We shall begin this letter with just one sentence which Christ, our Creator, spoke to this world, while using that temporary earthly body of Jesus:  one complete sentence, start-to-finish.  And it is a very, very important sentence:  indeed, this sentence should be life-altering for most Christians of today.  Afterward, we shall present a few questions for each reader to consider.  While every breathing Christian is familiar with the first half of this sentence; only a scant few have ever been taught of their “Christian obligation” to Christ, regarding this incredible Blessing, which this world’s Messiah delivered ONLY TO THE CHRISTIAN FAITH:

Matthew 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Matthew 28:20  teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:  and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.

For conversational purposes here, let us place just a “bit of emphasis” on what we will use to demonstrate a great Truth of God and an even greater Wisdom of God that shall be dispersed throughout this letter:

Matthew 28:20  teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:  and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.

It is quite important for every Christian to understand that these two verses are actually just ONE sentence, spoken by Christ.  Never mind the verse numbers, this was just one sentence.

So, this author asks every reader here to consider a few questions now.


In Christ’s one sentence (or lesson) above, do you think He was placing more importance upon us getting wet (via sprinkling or dunking)?  Or do you think He was placing more importance upon each person understanding, learning, committing to, and then OVERHAULING THEIR LIFE so that “whatsoever He has commanded us” is now placed at the center of their life?  (This would include His Ten Commandments to Moses, His Laws, Ordinances, and His seven Holy Feasts.  These have been fully described on our webpage tabbed, “THE WILL OF GOD.”)


In Christ’s one sentence (or lesson) above, do you think any newborn infant will ever be capable of making an agreement to observe “all things” that Christ has commanded mankind?  There are two types of baptism in this world:  the vast majority of parents follow the practice of sprinkling newborn infants.  Quite simply, this is a “shortcut,” meaning “a lie,” that Satan long ago taught to many Christian leaders of many denominations.  Satan’s lie here is that he has taught our Christian leaders to teach, “Whew, got that out of the way:  your infant is now guaranteed to go to heaven someday.”

One must come to realize that Satan has never spread his lies by way of the “masses of people” here on this earth.  No, Satan is much smarter than that.  Satan has, efficiently and effectively, found nearly all of his successes by way of his efforts through our religious leaders!  Back in the days of Jesus, the Jewish “masses” had no problem with Jesus, nor his teachings, nor the prophet John.  Most ordinary folks, regardless of what year it was (or is now), only want to please our LORD, no matter what it takes; and they will go to any necessary lengths, so as to please God, our Creator.  They just want to “know” what God expects from them!  Once they possess the Truth, they are more than happy to obey their LORD!  However, it has ALWAYS been our Christian leaders who have succumbed to Satan’s lies!  This was the case back in the days of Jesus and nothing has changed, regarding mankind.  And most certainly, Satan has not changed any of his ways!


Since the first half of “Christ’s sentence” above clearly applies only to our Christian leaders, let us continue to the second half of this “Christ’s sentence.”  Have you ever heard ANY Christian leader teaching their “newly baptized” that they are now to observe ALL things that Christ has ever commanded to this Earth, which He created?  (As a reminder, this must include Christ’s Commandments regarding graven images, His Saturday Sabbath, adultery, and others; Christ’s Laws forbidding manmade Altars, unclean meats, and many others; and finally, Christ’s Ordinances regarding the punishing of adulterers, murderers, thieves, people who damage properties, and many other crimes.)

Let us reword that last question just a bit, only to make the point a bit clearer.  Before any person, older than an infant, is baptized, that religious leader is first required to teach them a great deal about what baptism means.  If you have ever witnessed any baptism, did you hear the religious leader FIRST “teach them that they were now required to observe all things that Christ, our Creator, has commanded to mankind?”

Finally, to teach Christ’s full Understanding of His Blessing here:  If you have ever witnessed any baptism, did you hear the religious leader FIRST “ask them if they now vow to observe all things that Christ, our Creator, has commanded to mankind?”

Oh . . . it is so, so important that we always try to look at everything in this world from Christ’s perspective, that has been placed in His Word:  because this is the only way mankind will ever understand our LORD’s Heaven, which is waiting for us!  (Christian leaders, and teachers, there is a very special lesson for all of you in the underlined words that you just read.)

QUESTION #4  (This one is most important!)

In the concluding words of this ONE sentence found in Matthew 28, Christ clearly states (no, He actually promises!) that if any newly baptized person will agree-to AND THEN OBSERVE all things that Christ, our Creator, has commanded to this world, that He will then be with that person “always, even unto the end of this world!”  This is an incredible promise, but!  Your question here is:  when “you” (the reader here) were baptized, do “you” remember making any sort of commitment regarding Christ’s words here in Matthew 28?  Did anyone even ask you to make this commitment?  Are you willing to make this commitment to Christ, here-and-now, by way of when you were ever baptized, long ago?  Because Christ truly is patient, as He watches His world, and Christ will accept your commitment to Him, even if you make it at this late date:  Christ fully understands mankind and mankind’s mistakes.  And Christ has always promised to forgive those who really, really, tried:  and never stopped trying!





Matthew 28:20  teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:  and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.

A HINT by jpw:  We will get to Christ’s final word here, “Amen,” later in this letter:  and it is rather significant.  But for now, please realize that our Creator (Christ) only spoke this word two times, while living here, using that earthly body of Jesus.  First, at the conclusion of His teaching what we call “The Lord’s Prayer” in Matthew 6:13 (“Our Father, who art in Heaven . . .”).  And finally, at the conclusion of His teaching this world about Baptism, in Matthew 28:20 above.  Perhaps, Christians should pay very, very close attention to what this word, “Amen,” means to God!  Our last webpage tabbed “THE WILL OF GOD” was based entirely upon “The Lord’s Prayer” ending in Matthew 6:13; and this webpage is based entirely upon Christ’s lesson regarding Baptism, ending in Matthew 28:20.  Each of these instances show Christ using the word, “Amen;” and each of these instances demonstrate the complete failure of today’s Christian denominations in observing our Creator’s commands: and doing so egregiously!

A NOTE by jpw:  That word, “lo,” found in Matthew 28:20 is found in Strong’s Concordance as G2400.”  (Link opens in a new window.)  It means: “Behold, what I am about to say to you.”  When Christ speaks this word, He is instructing us to pay very close attention to His next few words!  Satan has taught today’s religious leaders to completely IGNORE those next few words of Christ.  All of this was addressed in our webpage here tabbed, THE WILL OF GOD.

A BIT OF WISDOM:  Are you beginning to understand that Christ’s words, above, might indicate that He does not consider you to have been baptized, unless you have adhered to “the condition” which He placed near the end of His sentence found in Matthew 28:19 – 20?  Again, Christ, our Creator, closed this entire lesson by speaking the word, “Amen.”  And again, He only spoke this word two times, while He was living in this world as our Messiah.  That word, Messiah, means, “God is here, with us.”  There is an incredible amount of Knowledge, Wisdom, and then Understanding to be found in this one word, “Amen” being placed in Matthew 28:20!  We shall detail this shortly and every person shall then learn Christ’s definition of that word, “egregious.”



Clearly, every reader needs to draw their own conclusions about Christ’s Words quoted above.  But this author cannot deny just a few glaring observations of today’s Christian faith, regarding the verses above.


If any person, today, was baptized while in infancy, that person, quite simply, has never been baptized according to Christ’s instructions!  To state that more clearly, “that person has never been baptized, period!  There can be no other interpretation of Christ’s instructions in Matthew 28:20 above.  This is merely an ancient lie that Satan invented and has preserved for nearly 2,000 years now; in order to lead all Christians AWAY from Christ.  In this, Satan has won for now; until Christ returns and binds Satan for 1,000 years.  Rest assured, that during that 1,000-year reign of Christ, every breathing person shall observe His commands and every breathing person shall follow the Will of God.  Zechariah 14:18-19 teaches this.


If any person, today, was baptized later than the age of, perhaps, their later teens, and never made a personal vow, to Christ, that they would make every effort to now follow all of Christ’s Commandments, Laws, and Ordinances which were delivered to this world in His Old Testament, then that person has never been baptized according to Christ’s Instructions!  Christ makes this Truth of God “crystal clear” in Matthew 28:20 above:  that if any baptized person does not agree to “observe all things Christ has commanded to this world,” then Christ WILL NOT BE WITH THAT PERSON, unto the end of this world, NOR IN THEIR LIFE TODAY!  “Amen.”  There can be no other interpretation of Christ’s instructions in Matthew 28:20 above.  Oh, this is such an important lesson from Christ, our Creator, to this world.

To this author, at least, these words of Christ teach that He is not so much interested in a person finding a church and then getting “wet” (somewhere amongst our modern day 33,000 denominations) as He is in our making a “personal agreement with Him” that we now promise to learn and obey (meaning to PLACE IN OUR LIVES) “all things which He commanded this world.  (And yes, as stated on this author’s webpage tabbed, “THE WILL OF GOD,” this author does at least partially endorse a very few “denominations” that do teach the “observation of all things Christ has commanded to this world.”  Oh, but these churches are such a rarity, today.)

CONCLUSION #3  (This one will hurt!)

If any religious leader, today, is baptizing Christians and FAILING TO instruct them that Christ now expects these Christians to follow ALL of Christ’s Commandments, Laws, and Ordinances which were laid-out in His Old Testament, then NOT ONE OF THIS CHRISTIAN LEADER’S baptisms have ever been accepted by Christ, according to Christ’s Instructions to this leader in Matthew 28:20 above. “Amen.





In Matthew 28:20, did you notice Christ’s final word, Amen?  Christ only spoke this word twice throughout his four Gospels.  The first time was at the conclusion of His teaching what we call “The Lord’s Prayer” in Matthew 6:13:  “Our Father, who art in Heaven . . .”  The only other time Christ used this word was at the conclusion of His introducing this world to “baptism,” in Matthew 28:20 above.  Perhaps, Christians should pay very, very close attention to Matthew 28:20.  Our last webpage, tabbed “THE WILL OF GOD” was centered around “The Lord’s Prayer” and now, this letter is centered around Matthew 28:20.  Both of these instances show Christ closing His lesson with that word, Amen; and both of these instances revealing the complete failure of ALL of today’s Christian denominations in following our Creator’s commands:  meaning precisely, the Teachings of Christ:  who is also known as the Word of God, found in John 1:1.  (And yes, on that other page, we clearly stated that there are “just a few” exceptions to that word “ALL.”  But when this author places that Christian failure rate somewhere around 99.9%, he has no problem using the word, “ALL.”)  So now, my friend, please learn, for the first time in your life, what the word “amen” means to God; and what it is supposed to mean to us!

In Strong’s Concordance, the word “amen” is G281.”  (Link opens in a new window.)  You will find, in Strong’s, that when this word is used at the end of a person’s discourse, or at the end of their lesson, it means:  “so it is,” or “so be it,” or “may it be fulfilled.”  That was the old Greek definition, back when Jesus lived.  In today’s vernacular, or usage, this author would put forth the definition of, “this is God’s Promise to mankind.”  That, basically, is what the old definition of “so be it” meant.  2,000 years ago, when God spoke the words, “so be it,” everyone knew that this was a promise being made by God.  But today, everyone considers this word to mean, “we have reached the end of our praying now.”  SERIOUSLY!  This is how languages change over time!  So please understand that when our LORD uses the words, “so be it,” He is making a promise to us!  One should absolutely consider this word, “amen” to be a promise to mankind:  when it is our LORD who speaks it!

Incidentally, when Christ used this word, the only other time, it was at the conclusion of what we, today, call the LORD’s Prayer.  (Known as, “Our Father, who art in Heaven, Hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done . . . )  Our webpage here, tabbed “THE WILL OF GOD,” was entirely about the Will of God, the Kingdom of God, and how Christ teaches that we might obtain that Kingdom someday.  Few denominations teach that by ending this prayer with the word, “amen,” this now makes The LORD’s Prayer a promise to mankind, by God!  But our side of God’s promise here, is that by speaking/praying these words, we are promising to God that we shall dedicate our efforts to assure that His Will is actually being done, both here on this earth and in our lives, as it is in Heaven!  This author could put forth a strong argument that every time God has made a promise to mankind, it came with a required commitment by mankind; meaning that ALL of God’s promises come with a condition that we, mankind, must meet.  It should be noted that God did make a few unconditional promises in mankind’s history:  always to the benefit of mankind, never to God.  Christ gave rare, and unconditional, promises to Noah, Abraham, Ishmael (meaning all Muslims; and yes Christians, this is also found in your Bible!), David, Solomon, and a few others.

One VERY INTERESTING FACT ABOUT GOD’S WORD, “AMEN:”  it actually translates into two completely different words in your Bible!  While you are at that Strong’s Concordance link above, scroll down, just a bit, and notice how often Christ used this word at the BEGINNING of His sentences!  In those instances of this Greek word, G281, the English word now changes to “verily.”  (Link opens in a new window.)  So please understand that when you find Christ beginning any story with the word “verily” that His Lesson there is, “so be it, with God!”  While you are at that link, scroll down to see just how many times Christ used that word in His teachings.  Then realize that every single time Jesus spoke that word, “verily,” it was “yet another” promise being made, from God, to mankind!  Well over a hundred promises, just from this word being spoken by our Creator!  Oh, but Christ made so many promises, that Christians do not currently understand:  all are to be found by reading Christ’s Words in His Gospels!  And should any person be interested, Christ made even more promises, about 500 years later, when He sent down His Qur’an.  The amazing part of this fact of Christ, our Creator, is that His promises made in that Book rarely overlap, but ALWAYS COMPLIMENT each other.  And Christ has made all of His Promises fully available to any person who cares to put forth just a minimal effort to discover them.  But please note that with our LORD, it is always required that a person actually puts forth some sort of “minimal” effort.






(This letter comes in several sections:

they shall all be woven into a “single garment” at the end.)



There is a very important (one-time-only) event described in the Bible called the Time of Jacob’s Trouble.  Since this very special event takes place as mankind approaches the end of this world, it would probably behoove every reader here, greatly, if they studied this event “just a bit more” than they have in the past.  So first, learn what IT IS NOT:

It has never been called the time of Ishmael’s Trouble (meaning the Muslims).

It has never been called the time of Asia’s Trouble.

It has never been called the time of India’s Trouble.

It has never been called the time of Africa’s Trouble.

It has never even been called the time of Noah’s Trouble (meaning this entire world)

It is called the time of Jacob’s Trouble because it is aimed at Jacob and when it arrives, its severity shall have never before been witnessed upon this world.  And it comes in the end-days.  This means it is coming very soon:  possibly while most readers, here, are still alive!  All Christians shall fully understand the time of Jacob’s Trouble by the end of this letter, so please bear with this author as we walk very slowly through this issue.  Very, very slowly.  We, today, are approaching the end-days, so Christians, please do not placed “blinders” over your eyes.  This would be the worst thing you could possibly do right now:  given the deteriorating conditions you currently witness in this world, as of this writing in the year 2023.

Remember that we are walking very slowly here, because everything in this section will be completely “new” to every Christian reading this letter.  But everything in this section is “all about” Christ’s Christians in this world.  We shall present a great deal of Scriptural references here so that each reader will understand that this great event was designed by our Christ.

The name “Jacob,” in the Bible mostly means the twelve Tribes of Israel.  Jacob was that man who Christ renamed as “Israel.”  Israel has never been a piece of soil, or a land:  Israel has only ever been a PEOPLE: a people of God!  The actual dirt, itself, is properly called the “Land of Israel,” because Israel, himself, was a man:  Israel, today, is a people.  This is where his descendants lived for about 1,500 years before Christ came, using the body of Jesus.  It is only the “design of Satan” that this world currently equates the word “Israel” with a piece of land; so as to hide the relevancy of Christ’s Scriptures from those “PEOPLE” who Christ sent them to, meaning all Christians of today.  In this, Satan has found much success; for this world currently finds our religious leaders continually teaching words such as, “Oh, you can disregard everything in the Old Testament because nothing there is relevant today.”  Really?  Well, first of all, it is not the Old Testament, it is Christ’s Old Testament;  and mankind is merely the fortunate recipient of that Word of God, so why would any breathing person NOT WANT TO READ (AND LIVE!) Christ’s Old Testament?  It is only mankind, who applied the term, “Old” to Christ’s Old Testament.  (Ok, Satan might have had a small part in this affair; because Satan knows that mankind generally does not like anything that is termed, “old.”  Never underestimate the intelligence of Satan.) 

A BRIEF REQUIRED MAINTENANCE NOTE by jpw:  This author cannot possibly know where any reader/visitor here has previously been on this website:  this might just be the first page that you have ever seen here, if a friend sent you the link.  (All of this makes it a bit tricky as to what Truths of God this author can confidently present in each letter.)  SO GIVEN THIS . . . on a great many other pages here, one can find where we have proved, beyond a shadow of doubt, that it was Christ, and Christ only, who created this universe;  Christ who created this world, Christ who created mankind, and Christ who spoke to Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, and all of the others.  Just the first 14 verses of the Gospel of John will absolutely prove this to you.  You can read these 14 verses here.”  (All links here open in a new window.)  The Truth of God found in those 14 verses should be sufficient for accepting all other Truths of God placed in this letter.

Given this . . . every person reading this webpage is about to receive a heavy dose of Christ’s Old Testament.  Not interested?  Well, before you leave, please understand that Christ’s Gospels only supply the “Dessert” of His Father’s (meaning our LORD’s) Promised Blessings which have been made “available” to this entire world.  Please understand, also, that not one single person has any sort of “right” or “privilege” of receiving these Blessings that Christ placed in His Gospels!  Christ states, quite clearly, that He shall distribute these Blessings according to His Father’s Will.  Every Christian would do well to note that even Jesus was required to observe every Commandment, Law, and ordinance which he had earlier sent down while He was Christ.  So please understand that Christ has made it abundantly clear that only those who learn, and live Christ’s Old Testament commands shall RECEIVE those Blessings of Christ’s “Dessert,” which He described in His Gospels:  Blessings which He clearly taught would only be available to those who observed His commands placed in His earlier Scriptures.  (Meaning His Old Testament which fully details that straight and narrow path mentioned in Matthew 7:14 regarding our eternal life in Heaven.  For you see, our Christ, of the Gospels, has seen to it that the straight and narrow path of Matthew 7:14 can ONLY BE FOUND in His Old Testament.)  That!  That is how important Christ’s Old Testament is to this world, today!  (Ignore Christ’s Old Testament:  and nothing in Christ’s Gospels applies to you, or your life!  You will never, ever, find a Christian leader who teaches this Truth of God.)  Now, it is quite likely that your parents occasionally permitted you to enjoy your dessert, before eating your meat and vegetables; but Christ states clearly that this will not be the case with Him on Judgment Day.  Christians might find this to be a difficult lesson to accept, because their religious leaders have forever taught them either the opposite, or that they shall be exempted from all Truths of God that ever existed.  We shall get to that later, but you can take Christ’s baptism requirements, detailed above, as your first example of today’s Christian faith’s complete failure in the Eyes of Christ.  About 99.9% of them, anyway.

Just for a moment, let us illustrate the above paragraph in another way:  a very simple way.  All of the various Truths of God, which have been placed in His Scriptures, teach:  that ONLY Christ’s commands, which are found in His Old Testament, shall deliver each person to Christ’s dessert, which is found in His later Gospels!  That “condition” which Christ, Himself, placed upon all Christian Baptisms proves this Truth of God!

My dearest friends, never follow any Christian leader who departs from the simple Truth of God that you just read above!  Your Eternal Life (meaning your next billion, or so, years!) depends on your accepting, and living, the simple Truth of God you just read above!  Those “short cuts” that today’s 33,000 Christian denominations preach are merely Satan’s lies, which have slowly been fermented, distilled, and clarified for the last 2,000 years!

This author could make a strong argument that today’s entire Christian faith (99.9%) is literally DRUNK on this 2,000-year poison that Satan has brewed for us today.  Revelation 17:2 – 6 (these links open in new windows) would be this author’s opening argument.  Revelation 18:3 would soon follow.  All Christians, of today, would do very well if they could understand how the word, “harlot,” found in Revelation 17:5 refers to about 99.9% of today’s Christian denominations:  and this most likely means, “their church.”

Oh, but all Christians, today, face yet another fight in this matter:  different, yet the same set of lies of Satan from long ago!  Satan’s lies from long ago have become our “beloved” traditions, handed down from grandma and grandpa:  and who can defeat such a “staple” in life?  Not this author!  Only each reader can accomplish this feat.  Satan knows what he is doing:  he has had 6,000 years to perfect his skills.  Mankind is clueless, because we only live about 80 years:  and care little about those mistakes made in our past.  And mankind is clueless for three reasons only.  First, our Christian leaders of today got lazy, about 2,000 years ago.  Second, the average person living in our Western society has lost all interest in learning about our LORD:  we would rather just go to church, sit down, and let our ears do all of the work, seriously!  Because our brains can now take a nap:  this author freely admits that he is absolutely guilty of this every day!  And finally, since mankind has no interest in its past, we find that mankind continually makes the same mistakes, over-and-over again.  Quite honestly, this author cannot decide between which is the more important, or more FATAL.  But quite clearly, Satan understands all of this!




The phrase, “the time of Jacob’s trouble,” is found in Jeremiah 30:7 only!  Below, verse 9 clearly shows that this is the time when Christ shall return:  for David died hundreds of years prior, and Jesus was of the line of David.  Verse 10 shows that Christ shall save the Ten Tribes, in that day, from where He had long-before scattered them.  This has never happened before.  Verse 11 says that Christ shall completely destroy all nations where He had long ago placed (or scattered) these Ten Tribes.  This has never happened either.  CHRISTIANS!  There can be no doubt that Christ knows exactly where the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel are during these end-times!  Christ just said so in Jeremiah below; and Jeremiah wrote his book about 2,600 years ago!  Nearly ALL religious leaders, of today, refuse to believe any of this:  so please add this enormous error to their ever increasing “tally of sins” against Christ, our Creator!  And Christians, add this enormous error to their “tally of sins” against YOU!

