These two seemingly unrelated entities are so interwoven, here in mankind’s last days (our end-time), that no person can fully understand one, until they fully understand the other!

But once one understands both, one can finally understand (and finally see) a great many Truths of God in this world today; which Christ, long ago, placed in His book of Revelation.

You see, God’s two end-time prophets are not just prophets:  they are “testifying witnesses.”  Mankind has never experienced this before.  In fact, no ancient prophet was ever described (by God) as being a witness for Him.  The Greek word used in Revelation 11:3 indicates that they shall both testify and prophesy.  (More on this below.)

And you shall soon learn that God’s Elect actually “witness” more powerfully today, than His final two prophets shall, later:  yet these Elect do testify oh, so quietly and humbly!





Every person upon this Earth needs to understand a very important lesson about God’s prophets throughout Scripture.  Christ has never sent a prophet to this world who taught that their religious leaders and political leaders were doing a good job!  This has never happened!  Well, there are two remaining prophets who have not yet fulfilled their assignment by Christ.  Scriptures teach that Christ’s two end-time prophets, again, WILL NOT carry any message regarding this world’s religious leaders doing a good job!  These two prophets are coming to this world (fairly soon, possibly) and will carry certain messages from Christ, our Creator.  Certain messages?  Well, Scripture and history teaches us that these prophets’ messages will NOT be welcomed by our political leaders, nor by our religious leaders:  Revelation teaches this quite clearly!  In fact, Revelation teaches that every person, living in this world, shall give gifts, one to another, after these last two prophets have been killed by our leaders.  Yes, the ENTIRE WORLD!  (Revelation 11:10)

Most folks living today, will neither appreciate, nor approve, any of the implications regarding mankind’s “Written” future which was detailed in the paragraph above.  But quite sadly, our future was, long ago, “Written” and “Presented” to us (in great detail) by Christ!


Mankind, today, has no experience with reading a Scripture of God which actually describes the very person holding and reading that Scripture.  God’s Scriptures have always been for other folks of long ago, about other folks of long ago, or about some others who are far away in a different land.  Given this!  Each reader here can accept this author’s letter as a little sad; or as a matter-of-Scriptural-fact, which requires our immediate attention.  So please do understand that everything you are about to read in this letter is NEW TO MANKIND.  This author fully understands this problem and promises to write this letter accordingly:  packing as much Scripture as possible into the Truths presented.  No person, living today, has ever been told that a particular Scripture was actually written about them, for them, and also to them:  specifically!  This is new!  And this is new for your religious leaders also!  This author shall present as much Scripture as possible; and this author shall not use any Scriptures that are symbolic in any form or fashion.  (Quite honestly, this will be the easy part because God’s Scriptures really are not as “symbolic” as you have been led to believe.)

God’s book of Revelation teaches, beyond any doubt, that there are still two prophets coming to this world, in these end-times:  the exact time is unknown.  And His book of Revelation teaches, beyond any doubt, that these two prophets shall meet the same end as all other prophets who have gone before.  (And for those who are convinced of their personal escape:  this author has presented Scripture-after-Scripture, throughout this website, proving that there is no Rapture.  Christ taught, repeatedly, that only those who endure “through” the coming troubles shall be saved.  There will be much more on this below.)  The point here, for each reader, is that there are no short-cuts in life that have been provided by Christ, our Creator.  This world still has two very serious prophets coming; and the signs of our times (here in the year 2020) show that these prophets could be arriving in our not-too-distant future.  This world needs to understand that no person, living today, shall be immune to the words these prophets shall speak; nor the curses they carry with them from Christ.  Even God’s most beloved (His Elect) are required to “endure” all of the end-time troubles of Revelation.

Matthew 24:22  And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved:  but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.

