This author briefly mentioned an incredible lesson regarding draft horses on another webpage here.  But the scope and length of that letter did not permit going into great detail.  This is quite an important lesson for mankind to learn:  especially in these very special times of today.  Please read, just a bit, about draft horses at the link below:  so that later, you will fully understand God’s Draft Horses which He has placed upon this Earth.


Draft horses are massive and powerful animals bred to plow the soil.  A good draft horse can pull a load of about 8,000 pounds.  One would think that two draft horses should pull about 16,000 pounds.  However, this is not what happens when you harness them together; and you will find this fascinating story Here.  (All links open in a new window on this website.)

Only the first four paragraphs are significant there.  It will take about two minutes of your reading time:  until your mind forces you to go back and read these amazing numbers once, or twice more!  Know now that the truths revealed in that article can be of immense value to mankind, everywhere.

The lesson there is that if you combine two draft horses, they can pull three times as much as either can pull, alone.  And if these two draft horses are trained to work together, they can pull four times as much as either can pull, alone.  Just think of how powerful these animals are, and what they can accomplish if you were to combine four of them!

Well, we are about to do just that.



So, here are the incredible details regarding God’s Plow Horses which He has placed upon this Earth for any person to learn and then place within their lives.

Please understand that Satan is a “created” creature:  Satan has not existed forever.  When God created Satan and all other angels, God placed certain restrictions and/or limitations upon them.  (This can be found in Daniel 10:13 and all through the Book of Job.)  And believe it, or not, one of these restrictions is actually Satan’s Achilles’ heel.  That Achilles’ heel is, truly, God’s Plow Horses:  which Satan cannot defeat.  This lesson was best taught by Jesus in His dealings with Satan on that fabled mountaintop after fasting:  indeed, it was taught five-times in Matthew 4:4 – 11.  Notice that Jesus never denied that Satan possessed the ability (and a God-given authority!) to fulfill the promises that he offered to Jesus on that mountaintop.  But notice also, and this is important, that Satan demonstrated that he cannot change anything that God has Written!  Satan is bound by (and powerless against) all that God, our Father in Heaven, has Written!  This is just one limitation (or restriction) that our LORD has placed upon Satan:  there are others.

How does any of this apply to God, and each reader here?  Well, please take just one minute of your time so you might actually SEE what a draft horse is capable of by clicking Here.  In that short video, please understand that the weeds are Satan’s lies that have taken root in our lives!  And God’s Draft Horses shall do nearly all of the work for you.  We shall go into much greater detail later in this letter.  Indeed, these Draft Horses, of God’s, are the sole purpose of this letter.

God has truly placed His own Draft Horses here on His Earth for mankind to learn how to work with:  and then follow, while working with that plow.

As we shall demonstrate below, God’s Draft Horses shall do all of the work:  if you learn how to let them do so.

But how can God do any “plowing” in our lives or in this world of His?  Through His Word.  Or more correctly, through all of His Words (His Plural Words)!  What?  Plural?

Christ delivered His Old Testament to this world; throughout a 1,000-year period, beginning around 1,400 BC (with Moses) and ending around 400 BC (with Malachi).  Christ then delivered His Gospels to this world; about 2,000 years ago.  Christ later delivered His Qur’an to this world (through a prophet named Muhammad); about 500 years after we killed Him while He was using the body of Jesus.  Moving over to “the other side” of mankind’s little world, Christ had much earlier delivered His Dhammapada to this world (through a person we know, today, as the Buddha); about 2,500 years ago.  This would place that great event around the year 500 BC:  shortly after Christ had finished teaching Malachi.  Malachi is the closing Book of Christ’s Old Testament.

Before all Christians decide to quickly leave this letter, this author feels compelled to demonstrate Satan’s strengths here in our world, and then to Scripturally demonstrate Satan’s Achilles’ heel.  For any Christians who actually possess patience and faith, we shall go into much greater detail, later in this letter.

Satan has managed to confound Christ’s Jewish faith over the past great-many years:  to the point where only a few manage to keep Christ’s Seven Holy Days (and/or Feasts).  Only a few Jews, today, live in tents (or temporary domiciles) for seven days in the Fall (His Feast of Tabernacles).  Only a few more follow Christ’s rules regarding clean meats and “no leavening” during His Feast of Unleavened Bread.  To be completely honest, Jews “generally” keep the easy Holy Days, but not the difficult Holy Days.  Of course, this is only a generality:  meaning a majority.

Satan has managed to confound Christ’s Christian faith over the past 1,700 years also:  to the point where any person searching for a True Christian Church is completely clueless as to where-to-turn for a direction.  Because it seems as though every possible belief (and even its opposing belief!) can be found within its 33,000 denominations of today.  This author has many webpages here exposing this incredible “Christian disaster” taking place at the crucial point of mankind’s arriving at Christ’s end-time:  as Revelation so teaches.

Satan has managed to confound Christ’s Muslim faith over the past many years:  to the point where most God-fearing, good, and peaceful Muslims are ruled-over by religious zealots who only teach violence and hatred!  The entire world is witnessing this failure today:  not understanding that Christ’s Qur’an teaches “mostly” of peace and forgiveness.  But Christ, Himself, prophesied of these days to Moses in His Book of Genesis:

Genesis 16:11  And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

Genesis 16:12  And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

(Christians . . . if you did not know, Ishmael begat twelve princes, in Genesis:  who later became the Arabs, Persians, and most others throughout that region.  Namely, those “peoples” who comprise the bulk of Christ’s Muslim faith today.  Not entirely, but yes, generally.)

The point here is that Satan can (and does) deceive mankind, over-here and over-there, to the best of his abilities, but God has placed many Draft Horses in this world:  the likes of which Satan’s weeds (lies) cannot survive.  (Do you remember that one minute video linked just above?  Where the two draft horses literally destroyed every weed that was in your sight?  Satan’s lies ARE those weeds!  And Satan’s lies have taken root in all of us, one way, or another!  You, me, your religious teachers:  EVERYONE!  Jesus proved this long ago:  Christ, our Creator, proves it today, in Revelation.)

These Draft Horses might just be the greatest gift which Christ, our Creator, has ever delivered to this world for His Father, our LORD in Heaven.  We today, must understand that long ago, this world was a really big place.  Life moved slowly back then:  about as fast as a horse or camel walks.  One Scripture (for each people) was just fine.  But because of mankind’s advancements, this world has now become a very small place.  Christ knew this and even stated this in His book of Genesis.  More than ever before, this world now moves at an incredible pace!  When all of God’s worldly Scriptures are combined, by any person who desires them, then Satan cannot possibly thrive.  God’s Scriptures (meaning, all of them!) reveal Satan’s eternal weaknesses to any person who truly loves their LORD and seeks their LORD’s Word (and indeed Words!) throughout this world which He created!

Please consider all of this in a different way, for a different (and a fuller) understanding.  History (and the Book of Job) give reasonable proof that Satan cannot change God’s Orders, God’s Will, nor God’s Word (meaning His Written Scriptures) here on this Earth.  But history (and all Scriptures!) prove that Satan can fool mankind.  Satan cannot change God’s Words nor God’s Truths, but he certainly can change how mankind accepts, or rejects, those Words.  (Adam and Eve demonstrated this.)  Clearly then, Satan has limitations placed upon him by God.  And these limitations can accurately be described as Satan’s Achilles’ heel, here on this Earth.  For you see, Satan can clearly fool religious leaders:

All of the various letters (Epistles) in the New Testament warn mankind of the impending deviations, or “denominations” within the church that the original Apostles were attempting to build.  Muhammad, at Christ’s command, placed this “same warning” in the Qur’an.  (The only difference here is that the angel Gabriel delivered the Qur’an:  for Christ.)  Likewise, the Old Testament is replete with evidence of mankind departing from the Word of God:  one could build a strong case that this might be the major lesson that Christ placed in His Old Testament.  You will learn, in this letter, that even the Buddha warned about this incredible flaw of mankind dividing God into pieces!

Satan can also change any of mankind’s works because mankind’s works are NOT Scripture!  This would definitely include the words found in the Epistles of the New Testament:  especially Paul.  (Please understand that the Epistles were never, but ever, kept in a vault that is in the Kingdom of God, protected by Christ’s Father, our LORD!)  Paul wrote the majority of these letters, so Satan has spent a great deal of time and effort (nearly 2,000 years now) changing the actual words of Paul, changing the meanings of Paul’s words, and changing even the intentions of Paul’s messages.  Why?  Because apparently, Satan is forbidden to change the Word of God.  But Paul was not God.  And Paul’s words are not Scripture.  Neither Christ (our Creator), nor His Father (our LORD), ever instructed mankind to place Paul’s words anywhere near, or especially amongst, our LORD’s Scriptures which were sent down from Heaven!  The same goes for the other writers of the New Testament Epistles.

We have a webpage here that is tabbed:  “What?  Two Bibles?”  On that page, you will see where Satan caused two fellows named Wescott and Hort (two leaders in the Church of England:  Bishop and Priest, respectively) to actually change Paul’s original words and especially, Paul’s intentions regarding the Greek words that he used.  This single deed of Satan, long ago, has falsely taught this entire world that we no longer need to obey the Word of God, nor His commands:  now, we merely need to “believe in the name of Jesus,” and we shall then receive a free ticket to heaven.  And oh, how mankind loves “easy!”  This one lie of Satan, through Paul’s writings, relieved this entire world from Christ’s Baptism requirement taught in Matthew 28:19 – 20:  with emphasis on verse 20!

We also have a webpage here that is tabbed:  “Paul.”  On that page, we show where Paul decided it best to allow the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 8) to eat meats that were previously sacrificed to idols.  Paul also taught this in 1 Corinthians 10 and then, again, in Romans 14.  Quite sadly, on that same webpage, we show how 40 years after Paul had written those letters (meaning 30 years after Paul died!), Christ was required to correct Paul’s mistakes in Revelation 2.

Revelation 2:6  But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.

(The Nicolaitanes are renowned for sacrificing meats to idols:  and did so throughout all of Asia Minor.)

Revelation 2:14  But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

Revelation 2:20  Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

(My friend, about 40-years after Paul wrote his Corinthian and Roman letters mentioned above, meaning about 30-years after Paul died, Christ decided that He could no longer tolerate what Paul had previously permitted:  mistakes which this author firmly believes Paul was wise to allow because Paul had bigger fish-to-fry regarding these new and upstart churches; and also because if Paul had forbidden this widespread practice, there would be no meat found in the markets which his new Christians could eat!  Seriously!  The Nicolaitanes controlled all meat markets throughout Greece and Turkey.  This practice was “that common” throughout the region.  Also, in those early days, Paul was trying to just stay alive:  while attempting to convert people, who still worshipped false idols:  so that these people might come to accept a very new, but very Real, God.  So that each reader here might better understand Christ’s messages:  Revelation 2:6, above, was directed to Paul’s church at Ephesus.  The Ephesians had already corrected this mistake either on their own; or most likely by way of John, who settled Mary, the mother of Jesus, in Ephesus and who also later retired, himself, there in Ephesus.  (They had to flee Jerusalem because the destruction of Jerusalem was imminent.)  Both John, and Mary, were buried in Ephesus.  John is the only Apostle of Jesus who is recorded as dying a natural death.  Revelation 2:14, above, was directed to Paul’s church at Pergamos:  who had NOT corrected that problem, which Christ hated.  Revelation 2:20, above, was directed to Paul’s church at Thyatira:  who also had NOT corrected that problem, which Christ hated.)

Paul truly did a magnificent job building many churches (in the land of heathens!) for Christ:  as Jerusalem was soon about to be destroyed in the year 70 AD.  (Or a mere 15-years after these letters of Paul were written!)  Paul took magnificent care of Christ’s impending emergency, but Paul was never perfect.  Paul’s words were never meant to be considered as Scripture.  And Paul’s words were never kept in a vault, in Heaven, protected by our LORD, God.  Paul died somewhere around the year 67 AD:  just before Jerusalem was leveled-to-dust by the Romans.  And true to Jesus’ Word regarding the Temple, the Romans left not one stone, upon another.  Paul clearly fulfilled everything that Christ had assigned to him.  But we, today, must always remember that in Asia Minor (meaning just Greece and Turkey, really), Paul was working in a hostile region that never believed in Christ, our Creator; and in a land which Satan had long since controlled by way of false gods, evil sacrifices, and worshipping idols.  Paul truly did the best with what he had!  And Paul began an entirely new religion, there in Greece and Turkey, that was to quickly spread up, and throughout, Europe; and then later, to the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, and parts of the African continent.  There truly is no fault on Paul’s part here!  But Paul was definitely wrong on some accounts.  Therefore, regarding this world’s Scriptures:  Paul was not perfect, Paul was not God, and Paul’s words are NOT God’s Scriptures!

As a significant side note to all Christians today, please understand that the first three chapters of Revelation are not, and never were, any sort of prophecy!  Your religious leaders, today, fail to understand this.  The first three chapters of John’s Revelation were merely “churchly maintenance” that Christ decided was desperately needed in that region (after Paul died) and in those days (after Paul died).  Even a child can see that John’s prophecies did not begin until Revelation 4:2.  How?  Because John said so in Revelation 4:1!

Christians . . . please, please stop trying to bend, twist, pervert, or symbolize Christ’s first three chapters of His Revelation.  Nothing represents anything, nothing symbolizes anything, and nothing “means” anything else, except the words that you read.  This!  This is a classic lesson that teaches our world exactly how 33,000 disagreements (oops, make that 33,000 Christian denominations) have come into existence.  And yes, there was a little (LOT!) of help from Satan, in this matter.

Returning to our LORD’s Draft Horses (meaning HIS TRUE SCRIPTURES:  which were sent down from that vault located in our LORD’s Kingdom of Heaven), only four of these Draft Horses shall be discussed here in this letter.  All are God’s Written Word:  which Satan can neither defy, nor defeat.  Oh, Satan can deceive many “inattentive souls,” here and there, but Satan is not as great as our LORD, nor as great as His Word (meaning Christ, who created us):  in John 1:1.

Christians:  did you notice the word, “inattentive,” above?  Well, this is how Satan has woven his lies into your beliefs.  Because all of you divided into sects after accepting Satan’s various lies, here-and-there.  (Such as those letters of Paul, just mentioned above!)

Muslims:  did you read this author’s words to all Christians, above?  You are guilty of the same mistake.  We shall detail your primary failure below.  And no, this is not about your faith’s current disease regarding some leaders’ preferences towards violence; but rather your clear and absolute failure in obeying Allah’s Word which Muhammad spoke to you.

Jews:  did you read this author’s words to all Christians above?  Because this Christian author frequently wonders why you long ago departed from nearly ALL of your LORD’s Holy Feasts.  They are only SevenAnd they are quite simple(And yes, your LORD, God, and Creator, promised you that obeying His Commandments, His Laws, His Holy Feasts, and His ordinances which He sent down to Moses are “more than enough” to get you into His Heaven, and into His Kingdom of Heaven.  Yet you fail, today, in most every regard!)

Returning to our Earthly draft horses; if one horse can pull 8,000 pounds and two horses, properly trained together, can pull 32,000 pounds (representing our Old Testament and Gospels):  how much can FOUR of God’s Draft Horses pull, here upon His Earth?  Well, this author is about to present this incredible Truth of God, to the best of his abilities, here in this little letter.  And this author shall go out on a limb here:  and shout LOUDLY, that this very Truth of God’s Draft Horses was sent down SPECIFICALLY for these end-days, which we are living in today.

This author requests, once again, that each reader here watch that short, one minute video, linked above!  You will see what two of those incredible horses can accomplish.  Consider then, how much MORE can four of God’s Draft Horses (meaning Scriptures!) accomplish?  (This author is only presenting “four” of God’s Draft Horses, here in this letter.  There are MORE!)

And notice that this author is not calling these Draft Horses of God’s, “Christ’s, or Allah’s Horses!”  For they have never belonged to Christ, our Creator.  Christ, in His Qur’an, teaches beyond any shadow-of-doubt, that ALL Scriptures belong to, are kept by, and issued only from His Father, our LORD GOD, who lives in the Kingdom of Heaven!  Christ merely delivered His Father’s Scriptures to this Earth:  a little over here, and a little over there.  The Qur’an fully teaches this Truth!  Sadly, this is beyond the scope of this letter, but every person upon this Earth can find this Truth of God “easily explained” to them in Christ’s Qur’an.


So Christians . . . it is time to get straight to our LORD’s (meaning Christ’s Father’s) Scriptural proofs here!  This proof shall only be presented in the form of a Christian Test!  Not Jewish, not Muslim, and not Buddhist.  This shall be a purely Christian test.

We shall begin with the easiest question first:  knowing that this will prove to be the most devastating question that any Christian (of today) has ever faced.


