (And this can only mean that, perhaps a billion years ago, Christ lived a humanly life on a different planet, with his parents, siblings, wife, and children. This could possibly explain how He understands our daily sins here so well.) Just like Christ, who is our example, all of this is a part of our future also: if we are fortunate enough to be judged worthy, on Christ’s Judgment Day. Christ is showing us our future! Christ is showing us the day-to-day affairs of our life in Heaven someday: meaning our next billion, or so, years. And Christ is showing us much more, as a matter of fact. In Psalms 24 and 110, detailed above, Christ showed us that because of His works upon this earth, He finally became, somehow, the LORD! Read the words. This author cannot explain it any further because this author does not understand it any further than Christ’s words. But through His death for our sins, Christ was elevated up to the level of LORD in the Kingdom of Heaven!

That, too, is in our future: if we can, TODAY, learn to live according to the Will of God on this little speck of God’s universe that we call Earth.

But here comes the harsh reality! When you, the reader here, make your own little world someday, will you die for your children’s sins there? Will you go back and live with them for 30, or so, years and become one of them? Will you allow them to hate you and then kill you?

But now comes the extra harsh reality! When you finally reach the Kingdom of Heaven, as our Christ has accomplished, will you be able to watch your own children go back to the worlds which they created and watch them be hated and killed? (Could you watch people kill your own earthly children, next week? This author could not! Clearly, we all have a lot of growing up to do, even after we reach Heaven.) How can a Parent watch their own perfect Child be crucified on a cross? (Psalm 110:1 teaches how Christ’s Father, our LORD felt about the matter.)

A horrible torture the night before, completely ridiculed in the morning, and then hung on a cross, hanging by their nailed hands to the point where they cannot even bring air into their lungs! So, they must painfully push up with their “nailed feet” so their lungs can expand to catch a breath. And this cycle goes on, and on, for three hours as you sit in Heaven and watch your own child be killed by sinners who your son created! (This author has a sneaking suspicion that after Jesus died, it was His Father, our LORD God in the Kingdom of Heaven, who tore that veil of the temple into two pieces! Out of anger. It could not have been Christ! Christ truly spent three days and three nights in the belly of this world! It had to be His Father!)


As shown above, Christ finally obtained His place in the Kingdom of Heaven sometime after He died here using the body of Jesus. The Psalms teach that He was given a throne, next to His Father’s. Yet He clearly stated that no man may enter the Kingdom of Heaven until they have first been born again, from a womb: not even Him! So, how do we all know, today, that we too can actually reach the Kingdom of Heaven some day? Maybe we just go to Heaven while Christ, and His Father, are in the Kingdom of Heaven. We will, at least, be in Heaven! That should be good enough, right?

But no, that is not how our LORD designed life. This author is convinced that Christ shall always be our Father and also our eternal example through Life. Just as the Throne became His (in Psalm 110:1 and Psalm 24:3 – 10), the Throne shall become ours (in Matthew, below) hopefully, someday, if we are lucky, and if we get things right here-and-now. In His Beatitudes of Matthew, chapter 5, Christ clearly taught that at least some of us are going to find our way into the Kingdom of Heaven:

Matthew 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 5:10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

But not all of us:

Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Here is Christ’s guideline for deciding:

Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

God’s Truths, placed throughout this world, will never be dependent upon what church you go to, what you believe about God, or what place you attain in society. You will not find any of this in Christ’s Words, above! Christ’s Truths, spoken above, only describe those who made some sort of effort to follow the Will of God here on this Earth. If a child with Downs Syndrome (described in Matthew 5:3 above) can make it all the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, then what is holding you, the reader here, back? That sounds like an easy question; yet it could be the most difficult question you have ever faced in your life!

So, let God’s Truth, below, sweeten the pot here, just a little bit.






To understand the Kingdom of Heaven, one must understand what any “kingdom” is, in the first place. Not every person who lives in England has a part, nor a place, in the Kingdom of England. The Kingdom of England is made up of places, not people. There are kings, queens, dukes, duchesses, princes, and princesses, etc. The names might change, as folks come and go, but the places are always there. So not every person who gets to Heaven will have a place in the Kingdom of Heaven.