Your religious teachers might teach otherwise; but every breathing Christian, reading this letter, needs to decide if they want their life to follow the words of mankind (and varying doctrines that were created by mankind):  as it was in the days of Jesus; or if they want their life to follow only the Word of God!  This is a very simple decision, but it truly can be difficult to actually “begin doing.”  For you see, when Jesus taught that many will hate His true followers, He was talking about those folks who would shun the “varying doctrines of mankind,” and then choose to follow His Word and ONLY His Word:  wherever His Word might take them.  Christ’s Words, regarding this matter, were never intended for rich and greedy leaders of mega-congregations, varying denominations, and followers of mankind’s opposing doctrines:  as it was in the days of Jesus.

As of this writing, there are more than 217 Christian denominations, just in North America.  Just three nations:  Canada, Mexico, and America!  With 217 denominations believing different, and frequently opposing, ideas!  Indeed, you will learn below that worldwide, there are well over 33,000 Christian denominations!  References shall be provided.

Yet, every one of these Christian leaders teach their little “denomination” that they are Christ’s Elect; or that Jesus shall somehow exempt “only them” from all of the bad parts of Revelation.  All of these innocent folks are being taught that “this-or-that Scripture” doesn’t matter, “this-or-that Scripture” doesn’t apply anymore, and “all-of-those Scriptures” ended when Jesus died on the cross.  Hence, all Christians are confused:  “do read this, don’t read that, and here is what that lesson really teaches our world, today.”  Or, to finally reveal “the Great Unspoken, Ugly, and Factual truth” of today’s denominations:  every denomination is actually teaching, “Just follow the teachings of our denomination:  WE will get you to heaven.”  And just what is Christ’s Truth regarding all denominations, of every faith?  All are lost!  ALL!

This letter is entitled, “God’s Prophets and Elect.”  But it is also about all existing faiths of today being lost!  ALL?  LOST?  Yes, lost to Satan.  Many Scriptures shall be given below to prove this fact.  Indeed, it is the story of our Prophets and God’s Elect that will teach this lesson to mankind, today.

To cheat, just a bit, this author shall borrow from his next webpage which is nearing completion.  It comes from a different Scripture of Christ’s, yet it is more applicable to Christians than any other faith in this world:  this Christian lesson comes from Christ’s Qur’an.  Whether Christians approve of this, or not, the words below come from our Creator.  We Christians call Him Christ:

Muhammad, teach My people:

Hear the LORD!  All that My prophets have taught is that this, your religion, is but one religion and I am the author of it; so serve Me.

Mankind has divided this one religion into different pieces; then declared unto all, “A piece for every people!”  It is truly wondrous; how they have cut Me asunder.

Oh, My prophets!  Do your work well; and teach My children that all will return to Me . . . in the end.

Christians, please set aside everything that you think “might be Muslim” just above.  And think about what Christ just taught this world.  This author is asking that each reader here please allow Christ’s Words here to stand upon their own merit.

To all Christian pastors and teachers . . . this author has one question for you here, at the beginning of this letter.  Why is this author UNABLE to find hundreds, upon hundreds, of Christian books discussing and promoting the “words of Christ” above?  Never mind the Muslim part of this equation:  we are only talking about Christians here in this letter!  Every Christian pastor and teacher who just read the above words fully understands the Truth of God found therein!  So, how many Muslim sects exist today?  Less than a handful.  How many Jewish sects exist today?  Just about a handful.  How many Christian sects exist today?  Well over 33,000!  So is the Muslim lesson above an important lesson from God, for all Christians, today?

Why is it not possible for this author to go to a bookstore (or library) and find an entire “aisle” teaching the critical Truth of God illustrated just above?

Now, when Christ came to this world, using that temporary, and quite earthly, body of Jesus, He taught His Apostles that He came to save that which was lost.  When Christ returns to this world, as our LORD, know now that it shall be for the same reason!  Every reader here can place a portion of blame on their political leaders and their religious leaders (just as in the days of Jesus).  But every reader needs to place a significant amount of blame on their self:  as you will learn here in this letter.  This author has been “easing” each reader into the approaching main body of this difficult letter.  We are still in the Introduction of this difficult letter.