Three purely Christian questions shall be presented below.  In each case, please allow this author to present his evidence from Christ’s Qur’an first!  Then this author shall present all Christians with a test-question:  for each reader to find Christ’s Words (from His Old Testament, or from His Gospels) which stand contrary to this author’s presentation of our LORD’s TRUTHS from Christ’s Qur’an.  (Yes, the Muslims call it Allah’s Qur’an and they are correct.  Just blame Christ, because all of this “name-nonsense” goes back to the Tower of Babel:  where God babbled our speech.  The actual names we use is of no concern to our LORD.)





Christ’s Qur’an proves (in verse 5:73, quoted below) that there is “no Trinity” regarding Christ’s Father, who is our one, “and only” LORD God in Heaven.

Nearly all Christian denominations teach about some sort of “trinity” when describing our One LORD, who is Christ’s Father.  It should be quite remarkable to all Christian pastors and teachers that this concept is never taught by Christ Himself:  in His Old Testament, His Gospels, nor by way of any other faith found upon this Earth!  But to clarify God’s Truths just a bit more, it should be noted that Christ NEVER taught this to Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham (the Friend of God), Jacob, Moses, David, Solomon, or even the most minor of prophets in Christ’s Old Testament!  It should also be noted that Christ, our Creator, never, ON A SINGLE OCCASION, taught this while He was walking amongst us:  using that earthly body of Jesus for thirty-something years!  Yes quite clearly, all three exist, but the Son and the Holy Spirit are entirely subordinate to, and obey, our one LORD God in Heaven.  All glory belongs to the Father, our LORD.

Christians . . . we are talking about Christ’s Gospels here:  NOT the letters of other “men” who were merely trying to convert “those folks” who were still burning chickens, dogs, and goats in their back yards to false idols (there in Greece and Turkey) long ago!  Christ truly brought down (and delivered) His LORD’s Holy Scriptures (which are kept in His Father’s Kingdom in Heaven); while these later men merely wrote letters to their newfound friends.  (Are you beginning to see the difference between mankind’s “teaching epistles” and that WORD OF GOD which is stored in Heaven, and only released according to the Will of Christ’s Father?)

Christians . . . please understand that we, and Christ, commonly call Christ’s Father, “our LORD.”  So!  Here is what Christ’s Qur’an says:

The Qur’an 5:73  Those who say that our LORD is the third part of three are denying His Truth:  there is only one LORD.

Christians!  Remember one thing here in this letter:  the angel, Gabriel, spoke these words to Muhammad.  And Gabriel did so according to Christ’s Command.  Like it, or not, this is YOUR Christ speaking His Father’s words, above!



Just where, in God’s Scriptures, did Christ, our Creator, ever teach that His Father, our LORD, is the third part of three:  meaning that His Father, our LORD, is part of any sort of trinity?  You are free to use His entire Old Testament, or His four Gospels (while He was here using the body of Jesus).





In the Qur’an (verse 4:171, below) Christ states that while He was here, using the body of Jesus, that He, never even once, taught this world to pray to Him.  This world is to pray only to our One LORD, Christ’s Father, in Heaven!  Clearly teaching, again in His Qur’an, that there is “no Trinity.”

Christians, please note that in His Qur’an, Christ calls Jews and Christians His “People of the Book.”  Remember that Christ delivered His Qur’an around the year 600 AD, so “the Book” was well established in that Arab region:  by both Jews and Christians, actually.  All Arabs were, at least, “acquainted” with “the Book” when Muhammad began teaching what the angel Gabriel taught to him.

The Qur’an 4:171  People of the Book (Bible), do not go to excess in your religion, and do not say anything about your LORD except the truth:  the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only a messenger from His Father, your LORD:  Jesus was His Word, directed through Mary, by way of His Spirit.  So believe only in your LORD and His prophets and do not speak of a “Trinity.”  Stop this!  It is far better for you to learn that your LORD is only one LORD!



Just where (in God’s Scriptures) did Jesus, the son of Mary, ever teach this world to pray to Him?  (Or even to the Holy Spirit?)  Again, you cannot use Paul, or any of the other writers of Epistles.  Just Jesus from the Gospels, or the beginning of Acts.

This one will be difficult.  So, this author shall give much help here:


Just a bit of guidance from this author first, please?

Christians, before developing your answer, please consider the words of Jesus in your Book:

Matthew 6:9  After this manner therefore pray ye:  Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Matthew 6:10  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Then, more than 60-years later, we have John speaking:

Revelation 19:10  And I fell at his feet to worship him.  And he said unto me, See thou do it not:  I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus:  worship God:  for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.


Revelation 22:9  Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not:  for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book:  worship God.

Later, in Jesus’ SAME conversation of verse 9:

Revelation 22:16  I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches.  I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

SIDE NOTE BY jpw:  How can one be the “root” and also the “offspring?”  Well, Christ was our Creator, including Adam and Eve.  This makes Christ the root and/or Creator of David.  Christ later returned using the body of Jesus, who was the offspring of the virgin Mary, who was an offspring of David.  And yes, our LORD’s Holy Spirit might have had just a small (LARGE!) part in that matter.  All of this is easy for Christians.  But what is not easy for Christians is that Jesus never once taught this world, nor any Christian, to pray to HIM.  Rather, we are to pray only to God, our LORD and Christ’s Father, in the Kingdom of Heaven!

Christians . . . Christ’s Qur’an and Bible are “Plowing” for you here, in the Words of God that you read above!  But only if you are willing to accept His freedom from Satan’s weeds which have taken root throughout our Western world and all of our Christian denominations.  Clearly, every Christian is free to dismiss this entire letter!  That would take no effort on any reader’s part, here.  But before doing so, every Christian should understand that this author is merely presenting some incredible Truths of God which were, long ago, placed upon this Earth by our Christ.  (This author is making “nothing up” here.  This author is only presenting several great and enduring Truths which Christ, long ago, made available to all of mankind!)  When Christ created mankind, He gave us the free will to accept, or reject, any of the vast Truths which He has placed upon His world.  This author would never attempt to deny, nor fault, any person for failing Christ’s Gifts and Truths that have been placed, and are freely available, upon this Earth.  Oh, how this pathetic author understands failure and denial.  Believe it, or not, this old author was once “quite young” and much stupider than I am now.  (That was one literary license just spent:  by a poor old man who only has a few remaining in his holey pockets!  Two now.)

Christians!  Please consider, once again, the following:  but in a different way!  CHRIST’S WAY:

Matthew 6:9  After this manner therefore pray ye:  Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Matthew 6:10  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Any time you pray to Jesus (or even Christ) you are robbing His LORD God, Father in Heaven, of your love!  No, you say?

Matthew 6:13 . . . For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.  Amen.

Christians!  Forget Jesus and forget Christ here, just for a moment.  Listen to our Creator’s Words above.  We are nothing!  Christ is nothing (in this special moment)!  Please understand our Creator’s Words above, because they give us a rare glimpse into the true Glory of His Father, who is our LORD.  Oh, but how we Christians rarely give Christ’s Father any consideration, at all!  Or even any credit:  for anything!  When we pray to Jesus, or even Christ (our Creator), we are robbing His Father, our True LORD God, of His Kingdom, of His Power, and of His Glory(And we do so just a little bit, with every prayer.  A bit here, a bit there; and a billion more bits in every other Earthly prayer going up to Christ’s LORD, God, who rules the entire Kingdom of Heaven.)  Oh, but it gets much worse.  Please read on, Christians:

More so . . . what we have robbed from our LORD Father, we are giving to Jesus:  who wants “no part” of robbing His Beloved Father!  His Beloved Father is His LORD and our LORD!  Think about that.  And think about what Christ taught in the Scriptures above!

Before you answer this author, please consider, once again, Christ’s most innocent Words below:

The Qur’an 4:171  People of the Book (Bible), do not go to excess in your religion . . .

My dearest Christian friends, when you pray to Jesus Christ (who was merely a son of our LORD God who rules the ENTIRE Kingdom of Heaven), do you think you might have gone to excess in your worship?  Do you think that Christians ought to follow the words of Christ and pray only to:  Our Father, who art in Heaven?”

What would Christ, Himself, say about this matter?  Well, that is easy, because He has already said it.  In Revelation 22, John fell down to worship Jesus.  John wrote:

Revelation 22:9  Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not:  for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book:  worship God.





Christ indeed teaches many more errors of Christianity in His Qur’an.  Verse 5:116 is just one more lesson by Christ.

No introduction here.  This one is plain and simple:

The Qur’an 5:116  The LORD shall ask Jesus, the son of Mary, “Did you say to the people, ‘Take me and my mother as two gods alongside the LORD?”  Jesus will answer, “May you be exalted, LORD!  I would never say what I had no right to say . . . “



A test for all Catholics, Lutherans, Methodists, and a great many others:  just where did Christ (or Jesus) ever teach this world to pray to Him?  Just where did Christ (or Jesus) ever teach this world to pray to His mother, Mary?  Just where did Christ (or Jesus) ever teach this world that “his earthly mother” was to be exalted above any other ordinary person?  Again, this author will not accept any writings of the Apostles.  Only God’s Scriptures!





You have never had this opportunity before, in your entire lives!  Here is your chance to prove that this so-called “earthly” Qur’an is wrong and only Christ’s Holy Bible is from God!

Christians!  You might never receive an opportunity, such as this, again.  This should be the easiest test you have ever taken.  Please take a breath, take a little time to think, and then begin your research.

This author’s email address is at the bottom of this, and most every, webpage here.  Please email me a Scripture, delivered to this world by Christ, Himself, that proves the Qur’an to be wrong!  Paul’s words are not Scripture:  we proved this above.  Not one of the New Testament Epistles were placed by Christ in His Father’s Bible:  we proved this above.  They just do not belong anywhere near our LORD’s True and Perfect Scriptures:  which are kept in a vault in His Kingdom and secured by our LORD God, who is Christ’s Father!  (And yes, if you so choose to learn, you will find this fact explained in Christ’s Qur’an.)

This author awaits your answers.


Honestly, that third question lives very close to this author’s heart as this author was raised in the Catholic denomination.  (This author’s very large family remains in this church and every one of them are fine folks!)  It also lives close to this author’s heart because this question was intentionally directed toward those denominations that have long-possessed “particularly hardened-hearts” throughout mankind’s history.  Or to use the words of Christ in His Gospels:  these Christians are particularly “stiff-necked” when it comes to accepting and understanding the Word of God, as originally sent down from Heaven.  (As were the folks who lived with Moses; as were the religious leaders in Jesus’ time; and as are the vast majority of religious leaders today.  Hence, our 33,000+ denominations and/or disagreements, today:  just before the return of Christ.)

Being “stiff-necked” does not mean a person is bad.  This author belongs to an enormous, and fast-growing family:  who excel at producing offspring.  All are truly decent people and possess caring hearts.  Again, being “stiff-necked” is not a bad thing:  it only means that a person has had some very weak (and possibly, wrong) religious “teachings” in their past.  Such a person has a few extra hurdles to clear while on that path Christ described in Matthew 7:14, below.  (Many religious leaders intentionally make their doctrinal paths “seem-to-be” narrow, which actually means “narrow-minded:”  but mankind has never been granted the privilege of re-designing Christ’s Described Gate, nor Christ’s Described Way, below.  Christ is the sole owner of that narrow way.)

Matthew 7:13  Enter ye in at the strait gate:  for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matthew 7:14  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

My dearest Christian friends, do not worry about what path you might be on, just for now.  But do greatly consider the two verses that Jesus spoke above.  This is not a test:  but just what do you think is the difference between those two paths that Jesus described above?  Ok, it is a test:  but not a test you need to answer to this author.  Please give no consideration (just for now) regarding the many and the few who Christ described above.  Rather consider only, the difference between those two paths that Christ mentioned above.  Those who make the wrong choice are not important, just now.  The “two paths” ARE important:  so that each person might truthfully identify which path they are currently following.  After this, it would be well for every reader here to worry about what path you might be on.  Or in other words, when you discover that you are lost, do not worry about being lost:  rather make your highest priority to obtain an accurate map!

Now, this author could lose the following argument, but to this author, the only difference between Christ’s narrow way and broad way:  is “those who follow the Word of God exactly as it has been sent down” and then “those who do not.”  The “do not” part might include a denomination which, over many years, has permitted Satan to slowly influence (or actually write for them) their doctrines, beliefs, and cherished traditions.  Christ clearly demonstrated all of this, as Jesus, regarding Satan’s methods of “cementing” these lies within the Jewish faith.  And once a denomination leaves our LORD’s Original Word, it becomes very easy for each generation to add more changes.  It also becomes extremely difficult to return to our LORD’s Original Word; because these religious leaders probably do not agree with those who seek “that return” to our LORD’s Original Word.


Every Christian, of every denomination, needs to learn that when any Christian teacher is unable to understand a particular Scripture of God, the easiest way out for that teacher is to claim that God’s Scripture, in this case, is just “symbolic.”

THIS . . . then frees the teacher to follow any tangent which their own personal beliefs (or vanities) dictate to them.  So, how does one avoid this great mistake of wonderful religious teachers?  (Yes, even the best of them do this.)

This old author can only offer one piece of personal, but very old, wisdom.  If a Scripture is truly “symbolic” in nature (and there are only a relative few Scriptures that qualify), then walk away from that Scripture, until God’s Wisdom comes to you!  It will come later, with age.  Not one single Scripture that Christ has EVER sent down to this world (regarding our obtaining OUR place in Heaven) has been “symbolic” in nature.  Not ONE!  Indeed, they have been very straightforward and True:  in every possible regard!  My friend, work on the Scriptures that will get you to Heaven; and the few remaining symbolic Scriptures shall come to you, in time.

Just what Scriptures shall get you to Heaven (that you might not be following today)?  Well, there are Ten Commandments (meaning all of them):  such as keeping His Sabbath, not keeping graven images, and keeping evil people out of our lives (meaning those who habitually break the rest of God’s Ten Commandments).  Also, God’s clean meats come to mind, then God’s Seven Holy Days:  which barely a Christian keeps today, because they are inconvenient, or just seem strange to us.  Then there is the grand-daddy of them all:  “As God has loved you, so are you to love ALL OTHERS.”  (Now, that one should keep every person busy for a very long time!  Because that one does not mean “just your friends and neighbors:”  it means ALL OTHERS!)  This author could go on, and on.  But do notice that “nothing” mentioned here was even slightly “symbolic.”  Oh, how Satan loves “symbolic:”  it gives him an open door into our lives!

Guard your doors, my friend!  Guard all of them!

It is these very “earthly” doctrines, beliefs, and traditions that cause one to be “stiff-necked.”  While it would be so easy to just blame the leaders of these churches, and then drop the matter; every person must someday (fairly soon) come to understand that on Judgment Day, our religious leaders will not be standing next to us trying to answer Christ’s questions:  nor shall our religious teachers receive “our” Judgment.

While every person, this author included, can be stiff-necked regarding this-or-that matter, it is every person’s sole duty to absolutely guard and cherish their eternal life:  for that very reason of our “impending Judgment Day.”  (Quite honestly, all of this “stiff-necked” business is a daily affair that this author fights in his own life:  each, and every morning, that this author lifts his head from that pillow.  It is a never-ending fight.)


To all Catholics, and many others, please learn what Christ’s Plow Horses are clearly teaching you above.  Your miracle at Fatima could only have been the work of Satan.  Your Jesus, the son of Mary, just taught this in Christ’s Qur’an, above.  Moreover, your various miracles of “bleeding statues” can only have been works of Satan.  Please, please allow Christ’s Bible to teach this very lesson, below.  Christ’s second Commandment given to Moses:

Exodus 20:4  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

Exodus 20:5  Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them:  for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

If you read this Commandment carefully, you will notice that it comes in two parts!

FIRST:  We are not to make any graven images of any sort, here in this world.  Period.

SECOND:  If we have, sinfully, made graven images; we are ABSOLUTELY not to bow down (or worship) when in the “presence” of them.  This includes within our homes.  This also includes any, no, EVERY, “bleeding” graven image:  anywhere upon this Earth!

Two Commandments, within the One, if you study them carefully.  However, some Christian denominations have rewritten Christ’s Ten Commandments and left this one out.  And they changed God’s Word for a reason:  their churches (where they bow down to worship) are FULL of graven images:  sometimes to the point where there are more graven images present, than there are people!  The point here is that of all the available ways Christ might choose to perform miracles in this world, doing so through the name of Mary (a dead person!) would be the LAST place Christ would perform such a work:  for this would utterly deny Christ’s Father of the glory which is due to Him!  And to Him only!  Furthermore, according to His Second Commandment, doing so through a bleeding statue (a “sinful” graven image!) would be completely forbidden by Christ’s Father, our LORD in Heaven.  God does not break His Own Laws, ever!  Catholics, think about this:  do you honestly believe that Christ would perform a miracle through what your own church calls a “cardinal sin?”