Jeremiah 30:7  Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it:  it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.

Jeremiah 30:8  For it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, and strangers shall no more serve themselves of him:

Jeremiah 30:9  But they shall serve the LORD their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up unto them.

Jeremiah 30:10  Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the LORD; neither be dismayed, O Israel:  for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid.

Please note that we now know exactly who is speaking in all of the verses above:  it is Christ, our Creator.  No, He was not yet, Jesus, but would be some 600-years later.

SIDE NOTE BY jpw:  These events of verse 10, that our Christ spoke to Jeremiah, have not yet happened.  In all prophecies, any time Christ uses the name “Israel,” it means those Tribes that split away shortly after Solomon died, meaning the Ten Tribes of Israel, which were later “Lost” (to mankind only, but not to Christ).  Now, in all prophecies, any time Christ uses the name “Jacob,” it means ALL Twelve of the Tribes of that man Christ later named Israel:  including the Jews.  It might interest some Christians to know that in Christ’s Old Testament, you can actually find a short war between Israel and the Jews (in 2 Kings 14:13 – 15), here!  (FYI – the Biblical word “Jew” always means the three southern Tribes of Judah, Levi, and Benjamin.  These are the three Tribes that were not carried off by Assyria.  These three Tribes, meaning the Jews, were later carried off by Babylon about 150 years later.)  Not one of the various peoples who have ever occupied that Land of Israel, lived in rest, quietness, nor without fear of any other nations.  In these prophetic verses, Christ is speaking only to our world of today:  meaning shortly before He returns!  Since the death of Solomon, the “land of Israel” has NEVER been in rest, has NEVER been quiet, and has NEVER been unafraid of their neighboring nations.  Also, please understand that Jeremiah wrote these words more than 300 years after Solomon died.  Christ can only be teaching our world of today, in His verses above.

Just as a side note, you Jews, of the Western Hemisphere, living amongst the various Christian nations (meaning the Ten Northern Tribes) are directly addressed in Jeremiah 30:10.  For when Christ returns to this world, “Jacob,” meaning all of the Jews living in the mostly Christian nations of today, “shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make “you” afraid.”  These words of Jeremiah are for all Jews, living in the Western World, today.  And this event is quickly approaching!  You just need to survive the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble.”  No big deal . . . “yea, right!”  This Christian author just wanted you to know that you will be in the middle of this mess also.  There shall be much more Scriptural evidence presented, later, regarding all of this.

In verse 11, below, please note that Christ is delivering two separate lessons in just one sentence.  These two lessons are mostly “Christian” lessons for today and are quite unsettling:  Jews would be well advised to understand this prophecy for today, also, because that name “Jacob” always includes the Jews too.

Jeremiah 30:11  For I am with thee, saith the LORD, to save thee:  though I make a full end of all nations whither I have scattered thee, yet I will not make a full end of thee:  but I will correct thee in measure, and will not leave thee altogether unpunished.

Oh . . . but Christ was not yet finished with his prophecy regarding Europe and America, today!  (Oh, there shall be a great deal of Scriptural evidence, regarding Europe and America, placed in the next section of this letter.  We are taking baby-steps here.  At the very least, every Christian should be able to see that the time of Jacob’s Trouble can ONLY coincide with the time of Christ’s Revelation.)  Please continue with Jeremiah’s prophecy, because they directly address the SINS of today’s 33,000 Christian denominations:

Please remember that this is still Christ, our Creator, speaking below.  Hence, the red letters so that all Christians might understand the importance, and value, of this incredible Old Testament Lesson by Christ.  Oh, Christians everywhere!  Your Christ (Jesus) is speaking directly to you here, in your world of today.  Jeremiah lived around the year 600 BC.  This means your Christ (Jesus) sent these words down to this world about 2,600 years ago!  The Ten Tribes of Israel were already long since lost.  But here we find Christ talking about them in these last days.  So now, please learn what your Christ (Jesus) said about Christians, in these end-times, just a few hundred years after King David died.  Do Christ’s words, below, sound like He might possess just a bit of hatred toward Christians in these last days?

(Always place the words of Christ before any words your religious leaders might speak:  as this author shall demonstrate below, in red letters:)

Jeremiah 30:12  For thus saith the LORD, Thy bruise is incurable, and thy wound is grievous.

Jeremiah 30:13  There is none to plead thy cause, that thou mayest be bound up:  thou hast no healing medicines.

Jeremiah 30:14  All thy lovers have forgotten thee; they seek thee not; for I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, with the chastisement of a cruel one, for the multitude of thine iniquity; because thy sins were increased.

Jeremiah 30:15  Why criest thou for thine affliction?  thy sorrow is incurable for the multitude of thine iniquity:  because thy sins were increased, I have done these things unto thee.

Just as a short “aside” from this author, verse 15 here perfectly describes our world today.  This letter is being written in the year 2023, as this world is falling apart at the seams!  Verse 15 explains this world, which we currently live in, to perfection.  Young folks cannot possibly understand this because everything, today, “seems “normal” to them!  They have nothing normal to compare today’s “deathly ill” societies to!  Parents, teach your children well, because your children have no chance of understanding Jeremiah 30:15, unless you explain it to them!  These few verses of Jeremiah detail the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble.”

That time . . . IS NOW!  And your religious leaders are ILL-PREPARED for this!  They were never taught this in Seminary school, they do not believe any of this and even worse, they have “no desire” to believe any of this:  hence we today, find their heads “buried in the sands of their own personal vanities.”  They find comfort in their easy lives, never considering that Christ expects every one of them to be modern-day Elijah’s:  shouting and screaming at this world, today, that all signs indicate that our end is nigh upon us.  But no, that would be too difficult and inconvenient for them.

As a second “aside” from this author, please try to find the Understanding of God in His verses above.  You will find no help from any of your politicians, leaders, this author, or even your religious leaders (at least to the 99.9% level, in this author’s humble opinion).  Only turn to God, and His Word, found in John 1:1, for guidance and help.  There is no better place to find real, and unadulterated Truth, quite honestly, because God has forever promised that He will never disappoint any person who truly seeks Him.

Christians . . . your religious leaders and teachers will never permit you to believe that you belong to the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel which were detailed by Jeremiah (and Christ!) above.  Also, your church leaders and teachers will never permit you to believe that Christ is speaking directly to you (or especially, to THEM!), in the above verses of Jeremiah.  They simply cannot!  First, no religious teacher is capable of confessing that they have completely failed our LORD:  as described in Jeremiah 30:12 – 15, above!  (This will never happen.)  Second, this Truth of God would automatically transfer part of your “faith in Christ” to the Old Testament Hebrew Commandments, Laws, and Ordinances which Christ Himself gave to Moses, there in the desert:  and this is entirely unacceptable to them, their personal vanities, and their personal (and strictly Christian-centered) expectations of this world’s Creator.  (In other words, only Christians are going to heaven and the rest of the world is going to hell.)  And quite poignantly, they do not have, nor ever will have, any control over Christ’s ancient Commandments, Laws, and Ordinances.  (Therefore, this will never happen either.)

So Christians!  Are you beginning to see the sins of your religious leaders?  A long time ago, Christ had to come here, as Jesus, to “save that which was lost.”  That means the descendants of Jacob, which were completely lost to Satan, unless Christ did something, at that time!  Your Christian leaders, of today, teach that the Ten Tribes of Israel are lost forever:  nobody can understand where they are today.  Seriously?  Nobody?

This is Christ speaking:

Matthew 15:24  But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.




Never forget that in prophecy, the word “Jacob” means all of the tribes:  and this word includes the Jews (meaning the Tribes of Levi, Judah, and Benjamin.)  The word “Israel” means ONLY the lost ten tribes:  meaning all Christians of today.

My dearest Christian friends, Christ just taught you that all Christians are of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel!  Now, you can listen to your religious leaders and then deny Jesus:  or you can listen to Jesus and then deny your religious leaders.  Christ, our Creator, has given you this freedom:  as He watches (and chooses) whose names shall be written in His Book of Life.  (Um, every Christian would do very, very well if they remembered that their religious leaders have no part in Christ’s decision here:  everything here is called “obedience” and Christian leaders, of today, do not understand anything about this.)



So Christ, our Creator, chose to become our Messiah (the most special messenger ever to be sent to this world).  And Jesus, our Messiah, definitely defeated Satan “in those days.”  So, now for the bad news!  The entire Bible teaches that in these end-days, this world shall be so evil that it can be compared to the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.  Imagine our entire world being just as evil as in the days of Noah, where Christ felt it necessary to destroy the entire world and start over.  Also, imagine our entire world being just as evil as in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, where Christ felt it necessary to destroy every inhabitant of that region.  Well, Revelation clearly teaches that our ENTIRE world, today, is at the same place as were those ancient societies.  Are you beginning to see that the sins of our modern-day societies and the sins of our modern-day religious leaders are far worse than what Jesus faced when he came here to save that which was lost?

Please understand that we are just getting started in this letter that shines Christ’s Light, of John 1:9, upon the darkness created by this world’s religious leaders of today!  As we progress, in this letter, this author requests that you keep one thing in the back of your mind, regarding those religious leaders that you have come to love in your life, and there in your neighborhood:

 It is not their fault:  because they learned all of this in school, at an early age.  Also, every reader here (and every writer here) has succumbed to Satan’s ways in their life.  So do not be disturbed when you learn that all of our religious leaders (99.9% of them) have similarly succumbed to Satan.  But then again, it also IS THEIR FAULT:  because they freely chose this life-long path, and responsibility, of feeding Christ’s sheep!  And upon leaving Seminary, where they were taught all of these ancient, and established Christian lies of Satan, THEY then stopped “growing up,” (at the tender age of perhaps 24 – 30 years) regarding the infinite amount of God’s Truths which have been placed upon this earth!  They relaxed, they got comfortable, and they enjoyed their brains being on “Denominational autopilot.”  Christ taught none of this in any Scripture upon this earth. Jesus taught none of this in his Gospels. Life, in this world, is about constantly examining your life for these very mistakes and then fixing these mistakes according to what you FIND AND LEARN in God’s Word, here on this earth.  Satan currently controls the entire Christian faith, and our Christian leaders have been caught napping!  (Just like those five virgins of Christ’s story in Matthew 25:2.)  Our last webpage tabbed “THE WILL OF GOD,” heavily documents all of this through Christ’s Scriptures!  There shall be much, much more on this near the end of this letter.  This author shall prove, by way of Scripture, that this story of the ten virgins was never a parable.  It was a prophecy regarding all Christian leaders, and denominations, of today!

Your church leaders, of today, fully reject all of Christ’s ancient Commandments, Laws, and Ordinances.  They want you to only focus on their personal vanities of life, their personal expectations of God, and their teachings.  They will get you to heaven by way of their efforts because they understand the true meaning of Christ’s very confusing, symbolic, mystical, and spiritual Words:  oh, but how Christ faced this very same issue, long ago, when He came here using that earthly body of Jesus.  This author has many webpages here that detail exactly how all religious leaders, of today, are wrong, to one degree, or another.  But yes, a scant few are far, far better than 99.9% of the others:  we heavily documented all of this, by way of Scriptures only, on our webpages tabbed, THE WILL OF GOD, and all three of our PLOWING PAGES.  And we will do a “more than decent” job of this again, at the conclusion of this letter.  Please do study the few verses of Jeremiah, detailed above, and give them much consideration:  for Christ spoke these particular end-time prophecies to Jeremiah for a specific reason.  (In fact, for reasons you might discover below, Jeremiah was the ONLY prophet, of Christ, who could deliver these “Christian prophecies” with any sort of authority:  and that authority involves Jeremiah’s scribe named Baruch.  Oh my friend, there is a reason Christ had Baruch’s name specified 21 times by the prophet Jeremiah.  Indeed, there is no other scribe anywhere in mankind’s history, known to this author, that has ever had their name placed in Scripture:  let alone 21 times, just for Baruch!  For Baruch finally fulfilled the prophecy of Ezekiel 21:26 – 27 for Christ:  and dozens of other Scriptures.)  For some unknown reason, it has always been easier for mankind to believe our local religious teachers who are standing in front of us, than to believe that Word of God (meaning our Creator!) which has been placed throughout this world.  (And oh, how this fault of mankind applies to Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Confucianists, and dozens of other “ancient peoples” described both in Christ’s Bible and Qur’an.  It even applied to Abraham:  who was cast out of his village at his own father’s behest, because Abraham worshiped only our one God!  And Abraham’s father could no longer tolerate this after discovering that it was Abraham who took a rock and smashed all of his father’s little statues:  meaning false gods.)  This author can only guess that mankind finds it easier to use their ears, than their eyes.  Satan has always understood this.  And this is why Satan has never really bothered with the majority of us.  Oh, he has his “distractions” here and there, so as to quietly fool his intended targets.  No, Satan has always (and wisely) gone primarily after those religious teachers that we have eagerly “chosen to hear and obey.”  (Incidentally, this “chosen to hear and obey” thing that we all were raised to observe:  is not found in a single Scripture of God!  Not one verse.)  Nevertheless, please do give the few verses of Jeremiah, quoted above, some serious consideration.  Christ, and the possibility of your obtaining “Eternal Life” in Heaven, are both worth your effort in this matter.  You will learn none of these ancient Truths of Christ from any Christian leader of today.

The Book of Revelation teaches quite a bit about these Twelve Tribes of Israel actually existing (and being Blessed by Christ!) in our end days.  Once you learn about these Tribes, in Revelation, you can finally understand just why your Christian teachers are “forced” to make all of those words (of Revelation) merely symbolic, mystical, or spiritual in nature:  some silly denominations have actually gone so far as to predict that there will be a “spiritual Israel” arise, out of the Jewish faith, just before the end-time, so that this prophecy might be fulfilled according to their vanities.  (They currently teach:  “Well, we can’t find them now, so they will obviously arise sometime in the future.”)  WAIT, WHAT?  Christ’s chosen people existed in the past, but we can’t locate them today, so Christ will make them “symbolic” in our future?  SERIOUSLY?  So just where is this found in Scripture?  Please disregard all of this religious nonsense.  These are the teachings of Satan:  so as to distract you from the actual Truth of God which stands right in front of you, in Christ’s Scriptures!  Anytime you hear your religious leaders using the words “Spiritual” or “Symbolic,” please understand that they now are demonstrating, to you, that they have no idea what they are talking about, just now.  So they have to make these things up.  Here is your proof:  while you can never, ever prove that something is NOT spiritual, or symbolic in nature; neither can they prove that any of their lies ARE spiritual, or symbolic in nature.  So, if they can’t prove it by way of God’s Scriptures, THEN THEY NEVER SHOULD HAVE TAUGHT IT, IN THE FIRST PLACE!

This sort of mistake is EXACTLY what got the ancient Jews in trouble back in the days of Jesus:  their religious teachers just making things up because they really did not want to understand the Word of God.  Or more precisely, the Word of God, who did show up as promised, disagreed with their own personal expectations of the Messiah, which are found nowhere in Scriptures!  (Remember those last two sentences for the rest of your life.  For they could save your eternal life!)  Christ knows where His Chosen People (meaning all of Israel) were, are, and shall be when He returns.  Always place your trust in the Word of God, especially when you do not understand a particular Word that God has sent down.  (And as a friendly reminder here, just the first verse of the Gospel of John teaches that our Christ is that “Word of God” which we keep talking about here on this website.)  Jeremiah 30:10 proves everything stated in the last few paragraphs!  Remember, it is Christ, our Creator, who is speaking to Jeremiah below.  Jesus had not been born yet, but our Creator, Christ, is Eternal:

Jeremiah 30:10  Therefore fear thou not, O my servant Jacob, saith the LORD; neither be dismayed, O Israel:  for, lo, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid.


Matthew 15:24  But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

For some reason, very few Christians are taught about the Bible’s timeline.  In the Old Testament, before Jacob’s death, the word Jacob means Israel, because Christ changed Jacob’s name to Israel.  After Jacob’s death, the word, Jacob always means all of Jacob’s children:  meaning all twelve Tribes, forever.  Later, after they separated after the death of Solomon, the word “Jew” came into existence:  meaning those remaining southern Tribes of Judah, Levi, and Benjamin:  which had not separated from Jerusalem.  And because the majority of the Tribes left, it was they who kept the name of “Israel.”  All of this is not quite 100% correct because Joseph was split, but it suffices for this letter.  Each reader here should keep, in the back of their mind, that the above verses of Jeremiah were written about 150 years AFTER the Ten Tribes of Israel had been taken away:  meaning lost.  Oh, they were lost to mankind, but Christ never loses a single soul!  Christ knows where every single one of them are today:  and He is addressing every single one of them in the verses of Jeremiah, above.  Before we leave the verse of Jeremiah 30:10, this author would like to show an earth-shattering Truth of God that was placed in that little verse above.  Oh, how the Bible is full of these earth-shattering Truths of God, because our LORD is that perfect!  So now!  Understand the term “Jacob” always means “the entirety of his children.”  After Solomon’s death, the term “Israel” means “those who were carried off to Assyria.”  Despite what your Christian leaders tell you today, you will learn, below, that when Christ, our Creator, uses the word Israel anywhere in His Scriptures (after Solomon’s death), it always means the lost Ten Tribes who eventually became this world’s Christians.  But, and this is important, when you see the word “Jacob” in the verse above, it means the Christians and the Jews!  When talking about both the Christians and the Jews in His Qur’an, Christ uses the phrase, “Children of the Book:”  and He does so about a hundred times.  To all Jews, please understand that in Jeremiah 30:10, Christ is teaching that when He returns to this world, all Jews, scattered throughout this world, shall be brought back to the Land of Israel, also.

Also, few Christians realize that it was Christ who changed Jacob’s name to Israel and this man, called Israel, had twelve male offspring:  who would later become the Twelve Tribes of Israel.  As stated above, ten of these Tribes were carried off by Assyria around the year 700 BC.  The vast majority of them migrated north and then west (meaning into our modern-day Europe).  A few actually returned to those ancestral lands of their great-great-grandparents’ fables (meaning the Land of Israel), but when they returned, they were considered to be half-breeds, or even less:  and the Jews in that land named them “Samaritans.”  So the Jews who were remaining in that land rejected them outright, for the sole reason of the Torah prohibiting any people of Hebrew descent from intermingling with other “peoples.”  The full Truth of God here, is that the Torah only addressed those Thirteen Tribes who came out of Egypt and were about to “move into” their Promised Land, which Christ had granted to them.  The full Truth of God here, is that the Torah never once addressed how the people of Israel were to deal with folks returning after they had been carried off into slavery, against their will:  and the ancient Jews should have understood this.  By the time these various folks from the Ten Tribes returned to the lands their parents, and grandparents, spoke of, they were well-intermingled with other “peoples” after several hundred years of captivity/slavery.  Again, the Jews rejected them, entirely:  solely due to the hatreds and stiff necks of their religious leaders.  The common folks never really minded!  You can find the full story here.”  (Link opens in a new window.)  Once there, scroll down just a bit to Thayer’s Greek Lexicon and click on the blue “SHOW ALL” button on the right.  It is an incredible story, honestly.  Christians would do well to remember this story when they ever find Samaritans mentioned in their Gospels.  It kind of sheds a new light on some of the stories that Christ wants you to learn in His Gospels.  Please learn, below, just a part of this Thayer’s Greek Lexicon story, copied from the link just provided:

The origin of the Samaritans was as follows:  After Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, had sent colonists from Babylon, Cuthah, Ava, Hamath, and Sepharvaim into the land of Samaria which he had devastated and depopulated, those Israelites who had remained in their desolated country associated and intermarried with these heathen colonists and thus produced a mixed race.  When the Jews, on their return from exile, were preparing to rebuild the temple of Jerusalem, the Samaritans asked to be allowed to bear their part in the common work.  On being refused by the Jews, who were unwilling to recognize them as brethren . . .

NOTE by jpw:  The northern Ten Tribes were “carried away,” into captivity by Assyria around the year 722 BC.  “The Jews” were later “carried away,” into captivity, to Babylon around the year 598 BC.  Cyrus the Great released them around the year 538 BC.  (As an interesting side note, every Christian can find their very own Christ describing Cyrus the Great about 150 years before Cyrus was even born, in Isaiah 44:28 – 45:1.  Furthermore, you can find our Christ teaching about Cyrus’ funding of the rebuilt Temple of Solomon:  even though the Temple had not yet been destroyed, when the prophet Isaiah wrote his book, according to Christ’s Command!  You will also find Cyrus’ grant in Ezra 3:7.)  The Jews were only in captivity for 60 years.  In this captivity, they apparently managed to maintain what they considered to be their “pure blood” ancestry:  leading back to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Israel).  They were only in captivity for about three generations.  The northern Ten Tribes were not so lucky.  They were in captivity for almost 200 years.  That is about ten generations!  Yes, they intermarried with their captors.  (No different than America’s early history regarding slavery.  No different than early British landlords in Ireland breeding amongst their Irish tenants/slaves:  South Africa and Australia, likewise.)  While this author is not condoning anything mentioned here, this author is open-minded enough to understand that these things have been happening for thousands of years.  The entire point here is that those proud, and still pure blooded, Jews REJECTED their brethren.  (It was exactly the same with American slave owners and British landlords in their day.)  While this is no different from any other part of mankind’s history, each reader can now fully understand the bidirectional hatred between Jews and Samaritans in Jesus’ day.  Both were slightly right, but those religious leaders, possessing the power, were enormously wrong.  And this is because the Torah never exactly addressed this issue of captivity, so the religious leaders started “making things up!”  This, exactly, is how hatred works.  Christ does not recognize any hatred upon this world; because all are free to worship His father, our LORD:  regardless of their “condition.”  This very freedom is by Christ’s Design in this world which He created.