You have already learned how Christ achieved His place in His Father’s Kingdom of Heaven: it came after He fulfilled His vows (notice the multiple “vows” made to His LORD) of Psalm 22:25. The actual Heavenly Ceremony occurred in Psalm 24.

Now, this will be an extremely difficult Truth of Christ for all Christians to accept solely due to the mistakes they have been taught for all of their lives. We shall walk very slowly through this Truth of God; we shall ONLY use the words of Christ found in His Bible; and we shall use a LOT of Christ’s Scriptures from the Bible.

When Christ created this universe, and created this world and Adam and Eve, Christ did not yet have a place in the Kingdom of Heaven. He said so in John 3:13. (Only after Christ came down, as Jesus, and then died, did He ascend back up to heaven, where He came from. Only then, did He obtain His place in the Kingdom: see Psalm 24 and Psalm 110.)

John 3:13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which IS IN HEAVEN.

This statement of Christ says a lot! It says He was in Heaven when He made the world, but He had not ascended up to Heaven. (It is entirely possible that for one to enter our LORD’s Kingdom of Heaven, one must ascend “from that world” which they created! However, while Christ did not specify this, His Scriptures below “strongly indicate” that this is a Truth of God.) Psalm 24 is only about Christ’s return to Heaven, after His ascension from this world which He created: thereby receiving His Place upon His Father’s Throne.

Psalm 24:3 Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in his holy place?

(This Psalm was describing only Christ!)

We find this very Truth described again in Psalm 110:

Psalm 110:1 The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.

So, please understand that in all of Revelation, no person ever goes to Heaven. (This will be most difficult for all Christians because it rebukes all of the mistakes that they have forever been taught by their churches. So, we shall keep walking slowly here. Always place the Word of God before “anything” your church might have taught you. There is a reason that this world currently has over 33,000 Christian denominations: meaning disagreements!) In Revelation, Christ comes down from Heaven and rules this world for 1,000 years. At the end of this Millennium, a new Earth and a new Heaven descend down from Heaven.

Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

Revelation 21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

(Please keep in mind, that in those old days, they considered the sky, the stars, and the moon to be “the heavens,” or actually, “one of the heavens.” So there is no telling exactly what John saw. This author promised to try not to quote any of the Qur’an to Christian readers here, who are trying to understand Christian verses; so, this author will try to not mention how the Qur’an teaches that the new sky of this new heaven, which now “incorporates” our new earth, shall be crimson in color.)

Regardless of the actual heaven that John saw coming down, the rest of his words are crystal clear. We do not go to Heaven; rather, Heaven comes down to us! We stay here (apparently, for some appointed time), but yes, we will now be in Heaven! (We will just not have a place in the Kingdom yet.) Revelation clearly teaches this and John 3:13 strongly indicates this. Psalms 24 and 110 also teach this. Again, this will be very hard for Christians, but we truly will be in Heaven: because Heaven is growing! Revelation 21:1 teaches that Heaven shall one day incorporate this Earth!

A helpful side note by jpw: One must always remember what the word “heaven” meant to our ancestors, who wrote Christ’s Scriptures for us. The first heaven was our atmosphere: meaning the air that we breathe. In Revelation 21, our atmosphere and this old earth will be “passed away” by God. Then a new atmosphere and a new earth somehow takes its place here. (John does not specify how this happens: we can only accept his stated fact.) The new Jerusalem, described above, shall immediately COME DOWN from God, out of His Heaven: meaning that new Jerusalem which was “prepared for us.” What? Prepared? Well, this would be that mansion which Christ said He was going to build for us after He returned to Heaven. (Meaning when He obtained His Place in our LORD’s Kingdom of Heaven.)