To these particular denominations, Christ’s Old Testament and Qur’an are plowing . . . especially deep for you here!  But only IF you have the desire, and only IF you accept His Freedom from Satan’s weeds which have taken root throughout our Western world.  But yes, there are two difficult steps here for Christians:  to desire the Word of God and also to accept the Word of God.  This author has a feeling that many necks are “stiffening-up” just about now.  (If so, then do nothing for now.  Just chew on this food for a while:  you can come back to this plate anytime you desire, because this plate is not going anywhere.  Our LORD God has given all of us the complete freedom to choose whether we shall follow the words of mortal men (just like us), or to follow the Eternal Word of God (meaning His Christ).  So be patient and chew on that last statement also.  Christ truly shall deliver the flavor of this food to you:  once He sees what is in your heart.  And once He sees that you are still, at least, chewing on His Food.  Trust in Christ!  And then have patience with your own abilities.)



Only Satan would want mankind to believe that Christ would perform miracles by way of violating His Own Ten Commandments.  Only Satan would want mankind to place the earthly mother of Jesus somewhere in their worshiping practices:  this same Mary, who died long ago, in the city of Ephesus.  (For you see, every piece of True Glory that Satan is able to rob from Christ’s Father, via each Christian and one-at-a-time, is a piece stolen from Christ’s Father, and becomes a piece of self-glory, meaning pride, which Satan has grabbed for himself.  And he is doing this through us!  A piece here and a piece there, for thousands of years, and through every denomination:  this is how Satan works.)  Only Satan can cause us, mankind, to willingly depart from that common sense which Christ placed inside us all.

And we have, ALL, departed from that common sense, which Christ placed inside of us at birth.  To some extent at least, every person reading (and yes, writing!) this letter has departed from that full common sense they were born with.  This shows the incredible powers and/or abilities that Satan possesses; and that he has historically demonstrated:  both in our personal lives and in the churches we have built (to protect us from him).




If you recall, there upon that famous mountaintop, Jesus taught this “entire world” and indeed, “all faiths, that Satan cannot defeat what God, our LORD, has placed within His Written Scriptures.  This is Satan’s Achilles’ heel!  God’s Word!  For you see, there on that mountaintop, Satan tempted Jesus several times.  But Jesus only spoke His Father’s Scriptures to Satan.  Satan was left speechless and completely powerless against our LORD’s Word!  Satan’s Achilles’ heel?  Yes!  Jesus, there on that mountaintop, taught this entire world that all Scriptures from His LORD’s vault in the Kingdom of Heaven, leaves Satan powerless.  (This does not include any writings that mankind might deem to be “inspired.”  For none of these were sent down by our LORD in Heaven.)

God’s Word “plows through” Satan’s lies, our personal vanities which we have ALL gathered:  and it especially “plows through” the various mistakes (and those beloved traditions) of our parents, grandparents, religious leaders, and all others who we might hold near (and very dear) to our hearts:  but who might just also have been wrong about a great, many things.  God’s Word has never been wrong!




My dearest Christian friends, this author knows your hearts and knows that you are all fine people:  if for no other reason than that you are here, on this website, trying to find this world’s one True God.  Even if you do not like this website, you are all fine people because you are seeking our one True God, who created this Earth and who also created Heaven.  We all seek Heaven because we know it is definitely there, just waiting for us to enter someday!  However, it should be readily apparent, by now, that neither our churches, denominations, nor organized faiths are currently capable of delivering us to God’s Kingdom of Heaven.  They can help, possibly!  But they are severely flawed:  every one of them!  And perhaps God has permitted Satan to cause this for a truly majestic reason.  Maybe, just maybe, God “only seeks” those folks, who finally decided to put forth “some sort of effort, on their own,” to search for Him, and then actually then find the “True Him,” and to then follow His True Words.  This author is not recommending that any person stop going to church.  Because there are fine folks in churches and we should surround ourselves with folks, such as these:  generally speaking.  But this author is recommending that every Christian take their own steps to protect their own lives and the lives of their loved ones:  we are talking about our ETERNAL LIVES here, in Heaven.  But if your church meets on Sundays, this should show you that you need to take your own steps on achieving your ETERNAL LIVES.  If your church teaches about a trinity, teaches you to pray to Jesus, has graven images, or worships in the presence of these graven images, this should show you that you need to take your own steps on achieving your ETERNAL LIVES.

A small “religious” side note here:

The point this author is trying to make is that no person (Christian, Jew, Muslim, or otherwise) should just blindly handover their ETERNAL LIFE to any pastor, priest, rabbi, or ayatollah.  First of all, any good and decent religious teacher will quickly tell you that they cannot “get you to heaven.”  They can show you the road, they can give you a map and compass, they can help you when you have lost your way, and they can keep you pointed in Christ’s direction:  but there is not one RELIGIOUS LEADER, OF ANY FAITH, that can “get you to Heaven,” despite yourself.  This is why you should go to church, this is what you should expect from church, this is ALL you should expect from church, and this is why you should always follow God’s Plow Horses (on your own time!):  because even your church leaders make mistakes.  This has been well documented here on this webpage, and throughout this entire website!

(Christians should consider the ten virgins of Matthew 25:1 with all of this in mind:  for they shall be referenced shortly.)

Please allow this author to explain this all in a different manner:  a way that some people might quickly understand.  Setting aside their stubborn marriage to their own mistakes (and their youthful, yet erroneous publications):  your ministers and pastors can truly explain a great many details to you, but they cannot UNDERSTAND them for you!  (That piece of wisdom should help any mechanics, IT professionals, doctors, nurses, and even restaurant waitresses in their chosen field of endeavor:  a great many others also, such as pilots, architects, engineers, law enforcement, etc.)

Perhaps God does not want folks who merely “show up” for church, once a week:  expecting their pastor, priest, or minister to do all of the heavy lifting in “delivering them to heaven” despite their own lack of effort, regarding the same!  Christ’s Qur’an teaches this very lesson:

The seventh Book of the Qur’an is called “The Heights.”  It talks about the Heights of Heaven and Hell, with an enormous divide between them.  This great divide cannot be crossed.  The people in “The Heights” have either:  just been thrown into Hell, or just been granted entry into Heaven.  However long God’s Judgment Day lasts, “The Heights” is a book about “that Day.”  It is a pretty good lesson that explains some (but not all!) of Christ’s “measuring sticks” to be used on “that Day.”  No person burns “forever” in the Qur’an.

The Qur’an 7:50  The people of the Fire will call to the people of Paradise, “Give us some water or any of the sustenance God has granted you.”  They will reply, “No, God has forbidden this to the disbelievers:

The Qur’an 7:51  those who took their religion for a mere hobby and were deluded by worldly life.”  So this day, God has forgotten them just as they forgot the coming of this day and as they denied Our Word.

Christians, this would be an excellent time for you to give MUCH consideration to Christ’s parable of His ten virgins in Matthew 25.  Ending with Christ’s lesson:

Matthew 25:11  Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

Matthew 25:12  But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

Christians . . . regardless of what you are taught in your church, apparently, there are some Christians (just detailed above!) whose sins, JESUS DID NOT die for!  Yes, this is a hard lesson for some:  but do consider His Words (of Matthew 25) greatly the next time your preacher tells you to “just believe in the name of Jesus, and you shall be saved.”  This would also be a very good time to reconsider the Words of Christ in The Qur’an 7:51 above:  for they are quite-a-bit more informative.  They also illustrate the different ways Satan is deceiving this world.

Christians . . . Jews . . . Muslims . . . and everyone else!  This author cannot name you all, but God’s Scriptures have truly been delivered to every square inch of His Earth.  And God has assured that every single one of them (alone) is able to deliver any person to His Kingdom of Heaven!

Every Jew, who follows only their Torah and the words of God’s Old Testament, is capable of finding Heaven.

Every Christian, who follows only Christ’s Gospels, is capable of finding Heaven.

Every Muslim, who follows only Allah’s Qur’an, is capable of finding Paradise.

Our LORD, who is Christ’s Father in Heaven, has assured that every one of His Scriptures can, and will, deliver any person into His Kingdom:  obviously, this would include those who only received His Great Spirit (meaning this world’s native folks); and those who follow Christ’s Understandings that were sent down through the Buddhist, Hindu, or Confucionist teachings.  (Oh, we all have our “favorite Scriptures,” only because they are familiar to us and we were born into them, but this “rejection of all others” is mankind’s failure and Satan’s victory!  Our LORD God, Christ’s Father in Heaven, DOES – NOT – MAKE – MISTAKES!  Truly, mankind needs to get past this earthly nonsense which Satan has taught us.  And it is the Buddha who will teach this very lesson, below:  regarding God’s Word, Satan’s lies, and mankind’s nonsense.)

The problem with our world, today, is not God:  as many unbelievers have chosen to believe.  For the vast majority of unbelievers, today, have had almost no contact with God’s True Scriptures:  meaning “God’s True Scriptures!”  The problem with our world, today, is what our religious leaders have done to God’s Scriptures!  His Scriptures are still correct:  God has assured this world of that!  (Any Jew, Christian, or Muslim can STILL find God’s Scriptures, as originally sent down!  And we can all thank Christ, our Creator, for that Blessing!)  But we, mankind, have bent, twisted, symbolized, perverted, distorted, and yes, even lied about what God’s Word means:  “in our world, today.”  Seriously?  Our world today?  Clearly, there are far too many cooks (our religious teachers) in God’s Kitchen today:  our 33,000 Christian denominations testify to this truth.  Are those words, “in our world, today” truly the best our teachers can do, in today’s world?  Do our religious teachers (of all faiths!) fail to understand that our Eternal God, who created this little world some five-billion-years ago, could care less about certain beliefs that mankind continues to invent, generation-after-generation, during our short existence here?  We only invent them because Satan keeps working in this world.  We have only departed from God’s True Scriptures because Satan keeps working in this world.  We fail, in this world, because our religious leaders continue to listen to Satan’s lies, and then forward his lies to us.  We also fail because we, OURSELVES, are too lazy to pick up God’s Scriptures and LEARN THEM FOR OURSELVES!

The truth-of-this-entire-matter is that each of these religious cooks are merely trying to separate themselves:  so as to hopefully prove themselves better than all others!  This provides Satan an open door to enter every faith and denomination!  The name of the faith matters not:  Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or otherwise!  The name of the denomination (within each faith) matters not.  God’s Scripture is One Scripture:  we just proved this above.  God’s Scripture is NOT for mankind to alter, modernize, nor re-describe:  even in the slightest.  Just because mankind is always changing, a great many of our religious leaders, today, teach that God’s Scriptures must change (or be re-described):  so they might finally align with mankind’s current whims.  Or to state this more succinctly, nearly all religious teachers, of today, believe that God’s Scriptures need to “follow” mankind’s various vanities:  because otherwise, mankind will fail to follow God’s Scriptures.  (So, who is the cart here and who is the horse?  Can a cart plow?  And quite sadly, can a religious teacher plow?  Ask the cart!)

Oh, my dearest friends . . . all Scriptures teach that we, through our continuing growth, must never depart from our One God!  This world is ever-changing; and Satan is ever-taking-advantage of this fact.  Never before, has mankind needed to follow the Truths of God in this world, than in today’s times!  For in our ever-changing ways, we have allowed the Truths of God to slip through the cracks that Satan has opened.  All Scriptures teach that no matter the condition of mankind, if we depart from the Ways of God, we shall certainly fail:  regarding our Eternal Destiny which is kept in our LORD’s Hands!  (For mankind has forgotten, or actually IGNORED AND REJECTED, the fact that our Eternal Destiny is not in our hands:  and it never will be.  We can thank Satan for that!  But have you learned yet, that our LORD gave Satan an Achilles’ heel?  And have you learned yet, that you really can fight back?)  It does not matter what form of government you live under, what sort of Scripture you follow (as long as our LORD truly sent it down), what sort of name you use to describe our LORD; and it does not matter if you are rich or poor, sick or healthy, young or old.

Every person reading this letter has one great burden that must be SHED, if they are to find and worship our One True God.  That great burden is OUR MISTAKEN BELIEFS!  One truth of mankind is certain in this matter:  that no person can find the answer to this burden anywhere “in this world!”  The truths of all of our current and various faiths, denominations, races, traditions, and societies prove this.  Our world has never been so “messed up” as it is today (in this year of 2021).




God does not make mistakes.  Ever.  Period!  And God’s Word, over here, never disagrees with God’s Word, over there!  Ever.  Period!  God is Perfect:  mankind is extremely flawed.  His Truth is that simple.  Each person must decide all of this on their own:  never, but ever, trust another person’s opinion (nor their supposed “expertise”).  Every person’s Eternal Destiny is entirely in their own hands, and no one else’s hands.  Christians, did you ever pass this author’s three test questions above?  Did you ever find a Scripture, sent down, from Heaven that shows Jesus ever teaching this world that we should consider our LORD as the third part of three?  Of course, you didn’t.  Now, ask any Jew!  This shall not be found in their Old Testament either.  Imagine that!  There is no “trinity” in the Kingdom of Heaven!  And you discovered this only from our LORD’s Qur’an which was sent down from Heaven!  (And by the way, you Christian teachers should have ALWAYS wondered why Satan’s “trinity concept” is not found ALL THROUGH Christ’s Old Testament:  or at least, in His four Gospels.  This is a significant condition that all “decent, true, and understanding Christian teachers” require!)  Yes, Jesus taught our religious leaders to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, but Jesus never stated that they are EQUAL!  Notice the order of Jesus’ words in Matthew 28:19:  and do not leave-out the rest of Jesus sentence found in verse 20!  Notice the emphasis of “teaching” that Jesus placed in BOTH verses.  And notice that both verses comprise only ONE SENTENCE that Jesus spoke!  We have a webpage here about Christ’s “real” Baptizing requirements:  not just the “junk” that Satan has taught our religious leaders.  Christians, if you do not like Muslims, that is fine and this is your right (in this free world which Christ has created for us).  But do you love your God, in Heaven?  Well, your God, in Heaven sent down a Scripture that some people call the Qur’an.  And that Scripture is one of God’s Plow Horses which are available to you, here on this Earth!

Christians . . . this is not a test . . . rather this was the sole purpose of the above test questions!  Christians, do you have “any desire” for God to place one more of His Heavenly Plow Horses “in front” of your life here:  so as to help you destroy Satan’s lies which have found their way into your life, and into your religion?  And please do realize, possibly for the first time, that “in front” means that you/we are to “follow.”  This Heavenly Plow Horse is there, just waiting for you to follow (or learn).  And please do realize, possibly for the first time, that most Christian mistakes come solely from Satan’s works over the past few thousand years.  But God is placing one more Plow Horse at your disposal.  This Plow Horse will cost you nothing, but a little time.  And this old author will testify that “this time spent” shall truly be enjoyable.  For this is how Christ works!  Christ never disappoints!

A little time?  Christians . . . just what is your Eternal Destiny worth to you?  A little time?

So please consider, once again, that “false trinity” of which you have been taught throughout your life.  God’s Plow Horse called the Old Testament should have revealed this lie to you:  by way of it “not being there.”  God’s Plow Horse called the Gospels, which Jesus taught while on this Earth, should have revealed this lie to you also:  by way of it “not being there.”  Yes, this is an understandable failure, quite honestly.  (Because for some unknown reason, we all grant our Christian teachers a certain “authority” over our own ability to properly reason-through God’s Truths regarding our Eternal lives.)  But God’s Qur’an lays this infected “Christian wound” wide open for all of the world to see!  And finally, albeit a little late in history, Christ’s Plow Horse called the Qur’an has made it possible for all Christians to surgically clean this wound before reaching their Eternal Destiny:  which was Designed to be spent in the presence of our Creator and His Father, who is our LORD.  So Christians, just “who” would desire this entire world to divide our One God into different pieces?  His name is Satan; and you are now able to see some of his greatest accomplishments, WITHIN YOUR OWN DENOMINATIONS, throughout our last 2,000 years.

Understand that this great lie came through our beloved churches, which Satan controls.  But you have just seen how God’s Plow Horses have destroyed this one little weed of Satan’s.  Oh, but he has many more weeds in our fields.  All the more reason to put God’s Plow Horses to work for us.

Satan has spent an incredible amount of time, through the ages, to make sure that mankind would never, EVER, have the desire to combine all of God’s Scriptures.  Or to keep this within the scope of this letter, Satan has made sure that mankind will never have the desire to harness all of God’s Draft Horses together!  As of this writing, Satan is clearly still succeeding and protecting his Achilles’ heel.  While Satan cannot alter the actual Words that God has placed in His Scriptures, Satan can twist and bend many peoples’ perceptions of this, or that, Scripture.  Yes, Christian scholars here, Muslim scholars there, and Jewish scholars earlier:  Satan has performed many little works throughout the six-thousand years he has been here, but Satan cannot defeat the Whole Word of God:  meaning our LORD’s Treasure of Scriptures that have been sent down by Christ, our Creator.  So now, every Christian can see exactly how we reached the point of having 33,000 denominations today.  It was never God’s Scriptures:  it was our religious leaders!  Just like during the life of Jesus, so long ago.

If any person here would like to place more of Christ’s Draft Horses in their life, this author can only recommend one English translation regarding His Qur’an:  after having read them all.  There is a professor of Islam, in London, and his name is MAS Abdel Haleem.  The quality of his translations are unmatched because he manages to keep most “typically difficult” Arabic-to-English idioms within Christ’s Biblical boundaries.  This author has not found this strength in any other English translation.  All of Mr. Haleem’s translations, throughout the years, are just fine.