Once again, this author apologizes for digressing.  Let us return to our world, today:

Furthermore, here today, thanks to the very same stiff necks of our modern-day religious leaders, barely any Christians have been taught that when Christ, our Messiah, was to be born in Bethlehem, a remnant of his relatives (meaning of the lost Ten Tribes, which Jesus said, “he came to SAVE!”) was prophesied, by Micah, to return (quoted below), in acknowledgement of this great event.  The Messiah was never promised to only the Jews; the Messiah was promised to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, meaning all of them!  Even Jacob (meaning Israel, himself) addressed this event upon his deathbed (in the Book of Genesis).  This event would be those “wise men” of Matthew, Chapter 2:1.  In that second chapter of Matthew, please note that there were never “only three” wise men.  Read the words carefully:  they were many; they merely carried three gifts.  Micah, below, foretold that whatever their number, there would be at least one representative from every single tribe of the fabled Lost Ten Tribes of Israel!  Micah also foretold that these “wise men” would begin their trip after Mary had brought forth Jesus!  (Hence, Herod diligently inquiring of these wise men of exactly when the fabled star first appeared to them.)  Understand what a remnant is:  it is a very small part of the “entire piece.”  One could accurately describe this as the “leftovers of Israel” returning to acknowledge the birth of their “Promised” Messiah.  One could also accurately describe this as those who were “discarded” from the main body:  such as those Samaritans described above.  Either way, in our earliest days, Christ promised all of the Tribes of Israel, that the Messiah would come to all of them!  Christ is not a liar, Christ does not make mistakes, and Christ never misses a SINGLE PERSON in this world which He created!  Yet, our modern-day religious leaders absolutely refuse to get ANY OF THIS RIGHT.  (This author can assure each reader that every religious leader of today was taught about this issue in their younger years; and their professors also taught them how to dismiss it.  Know that none of this is new to any of them.)

Micah 5:2  But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

Micah 5:3  Therefore will he give them up, until the time that she which travaileth hath brought forth:  then the remnant of his brethren shall return unto the children of Israel.

Micah 5:4  And he shall stand and feed in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God; and they shall abide:  for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth.

Please understand that Micah wrote those words, above, about 600 years before Jesus was born.  And please understand that Micah was writing about those Lost Ten Tribes of Israel,, which were taken away long before he was born.  Again, lest any Christian forget their own Scripture:

Matthew 15:24  But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

This author knows of not one single denomination, today, that will acknowledge the above Truths of God’s Prophecies.  (But yes, it is quite possible that a few smaller ones do exist.)  If Christ stated that the “remnant” of Jesus’ blood-relatives through Jacob and David would return to the land of Israel at the time of his birth,  then every person reading this letter must accept this Promise of Christ, our Creator!  It really is that simple, whether we, today, choose to believe it or not!  Also, please understand that the earthly body of Jesus was from the lineage of Judah.  Few Christians are taught that Judah was one of the twelve sons of Jacob (later named Israel).  Genesis 49:10 teaches of Jacob prophesying that the “sceptre” would not depart from Judah.  The word “sceptre” means the “power of the throne;” meaning both David’s earthly throne and Christ’s future Throne in Heaven, by way of Jesus being born from the line of David.  Oh Christians!  Please understand that all of these Scriptures and all of these Truths of God are actually teaching about YOUR Christ and YOUR Jesus!  All of these Old Testament Truths of God are truly YOURS!  (There shall be much, much more on this below.)  This word, “sceptre,” also teaches that all laws shall come from this lineage (meaning Christ, or Jesus).  Furthermore, it teaches that in the end, at Shiloh (meaning our Judgment Day), all shall be gathered to this “sceptre of Judah.”  The word, “sceptre,” indicates the only ruler:  in this case, our LORD!  The entire Bible clearly teaches that our LORD has granted His Full Authority of judging this world to this world’s Creator:  His Word, meaning, His Christ.  (Reference the first fourteen verses of the Gospel of John.)



TO ALL CHRISTIANS:  please understand that all of these ancient Truths of God are detailed here, so that you might finally convince YOURSELF that all of Christ’s “commands” in His Old Testament really do apply to you:  just as much as they did to those folks who first received them.  Yes, these would be those “commands” that Jesus spoke about regarding His incredible gift of Baptism:  “commands” which your religious teachers have, never once, taught you to observe.



Now, in Jacob’s final hours (meaning the man named Israel), he accomplished many things.  First, he granted Joseph’s two sons a full inheritance as if they were Jacob’s own sons.  In this, he named them as “Tribes,” as it were:  meaning that he granted them full, and equal, inheritance according to the promises that Christ had “long before” made to his grandfather, Abraham.  (A SMALL HINT by jpw – if this was not a CRITICAL TRUTH that Christ wanted today’s world to understand, then this author would not dedicate a major portion of this letter in describing the below Truths of God regarding our world, today.)

Genesis 48:5  And now thy two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, which were born unto thee in the land of Egypt before I came unto thee into Egypt, are mine; as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine.

Genesis 48:6  And thy issue, which thou begettest after them, shall be thine, and shall be called after the name of their brethren in their inheritance.

Remember that Manasseh was Joseph’s firstborn; Ephraim was the younger brother.  Yet Jacob (Israel) prophesied that Ephraim would be much greater than his brother.  Ephraim would someday become a “multitude of nations!”  This prophecy is extremely important for today, because none of this EVER happened in the Old Testament.  (Oh, but it has happened in today’s world.)  It is very important for every reader here to notice that Jacob (Israel) prophesied that Manasseh would also be a great nation.  In Jacob’s prophesies here, no other sons were described as ever being either great or powerful!  This is quite significant, especially for today’s world.  The elder Manasseh would truly be great, but the younger Ephraim would be even greater.  (Hint:  you shall discover the “how and why” in the 49th chapter of Genesis.  Christ only rewards the patient.)

Genesis 48:17  And when Joseph saw that his father laid his right hand upon the head of Ephraim, it displeased him:  and he held up his father’s hand, to remove it from Ephraim’s head unto Manasseh’s head.

Genesis 48:18  And Joseph said unto his father, Not so, my father:  for this is the firstborn; put thy right hand upon his head.

Genesis 48:19  And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it:  he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great:  but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.

Genesis 48:20  And he blessed them that day, saying, In thee shall Israel bless, saying, God make thee as Ephraim and as Manasseh:  and he set Ephraim before Manasseh.

Genesis 48:21  And Israel said unto Joseph, Behold, I die:  but God shall be with you, and bring you again unto the land of your fathers.

Genesis 48:22  Moreover I have given to thee one portion above thy brethren, which I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow.

Before we finish with this 48th chapter of Genesis, there is one final verse that must be addressed:  that being the last verse!

Genesis 48:22  Moreover I have given to thee one portion above thy brethren, which I took out of the hand of the Amorite with my sword and with my bow.

Jacob (Israel) prophesied that Joseph’s two sons were to receive one portion more (of God’s Blessings) than Jacob’s other sons.  One must understand that Jacob possessed no “blessings” of his own, per se, but in his words, Jacob was prophesying of Christ, our Creator’s, Blessings upon his descendants.  Ephraim and Manasseh were to be the greatest of all the Tribes!  This never happened in the Old Testament, but God’s prophecies never fail!  Always remember that NONE OF THIS ever happened in either the Old Testament, or the New Testament!

Now, the next (meaning the FINAL) chapter of Jacob’s life, the 49th chapter, which teaches our modern-day Western nations of OUR true beginnings, and OUR true endings (during these fast-approaching days-of-Revelation):  Nation-by-nation, if you care to study Christ’s Words and compare His Words to today’s events and nations!  Any person who cares to understand Genesis 49:1, can easily see that the entire 49th Chapter of Genesis gives as much information of our modern-day end times, as any chapter found in the Book of Revelation.  Also, please understand that none of this has ever been taught in a single Christian church, as far as this author can tell (by way of our history books, our Christian denominational “doctrines,” nor any current day Christian teachings.)  The first verse of Genesis, Chapter 49 is immensely important and directly tied to the failure of Christian baptisms today.  We already addressed the Biblical Event called, “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble.”

Genesis 49:1  And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.



TO ALL CHRISTIANS:  if you do not understand your beginnings, you will NEVER understand your ENDING!  Meaning the Book of Revelation!  And if you do not understand your beginnings, you will NEVER understand your Creator’s incredible gift of Baptism, which was given only to you.  Please continue reading, with the words of Genesis 49:1 in the back of your mind.  The words of Genesis 49:1 and your ability to “reason,” can still save you from this sinful world, which you currently live in.




WAIT!  WHAT?  There are Tribes in the end-days?  HOLD ON!  There are Tribes today?  Our Christian leaders constantly teach us that, “They were lost forever and are gone forever because if we don’t know where the Tribes are now, then God can’t possibly know either!  They are just gone!”  (Honestly, these are not their exact words, but this is what their messages truly teach every Christian today.)

SIDE NOTE by jpw:  Please accept just a few hints that Christ gives in Genesis 49, regarding our world today.  That means TODAY, in our fast-approaching end-days of Revelation.  This letter is being written in the year 2023.


Please notice in Revelation, Chapter 7, that the Tribe of Dan is missing from Christ’s Blessings regarding His Elect.  Dan was disinherited for some reason.  Well, in Genesis 49:16 – 17, Jacob (Israel) describes the actions of Dan as this world approaches the end-time.  Read these two verses and compare our modern-day Germany to the words spoken by Israel.  Dan did judge his people, as a tribe, and murdered about 6 million people who belonged to the tribes of Judah, Levi, and Benjamin.  His name was Hitler and regardless of what you read, today, the majority of the Tribe of Dan supported this event.  Martin Luther, of the tribe of Dan, actually encouraged this action in his last publication, shortly before his death.  As a religious leader, Martin Luther actually wrote the following words regarding Jews, everywhere in this world:  “It would not be a sin to kill them all.”  (The reasons Luther wrote those words, in the first place, is even more unconscionable to God:  Luther wrote those words, solely, for his own selfish and power-seeking purposes.)  This is all heavily documented elsewhere on this website.  Now, long ago, Jacob (Israel) used the following words regarding Dan:  “Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.”  In this prophecy, Christ is prophesying that this event would be held against the “entire Tribe of Dan,” and not just one man named Hitler.  But that was verse 16 of Genesis 49.  Fairly old news, comparatively, for most readers here.  Ah, but now we have verse 17 to both learn and observe today.  Watch, in the future, Germany’s deeds as the end-time gets even closer.  According to this prophecy’s description, Dan always has, and always will, act as if he has neither brothers, nor family, upon this earth.  Dan shall only take care of Dan, even if it is to his brothers’ demise.  This author does not know the future, but Christ does!  And the Tribe of Dan will certainly fulfill the words found in Genesis 49:17.  Count on it!  This author can already see some of these words coming true today, but one should never use short-term events to predict any fulfilling of prophecy:  so this author shall remain quiet.

Genesis 49:16  Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.

Genesis 49:17  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.


Judah is easy because the entire world knows that it means, mostly the Jews.  (Yes, the word “Jews” includes Levi, the priests, and Benjamin, so this author’s description is not entirely correct.  But it is close enough for this letter.)  Beginning in Genesis 49:8, one can easily recognize the Land of Israel, today.  His hand truly is at the neck of all of his enemies.  His brothers (meaning the entire Western world) truly do bow down to him; because Christ came here using the body of Jesus, who was of Judah’s lineage (due to that sceptre mentioned above); and in this author’s estimation, it means the Holy Land that all Christians hold so near, and dear to their hearts.  (This author could be wrong on that last one.)  Some 1,800 years before it even happened, Jacob even prophesied, in verse 9, that our Messiah, Jesus, would be a prey to those Jewish leaders of that day, as God’s Son, and would go up to heaven when this business was finished.  Oh, but this is ancient history now.  The rest of verse 9 teaches of the deeds and actions of Judah (the Land of Israel) in the near future, and our end-time approaches.  As an interesting side note, the next three verses, 10 – 12, clearly teach of Jesus (our Christ) some 1,800 years BEFORE Jesus was even born!

JOSEPH:  meaning Ephraim and Manasseh

These Tribes shall be heavily documented below, both by this author, in the next section of this letter; and also by another author:  via a link to that other author’s heavily referenced document.

Well, the full Truth of this entire matter is that Christ has not lost a single “soul” throughout the entire history of this world, which He created.  Our Christian leaders sell Christ, and His Words, short; and they do so time-after-time!  (Just like in the days of Jesus.)  The Tribes were truly lost to mankind, but not to God.  Here in our end days, one can find God’s Truth concerning these Ten Tribes all through the Book of Revelation!  ALL THROUGH IT!  Yet, when confronted with these very words of Revelation, our “clueless” religious leaders are forced to revert back to their unprovable lies:  “it is just symbolic.”  Well, the truth of this world, and mankind, is that no person can prove that something is NOT symbolic, but neither can the speaker of such lies prove that something IS symbolic.  So the listener has no choice but to stand there dumbfounded, speechless, and defenseless:  for how can anyone possibly argue against a false, and imaginary, symbol?  It is like talking to the air.  This is not the case with God though.  Always count on God to explain things to you.  The Tribes are found all through the Old Testament.  The Tribes are found all through the New Testament.  Read the first verse of the letter of James.  James was a brother of Jesus:  they grew up in the same home.  Evidently, James understood this matter.  Ask yourself now, why would James write a letter to people who were lost forever?  Why would James write to “symbolic” people?  Why did Jesus clearly state, in Matthew 15:24 that he was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel?  When Paul was made to face his accusers of the Jewish leaders, in Acts 26:6 – 7, Paul informed the greatest experts of those Jewish leaders that this newfound Christian truth, which truly was only a “major addition” to their ancient, and beloved, Hebrew faith which Christ created.  To be completely honest with Christians here, Christ never “replaced” the Hebrew faith, as Jesus:  Christ first “corrected” the Hebrew faith and then “further explained” His ancient promises that were made to Abraham, Jacob, and many others.  Indeed, the Old Testament never even hints that the coming Messiah would “change anything.”  Christ’s Good News is merely a FULLER EXPLANATION to what He had already promised the Tribes of Israel.  Also, Christ stated repeatedly that this FULLER EXPLANATION was only available to those who observed all of His commands found in His Old Testament.  Hence, the practice of Baptism:  meaning the promise of observing all of Christ’s commands sent down in His earlier Testament.  Baptism is a “reminder.”  Baptism “returns” people to what Christ desires, expects, and yes requires from His Creation:  meaning us!  Comparatively speaking, Baptism actually has very little to do with our just “getting wet,” and then believing we are now somehow “saved.”  Jesus actually described two other methods of baptism:  that of the Holy Spirit and that of the fire.  (Matthew 3:11)

The primary failure of today’s Christian faith is that the Christian leaders are teaching this world that we can all have the FULLER EXPLANATION (meaning “life in Heaven”) while freely ignoring the rest of Christ’s earlier Word, which actually gets us to the great reward in Heaven.  No, no, no, no, no!  What would any child grow up to be if their parents always gave them their “dessert” before their “main, nourishing, and live-preserving meal?”  Now, let us return to the Truth of God here.  (This author apologizes for digressing.)

Genesis 49:1  And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.

Sorry Christians . . . but you are going to have to set your dessert aside here and eat your vegetables first.  When Jacob was a young man, he wrestled with a “man,” in Genesis 32:24, throughout an entire night.  The “man” could not prevail against Jacob and when the sun was about to rise, the “man” told Jacob that he had to leave.  Jacob would not permit the “man” to leave until the “man” blessed Jacob.  So Jacob was blessed greatly, there in Genesis 32, and his name was changed to Israel.

Genesis 32:30  And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel:  for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

Who was that “man?”  Well, in Genesis 32, Jacob asked that “man” for his name.  The name was never given.  This author could be wrong, but this author is firmly convinced that it was Christ, our Creator.  Christians are never taught the following, but anytime you find the word, “God,” in the Old Testament, it means Christ, who created this world, Christ who spoke to Moses, Christ who wrote the Ten Commandments with His own Finger, Christ who had Solomon build Him a Temple, etc.  Most Christian leaders do not teach this because they would then have to stop teaching that the Old Testament is no longer relevant, that the Old Testament died on the Cross, that the Old Testament is out-of-date, or any other collection of their lies.  Again, please do note that there are a few “worthy” exceptions to this author’s “estimated 99.9% Christian failure rate” of today:  these “worthy” exceptions are out there, and they are fairly easy to find if you read the Word of God first, and then know what you are supposed to be looking for.  Returning to that “man” who fought Jacob was, Jacob fully understood that it was the God, our Creator, of the Old Testament.  In the New Testament, we learn that no man can see the face of God and live.  That is an absolute Truth of God.  And that Truth refers to our LORD who sits on the Throne in the Kingdom of Heaven.  We have addressed all of this, heavily, throughout our last several webpages here:  just above our download tabs.  This author has always believed that it was Christ who fought with Jacob.  The Truth of God never states that no man can see the face of our Creator and live.  When Christ gave His Name to Moses (I AM THAT I AM), this informed the entire world that it was Christ, our Creator.  (Reference John 8:58, if you wish).  But Christ refused to give His name to Jacob, so we cannot be sure that it was Christ.  Regardless, every Christian still has Genesis 32:30, above and Genesis 48:16, below, to contend with, regarding this author’s next section:

Genesis 48:16  The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.

In the Old Testament (and apparently, to Christ, who dictated the Book of Genesis to Moses), the “birthright” was a very important aspect of life to both God and mankind.  Here in Genesis 48:16, Jacob (meaning Israel) just placed the “birthright” of Abraham upon the two sons of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh).  Birthright?  Well, the birthright of Abraham comes with many special Blessings of God.  Blessings?  Yes, eternal Blessings that shall remain until the end of this world (or our last days, just before Christ returns).  These easily recognizable Blessings of God can shed an incredible light upon just who these two Tribes are today, and where they might live:

In Genesis 22, when Christ stops Abraham from sacrificing his son, Isaac, Christ then blesses Abraham, and his seed, forever.  Please remember that this is Christ speaking below:

Genesis 22:16  And said, By myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son:

Genesis 22:17  That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies;

Genesis 22:18  And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

There are great clues to be found all through Scripture!  Jacob placed this very birthright (and promise from Christ) upon the two sons of Joseph.  Why?  Because Joseph had protected all of his brothers during the time of great famine and continued this protection throughout his life, while they were all in Egypt:  this protection continued well after Jacob’s death.  Yes, the Tribes (meaning the Hebrews; for there were no Jews yet) later became slaves, but throughout Joseph’s life, Joseph protected, fed, and established all of his brothers in that land.  Thanks to Joseph’s protection and governance, and possibly a little (BIG!) help from our Christ, all of the Tribes excelled to such a degree that the Egyptians became afraid of them!  (This very situation exists today regarding the protection and governance that England and America provide to this Western Hemisphere, generally speaking.  Yes, brothers occasionally fight and quarrel; but they normally stick together when outsiders approach.  But this protection too shall soon come to an end.  This is an excellent example of a dual prophecy:  meaning then-and-now.)  When Jacob placed this birthright on the heads of both Ephraim and Manasseh, Christ’s eternal promises to Abraham, detailed above, were passed to young Ephraim and Manasseh.  Passing a Blessing of God?  Yes, think about this!  Ephraim was the younger but was also to be the greater.  What nation, anywhere on this earth, has ever controlled all of the gates of its enemies?  Meaning hundreds of years ago and also including these latter days that we live in?  Gates?  Well, that would mean places like the Horn of Africa (South Africa), Argentina, the Strait of Gibraltar, the Suez Canal, India, Egypt, the Sudan, the English Channel, the region of Palestine, Hong Kong, and Singapore.  ENGLAND!  ONLY ENGLAND!  (England’s brother, America, helped in this by controlling the smaller gates of the Panama Canal, Guantanamo, Hawaii, Midway, Guam, and Wake.  It shall always remain a historical fact that for a significant time in history, “the sun never set on the British Empire.”  No other nation, in mankind’s history, can make this claim.)  Next, what nation, anywhere on this earth, has ever assured the protection of all his brethren (meaning the remaining Tribes) so that they might, for a time, be able to ENJOY AND EXCEL (beyond anything history has ever seen!) all of God’s Blessings that were promised to the seed of Abraham, some 4,000 years ago?  AMERICA!  AND AMERICA’S BROTHER, ENGLAND!  England is the greater of the two (meaning throughout this world’s history) because its history, and greatness, is “far” older than America’s; its prophecies and blessings began well before America even existed as colonies; and it has forever protected the Scepter of God (and also the “stone of Israel,” meaning “Jacob himself” found in Genesis 49:24), in this world:  which are matters far beyond the scope of this letter.  We shall provide a link to these extremely important matters, shortly, to a publication that can be downloaded for free.






A VERY CRITICAL SIDE NOTE by jpw:  Oh, my dearest Christian friends, one must never read the Book of Genesis as if it were merely a history book.  While it does indeed cover a great many (and always accurate) details of mankind’s first 2,000 years of history, it is incomplete regarding this world’s history:  a lot of things happened in those 2,000 years that are not found in the Book of Genesis.  This is because Christ could only pack a certain number of historical details into one Book.  Rather, Christ purposefully Designed His Book of Genesis to be completely informative regarding the “people discussed” within that Book:  meaning there was a reason that every story was placed in the Book of Genesis, by Christ.

Those ancient lessons which Christ personally placed (and dictated to Moses) in His Book of Genesis are the very “lessons” that Christ wants this world, today, to understand because these lessons truly are a part of our lives today:  even if we do not understand this!  Please remember that Moses did not write the Book of Genesis from memory:  Moses was raised as an Egyptian and educated as an Egyptian.  Christ spoke every word of Genesis to Moses and his scribes.  There are incredible modern-day lessons of Christ to be found in the Book of Genesis, even if our religious leaders of today do not understand.  This author will go out on a limb here and state with much certainty, that until a person understands Christ’s lessons placed in Genesis, they will never fully understand several parts of Revelation, much of Daniel, nor those parts of Ezekiel which reference these end times.