IN NO SCRIPTURE . . . found anywhere upon this earth, will you find people ascending, or “going up,” to Heaven. This event is just not there! The Adventist church likes to use Chapter 20 of Revelation to prove that their church is going up to heaven, with Christ. Read this chapter yourself: it will take about one minute. The words are just not there. Read this chapter carefully. The first verse clearly indicates that John was back on this earth when he witnessed the events of this entire chapter! There is not even a hint of John returning to Heaven for any of these described events. There is not even a hint of any person going up to Heaven, anywhere in this chapter! In verse 2, the angel was clearly “on this earth” when he laid hold on Satan and bound him a thousand years. Throughout this chapter, there is no indication that even one single event of Revelation 20 takes place in Heaven! This would include Christ ruling this world for “the thousand years” of Revelation 20:3. This twentieth Chapter of Revelation basically proves that Judgment Day shall take place right here, on this “new” Earth. In this chapter, it is quite obvious that Heaven, indeed, does come down to this world.

Regarding “certain people” being found in Heaven in Christ’s Scriptures: yes, our LORD makes all of the rules. Yes, there have been a few exceptions in mankind’s history. Christ’s Father, who is our LORD, has every right to do as He pleases. Perhaps Christ, and our LORD, have a purpose for some of mankind being in Heaven. We just do not understand, but we must accept their Wisdom. It is fairly clear, in Scripture, that Enoch, Abraham, Elijah, and Moses were brought to Heaven after they died. Using the definition of the Greek word for the “four and twenty Elders” of Revelation, these can only be of “mankind” also; or that particular word (presbyteros, or Strong’s G4245) would not have been permitted by Christ, in His Scriptures. Evidently, Christ and His Father, truly have made a few exceptions in allowing some of mankind into Heaven, before Judgment Day. This is their business: we can only assume that they brought the best-of-the-best to Heaven for their own reasons. And that is just fine with this pathetic author.

So . . . back to reality now. Try to find one Scripture that shows any significant portion of mankind’s population (or even your denomination) ascending up to Heaven! This could include your body, your spirit, or both. The words are not there, my friend. Yes, this is hard because you have been taught this lie for your entire life. But it is not really that hard once you understand that Revelation has an entire chapter teaching that Heaven is going to come down to Earth: according to God’s Appointment! This includes that enormous New Jerusalem (where we will be living) which contains the Throne of Christ, who has now become our LORD.

A great city! 1,500 miles wide, by 1,500 miles long, and 1,500 miles high! A great city indeed! In Heaven! (Because Heaven now includes Earth! Heaven is growing!) There really should be nothing hard about this for any Christian. (Quite honestly, there are some denominations that say John measured the city’s perimeter to be 1,500 miles: meaning 375 miles on all sides. But this author assumes that when a city is described as being foursquare, only one side needs to be measured to calculate the true size. And in the end, this author could care less about any of John’s measurements, because Christ knows what He is doing. This author is completely satisfied placing his eternal existence in the hands of Christ.)

My dearest friends, the fact that this world possesses well over 33,000 Christian denominations should demonstrate one very important earthly truth to you: that they are all wrong! Every single one of them! Quite sadly, there is also a very important earthly lie that they wish you might believe: that only they are right, and all of the others are wrong!

But, and this is important, there are truly a few (besides the Adventist church, mentioned above) that WILL NOT PREVENT YOU from keeping the Will of God in your life! This author cannot stress the importance of this earthly truth enough. Nearly all other churches work hard to prevent you from keeping the Will of God in your life. This author only places his estimate of these bad churches at 99%. It could be higher. One percent of 33,000 equals 330 denominations. This old author has only found a handful: perhaps 5 or 6. There could be another 5 or 6 this author is not aware of.


Now that you understand that once we finally find ourselves in Heaven, and that our LORD has prerequisites (and vows) waiting for us to pass-through (and fulfill) in order to become part of His Kingdom of Heaven, this world can finally understand WHY we will be keeping our earthly seven Holy Feasts of Christ’s, even as He rules this world for 1,000 years. Nearly every Christian faith, known to this author, has always taught that Jesus was our Passover, so we no longer need to keep that Holy Feast! (The old Worldwide Church of God truly did keep all of Christ’s Feasts! Well, until their leaders utterly failed Christ.) BUT! And this is important! Did Christ ever teach this world that we no longer need to keep His Passover? Or His Feast of Tabernacles? (Need this author, once again, remind each reader of Zechariah 14:16?) The answer is quite obvious. The reason we need to keep the Passover (and all of the Seven Holy Feasts) is that the “next Passover” shall be OURS! It will be YOU! It will be YOU, the reader here, up on that cross, on Passover: dying for the sins of the children you created! If you have any hope, of ever reaching the Kingdom of God, the next Passover will be yours! Christ was, and is, your example in life. Every person on this earth should earnestly desire to follow His example!