The translation by MAS Abdel Haleem can be found, usually for less than a cup of coffee (or sometimes even pocket change) by clicking here:




(Oh, many details shall be found all through Christ’s Qur’an, but we shall try to keep these short here, for this letter.)



There are many outstanding lessons about the Mark of the Beast in Christ’s Qur’an.  Sometimes, this author believes that Christ placed half of these Truths in the Bible and half of these Truths in the Qur’an.  Because they do not disagree one bit, yet only those who are motivated towards finding the “Complete Truth” of our True Creator, Christ, will succeed after combining them.  And yes, the Buddha taught even greater details (providing even deeper and straighter plowing) behind Christ’s Plow Horses.

The Qur’an 47:29  Do those with corrupt hearts assume that God will not expose their malice?

The Qur’an 47:30  Muhammad, We could even point them out to you if We wished, and then you could identify them by their marks, but you will always know them by the tone of their speech.

My friend, please set all religious beliefs aside for just a moment.  Consider just a few questions now and use only your common sense to supply answers:

What is the largest corrupter of people in this world?

What is the major cause of malice in this world?  WAIT!    WHAT?

Just where did this “malice business” come from?  And why is it important?  Well, Christ is now teaching this entire world (Christians included), that He has presented us with a MAJOR GIFT so that we might recognize those who have God’s Mark of the Beast.  Christ started this lesson in His Book of Revelation.  Now, Christ is finishing this lesson in His Qur’an!  Please allow Christ to finish His Lesson for mankind:

Definition of Malice – “the desire to cause pain, injury, or distress to another.”  (Thank you, Merriam-Webster.)

Hopefully, each person will understand that the largest corrupter of mankind has always been money, power, greed, sex, and these can only be obtained by our “taking them from others.”

Hopefully, each person will understand that it (even more so) derives from our mere “pursuit” of any of the above.  Jesus called it Mammon.  It does not mean the possession of wealth!  Abraham, the only identified Friend of God, possessed wealth:  but Abraham never possessed malice.  A poor thief or drug dealer on-the-street will always have this mark:  even if they never achieve wealth.  But it certainly applies to the vast majority of folks who have achieved wealth:  Jesus taught this clearly, in Matthew 19:23-25.  (Link opens in a new window.)

And hopefully, each person here will “NOW” understand that they can “EASILY” identify these people, merely by the words they speak.  All they have to do is to pay attention to the words that they utter:  because this will always reveal their true, and personal, goals in this life.  So don’t talk.  Just listen and let THEM do the speaking.  Christ just taught us to pay attention to the tone of their speech.  Do not just listen to the words that they speak, but listen to the tone of the messages they deliver to you.

Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, taught of this very same trait in people:

Ecclesiastes 7:27  Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account:

Ecclesiastes 7:28  Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not:  one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.

Ecclesiastes 7:29  Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, could not read minds.  But he was given Christ’s gift of discerning the tone of mankind’s speech (in 1 Kings 3:9 – 12)!  (Link opens in a new window.)

Christ just explained all of this, in His Qur’an!  And every Christian reader here just learned an incredible, modern-day, lesson from both Christ’s Qur’an and Christ’s Old Testament.  Indeed, the true value of this lesson of Christ, in a Christian’s life, cannot be measured by mankind!  It can only be humbly accepted, as a gift.  For every person here should now be able to see God’s Mark that He has placed upon those who shall be cursed on Christ’s Judgment Day.  Remember Christ’s story of those ten virgins:  half of them did only the bare minimum of what they thought would be required.  But Christ does not want your bare minimum effort.  Christ wants your heart, your life, and your soul:  directed toward what He has taught this world.

And regarding those who have no desire to understand any of this Qur’an business, you now (at least) understand how to identify them:  by the words they speak and the tone of their speech!  EASY.  And quite honestly, this does all become easy:  after learning it from Christ.



This author has spent the last 20-years teaching that, generally speaking, the beast is money.  (Or more correctly, it is our pursuit of wealth; thereby leaving God behind to take second place:  or even last place, with many folks.  The paper money, itself, is not a sin, but rather how we “manage” its value to us, is where the sin usually occurs.)  Yes, it also includes our worldly pursuit of sex, power, fame, greed, and many other things:  these all, historically, have gone hand-in-hand.  To use the better description by Jesus, we are discussing “mammon” here.  This word, used by Jesus, is the perfect description of how to “describe” that beast of this world (and the beasts of Daniel, actually); but quite honestly, this author is uncomfortable writing this word because it will just not connect with a great many readers.  So, when this author uses the term, “money,” please understand that it goes far, far beyond “actual money-in-hand!”  There are more than a few webpages and downloads on this website that discuss all of this in great detail.

Returning to the seventh Book of the Qur’an, “The Heights:”  many more truths of the Bible and the Qur’an come together.  The mark of the beast is just one more truth that the Qur’an teaches in “The Heights.”  While teaching about the main Resurrection, the Qur’an reveals many more truths that Christians were never taught.  All Christians would do well to remember that in the Old Testament, God is shown placing seals upon His beloved (meaning those who followed His Laws and Commandments).  In Revelation 7:3, God’s angels are still placing seals upon His beloved.  (The following takes place in Heaven and Hell):

The Qur’an 7:46  Between the good and the evil is a great divide.  On the Heights (of each side) are people, recognizing those on the other side by their marks.  Those on the evil side call to the people in Paradise, “Peace be with you.”  They are not in Paradise, but have hope.

The Qur’an 7:47  And when their eyes turn toward the people of the Fire, they say, “God, do not place us with the evil people.”

The Qur’an 7:48  And the people of the Heights call out to those they recognize by their marks, “What did your great numbers and all that which you took pride in, gain you?

The Qur’an 7:49  Are these people (in Paradise), those you swore that God would never show mercy upon?  It has already been said to them, “Enter the Garden.”

The Qur’an 7:50  The people of the Fire will call to the people of Paradise, “Pour some water on us or anything else God has given you.”  They reply, “No, God has forbidden this to the disbelievers:

The Qur’an 7:51  those who took their religion as a mere hobby and were deluded by worldly life.  So this day, God has declared:  “We shall ignore them, just as they forgot their meeting of this Great Day and as they denied Our Word.”

Christians, AGAIN, this would be an excellent time to review Christ’s parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25, for there shall be a most important lesson about these ten virgins later in this letter::

Matthew 25:11  Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

Matthew 25:12  But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

Despite what Christians have been taught to believe by their various denominations, these marks are clearly visible to those who know how to see them.  The Qur’an teaches this also, in another place.  So, despite what many of today’s Christian churches teach:  neither the beast (nor its mark!), comes from some great false church that might exist in our final days.  Revelation clearly teaches that this great false church will certainly be a “part” of that beast, or at least associated with that beast; but this beast is much greater (and larger) than this false church.  Christ just taught Muhammad that the mark could be seen nearly 1,500 years ago:  while Muhammad lived!  And in the Qur’an 7:48, Christ all but announces that the beast is our “pursuit” of great numbers (this can only mean wealth, or mammon) and our “possession” of those great numbers.

Christians, please use this easy lesson to help you sort through the general vanities and mistakes that your Christian teachers are passing down to you.  Just as in the days of Jesus, your leaders are married to the mistake-filled books they have written, their mistaken traditions, their mistaken mentors, and especially to their mistaken doctrines.  And please understand that you need not become a practicing Muslim here:  just read and learn the Qur’an for the sake of finding your Christ’s Truths which have been sent down to this “entire world.”  Stay a Christian!  But learn, even more, about “your Christ’s” Truths that have been placed elsewhere in this world.

Christ wants us to follow Him.  So follow Him, and His Truths, throughout this world; and throughout our history!  Get over mankind’s (and Christianity’s) vanities about Jews and Muslims and just follow Christ, our Creator!



This author is quite certain that not one Christian, upon the face of this Earth, can explain why the weekly sabbath was never made mandatory for Adam and Eve.  They were certainly there:  on that very first sabbath which God, Himself, created!

Nor can any Christian explain why Noah was not given the mandatory weekly sabbath.  God used Noah to start all over again, regarding this world.  It would have taken no effort on God’s part to make the weekly sabbath mandatory for Noah, and his descendants.

No Christian can explain why God’s only named Friend,” Abraham, was never given the weekly sabbath requirement.  Abraham was chosen to be the forefather of a great many existing nations today:  Christ said so!  And Christ kept His promise to Abraham!  But there is no sabbath to be found in Abraham’s life.

No Christian can explain why Jacob (who was later named Israel) was not given the weekly sabbath requirement.  Israel was the father of the twelve Tribes of Israel:  meaning the Jews and nearly all Christians upon this Earth (whether you Christians care to believe this truth, or not).

This author could go on, and on, with more examples; but we will consider just one more “people” here.  Five-hundred years AFTER Jesus died, Christ sent His Qur’an down to the Arabs (to Muhammad).  Yet Christ’s Muslims were never given the weekly sabbath requirement.  (Oh, they were given the circumcision requirement, clean meats, and God’s other Commandments and ordinances!)  But no weekly sabbath requirement.  Why?

Christians . . . consider this greatly for there is an enormous Truth of God to be found, in the answer.  And this author will tell you where you can go to find the answer.  Just ask any Muslim child, over the age of (perhaps) 15-years:  they will be able to fully explain every case this author detailed above!  Or you can keep reading, and Christ shall reveal the answer in His Qur’an:

The Qur’an 16:123  We instructed Muhammad to “follow the creed of Abraham, a man of pure faith.”

The Qur’an 16:124  The Sabbath was made obligatory only for those who differed about it.  On the day of Resurrection your Lord will judge between them as to their differences.

As far as this author can tell, God’s Sabbath was only made mandatory for the Hebrews (meaning Christians and Jews) and the Sabeans.  The Sabeans failed miserably, and God destroyed them for this reason.  (Christians, please do not think that you are now exempt from Christ’s Sabbath.  For there is not one Scripture upon this Earth that releases you from Christ’s Fourth Commandment to Moses!  You just read, in the Qur’an, that you shall absolutely be judged by your observance of Christ’s Sabbath.  And Christians, perhaps you should just start to consider that you might, indeed, be the lost ten Tribes of Israel:  this will open your eyes to a great many of your own Biblical Scriptures which your religious leaders FAIL to understand.  REFUSE might be a better word here.)



Now this is a word every person needs to consider . . . “denominations!”  This word is an utter abomination to Christ, our Creator.  And especially, to our LORD, Christ’s Father!  Each reader here is about to get a heavy dose of what Christ thinks about mankind’s “denominations!”

Oh, Christ also taught about this in His Qur’an!  Not in the Arab Qur’an, nor in the Muslim Qur’an, but in Christ’s Qur’an:

The Qur’an 42:13  In matters of faith, He has laid down for all people the same commandment that He gave Noah, which We have revealed to you (Muhammad) and which We enjoined on Abraham and Moses and Jesus“Uphold the faith and do not divide into factions within it.”  Muhammad, what you call upon the idolaters to do is hard for them; God chooses whoever He pleases for Himself and guides towards Himself those who turn to Him.

(CHRISTIAN TEACHERS!  Of every denomination!  This author just “bolded” God’s Message, to you, here today!  It is the Will of God:  that you remain free to accept, or reject, God’s Messages.  Indeed, this author fully understands that all of you will be quite slow in coming to accept the Words of Christ’s Qur’an.  But this author also feels compelled by the “Known Will of God” to place these words, albeit a bit rudely, in front of you at this point of the letter.  Perhaps, a few of you might return to the Will of God, someday.)

(CHRISTIAN TEACHERS . . . just “uphold the faith!”  And go no further.  Also, please understand NOW why Christ has not previously destroyed your Christian denominational blasphemies:)

The Qur’an 42:14  They divided, out of rivalry, only after a special knowledge had come to them, and, if it had not been for a decree already passed by your LORD to reprieve them until an appointed time, they would already have been judged.  Those after them, who inherited the Scripture, are in disquieting doubt about it.

A side note to all Christians:  the Hebrew word for Elohim (who created this world) is a plural word.  Christians used to think that this meant some “trinity,” but by now, you should understand that there is no trinity.  However, God is still a plural being.  God is a “We.”  Christ stated this in your Bible, “Let Us make man in Our image.”  So Christians, anytime you see the words We, Us, or Our in Christ’s Qur’an, know that it means the plural Godhead.  Anytime you see the word “I,” know that it means just Christ.  Muslims do not understand this because they refuse to learn your Bible, even though Muhammad was instructed to learn Christ’s Scriptures that are in His Bible.  And Muhammad did as he was instructed, but today’s Muslims are as stiff-necked as most Jews and Christians have always been.

A further note to all Christians today:  this author prays earnestly, that every person reading this letter finds themself in that “disquieting doubt” Christ mentioned in verse 42:14 above:  concerning what you have long been taught regarding your denomination and your rival denominations.  (Christ taught all of this in Malachi 3, concluding with this very lesson being placed in Malachi 3:16 – 17.)  This author was disquieted, even as a child:  when taught that his best friend, Bobby, was going to hell for the sole reason of Bobby being a Baptist.  When a Catholic ten-year old boy finds himself in disquieting doubt regarding mankind’s denominational nonsense, just how pathetic are the leaders in that church?  But twenty-five-years later, this author found God’s powerful Draft Horses!  And everything became easy, fairly quickly:  after a few years of yelling at God, a bit of cursing at God, and a lot of apologizing most every night.  Ok, it was hard for a little while.  But as God promised in the Qur’an 42:13, God guided this author to Himself because this author never turned away from God:  even with this denominational nonsense.  While this author got mad at some of God’s Truths, this author never turned away from God.

And by the way, this author fully understands that they are not called Plow Horses:  they are properly called Draft Horses.  But one does not “draft” through Satan’s lies in this world.  One PLOWS through Satan’s lies in this world!  So please grant this author just one final, and insignificant, “literary license” taken here.

Christians!  Please study those last two Qur’an verses closely:  42:13 – 14.  They are “mostly” about Jews and Christians.  (Oh, Christ taught these verses as a great warning to Muslims, but the verses truly are about prior Jewish and Christian mistakes.)  Christ calls the Jews and Christians His “children of the Book” all through His Qur’an.  These two verses will teach you much about yourself and will teach you exactly why we Christians have “not already been judged” by God.  Remember, God destroyed the Sabeans because they failed to keep His Sabbath.  (Non-scriptural legend teaches that they did this through their drunkenness.)  In this author’s humble opinion, today’s Christian nations might very well be guilty of far worse crimes-against-God than the Sabean’s drinking problem.  (Abortion, sexual permissiveness, legalizing sins, failing to punish convicted sinners, etc..  This author could go on forever.)

BUT THEN, OF GREAT IMPORTANCE . . . we do find that special exception and/or grant of an “appointed time” specified in Christ’s Qur’an 42:14, above.  And oh, how God has never failed to meet His “appointed times!”  This lesson, alone, should be enough to make every Christian’s blood “run cold” through their veins today!  Because this lesson, alone, describes to every Christian, exactly why we (this author included!) have not collectively suffered as Sodom and Gomorrah did.

Oh Christians!  Please read this one little verse from Christ’s Qur’an just once more.  It truly should strike fear in every Christian’s heart.  And it should FULLY explain to every Christian Pastor, just why Christ has not already “judged” the Christian nations of today.  Indeed, this is actually Christ speaking:  through His angel, Gabriel, here on our Earth.  So this author will place these words in red:  as many Christian Bibles do.

The Qur’an 42:14  They divided, out of rivalry, only after a special knowledge had come to them, and, if it had not been for a decree already passed by your LORD to reprieve them until an appointed time, they would already have been judged.  Those after them, who inherited the Scripture, are in disquieting doubt about it.

Every Christian here . . . should truly pay attention to the utter disgust found in Christ’s Words in verses 42:13 – 14, above.  There is only one Christ!  Every single “denomination” is just one more “blasphemy” in Christ’s Eyes!  And do we Christians really expect Him to quietly tolerate our 33,000 “blasphemies” currently found on this little speck-of-an-earth which He created?  (And yes, right now every Christian reader is thinking, “Yes, my denomination is right:  and all others need to change!”  But that attitude is not acceptable to our Creator, Christ!  Christians, you really need to consider the possibility that ALL of your denominations are WRONG, in the Eyes of Christ!)  Read the words above, just once again, and please notice the tone of his voice (by way of His Words used).  Also, notice His “appointed time” reference.  This is described in the Old Testament as the time of Jacob’s Trouble, and in Matthew’s Gospel (24:21) as the time of great tribulation:  with “Jacob” meaning both the Jews and the lost tribes of Israel (meaning Christians).  The time of Jacob’s Trouble is clearly a specific “appointed time” in mankind’s future.  And in this author’s humble opinion, reading our “times and seasons” of today’s world, Christ’s “appointed time” is in our very near future:  possibly in today’s generation.