One should always read the Book of Genesis as if they were actually standing “right there,” in the middle of every story that Christ teaches to Moses:  this makes it easier for people, in these latter days, to better appreciate “ancient” stories which we steadfastly believe do not apply to us.  Moreso, one should always read the Book of Genesis as if Christ was speaking directly to them!  Because Christ is speaking directly to them:  by way of other people who have failed here and there!  Mankind is still making the very same mistakes, today, as we did back in the days of Genesis.  Noah lived in one of this world’s most evil times; so evil that Christ destroyed nearly everything.  In Matthew 24:37, Jesus taught that in our last days, mankind would be acting exactly as they did in Noah’s day.  Christ’s story of Sodom and Gomorrah is also a perfect example regarding life today, in our Western Hemisphere.  Christ’s story of Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar is a perfect example regarding current Western politicians at the national, state, and even down to our local and school board levels today.

BRIEF SIDE NOTE by jpw:  Just as a quick example, while Nebuchadnezzar was a dictator, so are most of our elected leaders of today.  Take the average School Board as an example.  After being elected by their neighbors, they begin to act as dictators, rather than neighbors.  They defend their schools’ teaching that all manner of sins are now permitted, but if one Christ-minded parent stands up for what Christ has taught this world from our beginning, their neighbor, sitting on that school board, often has that parent hauled off to jail and sometimes placed on an FBI watch-list.  So, this author asks now:  is there really that big of a difference between Daniel being thrown into the lion’s den (for standing up for the Word of God) and that local parent, of today, being hauled off to jail and marked as a possible criminal for the rest of their lives?  (And only because that local parent stood up for the Word of God?)  This author apologizes for digressing:  I do this a lot but am trying to get better.

Back to our lessons of Sodom and Gomorrah, Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar, and many others:  these very lessons, of ancient mistakes, MUST ALSO include today’s religious leaders who place more value on their personal vanities, personal beliefs, and personal expectations of God than they do upon the clearly spoken Truths of God which have been placed in His Scriptures.  Our webpage tabbed, “THE WILL OF GOD” documents this fact quite well.  This very webpage regarding their failing Christ in His Baptisms is documenting their failures, as you read here!  Also, please understand, that the Book of Revelation clearly teaches that even after they read this letter, THEY WILL NOT CHANGE THEIR WAYS, regarding Christ’s gift of Baptism to this world!  Oh, how Christ truly has placed so many of His Truths within every story found throughout Genesis and His Bible!  (And Christ placed them there for any person to discover!  One only needs to have the desire to set aside their personal vanities and then find the willingness to place God’s Word ahead of their own beliefs, desires, and especially their personal “expectations from Christ.”  It would seem, at least to this author, that while Christ did not HIDE these Truths from anyone, Christ designed these Truths so that only those, who care, would find them!)

And this author is about to illustrate a highly detailed example of just one of these Truths of Christ from His Book of Genesis.  Oh, there are so many more!




In chapters 48 and 49 of Genesis, Jacob grants Joseph’s two sons a full inheritance of Christ’s Blessings which Jacob received after that infamous wrestling match with Christ in Genesis 32:24:  thereby making Ephraim and Manasseh equal inheritors of Christ’s Blessings which were to pass to all of Jacob’s sons.  What is truly important here, is that Jacob placed the Birthright (going all the way back to Adam, and then through Abraham, upon the youngest son of Joseph (Ephraim).  Jacob also placed a full portion of his “lineage” (regarding the blessings Christ promised to Abraham) upon Manasseh, the eldest son of Joseph.  In simple language, Jacob made Manasseh a Tribe also.  Christians, please remember that Ephraim is Great Britain and Manasseh is America:  regardless of what your Christian leaders tell you.  (Further documentation shall be provided shortly.)

Given all of this, please accept now, just one CRITICAL end-time Wisdom (end-time:  meaning our world of today) which Christ placed in His Book of Genesis for any person who actually cares to discover, and then place in their lives.  After granting Joseph’s two sons a full inheritance, Jacob went straight into his prophecies which reveal their LAST DAYS, and all of the other Tribes’ LAST DAYS:  meaning, well, right now, today.  Please understand that while Jacob was still living, there were no Tribes yet!  They were still only “sons” at this point.  His inheritance of Abraham’s Promises from Christ did not transfer until his death!  But on his deathbed, in Chapter 50, we find Jacob prophesying of their demise in the “last days:”  meaning, again, our very near future here in the year 2023!  This truly should make every Christian’s blood run cold through their veins!

Genesis 49:1  And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.

Once again, please consider the importance of Genesis 48 and 49.  For Jacob (Israel) prophesied of their end-time EVEN BEFORE they received their inheritance of becoming the Tribes of Israel, following his death!  This is quite significant!  In this prophecy, Jacob is describing “those characteristics” of every single Tribe of Israel, as it exists today!  Or at least, in the very, very near future (in this author’s humble opinion).  For when this author reads Ezekiel, Revelation, and the Qur’an (which contains even more details of our end-days), this author can see an incredible number of details already in place or actually having been in place for quite some time now.)

CHRISTIANS!  Think for yourselves . . . do you believe that your Christ might have actually placed these two chapters (teaching about OUR current last days) in His nearly 4,000-year-old story of Jacob for a specific reason?  Is our Christ that perfect?  Is our Christ that good?  This truly is how perfect our LORD is!  To this author, at least, Chapters 48 and 49 of Genesis should cause every Christian to “quake” in their shoes!  For these two chapters are truly addressed SPECIFICALLY to all descendants of Jacob, today!  Jacob today?  Keep reading my friend for Christ is about to reveal some incredible Truths to those who can shed their modern-day vanities.  (Every Christian reading these words would to extremely well if they dismissed any Christian leader who denies these lessons of Genesis 49, and remember that it was actually Christ, Himself, who dictated EVERY SINGLE WORD of Genesis to Moses.)

A PROMISED SIDE NOTE by jpw:  This author promised earlier, to provide further documentation regarding England and America in Bible prophecy.  The greatest portion of Jacob’s inheritance, and just one of the two greatest gifts of Jacob’s inheritance were given to the two sons of Joseph:  Ephraim and Manasseh.

What was the other “greatest gift?”  The lineage of Christ, which Jacob placed upon the Tribe of Judah.  This is detailed in Genesis 49:10:

Genesis 49:10  The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

For Christians today, the term “until Shiloh come” means the end of this world, or Christ’s Second Coming, found in your Book of Revelation.  (Christ, long ago, cursed Shiloh forever, in Jeremiah 7:20.)  Every single Christian leader, of today, will teach you that Genesis 49:10 is just symbolic:  meaning that “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah until Messiah comes.”  But those words are not found in the Bible, are they?  When our Messiah came, there was no historical instance of another Shiloh-event occurring.  Nearly every single Christian leader of today fully rejects the words Christ placed in Genesis 49:10 above.  So every reader of today needs to be smarter than their Christian leaders; and understand that that “gathering of the people” in Genesis 49:10 will not happen until Christ returns to this earth, soon.  Please realize (no matter what any religious leader teaches you) that if you dismiss any of the Book of Genesis, then you are dismissing Christ from your life.  You have already seen how they have utterly failed regarding Christ’s Baptism requirements, and now you understand how they have failed Christ, by dismissing most of the remaining pieces of Christ’s Old Testament also.  The sceptre of Judah exists today!  Christ said so through prophecy.  That settles the matter.  Now, all we need to do is to find that sceptre.  Why is this even important?  You will find out in our conclusion:  when we bring everything here TOGETHER!

So, Christians!  Do you think there might be some important “Christian” information to be found by learning about the Twelve Tribes of Israel.  Because this author is telling you NOW, that you ARE of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.  Sadly, it is beyond the scope of this letter to prove all of this, but this author can direct you to a piece of literature that will prove all of this to you!  You can learn all of these details (with very heavy Scriptural references provided) here.”  (Link opens in a new window.)  Scroll down, a bit, to “EUROPE and AMERICA in Prophecy” when you get there.  Click on the booklet, then click on the small Adobe Acrobat PDF icon; and after the file opens, download it, if desired.  You can read the book/booklet on that website, print the book/booklet from that website, or you can download it for free.  This author cannot attest to any other publications found at that website, but this author is slightly familiar with the author of that book, and his father.  We wrote, a bit, about his father’s church on our webpage tabbed “The Will of God.”  The author of that book was given most of his information by his father, Herbert W. Armstrong.  In the piece of literature above, he, and his father, reference about 94 other works by other authors:  not including their own heavy use of Scriptural references.  It is a good book.  These two men failed in many other Truths of God, regarding Christ, our Creator, but that is ONLY because everything they believed, regarding Christ, was centered entirely upon “the denomination they built:”  meaning that all, or most others, others are going to hell.  This is a common failing of most Christian denominations, in this world, and it opens a door for Satan to introduce his lies to those same Christian leaders.  Regardless of their other failures, it is a good book.  Nobody is perfect, especially this author!


CONTINUING WITH THIS PROMISED SIDE NOTE:  Please understand that a great many prophecies in the Bible have a dual nature.  This refers to Christ’s intention that they teach one lesson to the folks who actually hear the words being spoken to them (such as Jacob’s sons), and they teach another lesson to people (later in history), who will be reading these ancient prophecies of Christ.  Jacob’s words in Genesis, 48 and 49, are a perfect example of this!  When these words of Jacob were actually spoken, Joseph truly was the “protector” of the other Tribes, while in Egypt:  exactly as prophesied by Christ in His dual prophecy found in Genesis 37.  In verse 8, we find that Joseph (later meaning Ephraim and Manasseh) had dominion over his brothers, there in Egypt, and we find, today, that Ephraim and Manasseh (England and America) have long protected their brothers:  it is called NATO today.  Since World War II, America and England have been the primary powers in the Western Hemisphere:  not the only powers, but the primary powers, with a significant “dominion” as described in Genesis 37:8.  But now for the bad news!  Joseph’s protection only lasted so long, back then:  and since this is a dual prophecy, it will happen again.  The Hebrews were put into slavery shortly after Joseph’s death.  In our modern world, England and America truly have been the “protectors” of the other Tribes, which did scatter north, and west, from Assyria:  where they were placed in captivity.  Again, it is called NATO, but these two brothers have long fought together against anti-western aggression, all over this world.  Christians!  Try to think of any other two nations, throughout mankind’s history, who have acted like “brothers” such as England and America.  Sure, brothers quarrel occasionally:  that is a part of life.  Jacob prophesied that England would be the greater of the two.  (Greater does not always mean “the more powerful.”  Historically speaking, the lengthy, and even ancient, history of England makes America look like a teenager with pimples, in comparison!  And please know that an American is writing this!  An honest American.)  When one considers all of the former colonies of England:  meaning Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, and many others, one can readily see how Ephraim and Manasseh have protected the remaining Tribes for a great many years now.  But this protection did not last long after the original phase of this dual prophecy (there in Egypt) and this modern-day protection shall similarly come to an end in the second phase of this dual prophecy (meaning today, in our end-days).  Revelation teaches this Truth of dual prophecies quite clearly.  And this author can see the logarithmic (not exponential) rate at which the West is deteriorating.  Everything written above was by Christ’s Design, long ago.  This story begins in Genesis 37:

Genesis 37:3  Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age:  and he made him a coat of many colours.

Genesis 37:4  And when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren, they hated him, and could not speak peaceably unto him.

Genesis 37:5  And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.

Genesis 37:6  And he said unto them, Hear, I pray you, this dream which I have dreamed:

Genesis 37:7  For, behold, we were binding sheaves in the field, and, lo, my sheaf arose, and also stood upright; and behold, your sheaves stood round about, and made obeisance to my sheaf.

Genesis 37:8  And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us?  Or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us?  And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words.

If any reader here has read the booklet, linked above, by the two men named Armstrong, you should now easily be able to see England and America in Joseph’s two sons.  Is this important?  Is this critical for today’s world?  NO!  But it does help in seeing Christ’s Plan for this world unfolding today.  Nothing above will help any person get to heaven.  Nothing above will help a person to observe those commands that Christ expects us to keep, after our being baptized.  But the knowledge one can gain by learning of those ancient Tribes failing, and going into captivity, should strongly motivate every Christian into finding the true desire to follow all of Christ’s commands, sent down to this world.  Now is the time to find that sense of urgency.  Because the time of Jacob’s Trouble is already here!  England and America are beginning to collapse.  When they have failed, so will their protection, prophesied by Christ, fail.  The time of Jacob’s Trouble is now understandable, given what happened long ago, after Joseph (meaning America and England) collapsed.  And yes, that will happen again:  Revelation teaches of this approaching event.

One further note:  Never believe that Christ is causing the increasing speed of this world’s demise.  NO!  Yes, Christ will one day pour out His Seven Vials of wrath, just before His return, but in today’s world, please understand that the horrible things you see on TV each night are a direct result of mankind’s increasing departure from observing our Christ’s commands (and Scriptures).  We are doing all of this to ourselves because we have left Christ!  Christ never left us:  it is WE who have departed from Christ and His Ways!  Never believe that it is the other way around.  And quite sadly, Revelation teaches that nothing will get better, no matter our efforts down here.  Our history (meaning our ending) has been written.  It took this author a very long time to learn that.  All of my earlier writings were meant to save this world from its evils.  In the past few years, all of my writings are only meant to save one person at a time.  I want to make Christ’s “few” just a “few more.”

Matthew 7:13  Enter ye in at the strait gate:  for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matthew 7:14  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

SO AGAIN . . . CHRISTIANS!  Given all of the above information about “who you actually are,” and especially, “what ‘peoples’ you truly belong to” regarding this earth which Christ, long ago created,” this author can only surmise that you are asking one question here.  (Assuming you have not yet read the above piece of literature named, “EUROPE and AMERICA in Prophecy.”)  That question would be, “what does any of this have to do with me?”  Good question, but when you learn the answer, you will wish you never asked.  For this letter was purposed to achieve two goals:  to show Christians how their supposed modern-day baptisms are completely rejected by Christ, according to His commands in the Gospels, and to show Christians how this incredible failure (amongst a great many other “modern day” incredible failures) is the reason that Christ taught about the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” in the first place!  For no Christian can ever understand this event until they first understand that THEY ARE JACOB!  AND THE WRATH OF CHRIST, TAUGHT IN REVELATION, SHALL BE “FOCUSED” UPON THE CHRISTIANS!  Yes, the entire world shall suffer, but Christ’s Wrath shall be mostly centered upon 99.9% of today’s Christians.  (As stated earlier, you “0.1 percenters” understand how you truly do observe Christ’s commands.)

At this point of history, this author cannot save a single person.  But this author can teach, those who care, about where they can find their true help:  and that help is definitely not in any Christian denomination of today.  That help is only found in the Word of God:  meaning His Bible!  (Yes, Muslims, your Word of God is truly equal to the Word of God that was placed in their Book.  But this letter is not written for Muslims.  And quite sadly, you Muslims have failed your Word of God as badly as the Children of the Book have failed theirs.  You will find many other webpages here that were intended for you Muslims.)

CHRISTIANS . . . COME OUT OF YOUR CHURCHES . . . and place your Eternal Life in the lessons and stories found in the Word of God.  You truly do have an Eternal Life waiting for you:  it lies just a bit past the last breath you will ever take on this earth.  Never mind this silly author:  everything you seek is found in the Word of God.  (It shall never be found on the lips of mankind, nor in the words of this pathetic author.)






All of these ancient “Christian” Truths of God, detailed above, are quite a shock for today’s world for many reasons.  First, every religious leader refuses to accept these Truths of God which have been documented, in this letter, from Christ’s Bible:  meaning both Christ’s Old Testament and Christ’s New Testament.  The full Truth of God, in this world, is that one can never fully understand either of these two Scriptures until one understands both of these Scriptures.  (That is how Christ works:  Christ only wants those who have the desire to put forth an effort to find the God that they love.  Christ really is a simple God!)  The vast majority (about 99.9%) of today’s Christian leaders entirely dismiss the importance of Christ’s Old Testament by teaching that everything found in the Old Testament was “hung on the Cross,” or some other “lie that Satan long ago taught their denomination.”  Heck, this 99.9% of Christian leaders EVEN REFUSE TO ACKNOWLEDGE that the Old Testament was delivered to this world BY THEIR VERY OWN CHRIST!  That very Christ who swore in His final Book of Malachi, that He would never change!  This fact, alone, prevents them from ever understanding our Creator, who we call Christ; and this fact alone, gives Satan (and his lies) a “get-out-of-jail-free card” as he walks through a wide-open door to every single Christian denomination.  If a denomination cannot understand that Word of God, which was long ago sent down by that “Word” described in John 1:1, then that denomination has NO CHANCE of defending itself against Satan and his wiles.

We have three pages tabbed “Plowing” here that fully document how “Christ, our Creator’s” Scriptures are Satan’s Achilles Heel, and literally prevent Satan from entering any person’s life, when observed.

Next, please learn the CONSEQUENCES of Christians, and their leaders’ stubborn refusal to accept these Truths of God into their lives.  For Christ has, long, warned this world of the coming “Time of Jacob’s Trouble.”  All Christians are about to receive a heavy dose of Christ’s Truths below:  whether they like Christ’s Truths, or not.







Christians are completely free to reject any connection to the lost Ten Tribes of Israel:  Christ has given them this right (so that He might observe their “life-long” choices, as He records their choices in His Book of Life).  While this knowledge will never preclude their entrance into heaven, it will place limitations upon their ability to understand many Old Testament prophecies, and also upon their ability to understand many of Jesus’ end-time prophecies.  It will also restrict their full understanding of some portions of the Book of Revelation; and this restriction is quite bothersome to this author.  For you see, there is a reason the Book of Revelation was delivered to the Christians of this world!  That reason is because Revelation mostly describes the “Christians” of this world, today.  (Oh sorry, make that “the descendants of Jacob, today.”)  While God’s Wrath shall truly fall upon this entire world, the greatest portion shall be poured out upon the Tribes of Israel (Jacob).  To state that more succinctly, “While God’s Wrath shall truly fall upon this entire world (including God’s Elect!) the greatest portion shall be directed toward the Christians of today’s world.”  So Christians, do you think you should consider getting “properly baptized” now?  No, not that baptism, the other baptism!  According to the words that Christ spoke in Matthew 28:20:

Matthew 28:20  teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:  and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.

So Christians, do you also think that you should consider learning about all of the things Christ has commanded to you in His Old Testament?  Think about that greatly.  One would do well to go to the Old Testament and read Christ’s words, written about 1,000 years before He was born (using that earthly body called Jesus).  These words are found in Psalm 22, where Christ actually teaches King David all of the details regarding that future event where this world would crucify Him.  Christ even taught King David of that coat, of John 19:23, which He would be wearing on that cold April day when He was crucified.  Christ even taught how the Roman soldiers treated that coat!  One would do well to understand that Rome did not even exist in the days when David wrote his Psalms(And incidentally, in Christ’s Qur’an, Christ states, clearly, that He Personally taught every Psalm to David!  Word-for-Word!)

This author has no less than 15 webpages here that Scripturally document the Christian failures of today.  These are not small failures:  they are “incredible and massive” failures regarding Jesus’ (meaning Christ, our Creator’s) instructions to all Christians.  This letter began with the complete failure of all Christian denominations, today, regarding Christ’s mandated Baptism.  This never-before-seen Gift from God was designed to separate Christ’s “new Christians” from all prior “peoples” who failed in this world!  But today’s Christian faith has completely failed Christ regarding this most incredible Gift, which was only given to them!  As a result, quite sadly, approximately 99.9% of all Christians today, who believe they have been baptized, ARE NOT BAPTIZED IN CHRIST’S EYES!

JUST A VERY SIMPLE, AND BRIEF, EXPLANATION by jpw:  To illustrate this issue quickly, easily, and honestly, please consider the following Truth of Christ:  “If you were to go into any Christian church, on any given Sunday, whether that denomination was named:  Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Church of Christ, Mormon, or any other Sunday-meeting church name; NOT ONE PERSON, WITHIN THOSE FOUR WALLS, HAS BEEN BAPTIZED ACCORDING TO CHRIST’S INSTRUCTIONS.”

WHY?  Because they do not observe all, or even worse, hardly any of Christ’s commands sent down to this world, since its foundation.  This was all discussed at the beginning of this letter.  But this baptism “issue” is only the tip of the iceberg, so to speak!  In this author’s 15 other pages (and even more, quite honestly), this author drains our modern-day “Christian Ocean” and exposes the entire Christian “iceberg-of-failures” which Christ hates today!  Christ hates?  Is that even possible?  We shall address this below, but the short answer, for now, is yes:  if you read Revelation 2:6 and 2:15.  (These verses shall be quoted shortly.)  As stated, we shall thoroughly address this below, but for now, please answer one question.  If Christ can hate people who consume meats that have been previously sacrificed to false idols (in Revelation 2), how much more would you expect Christ to hate those (meaning us!) who dismiss fully half of His Ten Commandments, all of His Laws, all of His ordinances, and every one of His Holy Feasts:  which He commanded were to be “kept forever?”  Again, more on this later.

INTERESTING SIDE NOTE by jpw:  This author frequently hears many Christian ministers now teaching that it is “possible” for non-Christians (and even other erring-Christians) to make it to Heaven.  But they always give their own denomination a “special preference” in God’s Eyes stating words to effect, “To those who were given the most, the same shall receive the most in Heaven.”  Now, while that may, or may not be true, it is far beyond the scope of this letter to enter that discussion.  But the cold hard Truth of Christ, as demonstrated all through Scripture, is:  “To those who were given the most, the same shall be punished the most, while STILL on this earth:  during the Time of Jacob’s Trouble.”  (Hence the extraordinary details regarding the Time of Jacob’s Trouble being delivered to Jacob’s People:  in Christ’s Bible, which was delivered to Jacob’s descendants!)  Perhaps these Christian ministers should concentrate more on “today’s life,” than their “possible future,” someday in Heaven.  Because as this author estimates the numbers, about 99.9% of Christian leaders might not be going to Heaven.