It will be YOU, the reader here, who is born (from a womb, again) in a manger on the first day of Tabernacles, in the Fall! If you have any hope, of ever reaching the Kingdom of God, the next “temporary domicile” or “tabernacle” will be yours! Because you shall be living with your own created children, disguised as one of them. Their Immanuel: meaning “our God is with us!”

While every Christian denomination tries to dismiss all of Christ’s Holy Feasts (which He commanded to be kept FOREVER!), Christ fully understands that those Holy Feasts are now more important to our future . . . than ever before!

My friend, when Christ delivered His seven Holy Feasts to Moses, He commanded that they were to be kept forever. Christ did not use the words, “until Messiah comes.” Oh, but He could have! (Do not sell our Creator short; and do not underestimate our Creator by thinking that you know more than He does. About anything! William Miller taught this very lesson!) Our Creator certainly knew the words! But no! Christ said FOREVER! Sometimes He used the words, “Throughout your generations!” Same thing! If your religious teachers fail to teach you this incredible Truth of God, then you have now learned “something” about your religious teachers. Right? Never stop learning; and never stop doing something about what you learn in this world. For this is just one more trait that Christ is observing in every person.

Adventists! That same God who created the “seventh day” Sabbath; and that same God who you know is “coming a second time;” is that same God who commanded that His Holy Feasts are to be kept FOREVER! And THROUGHOUT YOUR GENERATIONS! We are not free to pick-and-choose which of His commands we approve of!


My dearest friends . . . of any or no faith, and of any or no belief: know that this world is our “proving ground.” Christ, and His Father are determining who they shall grant their “Eternity” to when Judgment Day arrives. Together, they are looking for “new” Christs to take “our Christ’s” place on other worlds that our LORD wishes to create! When Christ ever graduates to our LORD’s Throne, He then becomes our LORD: and those of us who are living in Heaven shall become His Christ’s for the worlds which we shall create somewhere in this universe. This is how God grows! (This incredible universe is continually expanding! And our LORD needs good “children” to create, teach, and rule those future worlds! This is the sort of people that Christ, and our LORD are looking for, down here on this earth.) In their minds, if a person cannot handle their own small life adequately here, then they are not capable of creating, teaching, raising, and judging a new crop of “future Christs,” for our LORD. This is what Judgment Day is all about! Judgment Day has nothing to do with religion. Christ and His Father are looking for new recruits and the reward they offer is both: an eternal life and a very busy (and productive!) life in Heaven. The rest will not burn in hell forever: our LORD is not cruel. Scripture teaches that when God is finished punishing those who wasted their lives (meaning punished for a short while), then their “hell” shall be cast into the burning lake and even “hell” shall be destroyed forever: on this earth.


All of this . . . is the decision you truly face every morning that you lift your head from that pillow. It is not a one-time decision, rather a life-long decision that you finally decided to make in your life.

All of this . . . is what you have waiting for you if you only turn to God, love God, and show Him your love by obeying His Word. No matter how any person looks at it, the Truth of God is that His Word only directs us to the Will of His Father, our LORD.

“Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven?”







So . . . what is a person to do?

My dearest friend, we were all put here to make choices in our lives. And that only means one thing! We were all put here to make mistakes in our lives. Indeed, this is exactly what Christ spends His time patiently observing in us, so as to determine if we might be of use to Him in Heaven. It does not matter if we are Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Confucian, or a native tribe of ANY LAND, because Christ created them all. If you search back in history, this list will also include the Forest Dwellers, the people of Ad, the Sabeans, the Thamud, and yes, the very ancient Egyptians and many more. Clearly, our choices in life would vastly improve if we were to learn what our Creator has been trying to teach us through His prophets: but in that same breath, never deny an Aborigine of their place next to Christ, because Christ created that Aborigine. (The same goes for a farmer in far-western China, a young mother in the Philippines, or a native tribesman of Brazil.) THIS, is the one Truth of God that will get any Christian past their religious leaders’ personal vanities. THIS, is the one Truth of God that will expose Satan’s deeds within our Christian teachers’ false beliefs.