The Truths of God about to be presented below should have always been understood by mankind:  this author included!  (This old author is as guilty “in failure” as any person described below.  Thirty-years ago, this author hated discovering these failures because they hurt, they really did hurt!  But now, this old author cannot wait for the next lesson!  For you see, with every failure-revealed, it only means that this author is exactly that-much closer to Christ’s Truths.  (And Christ’s Truths are COMPLETELY free of the religious vanities taught by our 33,000 denominations!)  This entire process has greatly helped this author in setting aside past-failures (meaning “finally understood failures”) and then concentrating on current and possible future-failures.  My friends, it gets easier as you get older because your vanities mean less-and-less as you age.  Does it still hurt to discover your mistakes, when you get older?  You better believe it does!  But with age, it also becomes more enjoyable when you get to leave your past mistakes behind you.)



So, deal with Christ’s Truths in this world; and get on with living your life according to His Truths!  Because you are about to discover just TWO fairly harsh Truths of God from His Bible:  His New Testament, to be exact.  And for any Christian who can endure these harsh Truths of God, you will discover that the supposed “symbolic nature” of Revelation is actually quite factual, obvious, and easy to understand at nearly the 95% level.  For you see, when you spend your life being told that a certain Word of God does not apply to you, then you tend to ignore (or not study) this-or-that matter.  (Christ’s Sabbath, for instance.)  We are all guilty of this sort of mistake, to some degree!  And when you spend your life being told that a particular Scripture (which does not bode well for your denomination’s beliefs) is only symbolic in nature, then you are now required to make ALL OTHER RELATED Truths of God (meaning Scripture) symbolic also.  Why is this true?  Because God’s Truths in His Scriptures are incredibly interwoven and tightly knit, throughout.  This, and this exactly, is why most folks just ignore (or symbolize) Christ’s Book of Revelation.


Who is the one “being” that wants all Christians, of every denomination, to ignore God’s Truths regarding our world, today?



Who is the one “being” that wants all Christian leaders to assist him in convincing Christ’s Creation (His children) that none of Christ’s earlier warnings matter to His children of today?



Who is the one “being” that has forever worked to divide our One Creator (meaning our LORD) into tiny little fragments and into tiny little truths?


Yes indeed!  A little over here and a little over there:  because Satan knows that mankind will not expend the required effort to find . . . The Whole Truth of God!

Now . . . when you finally awaken to God’s Full Truths (all of them!) and discover that you are actually standing in the dead-center of this-or-that matter, it now becomes quite important to you; and fairly easy to understand God’s Word.  Why?  Because once something becomes important to you, your conscience finally “requires” you to expend the required effort to understand.  God has never made His Words difficult for us.  God’s Words have always been the easiest part of life here.  It is the vanities of mankind that have made life, and God’s Word, difficult to understand.

And right there, in the middle of our “messed-up” vanities, who do we find?  Satan!

Revelation has never been as symbolic as most Christian teachers want to believe.  (Just like you and this author, these Christian teachers also have a great many vanities to contend with.  It is not always their fault.)  More importantly, God has never, BUT EVER, taught that His Word requires “a special understanding and explanation” by some self-appointed experts who are still bound to their own vanities.  Read your Bible!  You will not find this in one single verse of God’s Scripture!  And when you read Revelation, read it as if you were standing dead-center of every matter:  meaning right next to all of those others, who you were always taught to be in the dead-center of those matters.  God teaches us to never judge others; but He has never taught us to not judge ourselves!  This is actually a very healthy habit for every person to practice:  never resting upon those comforts (and beliefs) we have intentionally surrounded ourselves with.  This old author is guilty of this every day.  And this old author fights this every day.  And the fight gets easier with age.


This author prays quite often, but that is not important here.  When this author prays at night, after first hitting the pillow, it is oftentimes Christ’s famous “Lord’s Prayer.”  You know the words:  “Our Father, who art in Heaven . . .”