Christians, please understand all of this from Christ’s side-of-life.  His verse 42:14, above, teaches that you live under a Special Grant of an appointed time:  not because YOU are the good people, but because your forefathers (who received Christ’s Promises) WERE THE GOOD PEOPLE:  meaning Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, David, and some others.  Regarding this world’s horrible modern-day 33,000 denominations, Christ just taught this world that He is still keeping the Promises He made long ago:  to your forefathers!  You will find where this appointed time arrives in Revelation.  Were it not for the earlier promises made in Christ’s Scriptures, we “sinning” Christians would have already been punished, LONG before Judgment Day.

Christians!  Please learn the Words of Christ in the two verses above.  And keep them close to your hearts.  Because there are great lessons, a “Godly” understanding, and much wisdom which has been placed in Christ’s Words above.

Christians!  Christ’s Qur’an is Plowing for you here, if you have not noticed!  And this little pathetic letter is only scratching the tip-of-Christ’s-Iceberg here.  Truly!

Now, this author is going to “tread lightly” here:  as this author was raised within the Catholic faith, so long ago.  This author’s entire and extended family remains entirely within the Catholic faith, or one of its close derivatives.  But this author shall go to his grave stating that he possesses one of the finest families (of kindhearted and decent people) that ever existed!  Every single one of them:  throughout four generations!  We must have had one very good ancestor who trained our great-great-“whatevers” quite well.

BUT . . . treading lightly . . . there is a “collection” of Christian denominations upon this Earth that have been taught to pray to this-or-that “saint,” this-or-that statue of Mary, or this-or-that location of known miracles.  Furthermore, this group of denominations teaches that all obedience must be to their church leaders (rather than to God) and those church leaders will “transfer” that obedience to God, in the name of each person.  (That was a very simplified version of their doctrines.)  In other words, obey your priests and ministers even if it violates God’s Known Scriptures:  and allow them to deliver your soul to Heaven (by way of your obedience to them).  This author shall stop here.

These churches are able to maintain these teachings, and outright lies, ONLY BECAUSE they do not have a later Scripture from Christ that teaches otherwise.  In their minds, the New Testament was the final Scripture, so they are free to bend, twist, symbolize, and otherwise pervert their “ignorantly perceived” final Scripture anyway they desire:  because nobody can prove otherwise!  Well, Christ had other ideas in mind when He delivered His Qur’an some 500-years later!  (And yes, Jews, there is a great lesson here for you too:  it is called God’s Gospels.)

But, about those Christian teachers who want people to turn “only to their churches:”

The Qur’an 30:31  Turn to God alone, all of you.  Be mindful of Him; keep up the prayer;  do not join those who ascribe partners to God:

The Qur’an 30:32  meaning those who divide their religion into sects, with each party rejoicing in their own sect.

The Qur’an 30:33  When something bad happens to people, they cry to their Lord and turn to Him for help, but no sooner does He let them taste His blessing than, lo and behold!,  some of them ascribe partners to their Lord,

The Qur’an 30:34  Showing no gratitude for what We have given them.  So We say, “Take your pleasure, mankind!  You shall come to understand.”

The Qur’an 30:35  Did We send them down any authority that sanctions the partners they ascribe to God?

Christians!  Your saints died a long time ago.  They are dead and cannot help anyone.  Mary died a long time ago.  She is dead and can neither help, nor speak to, anyone.  Think about this world from Christ’s point-of-view, in Heaven.  Christ created this world for His Father, in Heaven.  Every time you pray to a saint, or give Mary credit for one of God’s miracles on this Earth, you are robbing Christ’s Father of His Due Glory!  You are ROBBING your one LORD!

More than this . . . you are forcing Christ, this world’s only Creator and this world’s only Teacher, to sit back and watch you insult and rob His Father (OUR LORD!) of all Glory, which belongs to Him!  Do you think there might be a small (HUGE!) problem here, from Christ’s point-of-view?






Christians, this might seem difficult, given our 33,000 different and confusing options in this world.  But always remember that God has sent down His Plow Horses!  His Word!  You can never go wrong by following the Word of God.

The Qur’an 30:31  Turn to God alone, all of you.

God has sent down at least four Plow Horses to help mankind PLOW through Satan’s lies, here on this world.  We have described three of these Horses here, in this letter.  This author wanted, so much, to get into the special understanding that Christ gave to the Buddha, a long time ago:  but this letter is getting too long.  Christ did not teach the Buddha anything about Himself, nor His Father; rather Christ gave the Buddha a great understanding about those obstacles that every person finds, here in their lives:  regardless of the name of their faith.  For it is a fact that we must all muddle through our lives here:  if we are ever to see Heaven.  Well, Christ taught this very lesson to His Buddha.  Please understand that the Buddha never denied (nor even addressed!) the existence of our One LORD.  Ever.  He couldn’t!  For this was not the knowledge that was given to the Buddha!  Please understand that the Buddha never worshipped false gods, or idols.  He never sacrificed meats to false gods, nor did he ever violate even one of God’s Ten Commandments.  But the Buddha truly taught more about the details of our Earthly lives, down here, than did ANY of God’s Prophets found in His Scriptures.  Christians:  you know about our Earthly lives, down here.  It is those “little details” that get our names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, which is kept in Heaven!

Three little side notes here:  Christ taught His Buddha more details about His Elect than any other Scripture sent down to this world!  Christ also gave the Buddha a full explanation of just why this world (and our lives) were created by our LORD.  The Buddha was also given full understanding of why our LORD permits Satan to continue existing.  It has nothing to do with Heaven; rather it is all about life down here.  (Satan has zero-authority in Heaven!  So religious folks, please do understand that our LORD has a purpose, and a reason, for Satan’s continued existence.  The Buddha teaches of this purpose.)

Indeed, one of this author’s most memorable quotes, from the Buddha, was spoken around 500 BC:  just after Christ closed His Old Testament (with the Book of Malachi).

The Buddha (circa 500 BC):  It is not good for a wise man, who is the protector of Life’s Truth to proclaim, “This doctrine, only, is the Truth; and all others are wrong.”

This author would strongly advise all Christians to embrace the Buddha’s Truth here:  regarding the existence of 33,000 denominations within their own Christian faith.  Change that to 33,000 mistakes:  which equals a little over 80 mistakes for every page of the New Testament!  For you see, every one of these denominations teaches the SAME LESSON:  “there are 32,999 other denominations that ARE ALL WRONG, but we are right!”

SIDE NOTE by jpw:  The truth of this matter is that they can all see each others’ faults.  But they fail to see their own!

Christian leaders . . . the Buddha is quietly telling you that your “current model” for spreading God’s Word is not working:  indeed, it is quite obvious that it has not been working for a very long time now.  The Buddha is also quietly teaching that while your Scriptures remain correct and True, it is YOU who have failed God by way of your “chosen model” for spreading His Word.  The truth of this entire matter is that you are only spreading Satan’s deceit, Satan’s lies, your forefathers’ mistakes, and your own personal vanities and/or expectations regarding God!  The following is not a “good model” for conducting God’s Work in this world:

We no longer follow that practice . . .

We believe those laws are too harsh for today . . .

We believe that was hung on the cross . . .

We changed Saturday to Sunday because . . .

We believe all meats are now clean because . . .

We don’t keep those old Holy Days because . . .

TEACHERS!  Just when did God’s “My” become your “we?”

TEACHERS!  What Scripture gives you this authority?

The Buddha was right about you:  yet the Buddha was never taught a single thing about our God, in Heaven!  The Buddha knew your ways 2,500 years before you were born!  How insulting is that?

The Buddha (circa 500 BC):  It is not good for a wise man, who is the protector of Life’s Truth to proclaim, “This doctrine, only, is the Truth; and all others are wrong.”

Every reader here is welcome to click on our webpage which is tabbed “Download Truth Vol. 2” and obtain our Second Volume of Truth.  It is a free download and is our introduction to the Buddha.  You are more than welcome to skip this author’s entire book and go straight to the Buddha’s Dhammapada.  You can get there quickly with a document search using the word, Dhammapada and then learn about the incredible understanding that Christ bestowed upon the Buddha, one night while resting under a Bodhi tree.  And when you find him using the word “Brahma,” please understand that he is describing Christ’s Elect!

This does NOT hold true when you visit that part of this world in our modern times!  But in the Buddha’s day, it was true.  For you see, after the Buddha died, every person in that region of the enormous Ganges River Basin in northern India desired to be a Brahma.  As usual with mankind, the wealthy won that earthly contest.  Once the wealthy people had convinced the masses that they comprised the Brahman, they quickly taught that one could only be born-into that class:  thereby assuring the success of their offspring.  These lies, and classes-of-people, continue today.

Solomon well-understood this common trait of mankind:

Ecclesiastes 10:7  I have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth.

Also, when you read the Dhammapada, understand that while the Buddha was describing God’s Elect, he described them so well, that later religious leaders, in that region, eventually felt that his description of this world’s Brahma simply could not be achieved.  So years later, in their religious affairs, they later changed the level of Brahma to a “godly level.”  They did this more than 400-years after the Buddha died.  Please understand now, that the Buddha never uttered one single word regarding the existence of “any god or gods.”  Nor did the Buddha ever utter a single word regarding “rebirth” or “reincarnation.”  All of this came hundreds of years later, by way of Satan:  through mankind’s following generations of Buddhist, and yes, Hindu leaders.  India, being isolated by enormous mountains, mingled the ancient Hindu faith into the newer Buddhist truths, which Christ delivered to that region.

This author truly can appreciate the feelings of those ancient Hindu and Buddhist followers.  There is a webpage, here on this site, about God’s Elect.  On that page, we illustrate what little the Bible does teach about God’s Elect.  It does almost seem unattainable.  This author is certain that he will never qualify!  For Christ, Himself, teaches that there are only 144,000 of them living today.  Read the Dhammapada concerning the Brahman (plural for one Brahma).  While the Brahman are sporadically described throughout that piece-of-literature, the Buddha dedicated one section solely to this world’s Brahman:  in that section, you shall learn a great many details of exactly why Christ’s Elect shall stand before the Throne of God, WITHOUT FAULT.  (And yes, this author calls it a “piece-of-literature” because it was not actually written until 400-years after the Buddha died.  It does contain a few errors, which are detailed by this author in the book, free for download, here on this website.

So while it is an amazing lesson for humanity, this author must stop short of calling it Scripture.  Perhaps it is.  Does this author believe it to be one of our LORD’s Plow Horses?  Absolutely!  Only a completely self-centered Christian, Jew, or Muslim would believe that our Creator TOTALLY ignored that “other side” of our Earth, which He Created!  If you disagree, ask any child if they think God would do this!





My friend, as stated earlier, there are far too many Christian cooks in Christ’s kitchen.  Regarding our true professional culinary chefs, here in today’s world, each tries to be different, and each tries to develop “something unique.”  It is not really a competition, but rather a desire to be different from all others.  They all do truly appreciate the strengths, and successes, found in other chefs.  This is fine.  And this works wonderfully:  regarding a morsel of food which shall be passed, sometime later.

But yes . . . deep, deep down . . . this is also a small competition.  So as to excel above the others:  while still loving the others!

However, this is not how God works!  This is absolutely the WORST WAY that mankind can come to, or even hope to find, our LORD, God.  The sad truth of this world is that our Christian teachers and pastors (and yes, all militant Muslim leaders) have adopted this “chef style” of doing our LORD’s business.  (Especially since the creation of radio, TV, and the Internet.)  As usual, we can thank Satan for this.  But you will find none of this nonsense in any Scripture sent down by our LORD!  For you see, professional chefs are “creating” the consumer’s “end-result.  Let us reword that last statement, just a bit:  For you see, professional chefs are “creating” the consumer’s “end-satisfactions!”  This world was not created for OUR PERSONAL SATISFACTIONS!

There is not one Scripture, in this world, that gives our religious teachers the authority to declare that “this” changed, “that” was hung on the cross, “we” shall no longer follow that practice, “those laws” no longer apply in today’s world, or Jesus’ death “changed EVERYTHING,” etc., etc., etc.  This author could go on for days, just here in this short paragraph.

All of today’s Christian denominations want to take our original God (meaning our One God and Creator), make a few adjustments according to their “personal beliefs, desires, and expectations of God;” and then sell their “version of God” to you.  They will always teach that their personal vanities are based upon Scriptures.  How?  By declaring this, or that, true Scripture to be merely symbolic, or spiritual, in nature.  But this is not God!  Rather, it reveals Satan’s current influence upon our church leaders!  Satan has convinced these church leaders that this technique works:  only because no person can prove a thing to be symbolic and no person can disprove a thing as being symbolic.  Similarly, no person can prove “spiritual things” and no person can disprove “spiritual things.”  There is actually one religious teacher, today, who teaches that his church (and only his church!) is Christ’s “spiritual Israel.”  And he does this every time he is asked about Christ’s elect, found in Revelation.

THIS, and THIS ALONE . . . (meaning this work of Satan) is what has caused over 33,000 denominations to be found in today’s Christian faith.  With more being created every year.

Our One God, or differing names of our One God, is NOT an end-result!”  God is the One, and Only, Ingredient to LIFE!  God’s Scriptures are His Written Recipe!  There is nothing to “cook.”  There is no “adapting, or altering, the end-result.”  There is no “meal” to consume:  and then later pass.  There is only LIFE!  We cannot even put salt or pepper on His Word.  Nor can we add water.  Nor can we add heat!  Indeed, He is a recipe TO BE FOLLOWED:  there are no other recipes available to mankind; nor is there anything to cook!  All of the various Scriptures this author has quoted here in this letter, prove this.  Just one earthly chef (in God’s Kitchen) is an abomination to Him.  Why?  Because that statement fully describes Satan’s works upon our earth, during our last 6,000 years:  meaning upon Christ’s Earth, which Christ Created!  Satan failed, long ago, in Heaven:  he tried to “cook” our LORD’s Truths in Heaven, but he failed.  So, Satan has brought this very abomination down to our little world.  And our religious leaders have been listening to this very clever Satan:  to the point where we currently have well over 33,000 Christian, um, “recipes for a false god.”

Did you notice that this author did not capitalize that last word, “god?”  That is because nearly all Christians, today, are following and worshipping a false god:  rather than our True God!  Oh, Satan has made this false god look really, really good to mankind:  by way of our childhood beliefs, cherished traditions, ancient church doctrines, and through people we have placed in a position of trust.  It’s true!  This is how bad this world has gotten, and this is why the times of Revelation are about to fall upon this world.  Yes, it is sad:  but yes, it is true.  And yes, Christ has supplied this world with His solution.

So . . . how can this be undone?  Please continue:

Professional chefs take great pride in their works.  Our religious teachers have adopted this style of pride, peer-acceptance, and finally self-reward.  However, God only teaches of humbleness, humility, and honor regarding His children.  (One can easily see this in His greatest teachers.)  Know now, that pride is the opposite of honor.  Pride is something a person bestows upon their self:  it can only be puffed-up from within.  Honor is something that can only be bestowed by others in this world!  (Use the well-documented lives of Abraham, or Joseph, as an example here.)

Christian leaders, teachers, pastors, ministers, and priests must learn that God is not looking for chefs in His Kitchen!  In fact, God has sent no Kitchen down to this world!  So just stop cooking:  this is all so easy!  Just follow God’s Scriptures!  This means to follow His Commandments, His Laws, and His ordinances!  Without prejudice!  The phrase “without prejudice” means not even salt or pepper; nor especially, water, for “watering down.”  (And THAT means whether you think something was “hung-on-the-cross,” or not!)


This author has addressed our Christian leaders above.  But what about the average Christian believer, who merely possesses an earnest desire to find their One True LORD and Creator?

One sad fact, regarding today’s Christian faith, is that there are well over 33,000 cooks:  with each pastor being an assistant to their cook (denomination); and every assistant desiring to make “very small improvements” within their denomination’s primary doctrine.  Just a bit more salt or pepper.  Maybe just one spice:  and let’s water that one down a bit (or even a LOT).  And you know what?  One can never add too much Garlic to anything.  Millions of cooks in the Christian kitchen!  And the vast majority of them cannot even agree on what day of the week Christ wants His Egg cooked; let alone HOW!  Making matters worse, nearly all of these cooks serve Christ’s Egg with sausage, bacon, or ham!  To them, it just makes Christ’s Egg taste better.  (Please notice the phrase, “to them.”)