This author could be wrong, but this author firmly believes that no Christian will ever understand the full depth of Christ’s Truths which have been placed in His Scriptures. The sole reason for this failure is that Christians always place their particular faith at the center of Christ’s Attention (or universe), at the center of Christ’s Scriptures, and at the center of Christ’s blessings. (You can thank Satan for presenting this lie to your churches’ forefathers, long ago.)

Christians have been taught about Jesus-this and Jesus-that. They have never, once, been taught about Christ: who created this world and created all of mankind, here in this world. Christ created the Chinese, the people of India, the Filipinos, the native tribes of South America, the native tribes of Africa, etc. But all Christians talk about is Jesus, Jesus, and finally, Jesus. “Believe in Jesus or you are going to hell.” Hello Christians! Jesus only lived for thirty-something years! There is a much larger story here! Our Creator, who goes by the name of Christ (but only here on this western side of the world) is an ETERNAL BEING. That Jesus-fellow was born, grew up, and died. And then that Jesus-fellow went back to being that Christ, our Creator, who this world knows nothing about!

Christians! Do you truly believe that Christ created this entire world and all of the various peoples upon this world, only to take His beloved Christians to Heaven? Thereby relegating ALL of His other children TO HELL? His own children, who He loves dearly?

This is one of the main reasons why Christian teachers must bend, twist, contort, and symbolize all of the Scriptures which they fail to understand. While God’s Truths are staring them right in the face, they have placed blinders over their earthly religious eyes: hence their lies, vanities, and personal expectations of God have become their only available teaching option. (When you can’t teach Christ’s Full Truth, all you have left to draw from is your own life’s vanities, personal expectations and of course, Satan’s lies which he cleverly teaches to our religious leaders, past and present!)

This failure regarding Christ’s FULL Truth of this Earth is the sole reason of every Christian leader’s wrongly placing “Christianity” at the center of Christ’s universe.

Side Note by jpw: A perfect example of today’s Christian teachers being stiff-necked (exactly as Jesus faced in his day) is when Christian leaders of today preach the words, “No person can find heaven but by way of Jesus. Well, that is not exactly right! Please find the real Truth of God in Christ’s Word below:

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

The failure of all Christianity is that not one Christian leader understands that their “little Jesus” was really our Eternal Christ: who created this entire world! And He created a whole lot more here than just this “self-centered Christianity” realm: meaning the Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Confucionists, the Hindu, and all native tribes scattered throughout His world. Not the Christian world, but Christ, our Creator’s world! So to all Christians, of any denomination, please rest assured that on Judgment Day, there will be a great many of these other folks entering Heaven, right next to you! But they will not be calling Him by the name of Jesus. They will be calling Him CHRIST, our Creator! (Or whatever name they use for Him.) Christians truly need to get past that silly name of Jesus! Because it was CHRIST, our Creator, who was actually teaching us in those few years that Jesus walked this Earth!

This author sincerely apologizes for digressing. Please continue.

Christ taught His Disciples to “feed my sheep.” Christ never instructed them to “chew our food” or to “digest our food” for us! Just feed Christ’s sheep! That is all. Our religious teachers are to always remind us of what God says in His Scriptures. A Christian teacher is NOT SUPPOSED to tell us how to live our lives: such as being vegetarians, avoiding liquor, stop smoking, stop listening to ‘rock and roll,’ no dancing, etc., etc. The problem with today’s religious teachers is that they think they are supposed to “lead us” to God. NO! Christ told them to “feed us” God’s Scriptures and God’s Will; and leave each person’s final decision up to that person. Hence, God’s design for His Judgment Day! God’s Truth of this world is that He does not want any person “led to Him.” He does not want any person “pushed to Him.” He also does not want any person who was “dragged to Him.” Christ wants each person to be taught His Words and after this, Christ wants to see for Himself, what each person does with His Words, Commands, and Truths! This is the sole purpose of this planet being created. Christian leaders! Can you understand those words? Stop leading and stop dragging. “Just feed!” And let Christ “just watch.” Christ is the Judge and He is not asking for your help in judging: just feed His Sheep His Word (meaning His Commandments, Laws, Feasts, and ordinances) and allow Him to then observe mankind’s choices after they have been fed His Word and His Truths! Some folks digest Truths slower than others. Trust Christ, in His Perfect Patience, and just keep feeding.