Well, this author is about to step into dangerous territory; because it is a sin to alter, add to, or subtract from, a single Word of God sent down to this world.  So please just take this merely as a personal note from an old man.  But sometimes, this author prays a prayer of what Christ’s famous “Lord’s Prayer” actually taught this author about his own selfish little life.  It begins like this:  “Lord God, my Father in Heaven, please help me to leave my own ways so that I can find Your Ways.”  Oh, it continues from here, line-by-line regarding Christ’s famous Prayer:  but this author shall keep those further words close to his heart, and out of this letter.  But when this old author read’s Christ’s famous “Lord’s Prayer,” this is one great personal lesson learned from Christ’s words:  that of trying to leave (or depart from) the “ways of mankind.”  There are other greater lessons in our Lord’s Prayer, but this old author can testify that Christ has truly answered this author by delivering (and explaining) many of His Truths, after this author was finally able to discard many false truths of mankind.  And this all happened One Truth at a time.  And when anything conflicted my soul, I learned that it was never God’s error; it was always my error, regarding what I believed.  This old author finally learned:  that when I make a step towards Christ, then He made a step to help me.  I am quite serious in these words.  So, when you do ever find a Truth of Christ, then take a step towards Christ!  Then, take a look around your life:  for Christ has placed your next step nearby.

My friend, when something just does not make sense, does not add-up correctly, or conflicts with one of Christ’s verses elsewhere, just discard it for now.  Set it aside.  You do not have to replace it yet.  Just discard it, but do remember it, and let it gnaw on your heart for a while.  The answer always comes because Christ promises this:  remember the patience and faith of the saints!

Follow God:  and God only!  Have faith in God that His Words are not difficult for any person.  (One very hard lesson this old author finally learned is that when we think God’s Words are difficult, it is only because we don’t like what they say.  His Words truly are easy:  you just need some time to come around to them!  So take your time, but do not take forever.  It is easy to dismiss things you disagree with, but it takes an honest person to learn how to change “for God!”  God loves honest people and honest sinners; but He hates liars of any sort!  And He hates procrastinators!  “Procrastinators” means those who just flat-out refuse to make necessary changes because tomorrow-never-comes.)  So, have faith in yourself.  Do seek help when it is needed because every person needs help now and then.  But always, ALWAYS, keep this world’s help SECOND to the Word of God found all through your Bible:  Old Testament and New.  And remember that the epistles of the New Testament are NOT the Word of God!  They never were!  Christ, and Christ only, is the Word of God!  These epistles were placed in God’s Bible by MANKIND.  And what great event, of mankind, happened about four years prior to this event?  This VERY SAME COMMITTEE OF MANKIND changed God’s Sabbath, and God’s Fourth Commandment, to SUNDAY!  With a stroke of mankind’s pen, God’s Sabbath went from the last day to the first day of the week.  Do you remember?  Do you remember who frequently works by way of opposites?  Satan does!  So here we mankind, stand (or actually, kneel) today, still following our “ancient, beloved, and cherished” mistakes of mankind!  Oops.  Sorry.  Make that:  kneeling to our “ancient, beloved, and cherished” works of Satan!  And we typically do this in front of graven images:  which brings us back to relearning His Second Commandment!

If you place God’s Word first in your life, and also trust in your own ability to understand God’s Word, then any good and nurturing help can be used to guide you to that “straight and narrow path” which Christ taught:

Matthew 7:13  Enter ye in at the strait gate:  for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:

Matthew 7:14  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Christ placed mankind on this Earth (which He Created) for only one reason:  that we might make the decision to dedicate our allotted time toward finding that gate which leads to eternal life!  If we cannot choose Him and the eternal life which He offers, then we will be of no use to Him, later, in His Kingdom!  (He taught this in one of His parables:  that if we cannot handle “even the little things” which He presents to us, down here on this little earth, why would He expect our help with bigger things, LATER, in His Great Kingdom?)  This old author writes for only one reason:  to show people that the narrow way CAN ONLY BE FOUND through Christ, our Creator; and through His Ways, His Laws, and His Commandments.  All of this is found only in His Words:  they will never be found on the lips of mankind, nor in the words of this pathetic author.