Before getting mad at this author, please do recall Christ’s Sabbath, Christ’s forbidding “graven images,” Christ forbidding any tool ever touching any altar, Christ forbidding murder (meaning abortion), Christ forbidding unclean meats, Christ forbidding certain (and specific) evil people from living amongst us, and finally, Christ’s Seven Holy Feasts:  which He commanded to be kept forever.  And to make this entire affair very easy to believe, there is barely a Western nation (meaning Christian) today that makes any of Christ’s Ten Commandments against their national laws!  (And if one denies that abortion is murder, that is just one more accusation that Christ shall heap upon that person in His Book of Life.)  Today’s prosecutors do not even punish stealing unless the “accused value” passes their own “personal threshold.”  Forget God’s threshold, for mankind dismissed that long ago!  Throughout mankind’s history, Christ has never permitted this in any of His Scriptures.  And Christians, do not blame just today’s prosecutors:  blame yourselves for electing them to that position.  Christ will not accept excuses on His Judgment Day!

Oh, my beloved Christians!  Satan has thoroughly deceived your religious teachers into believing that Christ sent His Book of Revelation because you (and they) are such perfect people.  (You will never hear this great Truth, regarding Satan, from them because no religious teacher could EVER stand up in front of their congregation and confess that they have forever lied to them:  even after reading the 6 or 7 most recent webpages published on this website.  Every person needs to take this matter, of their Eternal Life, into their own hands . . . if they belong to one of those 99.9% of failed denominations.  There is only one answer.  LEAVE THAT DENOMINATION NOW!)  Satan has convinced your religious teachers to teach you that none of you will be participants in any of the events found in Revelation.  Satan has convinced your religious teachers to teach that you all shall be saved through this-or-that false-manner, and you will never even have to stand before God on Judgment Day:  only the lowly sinners will have to do that.  Well . . . and all other faiths and denominations besides yours.

Oh, my beloved Christians!  Read your four Gospels and see how Jesus dealt with the religious leaders of his day.  Well, it has happened again, except this time, there will be no “corrections” taking place.  There will only be God’s Wrath being poured out upon this entire world.  Christ clearly teaches that even His most Beloved, meaning His Elect, shall have to pass through every vial of His Wrath when that day comes.  Never allow your Christian leaders to deceive you by way of some of the Epistles (letters) found in your New Testament.  The Word of God must always be placed “first” in your life.

Oh, my beloved Christians!  Christ sent YOU His Book of Revelation because the vials of His Wrath will mostly be poured out upon YOU!  His Book of Revelation mostly addresses YOUR FAILURES in these last days.  (Yes, the entire world most certainly has failed our Creator, and all shall feel His Wrath; but Christians have failed the most:  because more was given to them, and more was expected of them.  In this, your Christian leaders were right, but they got God’s Truth backwards.  You can thank Satan for this.)  Of all the people, in this world, Christ wants you to learn these details the most:  so that you might now find a certain fear in your heart and return to observing all of His commands that have been sent down to you.  Christ clearly made this a condition of His great gift of Baptism!  But 99.9% of all Christian denominations completely fail Christ in their administration of Christ’s Baptism.  Also, please understand that no other “people” in the history of this world have ever given such a blessing as Christ’s Baptism!  You will find this in NO OTHER SCRIPTURE upon this earth.  This great blessing would include keeping His Sabbath, Graven Images, not permitting adulterers to live amongst you, clean and unclean meats, observing His Seven Holy Feasts, and much more, as described above.  In His Scriptures, Christ compares the Time of Jacob’s Trouble to the days of Noah and the days of Sodom and Gomorrah:  however, all Scriptures ever sent down to this world clearly state that the condition of this world will be much worse than in the days of Noah, and also worse than the days of Sodom and Gomorrah!  For all of these reasons, please understand that in His Scriptures, Christ is placing today’s Christian societies at the center of where His Father’s vials of Wrath shall be poured out.

Oh, my beloved Christians!  Please take less than two-minutes of your time and read just seven little verses that Christ wants you to learn and remember them for the rest of your life.  No matter what you have ever been taught, please understand that this event is coming.  There is no stopping it.  It is not coming just to some people, “over there.”  This will be a worldwide event!

Revelation 14:14  And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.

Revelation 14:15  And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap:  for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.

Revelation 14:16  And he that sat on the cloud thrust in his sickle on the earth; and the earth was reaped.

Revelation 14:17  And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.

Revelation 14:18  And another angel came out from the altar, which had power over fire; and cried with a loud cry to him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrust in thy sharp sickle, and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth; for her grapes are fully ripe.

Revelation 14:19  And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.

Revelation 14:20  And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

Now, please consider a few questions below.  And understand that your religious teachers have forever taught you that you shall be excused from these Truths of God:  mostly due to the efforts they have expended upon your behalf.  Some of your religious teachers have forever taught that you will be long-gone (raptured); and thereby “excused” from these Truths of God.  Christ never, ever taught a single word that any person shall be excused from His Truths of God placed in Scripture.  Even His Elect (His most Beloved) shall face every Truth of God that has been placed in Scripture.

So, to every Christian here . . . please do set aside everything your religious teachers have taught you, for just a few minutes, and pay attention to Christ’s Word above:  as if you might just find yourself in those verses someday; or better yet, as if you truly are no better than all of various people surrounding you, surrounding your nation, or surrounding your faith.  After you have placed Christ’s Word, above, in your mind, please answer a few questions now:

QUESTION #1 – Do you read anything in those seven verses that teach of Christ “excusing” any certain people, any certain races, any certain faith, or even any certain denomination?  (This author asks you to discard anything that you might “wish to happen, expect to happen, or have been taught will happen.”)

QUESTION #2 – Do you read anything in those seven verses that teach of any part of mankind being better than another part of mankind?  Or even receiving special treatment from Christ?  (Again, this author asks each reader to discard anything that you might “wish to happen” or “expect to happen.”)

QUESTION #3 – Have your religious teachers ever even taught you about the Time of Jacob’s Trouble?  Never mind, just for a moment, that Christians comprise the largest part of Jacob’s descendants, today.  Just how much have your religious teachers ever explained, to you, the importance of the Time of Jacob’s Trouble?  This is fairly important because every one of your religious teachers fully understands what the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” means!  This is DOUBLY important because Satan has seen to it that your religious teachers never teach anything from the Book of Jeremiah:  the only place where the Time of Jacob’s Trouble is taught.  (This author would also ask every Christian, here, of when the last time you heard ANY Christian teacher teach ANYTHING from Christ’s Book of Jeremiah.  This is quite significant because the Book of Jeremiah is “all about” Christ transferring the “sceptre of Judah” over to the Christian faith:  so that this “sceptre” would be protected until His return!  And which two Tribes are the protectors of the others?  Ephraim and Manasseh, always!  England and America.  Oh Christians, how you do serve an incredible purpose for maintaining many of Christ’s Promises that were placed in His Old Testament!  Especially His Promises which were made to King David!  You shall find just a glimpse of your ancient Christian legacy here,”  and then especially here.”  At that second link, do a word search for “Tea Tephi.”  You would also do well to conduct a word search for “Jeremiah” and “Baruch.”  But I digress, once again.  Sorry.)  Every one of your religious teachers fully understands that the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” fully refers to all Jews and all Christians:  meaning “those who were given the Bible!”  Every one of your Christian teachers fully understands that Christ’s ancient prophesy regarding the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” is FULLY DETAILED (AND DELIVERED!) in Christ’s Book of Revelation!  Mankind’s last days!  And it refers to the “primary” direction in which Christ shall direct His, and His Father’s, Wrath in our last days that Jacob warned of, upon his deathbed.  In the depths of their hearts, your Christian leaders understand this, but they have no idea of how to teach any of this to you.  So they fall back on the comfortable (and lazy) habit of just teaching what they were taught by their similarly comfortable (and lazy) professors in Seminary school:  “All of us good people will be excused from the Truth of God because God loves our church more than anyone else.”  (You can credit this massive LIE to Satan’s efforts, so very long ago, within your church.  And if you learn the details of your denomination, you will find the massive LIE entering your denomination shortly after it was founded.  Do a search for “William Miller’s Dream” and you shall discover Satan’s favorite method for destroying Christian denominations, one by one.  Dismiss all of the various “commentaries:”  just find the actual words of William Miller’s Dream.  It is an incredibly accurate Christian prophecy, honestly!)

QUESTION #4 – If your religious teachers refuse to acknowledge “their part” in this ENTIRE world’s end-time failure, or “their part” in Christ’s prophesied Time of Jacob’s Trouble, or “their part” in this rotting world of today, described by Christ, in the seven verses of Revelation 14, quoted just above:  when Christ determines that there is no more “good” to be developed upon this earth.  Then come out of your church as fast as you can!  Ripe means ripe.  Nothing good follows “ripe!”

Ok, now for the hard question:

QUESTION #5 – If your current religious teachers (meaning 99.9% of them!) have failed you by not teaching you of the above four questions, then your religious teachers cannot possibly recognize THEIR OWN PLACE within Christ’s seven verses of Revelation 14, quoted above.  (And once again, in case any reader missed this Truth explained above, and on our other webpages here:  that term “99.9%” refers to the failures of TODAY’S Christian leaders regarding Christ’s Sabbath, the rest of His Ten Commandments, Christ’s Laws given to Moses, Christ’s ordinances given to Moses, and Christ’s seven simple, and Holy, Feasts.  This author cannot overstate these easy “measuring sticks” that Christ has supplied to this world.)  All of this was Scripturally detailed and explained on our webpage tabbed, “THE WILL OF GOD.”  For any reader who has not seen that webpage yet, it is about our LORD’s PRAYER, taught by Jesus:  “Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be they name.  Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. etc.”

A better way of describing that webpage is to say that it is entirely about how OUR “FATHER’S WILL” IS NOT BEING DONE IN EARTH, as it is in heaven!  (Not only have we failed regarding Christ’s Baptism instructions, but we have similarly failed The LORD’s Prayer, which He detailed to us.)  That webpage meticulously details this world’s never-ending problem of our Christian leaders continually failing God:  especially today!  The average person, on this earth, only desires to please God and will eagerly do whatever is expected, of them, so they might someday reach Heaven.  All they really ask, is to be correctly taught the Truth of God and the Will of God; so that they can rest assured that God’s Truths and Will are found in their lives on Judgment Day.  History shows that the “masses” of all societies have always turned to “their religious teachers” for guidance; and in doing so, they have abandoned God’s Word.  In ancient times, this was their only option because Scriptures were kept hidden from the “masses,” but that is not the case today!  Historically, most Christian teachers have only preached their own vanities, their own beliefs, the lies which Satan placed in their hearts, and finally, their own “personal” expectations of God:  regardless of what God’s Scriptures taught.  One can actually see the beginning of this Christian mistake in every letter placed in the back of the New Testament:  meaning the Epistles, or “letters.”

Understand what the word, Messiah, actually means.  Yes, it means that our LORD, and our Creator, is here with us, but that was only valid for thirty-something years.  Oh but today, this word far exceeds those thirty-something years that our Creator, Christ, lived as Jesus.  Please try to understand the particulars of that “era” when Christ, our Creator, chose to come to us as our Messiah.  Christ came to save that which was lost.  But why were they lost?  They were lost because of the teachings of their religious leaders.  They were lost because mankind could no longer differentiate between the Laws of God (which were kept on scrolls, far from any person’s view) and the vanity-ridden restrictions that their religious leaders placed upon every person.  And they were lost because their religious, and political, leaders began to enforce the laws of man, which they themselves created here, more than the Laws of God, which were sent down from heaven.  This was one of the primary lessons that Jesus taught to this world, while he walked this earth.  (And this is one of the primary reasons that our world of today, is failing, just before Christ returns to once again, “save that which is lost.”)  So please consider this now:  ‘Of our current 33,000 Christian denominations, how many of them do you believe teach of the importance of today’s world RETURNING to Christ’s Truths, Commandments, Laws, and ordinances which were placed in His Old Testament?’  This author places his estimate at about 0.1%, or roughly 33 denominations, worldwide.  This author is probably too high on that estimate, honestly.




All of this is a hard pill to swallow!

But some medicines nearly kill you just before they save you.


This author has wrestled with how to place these Truths of God on paper for some twenty-five years now.  But this author can easily see that mankind’s time is so short now, that the words just had to be written!  How does one swallow this pill?  By letting go of what this entire world has taught you and everything you currently believe regarding this world and your religion!  Start by reading that short book/booklet linked above titled, “AMERICA AND EUROPE in Prophecy,” and consider if you think any of it might be true, Scripturally.  If you think that even part of it is probably true, then read your Bible, just once more, and pay particular attention to when the Tribes of Israel are discussed.  This especially includes Revelation.  Prophecies can take on a whole new meaning, sometimes, when you realize that God is actually speaking to YOU!  That book titled, “AMERICA AND EUROPE in Prophecy” is not a perfect book.  But after you read it, it will open your eyes to a great many Truths of God that Christ placed in His Book of Genesis.  That other man’s book truly is a starting place for you to realize that any Scripture, placed on this earth by Christ, truly is Perfect!  My friend, this author cannot swallow this pill for you.  Your Christian leaders cannot swallow this pill for you either; in fact, Revelation clearly teaches that they will all reject this pill, entirely:  when Christ’s last two witnesses arrive, clothed in sackcloth.  (At least 99.9% of them, in this author’s humble opinion.)

Every Christian reading this webpage has a decision to make, all by themselves.  Again, this website cannot help; and neither can your Christian leaders.  But there is one earthly man who can help you quite a bit.  And it is not Christ!  For when Jesus came down to this world, he set ALL OF HIS HEAVENLY AUTHORITY aside.  While he was walking this earth, he truly WAS NOT our Creator:  He actually came here and lived as “one of us.”  And Jesus proved that a successful life can be lived here:  if a person follows the known Truths of God placed in Christ’s Scriptures.  One might also take note:  that while Jesus lived on this earth, he neither followed, nor obeyed, a single religious leader.  But he truly did follow and obey every single Commandment, Law, ordinance, and Feast which was sent down from Heaven!  (Perhaps all Christians should take note of that fact:  even if they do not like that fact.)  It does not matter if any person, reading these words, is Christian, or otherwise; because that ordinary man, named Jesus, taught some incredible Truths while he was here.  Matthew, Chapter 7, might be any person’s best help in swallowing this extremely difficult pill.  Please find “just a taste” of Matthew, Chapter 7 here:  and try to correlate these Truths to the giant, “currently-unswallowed” pill you now hold in your hand.

Matthew 7:7  Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

Matthew 7:8  For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

This entire chapter of Matthew 7 is addressing ordinary, and simple, people who are truly trying to find our God, understand our God, learn what God wants from us, and then actually put forth the effort to please God (and showing their beloved God that they are doing everything they can to observe His commands in the Bible).  Just a few verses later in this same conversation, Christ teaches the results of all of these folks:

Matthew 7:13  Enter ye in at the strait gate:  for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matthew 7:14  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

My dearest friends, your eternal destiny has been fully detailed, by Jesus, above.  What it takes to enter the gates of Heaven is fully described in Matthew 7.  The failures of today’s Christian leaders have been fully described above, in this letter.  And you just read Christ’s Words (in Matthew 7:13 – 14) regarding the only TWO results that await every single person on Judgement Day:  there are no other options!  Between today (in this year of 2023), and those TWO results waiting for every person on Judgment Day, this author is attempting to show, Scripturally, to every reader here that your Christian leaders are actually standing between YOU, and your LORD!  More succinctly, your Christian leaders are actually standing in the way of your ever getting to Heaven!  This author is attempting to show, Scripturally, that nearly all Christian leaders of today are directing you, and your eternal destiny, toward that wide (and easy) gate which leads to destruction!  The lies that they teach are “nearly insurmountable!”  Unless you leave!  Unless you actually sit down, pick up the Word of God, and read the REAL Truth of God for yourself!  The straight and narrow way (meaning Christ’s Scriptures only!) deliver a person to that first day of Eternity (their next billion, or so, years)!  The wide and easy gate leads only to the second death, which is also Eternal.  The wide and easy gate means those who did nothing, those who put forth little, or no, effort in finding God, learning about God, or ever observing God’s commands.

Just one perfect example:

Matthew 28:19 – 20 combined, because it is one full sentence that Jesus spoke:

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:  teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:  and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.

My dearest friends, this is what you get when you learn the Word of God, from His Bible.  When you follow your Christian leaders, you merely get wet!

Always remember that Satan . . . only wants you to get wet!

Every person, here, just learned another thing about that easy gate:  it includes all of those who “got wet” without making any sort of promise to observe all things which Christ has ever commanded to mankind in His Scriptures.  (Please notice that Christ never said we were to observe all commands from our Christian leaders:  meaning our Popes, pastors, etc.  No!  It means to observe all commands of Christ; and if you have never actually read any of Christ’s Scriptures, for yourself, then you cannot possibly observe His commands, can you?)


Just a minor, but related, side note from this author’s personal life.  This author is acquainted with a wonderful young woman.  A while back, when she was nearing the age of 30-years, she told this author that she had recently joined an Internet group of Christians called, “I Am Second.”  By way of joining this group, this author surmises that you are proclaiming to this world, that you now place you, and your life, “second” to Christ, our Creator.  Well, this author thought that was a wonderful concept for a young person, recently married, and about to start a family.  So this author began to present just a few interesting pieces of information about Jesus, our Christ.  She abruptly halted this author and stated, “Well, I have never actually read the Bible.”

So, this author asks every reader one question regarding their own personal life:  “Who is Second?”






This author’s last several webpages have been directed mainly at the failure of today’s Christian denominational leaders:  all of them.  On those webpages, we have Scripturally documented all of the various ways that today’s Christian leaders have built giant walls that PHYSICALLY PREVENT their congregations from EVER finding, or following, that necessary path to Christ!  First, we Scripturally proved that it was Christ who created this universe, this world, and mankind.  (The first 14 verses of John’s Gospel.)  Second, we Scripturally proved that it was Christ who spoke to Abraham and visited Abraham from time-to time.  (John 8:56)  Third, we Scripturally proved that it was Christ’s finger which carved the Ten Commandments into those stones which were given to Moses.  (Exodus 3:14 and John 8:58.)  Fourth, and most importantly, we Scripturally proved that it was our “Christian Christ” who also gave Moses all of His Laws, Ordinances, and Holy Feasts.  (Exodus 3:15 and John 8:59)  Finally, as the icing on Christ’s Cake here, we also reminded every reader that when Christ closed HIS entire Old Testament, Christ swore that HE would never change!  (Malachi 3:6.)  (Oh, the few Scriptures, detailed in this paragraph, are only the tip of the iceberg regarding Christ’s Scriptures which are fully detailed throughout our webpages here!  Any reader here can find a plethora of God’s Truth, Wisdom, and Understanding from the Scriptures detailed on our other webpages here.)

Given all of this, please allow this author to briefly document this “insurmountable” WALL which today’s Christian leaders have constructed so as to ENSURE that none of their members will ever please Christ, our Creator!  It is an enormous wall.  It is a wall that Satan cunningly had our Christian leaders build, for him, so that “we” would not recognize his efforts in this affair.  As you learn about this wall, please understand that it truly is a physical wall:  meaning it diverts our works and our deeds upon this earth, away from God.  Satan fully understands Christ; Satan knows that he must affect our works and deeds for us to fail Christ, and Satan knows that in doing so, we are now following him:  even if we “believe” that we are following Christ!  Please consider the DEEDS OF YOUR LIFE as you learn about the wall Satan has constructed within the entire Christian faith.




The FoundationThe Ten Commandments that were written in stone:  Remember the Sabbath (our churches teach all to “Ignore the Sabbath”).  No graven images (our churches, and sometimes our homes, are full of graven images, even including a cross hanging on a wall).  No worshiping in the presence of these graven images (our churches “force” their members to kneel and worship while surrounded by these forbidden graven images, saying:  “either kneel, or get out, because you are not one of us”).  Thou shalt not kill (our churches give lip-service saying they do not support abortion but put forth “zero effort” to actively observe Christ’s commands).  Church leaders are supposed to be LEADERS!  The Jews, in Jesus’ time, fully understood this.  Ok, so they had other problems, but they had no problem being LEADERS!  The Muslim faith has problems also, but their leaders have no problem LEADING!  To all Christian leaders, you have utterly failed Christ in this matter.

The WallChrist’s Laws that were given to Moses (not the Commandments) regarding the punishing of evildoers:  such as adulterers, homosexuals, thieves, and many other sorts of evil peoples.  While Christ never, once, told Moses to punish all sinners, Christ did detail a “few” special cases where that person is to be stoned to death; or cast out from their village, people, or nation.  (But today’s Christian faith says they “welcome all sinners.”  THIS IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT CHRIST TAUGHT TO MOSES.)  Yes, we all sin; this is easy to understand.  But some evils are so grievous that “grievous punishments” are then called for.  While this is all explained on our other webpages, in great detail, suffice it to say that today’s Christian denominations have ABSOLUTELY NO WALLS BUILT, TO KEEP SATAN OUT!  To all Christian leaders, you have utterly failed your Christ in this matter.

The ButtressesChrist’s Ordinances that were given to Moses regarding the punishing of minor issues:  such as when one neighbor wrongs another neighbor (or even a family member).  These Ordinances are found all through the Old Testament, but they include accidental acts, intentional acts, and then truly sinful acts.  They also include rules regarding slavery, divorce, and other aspects of life.  (Today’s Christian churches teach, nary a word, regarding punishing evildoers:  especially if they are a particularly horrible evildoer who is a Christian leader.)