In the ancient days, the Levites (priests) were the “keepers of God’s Scriptures.” They would read portions of their Scrolls (Scriptures) on the Sabbath day. In today’s world, we all have complete access to God’s Scriptures, unlike in the ancient days. However, in today’s world, our religious teachers have gone to school to study God’s Scriptures, so they should be our best teachers. Teachers of what? God’s Scriptures! (Just like in the ancient days. Remember always: Malachi 3:6!) And that is all. No adjustments are necessary; Christ does not permit adjustments.

Early on, the Levites actually did a pretty good job, according to Christ’s instructions to Moses. It was only “after time,” as described in William Miller’s Dream, that the Levites later began cooking Christ’s Food before they fed His sheep. They boiled it, baked it, seasoned it, diluted it, added laws to it, etc., etc. By the time Jesus arrived, the Jewish teachers were trying to be God’s “Life Coaches” on this earth. (They spent more time, and effort, telling people how to live their lives than they did feeding God’s sheep: just like many religious teachers of today. Always remember William Miller’s Dream!) It got so bad that a decent person could no longer “differentiate” between the original Laws and ordinances that Christ delivered to Moses and what the Jewish leaders were currently teaching. This is why Jesus told his disciples that he came “to save that which was lost.” (Well, this VERY SAME SITUATION exists today, with our 33,000 Christian denominations/abominations! So again, always remember William Miller’s Dream!) And quite honestly, that is why Christ will return to this world, again: “to save that which has been lost again, today.”

God’s Design for this world is that every one of His children (us) “knows” what He desires from them. God’s Design for this world is that every one of His children can “find” both His Scriptures and His Will here upon this earth: should they so desire. And that is all. After they have received Christ’s Food, each person can cook it and digest it according to their own abilities! And that is all. (Even a simple person with Down’s Syndrome: described in Christ’s Beatitudes as “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.”) God’s Design, from Heaven’s side of this, is that He will then observe every person so that He might be able to choose who can help Him with His appointed tasks waiting for us in Heaven.

TO ALL RELIGIOUS TEACHERS! Just feed Christ’s sheep. Do not try to “drag” them to Heaven. Do not try to “push” them to Heaven. Do not try to “entice” them to Heaven. Do not try to teach them what Christ was “really trying to say.” Your efforts to drag, push, entice, and “soil” God’s Perfect Word are only detracting from your assigned duty to merely FEED. The Truth of God, in this earth, is that every single person shall find Heaven, on their own! And this is entirely by Christ’s Design. If you choose to improve on Christ’s Plan, you are now working against the Will of God “in earth, as it is in Heaven.” (Matthew 6:10). And you are “unknowingly” working for Satan; and you are making Satan about 33,000 times stronger than Christ desires him to be.

TO ALL RELIGIOUS TEACHERS! Learn from the lessons that Jesus taught about the religious leaders of his day! Failures: all of them! Because they spent more time cooking and soiling their Creator’s food than they did feeding their Creator’s sheep. Never mind the “name” of their faith! Just learn from their failures!