Well, quite sadly, every Christian believer should know (after reading any version of the Bible), that Christ personally “wrote” (with His own Finger, and in stone!) what day His Egg was to be cooked.  He placed this day within His Scriptures, which He personally dictated to Moses (and Moses’ scribes), there in the desert.  So according to the Word of God, every Christian is free to consider that ONE day:  as Christ’s Recipe for His Eggs!  And the “how?”  Christ calls these His Commandments, His Laws and His ordinances.  It is a very easy recipe (again, with nothing to cook)!  All you have to do is rest.  Then, while resting, just sit back and contemplate His other Commandments, His Laws, and His ordinances; and in this rest, maybe give some consideration to how you have lately been conducting yourself regarding His Ways that were just listed above.  Maybe, just maybe, you will have to admit, to God, that you can do better next week:  well, that is precisely why God created this day.  (Christ clearly teaches that the sole purpose of God’s Sabbath is to keep us “headed in His Direction:”  for His Sabbath was made only to help mankind.  Christ also teaches that He did not make this to be a “burden” for us, but rather a “gift to us!”)  Given this, if you had a really good week, then tell God that you will try to get two good weeks, in a row, if you are lucky.  God loves a sense of humor.  And God completely understands that mistakes will happen.  He just wants to see how you handle your mistakes.  Now “THAT” is something He is really interested in because it tells Him a lot about you.  SO THERE!  You just had a great Sabbath and rested up quite well.  You are now ready to tackle this world, and Satan!  (For about a week:  according to our Creator!  And He would know best.)

But please do understand that there is not one Scripture, sent down from our LORD, which requires any person to go to any church, on a weekly basis.  This requirement is just not there!  Abraham was the only person ever called the Friend of God, and Abraham never went to a church.  Enoch was so loved by God, that God took Enoch up to Heaven to be with Him.  It is true:  Enoch never died.  It is also true that Enoch never went to any church.  Noah never went to a church.  This author could go on, and on, for just about the next 1,000 years of mankind’s history, after Noah left the Ark.  No churches!  Oh, but there most certainly was a God in those folks’ lives!

This author has a letter, elsewhere upon this website, which clearly teaches that God’s Elect are all virgins.  God also teaches that His Elect have never been “defiled” by women.  (Well, since about half of these Elect shall surely be females, that only leaves one “very cruel, but quite simple” Truth of God, for us to accept today.)  God’s Elect will have never been defiled by a church.  (Not a single one of His 144,000.)  For you see, in prophecy, the word “woman” always means a church.  ALWAYS!  (Notice that this author never said that God’s Elect never went to a church:  God’s Word does not say that.  God’s Word says they have never been defiled by a church:  which might include a church’s doctrine, creed, teachings, leaders’ personal vanities, requirements, failure to observe His Commands, et al..)

So, what is a normal and sane person to do with this knowledge?

Well, after 30-years of writing (and maintaining this website), it is time for full disclosure from this author.  At the end of God’s day, this author is nothing more than “just another cook” in Christ’s Kitchen.  Truly(If you ever get around to reading the Book of Enoch, know that Enoch wrote much about too many cooks, and writers, in his book.  And quite honestly, this author is just “another writer.”)  So please do read some words here (as many as you need), until you finally decide to follow God’s Draft Horses.  Please watch that one-minute video presented at the beginning of this letter:  and see what two Plow Horses (of God) are capable of doing to Satan’s lies (the weeds).  Or see your life, your faith, your knowledge, and your wisdom being cleaned-up, here.

It is an incredible video:  indeed, this roughly one-minute-long video demonstrates exactly what God can do (and will do!) within your life:  if you will truly accept, and then follow, His Commands:  meaning everything Christ, our Creator, has sent down, since the creation of Adam and Eve.  EVERYTHING!  Yes, even the Words you don’t like!  Oh, but this author cannot Plow for you, ever.  And despite what some might tell you, God is NOT in this world.  Enoch. Ezekiel, Revelation, and Christ’s Qur’an, all clearly teach that Christ, and His Father are in Heaven “observing and recording” exactly how all of us accept, and then place God’s Truths within our lives and also within our life-long decisions regarding the direction we freely “choose” to follow in this world which Christ Created.  Given this, God’s Draft Horses most certainly are in this world, right now, and here today!  They are also free, and available, to any person who has even the slightest interest in learning them.  They cost nothing but your time!  So, just how much value do you place on your eternal life, in Heaven?

My friend . . . once you decide to follow just one (meaning just any ONE!) of God’s Draft Horses in this world, never come back to this website again!  This author has clearly demonstrated that two, or three, Horses are better than just one:  especially if you are being taught by a teacher who has, unknowingly, been influenced by Satan.  So, rely on God, and God only!  This author has only ever written to “lost souls.”  Some are atheists and some are agnostics.  Some are lost after leaving churches and some are lost while still in churches:  fully understanding that God’s Scriptures clearly disagree with many things that their church is teaching!  In that one-minute video (found at the beginning of this letter), please notice that not one little weed was left-behind after those two draft horses had “cleaned” the area!  Follow God’s Plow Horses for the rest of your life; and every day, your “clean field” shall become larger and larger.  (But do understand that your life is NOT just a video!  You actually have to get up, go out of your house, and lash those Draft Horses together, with your own hands, and then follow them throughout whatever LIFE you have remaining!)  And yes, when you get further out, new weeds will have cropped-up in the middle, where you previously plowed.  This is just a part of life.  So start reading again, back at the beginning:  and follow those horses for the rest of your life.  Just plow your life again and never stop plowing, year-after-year.  Christ clearly taught us to never judge others, but He never told us to not judge our own life!  Keep plowing, my friends.  (If you do not understand something, just let it go.  Scripture always explains Scripture.  Think about this author’s 3-question test earlier and learn, possibly for the first time, that Scripture always explains Scripture!  Sometimes, you just have not come across the answer yet:  but you will later.  And remember that God’s saints possess two things:  patience and faith.)  This is EXACTLY why God has sent down His Scriptures, to this world!  God’s Scriptures are meant to defeat Satan:  but only for those who show the desire and support their desire by doing a little work in defeating Satan in their lifetime.  Can you now see “just a bit” of what the Buddha taught regarding why God has not banished Satan from this world, yet?  In a small way, God uses Satan, here in this world, so that God can see if we are willing to depart from the easy ways that Satan presents:  and then choose the “working path” of finding God!  And this old author can fully attest to the fact that the “working path” towards God has so many rewards, that it makes the “work” enjoyable!  Truly.  So, it would appear to this old author, that God really hates lazy people.  That was a bit harsh, but it was a bit true also.

This author mostly receives Christian visitors to this website.  So for now, let us consider those two draft horses (in the short video) as the Old Testament and the Gospels.  My friend, once you truly lash those two Draft Horses together (which Christ placed here) then leave this author behind . . . in your proverbial dust.  And never come back:  because I am just a man.  Follow the Ways of God that His Draft Horses shall clear (and make easier) for you and then never come back!  This website is only meant to be a “first step.”  A baby step:  for those who might actually be able to find our One True LORD and actually start walking toward our LORD, and His Ways.  Many will be wobbly, or weak-kneed at first:  while coming to the realization that their church, or churches, have been lying to them for their entire lives.  Well, there is only one direction to go from this wobbly-point of life!

Keep grabbing more of Christ’s Draft Horses.  They are free!  Or at least, they are very low cost!  Heck, this author, as a young man, stole his first Bible from a Holiday Inn, located just north of the University of Notre Dame, in Indiana.  It had been placed there by the Gideons.  God Bless the Gideons!  And God Bless baby steps.  Interesting story, The Gideons.  As far as this author can tell, they do not teach anything!  They just give out Bibles.  They just leave every person learn, according to their own ability:  which is exactly how Christ designed this world.  They do not lie, they do not make mistakes, they only give away Plow Horses:  and they do so for free!

Let God’s Scriptures be the only cooks in His kitchen.  Only eat from God’s Kitchen.  Let God’s Draft Horses (His known, enduring, and readily available Scriptures) be the only plows regarding the Truths that God has placed upon this Earth.  God’s Horses plow straight and true.  And they plow deep.  God’s Draft Horses will never lie to you either!  Would you like to know why?  Because horses cannot speak to you, silly!  (There is a great Truth to be found in that joke, also.  God’s Truths from 3,000 years ago are still True today!)  When God’s Horses are Combined (or lashed-together, as the Buddha taught), they plow much longer, straighter, AND deeper!  Pastors and teachers, more than ever before, must learn that they are merely the farmers who “go for the ride” behind God’s Mighty Draft Horses.  Pastors and teachers, more than ever before, need to stop trying to work so hard at being creative and “fresh.”  Sin has never changed so stop trying to be “new.”  God’s Truths have never changed so stop trying to be “new.”  Pastors and teachers, more than ever before, need to learn how to let God’s Mighty Draft Horses do all of the work for them.  (Stop trying to explain things!  God has made “everything” readily understandable here in this world.  And stop trying to shed a new light on ANYTHING!  Our LORD has only ever had One Light; and it has not changed.  Trust in God that He knows what His children can understand!)  God’s pastors and teachers only need to keep dropping seeds here and there, for the rest of the world to consume.  (Meaning later, when these seeds have grown within each person’s heart and become nutritious.)  It has never been a pastor’s job to “grow-up FOR” their sheep!

Side Note to all Christian leaders:

Pastors!  You have had your chance, and failed!  The past 2,000 years have clearly documented that your ways and methods are NOT WORKING!  Stop blaming others and start blaming yourselves.  Never mind Satan, just for now.  For all of your speaking and teaching, you have only managed to cause the creation of well over 33,000 denominations, meaning disagreements, also meaning lies and mistakes:  mostly meaning “abominations to Christ.”

Whatever you are doing, IT AIN’T WORKING!

Worse than that, IT IS HORRIBLY BROKEN!  (But perhaps . . . not fatally broken.)

Christian churches!  Are you listening?

The Christian faith needs to change, and it needs to change right now!  Revelation teaches this quite clearly.  Every Christian pastor, reading this letter, is sitting there in full agreement: saying,

“This guy is right!  Everyone needs to convert to my denomination, my teachings, and my doctrine.”

Well now . . . about that!  That is EXACTLY what got us to where we are now!  Now?  Yes, just before Christ returns to fix everything that YOU have broken!  Every Christian pastor needs to return to the Word of God!  The opening words of the Gospel of John proves that Christ created this world.  Hebrews 11:24 – 26 proves that it was Christ who gave all of the Commandments, Laws, ordinances, and Holy Feasts to Moses.  And in the closing words of His Old Testament, Malachi 3:6, knowing that His Gospels were to follow, Christ swore to this world that HE WOULD NEVER CHANGE!  EVER!!!

The Christian faith needs to change its ways.  The brutal Truth of God here is that you can all see the others’ problems, but you cannot see your own.  Just like when Jesus came, 2,000 years ago.  Pastors!  This is a bitter pill for you to swallow.  But the Truths of Revelation teach that it is time for you to swallow Christ’s Bitter Pill.  Follow God’s Draft Horses.  Hopefully, you have learned a bit about His Draft Horses named The Qur’an and the Buddha; because the Christian Faith of this world has never before so badly needed MORE of God’s Draft Horses.

This author apologizes for digressing.  I do this a lot.  Sorry.

There are only three Draft Horses for religious folks in this world.  (Honestly, there are more:  over there, on the other side of our little world, but we have barely addressed them here in this letter.)  Christ’s Old Testament, Christ’s Gospels, and Christ’s Qur’an would appear to be those Draft Horses sent to “this side” of Christ’s world.  You know that Christ-fellow:  he is that “One” who created this entire universe, created our little, tiny world, and created us (His children) who live on this little world of His.  There can be only one “Cook” in this world.  His name is Christ, and He created this world by way of His Father’s authority.  Mankind must never leave any door open to even one different chef (regarding various religious explanations and imaginary improved recipes) because Satan will be the FIRST to walk through that door!  EVERY SINGLE TIME!  So, lock your doors by way of never adding-to, ignoring, changing, or especially symbolizing our LORD’s Word!

Satan?  Yes, that “failure-fellow” who loves to teach and put forth various lies such as:

“Yes, that is found in Scripture, but here is how I handle that issue in these modern times.”

“Most people believe in ‘that verse’ but personally, I believe this other idea presents everything better:  in a new light.  It is just easier to understand it this way.”

“Those other people who follow their doctrines are not like us.  We know the truth.”

And the grand-daddy of them all:  “Follow our teachings and obey our church.  WE shall get you to Heaven.”

Or the worst of them all:  “We shall lead you on the path towards Heaven.”  Now why would any Christian teacher ever believe in these words?  That was never their job!  There is a huge difference between leading Christ’s sheep and feeding Christ’s sheep!  (As per His command!)  When you feed Christ’s sheep, you merely toss His Food, meaning His Word, over the fence, to His sheep, and then ALLOW His sheep to eat and digest His Food to the best of their OWN ABILITIES, and especially, IN THEIR OWN TIME!  This!  And this only, will allow Christ to sit back and watch (meaning to judge) the children which He created here, according to their life-long decisions which they willfully demonstrate to Christ!  Christ truly desires to watch how each person accepts, or does not accept, His Food (Word) here in this world.  This will help Christ decide who can further His Father’s cause in the Kingdom of Heaven!  Christ, and His Father (our LORD), have a plan for their Creation here.  Satan has his “little plan” for this earth, and our LORD has His Designed Plan for this earth.  It is only Christ who shall divide us all, on Judgment Day.

My friend, only follow one Cook.  Only believe in one Cook.  Only eat the Food of one Cook.  Pastors and teachers:  you are not cooks!  (Christ told you to feed His sheep:  He did not tell you to cook, or alter, His food.  He also did not tell you to season His Food with your own personal vanities.  You are to serve His Scriptures only.)  Pastors and teachers:  you are not Plow Horses either!  (Those Scriptures and Truths which our Cook sent down are to “Plow His Worldwide Field!”)  You are merely the farmer going along for the ride, on top of the chisel plow!  Drop Christ’s little seeds (meaning His Word only) and let them grow.  Your job is now finished!  Just never stop plowing and never stop tossing God’s Word over the fence.  Christ’s sheep instinctively know what food is good for them, especially after Christ’s Plow Horses have removed all of Satan’s weeds!  The eating part becomes easy!  (Until that farmer decides to cast a new, and improved, hybrid seed.  Especially a hybrid seed that is quickly overcome by Satan’s weeds.  They might even declare it to be a GMO:  “because you know; we, mankind, understand this modern world much better than our LORD and Creator!”)

Pastors!  God does not need anyone to steer His Draft Horses, because He purposefully designed them to only go straight.  When you ever consider steering them towards your own vanities-and-expectations of God, you have already defeated their Designed Purpose.  Also, when you do manage to steer them off, and away from their Designed (straight-line) Purpose, you then leave a lot of Satan’s weeds (and your own personal “weeds”) in people’s lives!  And God does not need you to change His One Truth into 33,000 hybrid-seeds, weeds, and lies that are quickly overcome by Satan:  because the fact is, the Truth of our LORD God, Christ’s Father, is Pure and will never tolerate weeds!  Let Our Cook (Christ) and His Horses do their work.  This is the Will of the Father, quite honestly.

Stop steering Christ’s Gospel Horse away from Christ’s Old Testament Horse!


Christ’s Commandments (including His Sabbath and graven images), Christ’s clean meats, Christ’s ordinances, Laws, and Commands regarding adultery, homosexuality, abortion, and all seven of Christ’s Holy Feasts.  ALL SEVEN!  Christ swore in Malachi 3:6 that He would never change!  So stop teaching that Christ changed anything after leaving Jesus’ cross!  Everything listed here is Satan’s teachings through Christianity!  Everything listed here was just the tip of Satan’s iceberg.



Pastors!  Never deviate from the Word, even if your vanities and personal beliefs “scream otherwise.”  You were not put here to be smarter than the rest.  But you truly did choose the path which causes others to believe that you ARE smarter than the rest.  Christ told you to “feed His sheep.”  So, just feed His sheep (meaning, His Scriptures).  The problem is:  that once you get there, you start changing things, cooking things, and improving things.  Your main problem in this world is that most likely, you are following only one of God’s Plow Horses; but your predecessors (long ago) changed, cooked, and tried to improve things which you are now DUTY-BOUND TO PASS ON, here in YOUR DAY:  all of this meaning, your church’s doctrine-of-beliefs.  This is how nothing ever gets back to “right.”  This is how nothing ever improves.  And this tradition is exactly how Satan has gained entrance into our churches’ leadership.

Learn to say, “I don’t know!”  Learn to say, “This is not found in any Scriptures!”  Learn to say, “We will learn about this when we ever stand before Christ.”  Learn to say, “God has never taught about this, as far as I can tell.”

And stop symbolizing everything that you do not understand!  There are many Truths of Heaven that Christ has just not explained to us.  Period!  Such as those spirits of the saints who were killed for the testimony of Christ:  they currently live under an alter in Heaven and cry out, “How long, O LORD, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?”

But many of our religious teachers, today, teach that when we are dead, we sleep until the second coming of Christ:  a deep sleep, where we know nothing.  Because our “falsely taught assumptions” teach us that the dead know nothing.  (Most quote Paul or Solomon here:  completely ignoring Revelation 6:10.)