The Gates – Christ’s seven Holy Feasts which were commanded to be kept forever!  Nary a one of Christ’s commands regarding His seven Feasts states:  “until Messiah comes.”  Not a single verse!  (Yet, every Christian church, of today, teaches that “all of that was hung on the cross.”)  So this author asks these churches:  “Just where is your lie found in Scripture?  Christ said forever.  Christ swore He would never change in Micah 3:6.  Yet you teach that Christ later changed His Mind.  Just where is that verse in Scripture?”  Satan closed this door to all Christians long, long ago:  to the point where barely a handful of Christians, today, keep Christ’s Feasts any longer.  Yes, there are a few.  However, this matter is far beyond the scope of this letter.  And quite honestly, this author did a fairly poor job in addressing this matter in the earlier webpages.  This author is human!  Today’s world is not prepared to fully understand the incredible Wisdom and Prophetic Understanding that Christ has placed in every single one of His seven Holy Days which His Father, our LORD commanded to Christ.  This matter would require two years of this author’s life to properly document:  and this old author is not sure that he even has two years left here.  And quite honestly, this author’s opinion is moot and subjugated:  solely because when Christ commanded that His Feasts were to be kept forever, that alone, is all that is necessary to cause every Christian leader, in every denomination, to assure that they forever “keep” every single one of Christ’s Feasts!  Every one of Christ’s seven Holy Feasts teaches mankind an incredible Truth regarding our future.  Our future?  Yes, our future in Heaven!  (Because no Christian leaders understand Christ’s Wisdom placed within His Holy Feasts, they all teach that Christ’s Feasts are merely ancient practices.  That is “their” failing.  Christ’s Truth is that EVERY ONE of His Holy Feasts are about OUR FUTURE!  Not our past.  But our future deeds and works in Heaven!)  Some of His Feasts also teach of our distant future, far beyond our finding a place there in Heaven, after Judgment Day.  Our distant future?  Yes, hopefully after we find ourselves in Heaven someday (detailed in the days of Revelation 21), only then shall we begin working on our continuing journey of finding our place in that Kingdom of Heaven, which is also in Heaven.  The Kingdom is where our LORD’s THRONE is located!  Oh, but our life in Heaven will be such a very, very busy life:  and a most productive life.  Our “forever” celebration of our LORD’s seven Feasts teach us of that very busy life which awaits us once we find ourselves in the Kingdom of God.  Satan has successfully closed these seven “gates” in the wall that he has placed between mankind and our LORD.  Quite honestly, these seven holy Feasts do not even belong to Christ; they belong to Christ’s Father, our LORD!  (They are part-and-parcel of our LORD’s Master Plan for every planet He creates in this universe!)  Christ merely delivered His Father’s holy Feasts to this world, which Christ was given Permission to create.

The Mortar (which holds everything together) – CHRIST’S BAPTISM!  No, not that “getting wet” Baptism!  THE OTHER BAPTISM!  (Satan, long ago, destroyed “the other” Baptism which Christ commanded to this world.  All of this was detailed above, but rest assured that amongst today’s Christian denominations, about 99.9% of people who “think” they were baptized, ARE NOT BAPTIZED in the Eyes of Christ.)  Talk about an enormous insurmountable WALL!  Christ considers no person to be baptized until they have made a commitment to MEET HIS COMMANDED CRITERIA of “observing all things whatsoever He has commanded this world.”  But most importantly, here on this earth, they are ALSO NOT BAPTIZED because their Christian leaders of today FAILED TO MEET HIS COMMANDED CRITERIA taught in Matthew 28:20, below.  This author would strongly argue that there is no such thing as “Baptism,” anywhere in today’s world:  at least not according to Christ’s instructions!

Matthew 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Matthew 28:20  teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:  and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.

This author would, once again, encourage every Christian here to go back, above, and learn what the word, “Amen,” truly means when “Christ Himself” speaks it!  In Strong’s Concordance, this word means “so be it!”  It also means, “may it be fulfilled!”  To describe this definition using today’s language, this word means, “this is My Father’s Will,” or more importantly to mankind, it means “do not fail Me in this.”  Every Christian would also do well, if they remembered that Christ only spoke this word twice:  while living here using that earthly body of Jesus.  Just twice!)

So now, this author has a few very important questions for every Christian reader here.

QUESTION 1 – Are you now able to see “this wall” that our Christian denominations built, hundreds of years ago, for Satan?  (Christ’s Sabbath, graven images and worshiping in their presence, murder, adultery, clean and unclean meats, punishing of wrongdoers, Christ’s Seven Holy Feasts, etc., etc., etc.?  It really is a big wall for you to overcome!)  Christ even states, clearly, in Revelation 14:3 – 5, that every single denomination, at the end of this world, will have some sort of wall built, to varying degrees:  quite clearly, some could be low walls.  When you read Revelation 14:4, please understand that in prophecy, a “woman” always refers to a church. So, in verse 4, Christ is clearly stating that this means “all churches.”  Everywhere!  A woman is always a woman, and a church is always a church:  there is no good or bad referenced in this Scripture.  So clearly, Christ’s use of that word, “virgin” only means one thing:  regarding this world’s churches!  But to place all of this in perspective, about 99.9% of all Christian churches have truly built a wall, for Satan, which is impossible for any person to surmount:  until a person rejects that church and “comes out of that church.”  Also, in this author’s opinion, and in Christ’s Prophecies, there is often that “odd” exception (about 0.1%) that have only constructed a very small wall which can be overcome with just a few personal changes in one’s life, even while in that church.  Christ has forever demonstrated that there are always a “few,” who can escape any prophecy.  Christ has forever demonstrated that He will never punish the “truly good.”  (One further note to all 99.9% of Christian churches:  this author knows you; this author used to be amongst you.  You all, naturally believe that you are part of the “truly good:”  everybody does!  But that term, “truly good,” only means one thing to Christ, our Creator:  it means that you make every attempt to assure that the Will of God is being done, daily, in your life (our Lord’s Prayer); and also, that you observe all things whatsoever Christ has commanded this world.  Anything outside of these two instances of Christ using the word, Amen, is of Satan’s design.  Remember that to God:  Amen means “so be it.”  Amen means “do not fail Me in this.”  Amen means “I’m serious here!”

QUESTION 2 – Are you now able to see “this wall,” as it currently stands in these last days, which we currently live in?  This wall physically PREVENTS you from obeying Christ’s Word in both His Old Testament and New Testament?  Physically?  Well, every time you walk into a church on Sunday, you have physically broken Christ’s fourth Commandment.  Every time you kneel in church, to pray, you have physically broken Christ’s second Commandment, twice, due to your deeds in that church (in the presence of graven images).  Every time you kneel in that church, on Sunday, in the presence of graven images, or before any sort of altar, you are physically pounding just one more nail in your coffin, regarding Judgment Day.  Every time you eat a ham sandwich, eggs and bacon, a pepperoni pizza, shrimp, lobster, crab legs, or catfish, you are physically breaking Christ’s Law regarding unclean meats.  This author has no authority to say that “this or that” will send a person to hell.  But this author is free to ask one question here:  “Just how many nails does it take to seal a coffin?”  Only each person can decide this issue in their own way, and in their own time.  But each person truly should decide this issue quickly.

QUESTION 3 – When you were baptized, do you remember your Christian leaders instructing you that you must now observe “all things” whatsoever Christ has commanded to this world?”  Meaning “that Christ” who created this world, “spoke to and also blessed” Abraham, and then delivered many Commandments, Laws, ordinances, and Feasts to Moses.

QUESTION 4 – When you were baptized, do you remember your Christian leaders requesting that you make a pledge to forever observe “all things whatsoever Christ has commanded to this world?”

FINAL QUESTION HERE – Please set aside everything that your Christian leaders have ever taught you.  Please set aside everything that your parents and grandparents ever taught you.  Now, given what you have learned from Christ’s actual Scriptures, in this letter, regarding Christ’s instructions to this world, “Do you now think that you might have a problem here:  after learning what Christ has always expected from you?”  Do not ask your religious teachers:  they will try to trip you up with that “grace” thing that Paul wrote about frequently.  Satan has bent and twisted the term “God’s Grace” for 2,000 years now for only one reason:  so that no Christian will ever consider the importance of Christ’s Judgment Day.  Revelation teaches that if your name is not written in God’s Book of Life, then you are going to hell:  period!  End of discussion!

Revelation 20:12  And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened:  and another book was opened, which is the book of life:  and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

A QUICK SIDE NOTE:  All Scriptures (meaning the Word of God) are Satan’s Achilles Heel in this world.  Satan is forbidden by Christ’s Father, our LORD, to change His Scriptures, so Satan must (and does) comply with this.  But Satan is free to lie to mankind and also substitute this “grace” thing in place of Christ’s details regarding His Book of Life.  In this, Satan did not change one single Word of God.  He just convinced our religious leaders to do that for him!

Please, please, answer this yourself, having read all of the Scriptures placed above, and possibly on this author’s last several webpages, tabbed just above this one.  No matter what your Christian leaders teach you, Christ is teaching you that if your works here fail to get your name written in the Book of Life, then you will never reach that point of seeing God’s Grace!  (And please understand now, observing Christ’s commands sent down to this world truly are part of your works here:  observing the sabbath is a work, abstaining from graven images is a work, passing on that pepperoni pizza is a work, etc.)  This is another great deception that Satan has placed within the Christian faith.  Yes, the Grace of God does exist, but it is not a short-cut around His Book of Life, nor His Judgment Day.  This religious nonsense is exactly why every person must answer this final question ALL BY THEIR SELF.  Because this is a matter that determines our Eternal life:  a matter that was intentionally designed by Christ, our Creator, for every single person living in this world to decide on their own.  Indeed, this author’s last webpage tabbed “THE WILL OF GOD,” explains how this is the primary reason that each, and every one of us, has been placed upon this earth.  Will you follow God or will you not follow God.”  (Please notice the absence of a question mark there:  this was not a question, but rather a very simple decision.  It was literally a fork-in-your-road:  you must take one of them!)  God is watching us, and God is observing how we deal with earthly matters, unexpected failures, mistakes, times-of-plenty, times-of-scarcity, youthful sins, older sins (there is a difference!), evil people in our lives, and also personal tragedies and losses.  But mostly, through all of these earthly matters, God is recording (and deciding!) just “who” He can use, in Heaven, to further His Cause in this universe:  after our Judgment Day.  This is the sole reason that He keeps Books on all of us!




The Bible supplies many answers throughout Christ’s Gospels so that any Christian can literally “walk around,” or even demolish any sized Wall that Satan has placed in front of you:  and this is by Christ’s Design.  Christ, in His Word, will truly teach you how to just “walk around” Satan’s walls.  Please understand that your Christian leaders, of today, cannot supply you with the answers that you search for because they are too far lost in Satan’s lies.  (If any person here has not yet read William Miller’s Dream, they really should; because it perfectly describes the mistakes your Christian leaders are making today.  It is not a book, rather a very short dream:  it will take about 4 minutes to read.  You can find it on our webpage here, tabbed “THE WILL OF GOD.”)  Your Christian leaders are good people, no doubt, but they have been overwhelmed by Satan’s lies.  All Christian readers here are good people, no doubt, but they are following Satan’s lies:  with the “full belief” that they are following Christ.  But quite sadly, they are following a false image of Christ that Satan has placed before them:  through our Christian leaders’ fatal errors.  The answers you search for are placed everywhere in the Word of God, and this letter will show you how to start gathering these answers.

Answers?  Not really.  For there is only one answer and it is so simple that your children could teach it to you.  So, are you smarter than a Fifth Grader?

BAPTISM!  No, not that Baptism, the other Baptism!  That Baptism commanded by Christ which fixes everything!  The one where every person on this earth promises to henceforth “observe all things Christ has commanded to this world,” which then makes available to all:  His follow-up Promise that “He will be with you, even unto the end of the world.”  Now, that’s how you get a prayer answered.

SIDE NOTE by jpw:  So many Christians, when they pray, ask for this and ask for that; and they frequently wonder why Christ is not answering their prayers.  Well, maybe He is and maybe He isn’t, but that is not the question here:  that does not get you past the big green elephant in this “Christian Room of Prayer.”  Before sending any prayer to Christ, maybe you should consider one thing first:  “just what have YOU done for Christ lately?”  Did you remember the sabbath last weekend?  Do you have graven images in your home, such as a cross hanging on the wall?  “Nope, don’t even think of that excuse!”  After all of your excuses, your cross is just a manmade (meaning graven) image; it might mean many things to you, but it is just another graven image (meaning a sin) to Christ.  Was that ham sandwich you ate a few days ago, pretty good?  Was your bacon cooked to your satisfaction last Sunday, um, before you went to church?  Are you, and your friends, going to the all-you-eat Catfish buffet next Friday?  Because these are all unclean meats.  Christ taught Moses that any person who eats unclean meat shall be considered, by Christ, to be unclean for the following 24 hours.  Do you think Christ will even listen to your prayers while you are in an unclean state?  Christ says “no” in His Torah.  Did you ever end that adulterous affair from last year?  This author is not accusing any person here in these questions, but these are only the easy things to fix in this life!  Did you keep the Feast of Tabernacles last Fall, which Christ, long ago, taught in Zechariah 14:16 – 19, will be kept every year while He rules this world for 1,000 years.  Or do you figure you will just wait until Christ comes and then start obeying Him?  So again, “just what have YOU done for Christ lately?”  Every person might consider this, greatly, before even thinking about praying to Christ regarding a problem in their life that they, themselves cannot solve.  Now, this author humbly apologizes for digressing, once again.  Back to Christ’s Miraculous Baptism, given to this world.

Mankind’s “false Baptism,” of just “getting wet,” is that mortar which Satan uses to “cement” his massive, and incredibly intelligent “web of lies” together:  meaning his effort to have mankind worship him, rather than our Christ.  Oh, Satan is quite proud of his wall that our Christian leaders actually began building for him more than 1,500 years ago:  in the days of Constantine.  Actually, it started well before that because when you carefully read all of the epistles of the New Testament, every writer was already warning of this very wall being built, even in their day!  But as this author has demonstrated on the webpage tabbed, “SATAN’S ACHILLES HEEL,” Christ’s Baptism is the cure for every problem stated in this letter.

Every . . . single . . . problem.

That mortar of Satan’s “false Baptism of Christians just getting wet” is what holds everything together for Satan!  However, his entire wall literally CRUMBLES when Christians begin to observe all of Christ’s commands to this world.  Now THAT, is Christ’s Baptism!  Even if you miss a few of Christ’s commands, you have still torn down that wall and gotten your two feet on the right path!  You can work on improving, later, knowing that you can finally see that your feet, and your life, are finally on that right path!  Satan has built a really big wall here on this earth; but the bigger they are, the harder they fall!  This is what the Word of God delivers to this world:  and in this particular Word of God, regarding His Perfectly Designed Baptism,” you will find God’s Truth, Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge!  Destroy “just the mortar,” and Satan’s ENTIRE WALL crumbles to dust!

Destroy the mortar?  Well, the easiest answer that every single person (who desires an Eternal Life in Heaven) is truly, that easy.  Just begin observing all of Christ’s commands which have been sent down to this world, from day one!  Heck, if you can just get the three easiest of them right:  Christ’s Sabbath, graven images, and clean meats; then you have left 99.9% of Satan’s churches in YOUR proverbial dust!  You will make minor mistakes along the way, just like the rest of us, but you will also make minor improvements as more of God’s Word settles into your heart.  Just these three commands of Christ will place you on that path you have been seeking all of your life:  meaning that narrow path which leads to the narrow gate, which “few” will ever find.  And what lies behind that gate of Matthew 7?

Not much really . . . just your Eternal Life!  Another billion, or so, years.  That’s all.  No big deal.

Matthew 7:14  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

And oh, that feeling that you receive, when you “know” you are on that right path is so comforting.  Of course, there are improvements that you might make.  Christ’s Path of Life is designed that way:  the way of always getting better.  Just keep getting better and never find your place of comfort:  for that is where people get lazy and start making mistakes.  That is where people think they know everything and dismiss actual Truths of God, when they come to them:  such as this letter, describing all Christian leaders of today.  It was the same back in the days of Jesus, so nothing has changed.









My dearest Christian friends . . . there is only one Truth, one Understanding, and one Wisdom found in all of Christ’s Scriptures which were detailed here in this letter, above.  And indeed, you are about to receive an even heavier dose of Scriptures below:  shocking Scriptures, from your Bible, that even your Christian leaders are afraid to teach.

Imagine that . . . Words of Jesus that even your Christian leaders are afraid to teach!  Please read on:  (This old author will not fail you.)


ALL OF IT!  (To about the 99.9% level, anyway.)

And we shall heavily document this fact by way of Scripture, only.

Christ told your Christian leaders that while you are being “dunked,” they are to be teaching you that you, that with this baptism of water, you must now obey all of Christ’s commands that have been sent down to this earth, since the day Christ created this world:  otherwise, your “dunking” means nothing to Christ.  IN THIS, YOUR CHRISTIAN LEADERS HAVE FAILED CHRIST.

Christ told you that after you are baptized, you are to dedicate yourself to observing all of Christ’s commands, since the day Christ created this world.  Christ told you that this observing all of His commands is fully required for your baptism to be valid in Heaven.  (Have you never read Christ’s Bible?  Well, that’s your problem, not Christ’s.)  If any person has no intention of following all of Christ’s commands, from the day Christ created this world, then all they managed to accomplish in this life:  was to “get wet.”  IN THIS, YOU FAILED CHRIST.

Christ told you to “Remember the Sabbath.”  But Satan has convinced nearly every one of you to “Ignore the Sabbath.”  IN THIS, YOU HAVE FAILED CHRIST.  And in this, YOUR CHRISTIAN LEADERS have failed both Christ, and His sheep (you). 

Christ told you to make no graven images.  But Satan has convinced nearly every one of you to place graven images all through your places of worship and also in your homes.  Do you, or your church, have a cross hanging on a wall?  IN THIS, YOU HAVE FAILED CHRIST.  And in this, your Christian leaders have failed both Christ, and His sheep (you).  Also, Satan has caused graven images (statues) to bleed or cry, and convince you that Christ has performed a miracle?  Do you honestly believe that Christ has ever taken a “major” sinful object which directly violates His Second Commandment, and then worked a miracle through that grievous sin?  A sin which He forbade mankind from ever constructing in the first place?

Christ told your Christian leaders to “feed His sheep.”  He did not instruct them to drag you to Heaven, He did not instruct them to push you to Heaven, He did not instruct them to scare you into seeking Heaven:  He merely told them to “feed you.”  Their only task in life is to merely toss the Word of God over the fence, to HIS sheep (you!); and let them digest His food, according to their own ability:  in their own way and in their own time.  For Christ fully understands that every sheep (person) grows up at different rates:  some early and some late.  But nearly all modern-day Christian leaders stubbornly insist upon either wanting to “push you, or drag you” to Heaven, according to their terms.  (And they always want to teach you how to live your life, as if they know best!  Christ never commanded this to them.  This, in no way, feeds Christ’s sheep.)  IN THIS, YOUR CHRISTIAN LEADERS HAVE FAILED CHRIST.

Christ told you to remove adulterers and murderers from your societies:  meaning out of your sight, and out of your personal lives, forever!  He knew what this Blessing would deliver to every community, regarding your eternal futures, even if you do not.  Also, this command was never designed to just to punish evildoers, it was to protect the good people!  Christ does not care about just punishing the evildoers because He already knows where they will find their end; but Christ cares, very much, about protecting the good people!  The enormous problem of Western societies today, regarding these issues, is entirely due to Western failures of not punishing these sinners, according to Christ’s instructions: in public and for all to see.  This was His Design, this was His Blessing, this was His “deterrent mechanism,” and this was His Design for building an incredibly successful society!  IN THIS, YOU HAVE FAILED CHRIST.  And in this, your Christian leaders have failed both Christ, and His sheep (you) twice over!  For this is why our world is in its current sinful condition.  This deterioration started long ago, and we have Satan to thank for this.

Christ told you what Laws you were expected to follow:  just one example is clean and unclean meats.  But all Christian faiths have now decided:  first, that they know better than Christ; second, that Christ’s Word is now antiquated and no longer applicable; and finally, that Christ’s Word is now a major inconvenience in their lives.  IN THIS, YOU HAVE FAILED CHRIST (ABOUT 20 TIMES OVER).  And in this, your Christian leaders have failed both Christ, and His sheep (you), about 20 times over.  (That “20 times” is merely an estimate of the “major Laws” of Christ that you continue to ignore, because they “chose” not to teach you these major Laws, but also, you chose to ignore them yourselves, while reading Christ’s Scriptures.  Honestly, there is a lot of blame to go around on this one.)

Christ gave you seven simple and easy, Holy Feasts and instructed you that these Feasts were to be kept forever!  Meaning FOREVER!  Sorry Christians, but since it was our Christ, who gave these Feasts to our ancestors, His “forever” means TODAY!  These Feasts were never given to the Jews:  they were given to the Twelve Tribes of Israel:  meaning all Jews and all Christians, in Christ’s Bible!  But Satan, knowing what these incredible Feasts truly teach mankind, and the incredible Blessings which they deliver from Christ, has successfully convinced your Christian leaders that Christ’s “seven incredible Blessings” are now merely “ancient and meaningless practices.”  They are not “ancient” practices:  they are the WILL OF GOD!  They are not “meaningless:”  they deliver incredible Blessings from God!  (In Satan’s Wall, described above, Christ’s seven Holy Feasts were deliberately described as our LORD’s gates:  which Satan has destroyed here.  It is beyond the scope of this letter, but those Gates are your path, “hopefully, someday,” when you transition from Heaven, into the Kingdom of Heaven, where your Throne “hopefully” awaits!  All of this was Scripturally detailed on our webpage tabbed, THE WILL OF GOD.)  Setting this aside, please consider once again:  just who created you?  CHRIST!  You are only here because it is God’s Will that you are here:  you cannot take your next breath unless God Wills it!  Once again, IN THIS, YOU HAVE FAILED CHRIST (SEVEN TIMES OVER).  And in this, your Christian leaders have failed both Christ, and His sheep (you), seven times over.  Never forget that Satan is not permitted to change the Scriptures of God, but he is permitted to lie to mankind regarding God’s Truths.  Satan is permitted to teach your religious leaders that Christ’s ancient Scriptures (and Blessings) are “no longer applicable” in today’s world.  That, just about perfectly, describes Satan’s infamous lie to Eve, in the Garden of Eden.