Christ never told our religious teachers to “prepare” His food for us. Christ never told our religious teachers to “expand upon” nor clarify His Food (meaning Scripture). They are to just serve what He has already delivered to this world: meaning to just feed His Scriptures to His sheep! This is “supposed to be” as simple as a shepherd sticking a pitchfork into a pile of “God’s Hay” and then tossing it over the fence. Simple. But here, today, we find 33,000 ways of slicing, dicing, salting, peppering, seasoning, diluting, boiling, baking, grilling, smoking, mashing, and chopping OUR LORD’s SCRIPTURES (MEANING HIS FOOD)! 33,000 cooks in God’s Kitchen: and none of them were invited in! Yet, in this world, we find every one of them “adding their own touch” to God’s Hay: just before they toss it over the fence, to you! Do you remember William Miller’s dream from earlier in this letter? Well, you now understand William Miller’s dream to perfection! And please understand that it was not just a Christian dream. It describes every religion that ever existed: going all the way back to the ancient Hindu faith: as it was “originally delivered to this world,” by Christ, our Creator. Any time you hear a religious teacher using the words, “This is what Christ really meant,” or “This is symbolic of . . . ,” you are now literally watching the “Jewels of William Miller’s Dream” being soiled and counterfeited.

So, if any person decides that a churchly life is the right one for them (for the benefit of being surrounded by like-minded friends, having a Scriptural expert there to ask questions, and for just the sense of belonging to a group who helps each other when one of them is down), you now know what to look for in that church which you finally select. Quite honestly, there is a lot to be said for those words, in italics, that you just read! Most people have more diamonds than they have “true friends.” This would include those just described in the italics above! Solomon taught this:

Ecclesiastes 4:12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

Every church you might possibly find, in this earth, is going to cook God’s Food to some extent: that is just an inherent trait of mankind; and therefore, mankind’s teachers. But, as detailed throughout this letter, 99% of those churches are actually going to “stand in your way” and prevent you from achieving your goal of finding your Creator, His Father’s Will, and learning what they both desire from you. Do you remember the purpose of this long letter?

“Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven?”

Well, this author has observed that the Seventh Day Adventist church does honor Christ’s Word above: and they do so quite well. Oh, they will cook your food, just a bit. But, unlike the other 99% of Christian denominations, they will not “stand in your way” nor prevent you from finding and obeying your LORD! This is critical!

In complete honesty, regarding the Adventist church described above, this author’s letter addresses their worst transgressions against “this author’s perceived knowledge of the Word of God.” This author’s opinion is just that: one opinion. However, if you go back and re-read this author’s words, you will find that their “supposed offenses” are quite minor (compared to nearly all other denominations) and have no effect regarding every person’s pursuit of finding the Will of God in this earth.

There are others . . . just like the Adventists! Smaller churches that magnificently serve their local area. This author has found a few that are actually better (because they cook God’s food less). This author has found a few that still keep all of Christ’s Holy Feasts. But not many; and they are small, and local, churches. But now, each reader knows exactly what they are looking for! And each reader fully understands how to run away from the wrongful 99% of them.

Since Christ has a lot of work waiting for us in Heaven and since Christ has taught us what He expects from us, now would be a very good time to remind every reader that Christ has also taught us the “WHY” part of His Truths. (Not this author’s words, but Christ’s Word below.) Christ is not hiding anything from us; and regarding those consequences He has taught us, remember that we are unable to hide anything from Him:

Luke 16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

Luke 16:11 If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?

Luke 16:12 And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?

(Note by jpw: this verse 12 is another indication that we shall one day create our own world and our children upon it. But only if we succeed during our short little lives down here! No matter how old you are here, you are still an infant to our LORD in Heaven: and what He has waiting for you in Heaven. That is where the forever riches are found.)

But . . . and this is important! (This cannot be overstated!) There are churches (about 99% of all Christian denominations!) that lead you down the path of NOT FOLLOWING THE WILL OF GOD! In fact, they are doing everything they possibly can to PREVENT YOU FROM FOLLOWING THE WILL OF GOD! We went through all of this above, but this author is going to be very blunt here, in this conclusion.

If you go to a church that has graven images inside of it, your church has failed Christ’s Second Commandment and is leading you AWAY from the Will of God.

If you go to a church that gathers for Sunday worship, your church has failed Christ’s Fourth Commandment and is leading you AWAY from the Will of God.

If you go to a church that has any sort of altar, your church has failed Christ’s ordinance, regarding no earthly tool ever touching an altar; and has also failed Christ’s Second Commandment because that altar has been tooled into being a graven image. This church is leading you AWAY from the Will of God.