Revelation 6:9  And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

Revelation 6:10  And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O LORD, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

Maybe our religious teachers should learn Christ’s much older Scriptures which teach, “Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was:  and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”  So maybe these religious teachers should learn that we are of two-parts here in this little world:  dust and spirit.  Maybe, just maybe, Paul and Solomon were talking only about our “earthly bodies” that sleep in the dirt until Christ returns:  Paul did not specify this.  But this author only believes the words of Christ in Revelation 6:10.  And this author is certain that we are not talking about just a few souls here:  because there have been millions, upon millions, slain for Christ throughout mankind’s history.  (Off hand, this author can quickly think of six-million Jews that were slain by the Germans, not too long ago.  Every one of them was slain for the word of our Creator (Christ) and the testimony which they held!)  But, because this event (of Revelation 6:10) occurs in Heaven, this “earthly author” truly cannot understand these two verses of Scripture.  However, this author must believe these words because they were sent down by Christ.  And that is good enough for this author.  This author finds no shame in saying, “I just don’t know about Heavenly matters.”

Pastors and Teachers!  There is no fault, nor weakness, to be found in the words, “I don’t know.”  The words, “I don’t know” are at least a thousand times better than, “These are just symbolic words.”  (Oh, how Satan loves it when he convinces us that something is “just symbolic.”  Especially after Christ stated that it was “real.”)

Pastors and Teachers!  Many people will ask you questions about this-or-that.  It is not required that you are able to answer every question!  This is EXACTLY how the Jewish teachers, of Jesus’ day, failed!  They did not have all of God’s Answers back then, and you do not have all of God’s Answers today.

Pastors and Teachers!  There are some very important Truths of God that you absolutely possess, here in this world, which all people so desire to learn before they die.  The young desire to understand:  is there really a God?  The middle-aged desire to understand:  what sort of life does God expect me to live, now that I have left my silly youth behind me?  The older folks desire to learn:  what can I do for God?

Christ’s various Plow Horses always teach regarding our young:  you must get through your youthful ways, so be smart, be careful, and grow up as quickly as possible.  This is a part-of-life, so stay safe!  Return to the teachings of your youth as quickly as possible.  (The Buddha, Solomon, and the Qur’an.)

Christ’s various Plow Horses always teach regarding our middle-aged folks:  to raise your children with God’s Truths “ringing in their ears!”  Oh, it might not be fruitful today, but the Qur’an especially teaches that they will remember later, someday, according to their own ability, when they finally mature.  Christ teaches that “patience” is best:  regarding this trait of mankind.  Know that your seeds will take root, and grow, if you raised your children well.  And know that the wisdom of God teaches that when a person possesses God’s Truths in their heart:  that our LORD’s ways shall always prevail.  (Absolutely every Plow Horse that Christ has ever sent down to this world!)

Christ’s various Plow Horses always teach regarding our older folks:  that the best thing our older folks can do for this world, is to “judge our young and middle-aged,” for Christ.  Because the “old” understand everything, the “old” went through this stage theirselves, and the “old” possess Christ’s Knowledge of what should properly be forgiven and what should be punished!  (Moses, David, Solomon, the Qur’an, and the Buddha.)

Pastors and Teachers!  All good and True answers are found in God’s Laws, God’s Ways, and God’s Truths.  There is “nothing new under Christ’s sun!”  These would include every ordinance He has ever sent down.  There are no answers to be found anywhere amongst mankind’s 33,000 doctrines!  God’s answers are found in God’s Word.

SO . . . TEACHERS!  And yes, this means Jewish teachers, Christian teachers, and Muslim teachers:  when you can learn the few and simple lessons above, then our LORD’s Truths shall finally blossom for you.  But only after you stop rejecting His Truths by way of symbolizing, modernizing, or even separating them.  Our LORD cannot be divided!

And just where did this lesson come from?

It came from one more of His Plow Horses:

The Buddha (circa 500 BC):  It is not good for a wise man, who is the protector of Life’s Truth to proclaim, “This doctrine, only, is the Truth; and all others are wrong.”

Sorry religious folks . . . that might seem like a “low blow,” at this particular point, but this author feels bound only by the Truths of God that have been placed throughout this world by our Creator:  who some of us call Yahweh, Elohim, Jehovah, Christ, Allah, or many other names!  Never, but ever, give “The Name” even a fleeting concern:  for it was Christ Himself who babbled our language shortly after Noah’s days.  He does not mind the differences.



The few, known, enduring, and documented Scriptures that Christ has sent down to this world are His Draft Horses in this world.  Together, they will plow deeper and straighter than any person could ever desire.  Yes, our LORD’s Torah is fully able to get a person to Heaven:  if that person truly follows Yahweh’s Word.  Yes, our LORD’s Gospels are fully able to get a person to Heaven:  if that person truly follows Christ’s Word.  Yes, our LORD’s Qur’an is fully able to get a person to Heaven:  if that person truly follows Allah’s Word.  This author has writing-after-writing demonstrating this very Truth all across this world which Christ created for His Father, who is our LORD.  This includes the Buddhists, the Hindu, the Confucionists, and all native Tribes of the Earth that have been given God’s “Great Spirit.”

Christians, Jews, and Muslims.  No . . . EVERYBODY!

Stop selling our LORD short of the Glory He is due elsewhere in this world!  He knows what He is doing.  His Ways are unsearchable.

Every Scripture of God, here on this Earth, teaches that if you leave our LORD short of His True Glory, here in your life, then He will leave you short . . . on His Judgment Day!  If your religious teacher teaches otherwise, well then, that tells you something about that teacher, does it not?  Knowledge is good.






Christians, please understand that this Western author can only “go so far” regarding the Jewish faith, Muslim faith, and others.  While Christ has taught this author much regarding His Scriptures which were sent down to them, this author does not understand their cultural divisions, their historical differences and disagreements, nor their societal beliefs regarding those considered to be outsiders.  Their lands truly have been the cross-roads of many marauding armies throughout the last several thousand years:  their historical mistrust regarding ALL outsiders is well-founded and has served them well.

For instance, this author has never lived in the Mid-East.  However, this author has a historical understanding that today’s Arabs do not completely embrace those who live in what was, long ago, Babylon, Persia, Syria, or Assyria.  Well ok, in some respects, they “nearly” hate each other because of many ancient and not-so-ancient conflicts.  (In the Bible, Hagar was the mother of Ishmael.  Ishmael was the father of twelve princes:  who were to comprise the Muslim faith much later.  These twelve princes are the forefathers of Syria, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and . . . the Arabs!  God’s prophecy was that they would forever be considered a “wild man.”)  Indeed, God’s prophecy still holds true, today:

Genesis 16:10  And the angel of the Lord said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.

Genesis 16: 11  And the angel of the Lord said unto her, Behold, thou art with child and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the Lord hath heard thy affliction.

Genesis 16:12  And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

All of this is greatly detailed on our webpage regarding Abraham.  That webpage gives a tremendous insight as to Christ’s Biblical prophecies regarding Ishmael:  they are significant, even today.

So, this author completely understands that all of these folks, mentioned in Genesis, truly are all descendants of the Twelve Princes of Ishmael which were detailed by Christ in His Book of Genesis, above.  Christ SPOKE this Book to Moses, who was a Hebrew by birth.  Muslims fully understand their lineage through Ishmael, the first born of Abraham.  While they might have their regional (and family) disagreements, they fully understand that when you attack Allah’s Qur’an, you attack them all!  You can fight them, a little over here and a little over there, but when you have pushed them hard enough, you will find yourself fighting them all.  Their Qur’an dictates this obedience to Allah; and their lineage through Ishmael dictates their not permitting the full destruction of their brethren.  Islam means “total devotion to God.”  (It has nothing to do with being violent people:  indeed, it means quite the opposite.)  But every Muslim understands that it means that they are to set ALL family squabbles aside when Islam is attacked from OUTSIDE.  All westerners need to understand that Christ’s Muslims have never forgotten what is truly important to their Allah (meaning your Christ).

But quite sadly (for most readers here), this author is a Christian, in Western Society, and this author is well-versed regarding the various differences found within the Christian Faith.  So, Christians!  You are about to receive a heavy dose of how you might just be “found-short” on Judgment Day:  by your own Jesus Christ!  Christians, please understand that it does not matter what you have been taught by other men or women regarding Judgment Day:  only Christ’s Words should matter to you.  Please understand that your Christian teachers can speak about an Eternal Life, THEY CAN NEVER GRANT you an Eternal Life:  only Christ can:

Matthew 25:10  And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

Matthew 25:11  Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

Matthew 25:12  But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

Same story of Judgment Day . . . different Plow Horse:

The Qur’an 7:50  The people of the Fire will call to the people of Paradise, “Give us some water or any of the sustenance God has granted you.”  They will reply, “No, God has forbidden this to the disbelievers:

The Qur’an 7:51  those who took their religion for a mere hobby and of whom true life despised.”  So this day, God has forgotten them just as they forgot the coming of this day and as they denied Our Word.

To all Christians:

This author is wrong from time-to-time, but this author believes that he can make a strong argument with all Christians that goes as follows:

If you have not read Christ’s full Bible (cover-to-cover) even once, in your life, then you most likely belong to those who love this world more than they love their LORD.  (Reference the virgins above who merely “desired” to be ready.)

As a side note:  this author was once acquainted with a young professional couple.  The husband was a highly skilled scientist who recently had a letter published in his profession’s primary journal.  His wife read the three-page letter.  One day, she was telling this author about that letter.  This author asked his church-going lady friend if she had ever read the Bible, start-to-finish.  She replied that she had not.  So, we had a friendly conversation comparing her love for her husband to her love for God.

Christians, please think about this author’s proposed argument above and the side note which followed.  And think of it in a friendly way, please.  (Honestly, this author has been writing for this website’s visitors for over 30 years now.  If you find anything to be offensive, you definitely misunderstand this author’s intentions.  This author is only trying to get folks, “un-lost.”  But this author understands that they must do all of the work, in this effort:  hence, well, the “harsh pushing.”)

To all Christian Pastors:

This author is wrong from time-to-time, but this author believes that he can make a strong argument with all Pastors that goes as follows:

You have chosen to be a shepherd for Christ.  If you have not read all of Christ’s Scriptures (meaning, at a minimum, His Four Draft Horses) and still have no intention of doing so now, then you most likely place your love for your denomination, doctrine, traditions, and “personal comfort zone” higher than your love for Christ, our Creator:  and also, higher than the love you possess for Christ’s sheep.

Full disclosure here:  there are many more than just four of Christ’s Draft Horses upon this Earth.  This author is only referring to the Old Testament, the Gospels, the Qur’an, and the Buddha here in this letter.  Honestly, this author has not had the time to study the Confucionist Way, nor that Great Spirit which has been sent to all indigenous folks across this world (native tribes who just did not have a desire to build great organized societies:  and there is nothing wrong with that, in our Creator’s Eyes!).  This author has only given the Hindu faith an abbreviated study because it originated just after Noah’s day:  and any documentation was long ago co-mingled (corrupted) with the later teachings of the Buddha, in that same region.  Regarding the Sabeans (found in both the Old Testament and the Qur’an), God destroyed them, as Christ detailed in His Qur’an; and their Scriptures no longer exist.  Also, this author has a webpage dedicated to Enoch, here on this site.  On that page, this author documents, with nearly 500 Scriptural references provided; that the Book of Enoch truly is one of Christ’s Draft Horses!  That book is free for download.  (Any doubters should understand that the Book of Enoch was found among the Dead Sea Scrolls:  meaning well before Jesus was born.  Yet in this ancient book, Enoch refers to Christ dozens of times in his Book which was given to Noah to carry on his Ark.)

Christ, our Creator, also instructed Muhammad regarding Enoch being one of His prophets in the 19th Book of His Qur’an.  This Book is called “The Book of Mary.”  (Yes, that Mary!):

The Qur’an 19:56  Mention, in the Qur’an, the story of Idris.  He was a man of truth, a prophet.

The Qur’an 19:57  We raised him to a high position.

Christians!  Idris is the Muslim name for your Enoch.  Just another Plow Horse that Christ has made available to all people upon this Earth:  well described by Jesus’ brother in Jude1:14 (yet another Scripture that today’s Christian leaders fail to give any consideration).


To all Muslims:

In His Qur’an, Allah (or Christ, our Creator) instructed Muhammad to learn what was sent down to His children of the Book (His Bible).  Clearly, the Prophet did as he was instructed to do because he did live with (and frequently conversed with) many Jews, and some Christians there in Yathrib (Medina), for quite some time:  about ten years, as a matter of fact.  However, here today, your religious leaders have been taught, mistakenly, by their older teachers and mentors, NOT TO LEARN Allah’s other Book (His Bible).  For generations, they have falsely taught all Muslims that Allah’s other Book (His Bible) was corrupted, long ago!  Indeed, they still teach, today, that this book shall be called by its name of “Q” when it is ever discovered.  Only THEN!  Shall all Muslims be required to read, and finally obey, Allah’s other Book (His Bible).

So . . . Muslims!

Your “Book of Q” will never be discovered . . . because it has never existed!

Furthermore, Satan has all Muslims waiting for a book that he knows can never come!  Because this “Book of Q” is just one more of his many lies to mankind!  And Satan, as usual, accomplished this great deception through mankind’s religious leaders:  this time meaning the Muslim leaders.  (Deep down, in your hearts:  you know this to be true!  You know your LORD, Allah, is far beyond the ways of Satan!  You know your LORD, Allah, is able to keep His Books accurate!  Search your hearts today, because you have been taught to only follow the easy way:  meaning that you are being taught that you are now permitted, by your religious leaders, to ignore some of Allah’s instructions to Muhammad.  After searching this matter in your hearts, you fully understand that your CREATOR, Allah, desires you to learn the Words He has placed in their Book!  Because it is not their book.  It is Allah’s Book!  Allah told you so, in your Book!  And it is not your book.  It is Allah’s Book!  You shall be questioned about this on Judgment Day:  as shall the Christians and Jews.)  Your ancient religious leaders were long ago lied to by the Whisperer (Satan).  Your religious teachers, today, only follow the old ways.  Truly, Satan used “their own” arrogance and hatreds against them, long ago.  Your teachers, today, merely follow the old and cherished traditions they grew up with:  just like the Christian teachers of today are doing.  Satan did this to prevent future Muslims from obeying our Creator, Allah.  Satan did this because he knows that he cannot stand against Allah’s Plow Horses.  When combined, they are his Achilles heel:  because when combined, they expose ALL OF SATAN’S LIES; made to the various Earthly religions who have chosen to divide our One LORD, and our One CREATOR, into many pieces.  Do not listen to Satan.  Satan wants you all to go to your graves waiting for that imaginary “Book of Q.”  And Satan, the Whisperer, will no longer have any interest in you, once you have been placed in your grave.

This Christian author shall go to his grave:  teaching that God’s Qur’an is a true Scripture sent down by our LORD in Heaven!  And this Christian author shall go to his grave:  teaching that God’s Qur’an, having been written some 500 years after the Bible was finished, teaches all Christians and Jews of their current failures in Christ’s Eyes, today!

Finally, this Christian author shall go to his grave:  testifying to every Muslim that the King James Version of the Bible is correct in Allah’s Eyes!  In His Qur’an, Allah clearly told this world that He was the God of Moses and Abraham.  In His Gospels, Christ clearly told this world that He was the God of Moses and Abraham.  So pay no attention to the NAMES we foolish people use!  Muslims, obey the Prophet!  Muslims, follow Islam!  Islam means “total devotion to God.”  You cannot follow Islam until you have obeyed Allah:  and learn His other Book.  Muslims!  Deep down, in your hearts, you know this Christian author is speaking the Truth of God.

SIDE NOTE by jpw:

Muslims, this Christian author has instructed all Jews and Christians, here in this letter, over-and-over again; that if they will learn your Qur’an, then their Christ (Yahweh) shall guide them through Satan’s lies and traps.  So Muslims, this author is teaching you, here in this letter, just-once, that if you will learn their Bible, then Allah shall guide you through Satan’s lies and traps.  (The Qur’an 46:10, is quoted below, my friends.  Allah is just waiting to guide you.  Do you follow the teachings of other men, or do you follow Allah?)

Learn the Old Testament and the Gospels.  Those earthly letters, called Epistles, which were placed behind the Gospels, are NOT a Scripture sent down from our LORD.  Just as your cherished Hadith, is NOT a Scripture sent down from our LORD.  The Christians have made their mistakes and you Muslims have made your mistakes.  However, your Qur’an (in verse 46:10) teaches that you are being “arrogant” by not learning your LORD’s Bible.  More than this, you have no idea of the life-changing lessons which He placed in their Book, just for Muslims:  a Book you were told to learn.

The Qur’an 10:93  We settled the Children of Israel in a good place and provided good things as sustenance for them.  It was only after knowledge had come to them that they began to differ among themselves.  Your LORD will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection regarding their differences.

The Qur’an 10:94  So if you (Muhammad) are in doubt about what We have revealed to you, ask those who have been reading the Scriptures before you.  The Truth has come to you from your LORD, so be in no doubt and do not deny Gods signs.

The Qur’an 46:10  Say, “Have you considered:  if the Qur’an was from Allah, and you reject it?  Then one of the Children of Israel testifies to its similarity to their earlier scripture and believes in it, and yet you are too proud to do the same?  Indeed, God does not guide evildoers.