Christ taught you that He would never change (in Malachi 3:6, which was detailed above).  But Satan has convinced every Christian that EVERY OLD THING was hung on the cross!  (Or other “silly words” that deliver the same message:  this would also include his silly lie about some imagined “rapture.”)  IN THIS, YOU HAVE FAILED CHRIST.  And in this, your Christian leaders have failed both Christ, and His sheep (you).

Christ taught all Christians that every single one of you belong to the lost Ten Tribes of Israel, but you pass over His Word (which teaches this) as if this lesson was never even taught!


Matthew 15:24  But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

The short answer here . . . is that Christ created this entire universe and this world.  Christ spoke to Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, and many more.  But JESUS was intentionally sent to the Tribes of Israel, and especially, meaning to bring back, to His Father, the ten long-lost Tribes of Israel:  meaning ALL CHRISTIANS!  Christ just said so in Matthew 15:24!  There is only one faith, upon this earth, which worships someone named Jesus. That would be this world’s Christians!  (And Christ is just fine with that because Christ truly was Jesus, for a little while.)  But your Christian leaders (oops, I mean Satan) absolutely do not want you to know of your ancestry:  including Christ’s commands which your forefathers were instructed to observe, nor of your part in Christ’s Design for this entire world:  and also Christ’s commands which are required for Him to recognize any baptism.  No, Satan (oops, I mean this world’s Christian leaders) just wants you to believe that all of Christ’s Blessings, which He delivered through that earthly body of Jesus, are yours for the taking!  Just take them!  And what about all of that other nonsense about obeying our Creator’s Commandments, Laws, ordinances, and Feasts?  Nah!  None of that applies to Christians!  “My gosh, why should we ever have to obey our Creator?  That is just utter nonsense.  If I am going to Heaven, anyway, why should I bother myself with all of those old and meaningless rules?”  Today’s Christian leaders tell all Christians to just enjoy Christ’s dessert, placed in His Gospels, and forget everything else Christ has ever taught mankind!  This is a classic example of how Satan has always worked in this world.  Satan does not go after the “masses.”  Satan influences the “leaders” and lets them do all of his work, teaching the “masses.”  But quite sadly, these “leaders” have no idea that they are Satan’s minions:  because our Christian leaders truly believe, in the bottom of their hearts, that they are only working for God.  (A hint to every reader here:  you have just learned more about Satan than any religious leader, of any faith, has ever understood.)  The four Gospels teach this truth of Satan to perfection.

By the way, Jesus had a couple of brothers:  real brothers.  Truly!  One of them was named James, and James wrote a letter just for you, here today:

James 1:1  James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting.

WAIT . . . WHAT?

Every Christian should truly read this very beautiful letter as if it came from your own ancestor, who actually lived, and was taught, by Jesus.  In his letter, it is almost as if James was describing our Western nations, of today.  And quite honestly, because of the first verse, this letter truly was addressed only to all Christians in this world.

So Christians, never forget that “Jesus” belongs to you, and to you only.  Yes, since Jesus was really our Christ, who created this entire world, His words also belong to this entire world which Christ Created.  (In Christ’s Qur’an, Muhammad was taught, repeatedly, to learn the words that Jesus delivered to this world.)  But regarding this letter, every Christian must always remember that the Christ, of our Old Testament, must be obeyed EQUALLY with the words of Jesus.

Fail Christ . . . and you have utterly failed Jesus, because Jesus was only a small piece of Christ!  Melchizedek was Christ!  The man who wrestled with Jacob was Christ!  Jesus was Christ!  Are there more instances?  Quite possibly, in fact, probably!

The list of today’s Christian leaders’ “failures” here is staggering.  And these are only the major failures.  We have not even addressed Satan’s Easter, Satan’s Good Friday, Satan’s Christmas, or Satan’s Halloween.  That is a much longer list, but more “minor” in nature.







Satan has taught you, by way of your Christian leaders, that Christ possesses no “hatred.”  Satan, and your leaders say,  “Christ only possesses love!  Christ loves ALL PEOPLE.  Christ is so ‘caring’ that He will forgive, and cancel, every sin that you have ever committed.  Our beloved Christ does not hate anything, nor anyone.  All that He requires, is that you believe in His Name, Jesus!  Well, and quite honestly, it would help a lot if you got wet.”  Every Christian must remember that Satan does not want you to consider your works and deeds (meaning that “life which you live!”) to have any importance in this world.  Satan wants you to “just believe in the name of Jesus, and then live any sort of life that you desire!”  These lies are now at the center of all Christian doctrines because Satan wants everyone to fail on Christ’s Judgment Day.  Satan wants you to completely deny that you will ever have to stand in front of Christ and explain that life which you lived.  You can thank your Christian leaders for this failure too.  And yes, if you have the courage, you can thank yourself for ignoring all of the Truths that Christ has placed in His Scriptures.  Never pass blame entirely upon others; for much, or sometimes even most, of it belongs to us also.

So now . . . regarding Christ possessing no “hatred.”  In his letters, Paul allowed his churches (there in Asia Minor) to eat meats which were previously sacrificed to idols:  an enormously forbidden act that every Jew knew went all the way back to Christ’s Third Commandment given to Moses.  (The “people” who did this in Asia Minor were called the Nicolaitanes.  Remember that name because you shall see it again, shortly.)  In 1 Corinthians 8:9, Paul actually confesses that he is granting these folks a special “liberty” from Christ’s laws.  (A liberty which Paul actually had no authority to grant, by the way.)  So, back to “Christ possessing hatred” now:

Christ, speaking to the church at Ephesus:

Revelation 2:6   But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.

Christ speaking to the church at Pergamos:

Revelation 2:14   But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.

Revelation 2:15  So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate.

So, not only was Christ correcting some of Paul’s major mistakes within those churches, regarding His Third Commandment:  Christ was also teaching this world that he does indeed “hate” certain practices here in this world.  He also “hates” certain people, here in this world:  so never let anyone teach you to the contrary.  Before we move on to the next “proof,” it must be noted here, that Christ was not finished with His conversation in Revelation 2:15, above.  Please try to understand Christ’s TRUE THOUGHTS regarding churches (and their leaders) who fail Him on a regular basis.  In the verse below, Christ is still talking to His churches!  He is not talking to the people in those churches:  He is directly addressing all Christian leaders!

Revelation 2:16  Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.

No Christian, anywhere on this earth, has ever been taught that in His verse of Revelation 2:16, Christ was directly addressing Christian leaders of that day.  Using today’s vernacular, Christ told the above Christian leaders (and their followers!) to “Correct your evil ways right now, or I will come and destroy you all.”  Well, that sounds like a little bit of “hatred” to this author.  Perhaps Christian leaders should not feel so “comfortable” in their failings that were detailed in the section just above, and, quite honestly, throughout this entire letter.

WHILE WE ARE ON THIS SUBJECT . . . This author would like to propose a topic, for consideration, by every reader here:  who you are, matters not.

What the Nicolaitanes did, back in their day, was to burn, perhaps, chickens and goats in an offering to some false god.  And Christ just stated, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that He hates this practice and also the people who do it.  Well now, about that!

Just who do you think Christ might hate more?  A person who burns a few chickens and goats in their back yard every so often; or a person who continually ignores many of Christ’s Commandments, most of Christ’s Laws, all of Christ’s ordinances, and all of Christ’s Father’s Feasts?

Perhaps all Christians should learn just a bit about mankind’s history before they become too “comfortable” in their own lives.  (Comfortable?  Yes, because their Christian leaders have forever taught them that they will one day find a great comfort “in the bosom of Jesus” if they just believe in His Name:  or words to that effect.)  Christians of today, need to understand that back in the days of Jesus, the average Jewish believer had no access to Scriptures.  Only the church leaders could access the scrolls.  These scrolls were incredibly difficult to produce, were very labor intensive, and a fairly expensive process:  because everything was hand-written in those days.  So, the typical Sabbath service in the Land of Israel consisted mostly of the Levites (priests) merely reciting a certain Scroll on the Sabbath day.  But this world has changed!  Every single Christian, today, has complete access to every Scripture that Christ has ever sent down to this world.  Only a smaller portion of “blame” can actually be placed upon Christian leaders of today.  Because on Judgment Day, when every Christian stands before Christ to explain their life, their decisions, and that path which they chose in this world, their Christian leaders will not be standing next to them to help with their answers to our Judge (Christ)!

Continuing with the possibility of Christ “hating” anything in this world, given the above Scriptures from Revelation 2, one must be very careful before ever declaring that Christ hates this, or Christ hates that.  This author believes it would be a dangerous sin to ever declare that Christ hates a “certain thing” unless it that word “hate” is actually found in Scripture.  So, this author shall tread lightly here:

In his so-called “parable” of the ten virgins (we will not quote the entire story here), Christ has a certain message for some of those virgins coming to Him on Judgment Day.  (One must also realize that in prophecy, a woman always means a “church.”  That “church” always includes both its leaders and members.)  While the word “hate” is not found in the words of Jesus below, every reader should decide, in their own heart, of just what Christ’s intended message below, shall mean on Judgment Day.  Remember that this entire parable described those people whose lives were NOT prepared for the day when Christ returns to this world.

Matthew 25:10  And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage:  and the door was shut.

Matthew 25:11  Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.

Matthew 25:12  But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

A FEW NOTES by jpw:  The virgins (oops, churches) who were ready in verse 10 were those who had long before prepared for that day and patiently waited for that day:  remaining “ready” at all times.  (Remaining “ready” actually requires a bit of work, every single day . . . forever.)  The virgins (oops, churches) of verses 11 and 12 were those who had not prepared, at all, for this “well-known, well-understood, and fast approaching” event; and hence, were found entirely lacking when their LORD arrived.  Now, this author has been very careful to NOT use the word “hate” here.  But this old author also has a lot of common sense.  They were rejected.  The door to heaven was not opened for them.  While the Scripture never states that they went to hell, it clearly states that they never entered Heaven (or their Eternity) either.  Maybe the word “hate” was not used here, but they were rejected by our LORD, Christ!  So, what is more important here?  Finding that little four-letter word (hate), or learning that Christ shall “reject” you, if you have not prepared yourself, long before His arrival.  This exactly means, “having, and keeping, your life (which includes your deeds!) in order, long before you will ever have to answer for them.  Day, after day, after day!


A VERY SPECIAL NOTE by jpw, to all Christian leaders of today!  Throughout this website, for some 25 years now, this author has talked about you, talked around you, and made many inferences regarding your failures regarding, only, the Word of God that was sent down to this world, long ago.  This author learned, at an early age, that one cannot present any Truths of God to any Christian leader, who believes otherwise.  First of all, they do not want to hear it, because they are the “experts,” and you are the “unschooled.”  Secondly, any time one discusses God with any person, everyone goes on “defense!”  Mankind only desires to “defend” their lifelong beliefs, whether they are correct, or not.  (And that last bolded sentence comes from an author whose beliefs were beaten down, literally to dust, by Christ:  when Christ began teaching this author, long ago.  This author did not take it quietly; there was some anger shown at times, by this author.  And this author lost that fight, thankfully.)  But just now, this author is speaking DIRECTLY to you Christian leaders, Christian teachers, and especially to all Christian Pastors who work, daily, tending to those flocks that Christ has assigned to all of you.

If, when faced with a clear and Scripturally accurate Truth of God, you move into that natural and automatic “defense” mode, then your flock loses!  Never mind you!  YOUR FLOCK LOSES!  Can you understand this importance regarding your “duty to Christ?”

Well, to those few Christian leaders, who have the strength to keep themselves from going on that automatic defense, as this author was eventually forced to surrender, know that Christ is about to beat your beliefs down, literally to dust, shortly.  This author will not lie; this author failed for a few years.  This old author took a few years off from writing, a few years back.  But this author has an increasingly nagging feeling that you Christian leaders, of today, do not have a few years remaining.


Can you now see why the Book of Revelation (with all of its gloom-and-doom) was sent to you Christians?  It was not sent to the Muslims.  (This author has studied the Qur’an and rest assured that Christ, meaning Allah for the Muslims, placed a great many warnings, just for the Muslims, regarding His Return to this world.)  It was not sent to the Asians.  It was not sent to the Africans.  And it was not sent to any of the native peoples that are still scattered across this world.  Christ sent His Book of Revelation to all of the Twelve Tribes of Israel about 2,000 years ago:  and He did it as a warning to you!  Obviously, Satan has had some 2,000 years now to convince all of you Christian leaders that Christ’s Book of Revelation was only sent to you to show you how Christ shall punish “the rest of this world.”  And obviously, Satan has had some 2,000 years to convince all of your Christian leaders that you are “exempt” for the following reasons:

(Satan’s teachings here) – “Because you are so special to the God who created this universe.  You are so special because of the lives that your forefathers lived (who actually were “the special” people in all of God’s prophecies).  Finally, because of your forefathers’ incredible beliefs in God:  no matter how you live today, you are so special to God, and there is no reason that you should EVER have to observe those commands that Christ, our Creator, has placed upon this earth!”

To all Christian leaders here, please notice Satan’s special, and selfishly oriented, teachings regarding that word, “you” which is being taught to Christ’s sheep, above:  because these are the very lies that YOU deliver, for Satan, to all of Christ’s sheep.  You, who are Christ’s shepherds!  Not that other church down the street.  You, who are Christ’s religious leaders!  Not those television evangelists and mega-churches.  You, who are Christ’s teachers!  Always remember that Satan is the ultimate narcissist that ever existed:  in Heaven or on earth.  Satan was all about me, me, me, me.  Anytime you are teaching Christ’s sheep about you, you, you, you; being special, you are now speaking for Satan!  Because all Christ’s sheep hear is me, me, me, me.  I am special to Christ.  REALLY?  That same Christ who created this world?  That same Christ who only named one “friend” throughout all Scriptures?  Abraham is the only person ever identified as the “friend of God:”  yet Abraham was not a Christian!  If you open your mind to God’s Truths, then you and Christ’s sheep have a chance, here in these last days.

For you see, the words of Matthew 25 above, regarding those virgins/churches, never were a parable:  they are a very special, and highly detailed, prophecy from Christ to the Christian churches of today, here in the year 2023!

And they directly address the lies which Satan has woven into every denomination just before His return:  different lies for different denominations.  This author asks you to consider this matter greatly!  In all prophecies, the term “woman” always, and only, represents a “church:” and does so whether that word “woman” is used in the plural, or singular form.  THIS MEANS ALL PROPHECIES!  Given that this word “woman” applies to the entire Christian faith, every Christian leader is required, by Christ, to set aside all of their personal vanities, all of their personal expectations of God, and all of their “denominational beliefs which separate” their church from the others.  It would help to understand that those “denominational beliefs which separate” will be the most difficult part of this process.

Now, a question for all of you:  “Is it possible for Christ to have delivered a prophecy, solely for these end-times, while He was here as our Messiah, using the earthly body of Jesus?”  Is our God THAT perfect?

One other matter this author asks you to consider greatly:  “Was the parable of the ten virgins speaking of events which happen during these end-times which we live in today?”

This author must now present a bone-chilling question to every Christian leader of today.  If any Christian leader here thinks that the parable of the ten virgins might just apply to “our world of today,” is it possible that Christ is coming “so soon” that your 33,000 denominations (or even just your ONE denomination!) might be found “lacking” when Christ, the bridegroom, soon-comes to collect His “virgins?”  Oops, sorry.  Make that His “churches?”

Could it be that Christ might speak the following words to your church, which has failed in all of the described fashions, earlier in this letter?

Matthew 25:12  But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

Now, this author has a question for the average Christian person who desires to follow Christ.  What does a “woman” always mean in prophecy?  It always means, “a church.”  And this is important.  Christ is teaching you a very important lesson regarding YOUR ETERNITY here in this lesson of the ten virgins waiting for their bridegroom.

To all Christian leaders:  please understand that Christ’s story here never was a parable:  it was a prophecy for today if you take careful note of the words that Jesus spoke!  This is a lesson that Satan does not want any Christian, nor any Christian leader, to learn!

The first word in Matthew 25:1 is “Then.”  The Strong’s Number for this word is G5119:  and it means “At that time.”  An adverb always “further defines” the nearest verb.  But when it is used as the first word of a paragraph, that adverb now further defines the entire conversation prior to its appearance!  So please, now, read the last ten, or so, verses of Matthew, Chapter 24 and find God’s Understanding that He delivers in the very next sentence:  a lesson that He is trying to teach all Christians in these words that Jesus spoke beginning in Matthew 25:1.

Still being stubborn?  Well, if Matthew 25:1 – 13 is a parable, then Matthew 24:42 – 51 is also a parable!  Why have you never taught that Matthew 24:42 is a parable?  Why have you never taught that the ENTIRE CHAPTER of Matthew 24 is a parable?

To all Christians, please understand that throughout the stories found in your Gospels, there were no chapters, nor verses.  All of these chapters and verses were added by mankind, hundreds of years later!  Christ’s Design for His Gospels was for them to be a full conversation moving from one lesson, to the next.  Your Christian leaders learned all of this in Seminary school, long ago.


My dearest Christian friends . . . Christ is coming soon, and He is bringing with Him the wrath of His Father, our LORD, who sits on the Throne in the Kingdom of Heaven.  The time of Jacob’s Trouble will not be a pleasant time.  You certainly are free to bury your head in the sand and pretend that everything is just fine in your life.  Christ gives you this freedom!

You can deny that you have any part in the lost Ten Tribes of Israel and everything which Satan has taught this Christian faith, over the last 2,000 years, is true.  Christ gives you this freedom!

You can deny that there is only one Christ, and only one Bible, and ignore the fact that there are 33,000 denominations disagreeing with all of the others!  How lucky it is that you were born into, live near, or accidentally found, THAT ONE denomination which is “perfect” in Christ’s Eyes.  Christ gives you this freedom!

This old author only sees one Christ, one Bible, and then one Satan:  who is standing proudly, in front of his 33,000 victories against God.  Given this, this author then has a vision of Satan, standing at the edge of Heaven, and at the edge of this earth, declaring unto Christ that he now owns and controls this world, which Christ created.  And Satan is smiling when he makes this declaration unto God.  Oh, my dearest Christian friends, you can deny everything you see in this world today, but you can only do so . . . because Christ has given you this freedom!

Oh, my dearest Christian friends . . . Christ has sent you many warnings.  Even if Satan has convinced you that they apply ONLY TO OTHER FOLKS, this author is going to place them here, once more, for all of you to consider.  But first, one very important fact that Christ expects you to remember on His Judgment Day:


The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

Jeremiah 30:7  Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it:  it is even the time of Jacob’s trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.

Jeremiah 30:12  For thus saith the LORD, Thy bruise is incurable, and thy wound is grievous.

Jeremiah 30:13  There is none to plead thy cause, that thou mayest be bound up:  thou hast no healing medicines.

Jeremiah 30:14  All thy lovers have forgotten thee; they seek thee not; for I have wounded thee with the wound of an enemy, with the chastisement of a cruel one, for the multitude of thine iniquity; because thy sins were increased.

Jeremiah 30:15  Why criest thou for thine affliction?  thy sorrow is incurable for the multitude of thine iniquity:  because thy sins were increased, I have done these things unto thee.

The prophecies of Jacob (named Israel by Christ, Himself)

Genesis 49:1  And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.

Christ, our Creator, will never, ever change!  Yet, Satan has convinced all of you to the contrary.  The words below are placed in red because it was Christ who spoke them:

Micah 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not . . .

Christ gave all Christians a general description of just how many of them would ever get to heaven.  Yet, Satan, and your Christian leaders, have convinced all of you that Christ was talking about “other people.”  They have convinced you that none of Christ’s words below apply to you.  Sorry, but Christ delivered these very words to all Christians, by way of that body of Jesus, which He used for those relatively few short years here:

Matthew 7:13  Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matthew 7:14  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

This author has been writing for about 30 years now.  Nearly everything has been along the lines of just what Christians do not understand in this world.  This author could easily go on and on, regarding this seemingly endless list of Christian failures presented on this website.  So, this author shall end this with just two, of what are probably the Christian faith’s most FATAL ERRORS.  Both of these go hand-in-hand because they are two completely different descriptions (by Christ) regarding the same issue on this earth.  If you fail one of them, you have already failed the other.  If you fail one of them, you will never see Heaven!  This matter is that simple and this matter is that important!

Revelation 20:12  And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened:  and another book was opened, which is the book of life:  and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

Revelation 20:13  And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them:  and they were judged every man according to their works.

Revelation 20:14  And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.  This is the second death.

Revelation 20:15  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

And finally, the grand-daddy of all Christian failures, baptism:  (This is Christ speaking.)

Matthew 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Matthew 28:20  teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:  and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.  Amen.

Can we return for a moment to the prophet Micah?

Micah 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not . . .

No Christian can ever be baptized, in the Eyes of Christ, until they have been taught (and also agreed!) to follow everything Christ has commanded to this world, since the day He created this world and created Adam and Eve.  No Christian can ever be baptized, in the Eyes of Christ, until they have learned all things whatsoever Christ has commanded to them.

If they were never taught this Truth of Christ, then they were never baptized in the Eyes of Christ!  Christ does not accept this world’s shortcut practice of “getting wet” to be the same as “observing all of His commands.”