If you go to a church that teaches of Christ’s seven Holy Feasts no longer being necessary, then this church is leading you AWAY from the Will of God. (Sorry Adventists, but this is one of your failings. Nowhere, in Scripture, was Paul granted the authority to nullify any prior Scriptures. Yes, Paul correctly taught that Jesus was our Passover, but Paul never taught that Jesus was the end of our LORD’s Passover story. And Paul never, but ever, taught that Jesus was the end of our LORD’s Passover LESSON to this world! Please notice the difference between those last two sentences.) When Christ uses the word, “forever,” He knows what He is saying. And regarding Moses, Christ never used the words, “until Messiah comes.” Oh, He could have: Christ certainly knew the words! (Reference His words below.)

Regarding Passover:

Leviticus 23:14 . . . it shall be a statute for ever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.

Regarding the Feast of Tabernacles:

Leviticus 23:41 And ye shall keep it a feast unto the LORD seven days in the year. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month.

Regarding the Feast of Unleavened Bread:

Exodus 12:17 And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened bread; for in this selfsame day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt: therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an ordinance for ever.

Christians . . . did you find the words of, “until Messiah comes” anywhere above? No, you did not! It was Christ, our Messiah, who spoke these words to Moses! Every Christian denomination needs to learn this lesson.

This last mistake of openly rejecting ALL of Christ’s seven Holy Feasts (and fasts!) brings this author’s estimate of failed denominations to about 99.9% of the Christian Faith. Meaning that in this one way, they have rejected Christ’s command to keep them forever. And they have typically replaced them with pagan celebrations such as Christmas, Good Friday, Easter, and others: according to the designs of Satan.

The fortunate part of this mistake is that every person is able to keep Christ’s Feasts in their own home.


Every person, reading this webpage, would do better by never going to a church, than to choose the wrong church! Abraham never went to church and is the only person ever described, in God’s Scriptures, as being a Friend of God. Christ has designed His Scriptures so that any, and every, person can come to Him: if they merely learn and then follow His Father’s Will!




Every person, reading this webpage, would also do well to remember that in Christ’s Bible, some of the finest people, who ever lived, went to church. Elijah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, King David, John the Baptist, and even Jesus, Himself: they all went to church. The twelve Apostles too!

Remembering this . . . please understand (possibly for the first time!) that no church, nor any pastor of any faith, can bring (or deliver) you to Heaven. Abraham had none of these and was the only person ever called, the Friend of God. Every person must, in their quiet times, consider their deeds in life; and compare these deeds to the Will of God which they have learned. (There has always been a controversy between “deeds and faith.” Well, the truth of the matter is: on earth, the deeds prove our faith; and in heaven, the faith proves our deeds. To God, they go hand-in-hand and cannot be separated.) All of this means that no pastor, nor any teacher, can deliver you to Heaven. But they sure can help YOU deliver yourself, and your family, to Heaven: by way of both! They are your library of knowledge! Given this! Given this! Require that THEY first understand, teach, and live according to the Will of God in this earth, THEMSELVES!

“Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven?”

Hopefully, every reader here now understands what God’s Will is; how and where to find God’s Will; and why it is so, so important for every single person upon this earth to follow the Will of God. Preachers! This is how one feeds Christ’s sheep. The sheep then return to the field to digest that food, on their own. And they return to living their own lives and making their own decisions, while chewing on God’s Food: and not just a meal you prepared for them.


My dearest friends . . . of great faith and of no faith . . . of any religion and of any denomination; Christ created this world for mankind to have “free will.” The choices below are entirely yours to make.

Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matthew 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Forget all religions, forget all faiths, and forget all denominations. Because your decision is singular, and quite easy. Also, it cannot be overstated:

“Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven!”





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I freely place the material found on this webpage in the public domain. Any person may reproduce, copy, and distribute the material found on this webpage “at will.” This author does humbly request that you do not use the information here until you actually “own” it (within your heart). Then, teach it as if you “created” it: giving this author no credit, please. And give this website no credit. Make the material yours and then teach it like it is yours! For this is the best way to teach anything. Our time remaining is incredibly short now.



Christ, our Creator, speaking in Matthew 13:52:

Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old.