Muslims!  On Judgment Day, when Allah asks you many questions regarding your life, your religious leaders will not be there to answer Allah’s questions for you.  Their own teachers, from the days of their youth, will not be there to answer Allah’s questions for you.  Allah will expect an answer from only you.  So, what is your answer, this day?

SIDE NOTE by jpw:

Christians, that last section comes from a set of important lessons placed repeatedly, and all through, our LORD’s Qur’an.  The Qur’an teaches a great many lessons about the activities that will take place on Judgment Day.  All Muslims understand the section above:  because in His Qur’an, Allah (Christ) repeatedly placed great importance upon that lesson to all Muslims.  But not one Christian understands any of this.  (The vast majority of Christians, today, have forever been taught that if they just say that they believe in the name of Jesus, that this will get them into heaven.  Oh, if Life could be so simple!  Christians are only taught that “We shall be saved by the Grace of God.”  And yes, that is true, but God’s Grace only comes AFTER God’s Judgment!  Christians have NEVER been taught, by their religious leaders, that “We all shall first be judged by our works and deeds:  referencing the Book of Life, found in Revelation 20:12 – 15.”  One must pass through God’s Judgment in order to see God’s Grace!  Christians have never been taught that according to Revelation 20:15, “That if YOUR LIFE HERE does not get your name written in God’s Book of Life, then you will NEVER see God’s Grace!”  Never, ever let a Christian teacher convince you that Revelation 20:12 – 15 does not apply to you, as a Christian!)  So Christians, please hear this author now:  you will be standing right next to the Muslims on Christ’s Judgment Day.  Many incredible details of that Day are found all through Christ’s Qur’an!  Truly, you shall find these to be life-altering lessons.  And Christ would dearly love for every Christian to learn these lessons regarding His Judgment Day, of which, His Father (our LORD) has granted Him “full and final authority” regarding this little Earth, which Christ created.

CONFESSION TIME by jpw:  This author is truly having a difficult time switching between the names of Jesus, Christ, Yahweh, Allah, and our LORD here in this letter:  indeed, He has many other names.  Except for the Father, our LORD God, who lives and reigns in the Kingdom of Heaven, they are all the same!  But a great many readers here do not realize this!  Christ created this world according to the Will of His Father, our LORD God in Heaven.  Christ was Jesus, who started the Christian faith while He used the earthly body of Jesus for a few years.  Christ was the God who spoke to Moses (I AM THAT I AM):  and Christ clearly states all of this throughout His Qur’an.  Christ later told the Muslims to call Him by the name of Allah!  But since Muslims never cared to learn the first 14 verses of the Gospel of John, they wrongly believe that their Creator, Christ (or Allah), is actually our LORD, God, in Heaven:  meaning Christ’s Father.  (This was never explained to Muslims, in their Qur’an, because they were repeatedly taught to learn Christ’s other Book:  a lesson which they failed!  Neither was the I, Me, We, or Us “usages” in the Qur’an ever explained to Muslims:  because they were to learn this too, in Christ’s other Book:  a lesson which they failed!)  Because the vast majority of mankind does not understand these facts either, it makes it terribly difficult for this author to write to any believer!  There is only one Christ.  He works according to His Father’s Will.  His Father is the LORD of the Kingdom of Heaven.  There is Heaven and then there is the Kingdom of Heaven.  Christ’s Father is LORD of everything!  It is only the hatreds and vanities of mankind that make this letter difficult for this author to dance around.

So, please forgive this author for mixing-up a few of these “same” names.  Sometimes I am writing to Muslims, sometimes I am writing to Jews, sometimes I am writing to Christians, and sometimes I am writing to all.  It can be a dizzying task:  regarding nomenclature.  Especially with many Christians being falsely taught to pray to a dead man who they call Jesus, but whose real name was Joshua (Jesus is Greek for Joshua); and are also taught to pray to a false trinity that has never existed.  In fact, even this Western Biblical name of Joshua is not correct:  the Hebrew name is Jehoshua and is pronounced:  “yeh-ho-shoo’-ah.”  The name means “Jehovah is salvation.”  If any person had been in the vicinity of Jesus, about 2,000 years ago and yelled out the name Jehoshua, only then would He have turned to respond.

The lesson here:  is that Christ babbled our language shortly after the days of Noah.  But He did not babble our thoughts!  We all need to get over this silly “name” argument.  And we all need to find a place in our lives for all of His Words!  And we need to do this quickly:  because the end-days are approaching.  The sad fact here is that just when mankind needs our LORD the most:  our religious vanities, our personal vanities, and our “expectations of God” are crippling us:  Jew, Christian, Muslim, and all others.  Moses faced this, Jesus faced this, and Muhammad faced this also.  Oh, how Satan has done his job well, regarding the destruction of mankind’s beliefs.

Returning to this author’s message regarding all Muslims:

Trust Allah (our Creator) that He has kept His Scriptures safe from the ways of Satan.  While He taught here for three-years, Jesus clearly showed this world that Satan is not permitted to reject, add to, nor subtract from, a single word of any Scripture sent down from His Father’s Kingdom of Heaven.  In His Lesson, of facing Satan on that fabled mountaintop, Jesus proved that our LORD’s Scriptures are truly Satan’s Achilles’ heel.

If any Muslim chooses to learn from Allah’s other Book (the Bible), know that His other Book places no religious requirements upon you.  Allah’s other Book never instructs you to go to their churches, to follow their Christian beliefs, to follow their Western ways, nor to even belong to their faith.  However, Allah’s other Book does teach many different things that will greatly increase what you currently understand about Allah (Christ, Jehovah, Yahweh, God).  For you see, our Eternal and All-Knowing Allah (Christ) placed a certain “Collection of Truths” in His Old Testament, a certain “Collection of Truths” in His Gospels, and a certain “Collection of Truths” in His Qur’an.  Earlier in this letter, this author documented several Truths of the Qur’an that teach Christians and Jews many things they did not fully understand before:  such as the Trinity being a lie of Satan.  These things are easy for you Muslims because they are directly addressed in your Qur’an.  Well, there are great lessons in their Bible that will teach you about things you do not fully understand in your Qur’an.  These great lessons are just waiting for you, but your leaders forbid you from learning these lessons.  Your leaders, today, have only spread Satan’s lies; because that is what they were taught in their youth.  (Mankind’s love for “traditions and our cherished past” can truly cripple mankind.  Both Jesus and Muhammad faced this enormous problem also, in their day.)  There has never been a “Book of Q,” but there truly is only One Allah:  who desires you to learn from His other Scriptures which He has sent down.  You know His Words, in this matter, and you know His Desires.  If you choose to believe the teachings of mankind, rather than the Words of our Creator (Allah), you shall be questioned about this on Judgment Day.


To all Jews:

How can you, with this world’s current “nearly perfect, digital, and highly-detailed” 20/20 Scriptural hindsight, still not believe what your Creator has sent down to our world?  Other than the Hindu faith, which began shortly after Noah’s Ark landed (and then “blossomed” around the time of Abraham), yours is the oldest documented faith upon this Earth.  Yet, yours is the most stubborn and stiff-necked religion.  While Yahweh sent down (to you) the simplest of requirements, you cannot even keep these!  Just Ten Commandments and seven Holy Days!  And then some very common-sense ordinances:  such as clean meats and keeping “specified” evil people out of your lives, out of your villages/towns, and out of your sight!  Yet here you stand, today, shouting to Yahweh, “We no longer follow that practice; we know better than you.”  (As if your “personal preferences” mean anything to Yahweh.  And yes, you might as well be shouting this to Yahweh, because He sees everything you are doing.  More than this, He knows your thoughts!)  Oh, you generally have no problem keeping the easy Holy Days.  But why do you fail to observe the Feast of Tabernacles in the Fall?  This is just seven days spent living in a temporary domicile, such as a tent (or “possibly” in a manger:  as did your Messiah/Yahweh, long ago).  Yahweh did not place this event in the mid-summer heat!  He placed it during the most comfortable, and driest, season of the year:  meaning the Autumn.)  So, just why can you not keep this Feast, today?  Is it just inconvenient to you?  Does it not fit your Western lifestyle?  And then, we have His clean meats!  This author lives in America and observes Jewish folks (and of course, Christians!) eating shrimp, lobster, oysters, pepperoni pizza, bacon, sausage, ham sandwiches, and Catfish Fridays which are celebrated throughout mid-America and down south.  “Well, we don’t follow that practice.”  Believe it or not, one can even find “Kosher Ham” here in the West, today!  Really?  Yes, HERE.  (Link opens in a new window.)  JEWS Do you really place God’s Laws at the same level of “other earthly practices” regarding your life in today’s world?  JEWS!  He is your Creator!  You are NOTHING without Him!  You cannot take your NEXT BREATH without Him!  Do you fear Judgment Day?  Then, obey Him.  And learn all of His Words to this world, which He created.  And learn His Words below:

Jews!  How can you read your Psalm 22 and not see every detail regarding the crucifixion of YOUR CREATOR being taught:  1,000 years before it occurred?

Psalm 22:17  I may tell all my bones:  they look and stare upon me.

Psalm 22:18  They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.


John 19:23  Then the soldiers, when they had crucified Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part; and also his coat:  now the coat was without seam, woven from the top throughout.

John 19:24  They said therefore among themselves, Let us not rend it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be:  that the scripture might be fulfilled, which saith, They parted my raiment among them, and for my vesture they did cast lots.  These things therefore the soldiers did.

Psalm 22:7  All they that see me laugh me to scorn:  they shoot out the lip, they shake the head, saying,

Psalm 22:8  He trusted on the Lord that he would deliver him:  let him deliver him, seeing he delighted in him.


Matthew 27:43  He trusted in God; let him deliver him now, if he will have him:  for he said, I am the Son of God.

How can you read Isaiah 7:14 and not see the birth of your Messiah?

Isaiah 7:14  Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

Jews!  How can you read Micah 5:2 and not see that your Messiah would come from Bethlehem?

Micah 5:2  But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

So, your Hebrew Scriptures clearly teach you of Immanuel (meaning:  our Eternal God and Creator, Yahweh, is now actually living and walking amongst us!) coming here as the son of a virgin, born in Bethlehem!  Yet here, in the year 2021, you Jews still cannot connect these dots?  Seriously?  Your children can connect these dots!  (So, is the problem here that you cannot, or you just care-not-to?  Please do not answer to this author:  rather answer to your LORD, loudly, so He might hear your answer.)  And please understand that this author is not asking you to become Christians.  It would be better for you not to!  For which of the 33,000+ denominations would you choose?  (They all disagree:  and every one of them will tell you that all of the others are wrong!)  Just go buy a lottery ticket and remain a Jew:  your odds are better.  But this author is telling you that the Gospels sent down by your Creator truly are His Scriptures, truly contain many valuable lessons for you, and truly can Plow through Satan’s lies here on this Earth!

To all Jews:  this author is sorry to be so rough on you here.  But the time of Jacob’s Trouble is coming, and you Jews are not Scripturally ready!  When that time arrives, fairly soon, all Christian Scriptures teach that you will be right there, in the middle of it all.  (Do not take any of this to mean that you need to become a Christian, but there is much you need to learn and prepare for when those days arrive.  Specific signs, false prophets, and much more.)


My dearest friends . . . EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!

Satan has an Achilles’ heel.  Satan’s Achilles heel . . . is the Word of God Satan could not defeat the Word of God in Heaven; and he lost there.  Satan could not defeat the Word of God when Jesus spoke it to him on that fabled mountaintop; and he lost there.  Satan, still today, cannot defeat the Word of God, here on this Earth today:  and he CAN STILL lose, regarding your life!  First, every person (who truly desires a place in God’s Eternal Heaven) must come to understand that Satan is completely defenseless against the Written Word of God.  For this very reason, every person must somehow find a desire (inside of themselves!) to first LEARN the Written Word of God, and then choose to LIVE BY that Word, sometime before they die:  here in this world.  But all Scriptures also teach that no person, breathing today, can any longer rely upon “mankind’s accepted” Word of God because Satan has, for so long now, influenced “mankind’s religious teachers and leaders!”  (This is a great lesson of why Christ had to come to this Earth as Jesus:  “to save that which was lost.”  And this is a great lesson that Christ delivered to Muhammad, in His Qur’an, regarding all Jews and Christians.  Every person, upon this Earth, needs to understand that Christ placed a great many messages to Jews and Christians:  in His Qur’an!  Of course, there are a great many messages “just” for Muslims:  with no applications meant for Jews and Christians.  Mankind needs to “get past their vanities” and discover Christ’s lessons, TO THEM, in His Qur’an!)  After Jews and Christians finally get past this “vanity of mankind,” they might discover that they are truly “no different” than their Arab brothers, “over-there.”  Brothers?  For you see, Abraham had two sons:  Ishmael and Isaac.  BROTHERS!

Regarding God’s Word revealing Satan’s Achilles heel, Christ’s Book of Revelation clearly teaches this!  Christ’s Book of Ezekiel clearly teaches this!  Christ’s Qur’an clearly teaches this Truth throughout that entire Scripture!  All Scriptures, meaning “ALL SCRIPTURES,” teach that Satan can easily fool mankind, in every possible way.  But all Scriptures also teach that Satan cannot stand against God’s Written Word, ANYWHERE!

So . . . what is any person . . . to do now, with these Truths of God, in these end-times?

One typical lesson/example:

1.  Imagine that you just found a Scripture that clearly teaches a Truth which stands contrary to your current faith’s doctrine.

2.  You then ask your religious teachers and leaders to clarify the bothersome confusion this Scripture places in your heart.

3.  They then attempt to explain why you are unable to understand the Words which God has Enlightened for you through His Scripture.

Well, your first mistake was that you doubted those feelings which Christ placed in your heart, the day He created you.  Your second mistake was that you doubted a certain Word of God which directly opposes those beliefs you have somehow become comfortable with, in your life.  (Oh, but we all do this, every day:  and place this author at the top of that list.)  Your third mistake was that you turned to mankind for an Earthly answer instead of returning to the Word of God for a Heavenly answer.  For you see, Satan can neither alter, nor oppose, any Word of God.  But Satan can, and has, influenced those very teachers who you turned to for your answer:  to the tune of 33,000 different answers for every question you might ask.

Satan has taught our religious teachers (of every Scripture:  Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Confucianist, and others!) many successful tactics so they unknowingly maintain his existing lies, upon this Earth.  But Christ understands mankind:  indeed, Christ created mankind!  Christ does not send down confusing Scriptures that require an “expert” to explain.  But Christ does send down Scriptures that your leaders and teachers do not like!  And this is where Satan enters the picture.

These leaders and teachers (just like Adam and Eve):  Satan is allowed to fool!  These leaders and teachers (just like Adam and Eve):  Satan is allowed to lie to!  And over the years, they have listened:  because Satan lied to “their” teachers and mentors!  This “prone to innocence” nature-of-mankind is exactly what made Satan’s work so easy, in this regard.  This author proved all of this with the “test” placed at the beginning of this letter.  The Trinity, worshipping dead saints, praying to Jesus:  none of this is found in Christ’s Gospels, nor in His Old Testament; yet all of this nonsense is well established in nearly all Christian doctrines!  Well, God’s Plow Horse (called His Qur’an) just exposed this enormous problem by way of “His Light:”  whether you approve of “His Light,” or not.  This same Plow Horse shines “His Light” upon the Mark, the Beast, and the Mark of the Beast:  whether you approve of “His Light,” or not.  God’s Plow Horse (called His Buddha) shines “His Light” upon our enormous CHRISTIAN SIN of permitting 33,000 Christian denominations to exist:  whether you approve of “His Light,” or not.

And just who is “His Light” that all of God’s Plow Horses illuminate?  (Jews, you might want to pay attention here because we just talked about this, above:)

John 1:6  There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.

(NOTE BY jpw:  this would be John the Baptist.)

John 1:7  The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe.

John 1:8  He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.

John 1:9  That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

John 1:10  He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.

John 1:11  He came unto his own, and his own received him not.

John 1:12  But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

John 1:13  Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

John 1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.

Oh, my dearest friends . . . EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!  Christ, our Creator, or whatever name you call Him by (after He babbled our speech), is All-Knowing!  Just as in the days of Noah, Satan is currently in complete control of this world.  (This is a true fact, even if you do not like that statement.)  Christ, our Creator has prepared His world for this event of today, but only for those who freely choose to make the decision that God’s Truths must remain in our thoughts, on our lips, and in our hearts.

We are talking about our LORD’s Scriptures!

His Plow Horses!

Satan’s Achilles’ heel!

Mankind’s only defense!


Our LORD’s Plow Horses are always available:

God has them just waiting for you to lash them together.

You can turn to God . . . or you can turn to mankind.

Christ has given us all . . . this freedom and this choice.

And Christ shall patiently watch, as we make this choice in this world that He created.

And Christ shall patiently watch, as He decides every person’s place in Heaven.

To all who read these words . . . do you take our LORD’s Judgment Day seriously?

Because Christ most certainly does!





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