Christians, this author knows this is hard for you, but this author is going to make everything harder now:  only because mankind’s end is so very near now.  And this author feels compelled to add a sense of urgency to any Christian who feels that they need to make some sort of change in their lack of respect currently being shown to Christ, our Creator.  (One would do well to also remember that Christ shall be our Judge on Judgment Day.)  This little baptism issue was re-addressed again, here at the end of this letter for a reason.  That reason is because, as major as it is, it is only ONE LITTLE ISSUE amongst a GREAT MANY MORE which were detailed at the beginning of this letter!  But just considering this little baptism issue, can you now begin to see just how angry Christ is with today’s Christian world?  We are not talking about this entire world just now:  there are many other webpages here that discuss the rest of this world.  They all have their faults, and they too shall answer to Christ, our Creator, on His Judgment Day.  But no, this letter is mostly for Christians; and this letter directly addresses Christ’s current hatred of the entire Christian faith of today.  We already addressed that “hate” matter, above in Revelation 2.  And if any Christian chooses to view this world through their own “blinded-by-Satan” eyes, then they will never understand the many Words of God which were detailed here in this letter.  But if any Christian decides to spend any amount of time viewing this tiny world through Christ’s Eyes (way up there), then this is a person who might finally be able to see some “very serious flaws” in what they believe, what they have been taught, and possibly in that life which they have chosen to pursue in this very temporary world which Christ has placed us on:  for just a few short years.  Now this is a person who might actually be able to make some changes in their life, so as to truly supply answers to Christ’s questions:  when they are asked on His Judgment Day.  Christ has always taught that all He really expects from mankind is that they at least try!  But today’s Christian faith is not even attempting to throw out Satan and return to Christ; indeed, they are all “married” to Satan.  Oh, how Christ has always taught how much He loves those who FINALLY CAME AROUND TO FOLLOWING HIS WAYS!


To all Christians!  If you currently attend a church that fails in anything detailed earlier in this letter, then RUN AWAY FROM THAT CHURCH.  COME OUT OF HER!  And do it now.  Where do you run to?  There is only one place that has all of the answers you need.  Run to the Word of God which was “perfectly” designed for you!  Scripture!  There are no mistakes in our LORD’s Scriptures!


So just read the Bible:  life is that simple.  (A little bit every night, with no help from any religious teacher:  just you and God!  So just read it.  Are you bored, just a bit, some nights when nothing is on TV?  Then read God’s Word for a few hours.)  Just keep learning a few Bible lessons of God.  (Christ’s lessons really are simple to understand; especially when you don’t have religious teachers muddling them up for you with symbolism, spiritualism, and other interpretations of Satan.)  Someday, meaning “someday,” take what you have learned from Christ’s Bible and then, but only then, find a church that obeys every single one of Christ’s Ten Commandments, make sure that church obeys every single one of Christ’s Laws (to the best that Western Law permits):  His Laws are only slightly lower than His Commandments, but still required for Christ’s “baptism” which will bring down that entire wall which Satan has placed between your current life and Christ’s Eternity that awaits you, in Heaven.  Your first decision is easy and comes straight from Christ’s Ten Commandments:  His Saturday sabbath:  on that day, you do not even have to go to church if you don’t want to.  It only says to rest and keep it holy (in your heart).  So at first, while you are still learning the Word of God (and His commands to this world), just keep His sabbath in your own home.  EASY.  Your next decision also comes from Christ’s Ten Commandments:  graven images found in any church:  any sort of altar is also a strong warning.  Christ’s Second Commandment even teaches that a cross, hanging on a wall is a graven image.  EASY!  Another easy and quick-to-observe example would be clean and unclean meats:  this is your quickest indicator that a particular church dismisses all of Christ’s other Laws which He placed in His Old Testament.  EASY.  Now, Christ’s other Laws and ordinances are a bit harder to detect, but if any church can get past those three tests above, they are probably doing fairly well with the others.  Just go with the easy stuff and you should do pretty good with your choice.  You would also do well to remember that no church is perfect.


Before we leave this topic, this author would like to give the most advanced Bible lesson that any Christian has ever received.  This lesson is so advanced that even your Christian leaders have failed it:  nearly every single one of them!  So here we go.  Whew!  Ok then.  Christ, our Creator is so Perfect, that no words on this little earth can describe the degree of His Perfectness!  It is beyond our understanding.  The entire Old Testament and the Four Gospels were Designed by our Creator, Christ!  Our Perfect Creator has, with a purpose, Designed all of His Scriptures so that all one has to do it to pick them up and read them:  without any other person’s help.  That might sound silly, but here is that advanced lesson:  on His Judgment Day, Christ is really just looking for people who showed to Him, that they at least tried.  No matter how often they failed, they kept trying.  He can deal with the failures of this life, and He can teach those who really, really want to succeed.  But regarding “those” who could care less (and never even tried), Christ has no place for those people in His Kingdom of God.  So, here is the greatest secret of Christ’s Bible:  Christ has designed it so Perfectly, that any person who picks it up and truly desires to learn from it:  Christ’s Perfect stories, placed in His Bible, will grab hold of you and never let go!  Clearly, this does not apply to teenagers, who were forced by their parents to read the Bible.  No, we are talking about real, adult life here, for folks who want to find Christ.  Christ’s Promise is that if you want to find Him, His Word will not fail you, period.  So, as stated above, Christ’s Bible will easily teach those who really, really want to succeed in life.

Shhhh . . . here is one more incredible secret of Christ’s Scriptures.  (Obviously, it can be found:  if one digs enough through Scriptures.)  Christ’s Father, our LORD in Heaven, has forbidden Satan from changing even a single word placed in His Scriptures.  (But Satan is not forbidden from trying to fool what people choose to believe:  reference Eve, in the Garden of Eden.)  But one must be careful with this knowledge, because the Epistles, which were placed in the Bible, hundreds of years after Jesus died, did not come down from Christ’s Father, our LORD.  Quite honestly, the very same people who changed Christ’s Sabbath, also placed those Epistles in the Bible, just behind Christ’s Scriptures.  (Now the Book of Revelation:  that Book truly is Scripture and no person has ever contested that.  And it has never been considered to be an Epistle.)

One more Shhhh . . . here is one more lesson regarding all of the various “versions of the Bible” that are “out there.”  Go with the King James Version (often referred to as KJV).  It is also referred to as the “authorized” version.  This author cannot prove the following statement:  but this author is firmly convinced that the term “authorized” was used because Christ, our Creator, was actually involved in the creation of the KJV of the Bible.  One thing this author CAN prove, is that Satan, himself, was involved in nearly all other translations of the Bible.  We have a webpage here, tabbed “WHAT?  TWO BIBLES?”  On that page, we pull back one veil which Satan frequently hides behind:  and scripturally prove Satan’s successful efforts in nearly all other versions of the Bible.  It is a good webpage for all Christians.  And do remember, that anytime you hear a Christian leader switching back-and-forth between different versions of the Bible, this demonstrates that they are only “shopping” for an answer to their personal expectations from God (and their own personal vanities).  Every person should understand this practice.  We all, in some ways, all use the internet to “shop” for that answer we were hoping to find:  it is just one of the ways of mankind.  So stop “shopping” for God!  Use the King James Version, and no other.








TO ALL CHRISTIANS!  Your churches have forever taught that the worst parts of Revelation will never apply to you.  They want to make you feel good about your life.  They want to make themselves feel good about all of the work they have done on your behalf.  Hopefully, you have learned here that your churches (all of them) have completely failed you:  exactly as the ancient Jewish church in the days of Jesus.  Jesus fixed that problem.  However, this time, Jesus (meaning Christ, our Creator) is coming back to pour out His Wrath upon all of the Christian churches that have failed Him for so long now.  TO ALL CHRISTIANS!  Come out of your churches while you still can.  Flee to the Bible!  Your churches are so full of lies, and a few Truths; but God’s Bible is only full of His Truths, and zero lies!  Come out of your churches as fast as you can.  Your biggest red flag regarding the failures of “your church” is their failure regarding Christ’s Baptism:  in this case, you have been taught that you are now baptized, but you fully understand now, that Christ does not consider you to have ever been baptized, according to His Word.  The easiest red flag for you to see is Christ’s Fourth Commandment.  If your church is “ignoring Christ’s Sabbath” rather than “remembering Christ’s Sabbath,” as His Fourth Commandment requires, then that is the easiest sign for you to see regarding the failures of your church.  In fact, in His Qur’an, which was sent down 500 years after Jesus died, Christ teaches that this is the very reason that He made His Sabbath mandatory for all Christians!  Because He knew they would break it.  For indeed, the Christians had already broken Christ’s Sabbath long before He sent His Qur’an down to the twelve princes (or tribes, if you will) of Ishmael, the son of Abraham.  (Our Christian Christ named them as “princes” in Genesis 17:20).

The Qur’an 16:124  The Sabbath was made obligatory only for those who differed about it.  On the Day of Resurrection, your LORD will judge between them as to their differences.

SIDE NOTE by jpw:  The Sabbath was never made obligatory for the Muslims.  He made other things obligatory for them.  To this author, their obligations are far more difficult than just resting every Saturday.  Muslims are required to kneel down and bow in prayer five times each day:  meaning every single day.  It does not matter if they are at work, on vacation, sitting in an airport, at an all-day soccer event for their children, out making sales calls for their employer, etc.  You should also note, in your Bible, that Christ never made the Sabbath obligatory for Noah, Abraham, Jacob (meaning Israel), nor even Adam and Eve!  Read your Bible:  Adam and Eve were there!  They were already living when Christ rested on that very first Sabbath day!  You should also note that it was Christ, Himself, who taught every word of the Book of Genesis to Moses!  What is the explanation for all of this?  Only Christ knows.  But this author is quite willing to take Christ at His Word regarding every conceivable matter on this little earth.  However, since this author first learned these Words of Christ, placed in His Qur’an, this author has had a “bothersome hunch” that since Christ is “All Knowing,” that He knew this Sabbath issue would be an enormous issue for all Christians, during this earth’s final 2,000 years.  So, this author’s hunch is that Christ might be allowing every Christian to “drive just one more nail into their own coffins,” every single SUNDAY of their life here!  This is just a hunch, but it completely fits Christ’s Perfection:  regarding His Place of standing before every one of us on Judgment Day!  This author can imagine Christ asking the words, “So, tell me about all of those Sundays.  Did you never read my Words?  Did you not believe Me?  You only had to remember three Words:  remember the sabbath.”  Again, this is just a silly notion that this author considers some nights.

Regardless of this author’s silly thoughts, every Christian just learned, above, that on Judgment Day, this truly shall be one of the criteria that Christ uses to determine every Christian’s destination regarding an Eternal life in Heaven or finding that second death of Revelation 20:

Revelation 20:13  And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them:  and they were judged every man according to their works.

Revelation 20:14  And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.  This is the second death.

Revelation 20:15  And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

(Once again, Christians . . . do you find any sort of “grace” in these three verses?  Never mind what Satan, and your Christian leaders, have taught you:  hear the Word of God spoken in the words above!)

The above Scriptures never state that this will be the “sole deciding factor,” but every Christian should take careful note of this Truth of God, which they have just learned.  Just three little words:  “Remember the sabbath.”  They seem so innocent and insignificant, here on this earth, but oh how they show “so much” to our CREATOR as to whether we choose to follow HIM, or our own earthly and selfish pursuits.  This author pictures Christ asking one question, to every Christian, on Judgment Day:  “You couldn’t even give Me just one day?”  Think about that, Christians!  Because from what this author can tell, the Muslims are doing “pretty good” with their kneeling in prayer five times each day.


This author has tried to leave all of Christ’s “other” Scriptures out of this letter.  However, this author had to break that self-promise, here in this “Conclusion.”  This is just too important!  Christians, this author is one of you:  this author knows that you detest both the Muslim faith, and most Muslims; because of what you see on TV each night.  That is ok.  This is a freedom that Christ has given to you and this author will not deny you this right.  This author is also fully aware that most Muslims detest this world’s “Western Ways” and therefore, most Christians:  because this is that same freedom which Christ (Allah) gave to all of mankind, at this world’s foundation.  This author is not addressing “right and wrong” here!  This author only cares about our LORD.  So please consider just one thing now.  It was Christ who babbled mankind’s speech, long ago, in the Biblical story of the Tower of Babel.  Today’s Muslims call our Christ by the name of “Allah.”  This is fully acceptable to Christ because it was He who babbled our speech, while Noah was still alive!  So Christians, dismiss the Muslim people if you so desire, because that is your choice.  But never, EVER, dismiss the Word of God that was sent down to them!  It was YOUR CHRIST who sent that Word down to them!  This author will go so far as to state, quite clearly, here:  that if you reject that Word of God which was sent down to the Muslims, then you are also rejecting YOUR CHRIST, who spent thirty-something years here, before sacrificing His Life for your sins!

Quite simply, the choice is yours, my friend.  How many nails can your coffin take?



For any remaining Christian holdouts, perhaps 99.8% of you (according to what Christ first taught this author some thirty-years ago) who STILL dismiss the Word of God quoted throughout this letter, this author would beg just two more questions here:  only because they go hand-in-hand with every Scripture quoted in this letter.  Nearly all Christians are taught that they shall be saved by the “Grace of God.”  Apparently, if they just believe in the name of Jesus, or some other thing (born-again, saved, raptured, etc.), then they have now found God’s Grace:  and this Grace of God shall excuse them from the entire “period” of Revelation.  That is a fair lesson which they have been taught, quite honestly, because Paul taught about some of this.  So here is this author’s two question for all Christian holdouts here.  And these two questions will fully demonstrate the difference between the words which Paul wrote to a few developing churches some 2,000 years ago, and our LORD’s Scriptures which were purposefully sent down from Heaven according to our LORD’s Design.  (The words of Paul were never sent down from Christ’s Father, who is our LORD:  and there is no Scripture, anywhere, that teaches such a thing.)

Question 1 – If you were Christ, and had a certain child here upon this earth; and that child outright dismissed three of your Ten Commandments (Sabbath, graven images, and probably taking your name in vain, or any other), would you extend any amount of your Father’s Grace to that person?  Remember, that person also dismisses your Law regarding clean and unclean meats; and they completely reject the requirements which you placed upon their being baptized in your Name:  meaning that they were to observe all of your commands, here on this earth.  So again, if you were Christ, who created this world, would you extend any amount of your Father’s Grace to such a child as this?

Question 2 – This matter regarding mankind’s receiving the Grace of God is actually found NOWHERE in any of the Gospels.  Yes, the four times it appears (in Luke and John) it ONLY APPLIES to Jesus, our Messiah, who came down to this earth for a little while!  Yes, one can find this word in the Old Testament when it sometimes applies to some of the greatest people who ever lived.  Noah found Grace, Jacob found Grace, Lot found Grace, and Joseph found Grace:  but there are not very many of this sort of folks walking this earth, today.  These were some very, very special folks who Christ used, in His Bible, to teach this world some extraordinary lessons.  But today’s Christian leaders seemingly dispense God’s Grace, as if it were nothing more than just “getting wet” and saying, “I love Jesus.”  And they do so every single Sunday!  After eating eggs and bacon for breakfast!  In a church that has graven images on every wall!  So now, this author’s second question:  “Just what authority do Christian leaders, of today, think they possess regarding the dispensing of God’s Grace?”  Or even better, “Just where is that Scripture which gives them this authority?”  To this author, this is one of the major abominations that Satan has EVER delivered to this world’s Christian faith.

But, then again, the sole purpose of Satan, on earth, is to make sure that the fewest possible number of people get to Heaven.

Christians, please understand that you have two things standing between you, and Heaven, here in this world.  Satan and your Christian leaders.  This might seem to be incredibly difficult to deal with, but it is not!  You only have to turn to the Word of God that has been placed here in this world.  It is called the Bible.


Christ’s Bible makes everything simple!

Until you allow mankind to start making . . . “comments!”

And who, above all others, would desire to “comment” or “adjust” the Word of God?

Satan . . . and Satan only!  Reference Adam and Eve in Christ’s Garden of Eden!






Copyright (2023) by  NO RIGHTS RESERVED.
I freely place the material found on this webpage in the public domain.  Any person may reproduce, copy, and distribute the material found on this webpage “at will.”  This author does humbly request that you do not use the information here until you actually “own” it (within your heart).  Then, teach it as if you “created” it:  giving this author no credit, please.  And give this website no credit.  Make the material yours and then teach it like it is yours!  For this is the best way to teach anything.  Our time remaining is incredibly short now.





A special word to just a “few” here.  When Christ began teaching this author about thirty-years ago, this young author wrote everything that Christ taught him on paper.  About twenty-pages into this author’s writings, which would be the first book, Christ actually came to visit this author and asked just one question:  “Why do you write?”  This petrified young author uttered, “People need to know.”  Christ answered, with a definite tone of disgust in His Voice, “Few will understand.”  It was not an angry type of disgust; rather, it was an already-failed type of disgust:  or even a disappointed type of disgust, if you will.  And with these three words, Christ departed.  Thirty-years later, this author has still not found the answer to those words and this matter has always weighed on this author’s mind:  “Well, He didn’t tell me to stop writing.”  This author has developed quite a few theories about those three spoken words, and while they all “fit,” they also fall short of Christ’s Perfection, which was one of Christ’s earliest lessons to this author:  with patience on our part, Christ will always supply the Perfect answer.  And when it comes, it leaves one astonished!  This author made a lot of mistakes, early on:  not hell-bound mistakes, but many mistakes of incompleteness; because I “wrote my words” before Christ had finished teaching.  They are all still here on this website:  one can never hide from their youthful mistakes.  Oh, how this young author wanted to save the world.  “Christ was wrong, and this young author just knew he was right!”  Well, after a few of Christ’s Perfect answers came in, this author slowly came around to His Ways of patience.  While this author has never actually solved Christ’s Puzzle of those first words spoken to this young author, this old author believes he is getting closer, below.  Still not perfect, but very, very close.

This author rarely quotes Paul, or any of the other writers of the Epistles.  But since Christians truly love the words of Paul (seemingly more than the Words of our Creator, this author sometimes thinks), this author will leave those “few,” whoever you are and wherever you are; with some good words written by Paul.  Paul wrote that before Christ would return to this world, there would be a great “falling away.”  In this very same sentence, Paul wrote that the details of this “falling away,” would actually “expose” Satan, and his works, here in this world.  (Always read your Scriptures by the sentences; never by just the verse-numbers.  Sometimes, this author wonders if this verse-nonsense was created by Satan, so as to deceive all Christians.)

2 Thessalonians 1:1  Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

2 Thessalonians 1:2  That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

2 Thessalonians 1:3  Let no man deceive you by any means:  for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

2 Thessalonians 1:4  Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

Regarding those “few” which Christ told this author, “will understand,” everything Paul taught in these four verses above, has already happened.  So never believe that you are waiting for certain Biblical events to occur, because we are currently very close to the end of all Biblical events.  And please understand that in the four verses above, Paul was writing about CHRISTIANS only:  here as “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” approaches!  Satan has assured that while all Christians are dutifully “getting wet,” they are completely failing our Christ regarding His Baptism commands:  and therefore, all Christians are failing Christ, throughout their entire lifetimes.  (Dutifully ignoring all of His commands, which were sent down to this world in His Scriptures.)  And in this, they have become part of the “many” described in Matthew 7:13.

Matthew 7:13  Enter ye in at the strait gate:  for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Oh, this earth is now fully ripe, God is lining up all of His stars (angels).  The time is at hand, and to this author, at least, the best any person can now do is to make every possible effort to get their name written in Christ’s Book of Life.  Do not place much importance on that “grace thing” you keep hearing about:  because that is entirely in Christ’s Hands, and one must first get their name past that “Book of Life thing” on Judgment Day.  All Grace comes later:  well after the many have been cast into the fire.  In Jesus’ alleged parable of those ten virgins, detailed above, can any reader of Christ’s Bible possibly believe that those five “rejected” virgins, of Matthew 25:12, ever found any sort of Grace with Christ?

Before we leave these words of Paul, above, this author must present one very important Wisdom of God to all Christians here, especially the teachers and leaders.  This one, single, Wisdom of God might just save thousands of Christians’ lives on Judgement Day.  And this Wisdom of God comes in the form of a few questions:

Why is it that when one reads the words of Paul, that one is led to believe that “nearly all Christians” are going to Heaven?

But when one reads the words of Christ, one is clearly taught (by our Creator!) that only a “few” are going to heaven?

COULD IT POSSIBLY BE . . . that Christians do not understand the words of Paul?

COULD IT POSSIBLY BE . . . that Paul was merely teaching those barely-yet Christians of what is “possible” here in this world?  But only if they obey Christ, our Creator?

COULD IT POSSIBLY BE . . . that Paul was merely enticing those new-found Christians into accepting these “possibilities,” since none of them had any knowledge (whatsoever!) of Christ’s prior Old Testament?

COULD IT POSSIBLY BE . . . that Satan has now successfully convinced all modern-day Christian leaders and teachers that Paul’s words are now equal to, or better than, Christ, our Creator’s Scriptures?

Christians!  Please, please try to understand the life that Paul lived, there in the hazardous lands of Asia Minor.  These people knew nothing of Scripture!  Paul was coercing them into learning about Scripture!  Paul was still taking baby-steps with these people.  This author has stated, for years now, that Paul WAS NOT writing to Christians of today!  The problem with Christians of today is that they have no understanding of the hazards that Paul faced, there in Turkey and Greece.  Think about Rosa Parks:  the black lady who refused to get off the “white bus” in America.  NOW you can understand the life of Paul.  The Rosa Parks event occurred in the space of one day.  Paul faced daily life-threatening events for twenty years, or more!

My dearest friends, Christ has promised this entire world that His Word can get you to Heaven:  no matter what land you live in; and no matter what Scripture you follow.  All you have to do is to follow, and obey, the Word of God (found in John 1:1).  Christ made no such promise regarding the words of Paul.  This website “works” only because this author teaches our LORD’s Scriptures:  meaning the Word of God!  Christ has been teaching this pathetic author for some 30-years now.  Christ has never, once, taught this author using the words of Paul.  Only Scripture!  The few instances of this author quoting the words of Paul were added by this author only, for emphasis.  This author has never stated that Paul was wrong:  Paul did write some very good words.  But Paul’s words will never be Scripture!