It is easy to claim that you believe the Word of God (Christ).

It is also easy to actually believe that the Word of God (Christ) came from our LORD.

But it becomes an entirely different matter when we are told (or finally learn) that Christ taught that He requires us to believe, and follow, and completely obey:

His Words, His Laws, His Ordinances, and His Sabbaths!  Eternally!


Now this!

This requires a “real commitment” on our part!





As stated in the introduction above, every person needs to remember that Christ has never, even once, sent a prophet who taught this world that their political and/or religious leaders “were doing a good job.”  In fact, quite the opposite is true.  Christ’s prophets have only been sent to teach various folks, and their leaders, that they stood directly opposed to the Will of God, in this world.

Knowing this, we must also remember that there are two more prophets yet to come from Christ, possibly in the near future:

Revelation 11:3  And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.

Revelation 11:5  And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies:  and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.

Revelation 11:6  These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy:  and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will.

Revelation 11:7  And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

Revelation 11:10  And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

Notice that the two final prophets that Christ will send to this world ARE NOT coming to tell our religious leaders, of today, that they are doing a good job.  (The truths of God’s Elect shall prove this below:  beyond the shadow-of-anydoubt.)  Just as it was, about 2,000 years ago, when Christ came the first time, as Jesus, those religious leaders definitely WERE NOT doing a good job.  Well, mankind has somehow returned to that same condition, here today!  Once again, our Christian (and yes, Jewish and Muslim) world is at the point where a good, innocent, and decent person (of any faith!) has nowhere to turn, so as to find either the true and accurate Word of God, the true and accurate Ways of God, nor the true and accurate Laws of God.  Everything has been perverted, twisted, corrupted, erased, or just set aside!  Seriously, Christians?  How has it happened that we now find 217 “opposing” Christian denominations just in the three nations of North America?  With every one of them teaching that all of the others are going to hell?

This author shall document, below, the fact that worldwide, there are over 33,000 Christian denominations!  Please do note here, that this author’s entire New Testament is 405 pages long.  So, there are currently more than 80 Denominations for EVERY SINGLE PAGE of Christ’s New Testament!

Is this Christian?  NO!

A question . . . regarding any person who has decided to try and find a place for Christ in their life here:  which of the available 33,000 denominations should that person choose?

Jesus taught His disciples that he came to save that which was lost.  Is mankind now lost again?  YES!

Does mankind now need two prophets sent from Christ?  YES!

Jesus also taught that we are to observe the signs of the times, regarding His return.  Well, some of your signs were just stated above.

Jesus also taught that He would return when His Earth was “ripe:”

Revelation 14:15  And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap:  for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.

Well, with 33,000 Christian denominations all teaching different (and frequently opposing) theologies, this author would present to this world:  the possibility that the “entire Christian side of Christ’s Earth” is approaching the “rotten” stage.  Never mind this author; and consider what Christ puts forth:

Revelation 17:4  And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

Revelation 17:5  And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon The Great, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth.

Could Christ possibly be teaching our world, today, that The Mother (meaning that great Christian “Mother church”) has produced 33,000 Harlots (meaning other, and lesser, Christian churches)?  This author will leave that answer to each reader here.  And this author shall continue with this letter to the world which Christ created.

But please also consider . . . Does mankind now need two prophets sent from Christ?  This author shall leave each reader to consider that question:  as this letter progresses.


Let us return to our conversation here . . . With all of this in mind, Revelation 11 does not say a great deal about Christ’s last two witnesses, but it does say a few things.

The Greek word for “witnesses” used in Revelation 11:3 is G3144  (Link opens in a new window).

That Greek word is “martys,” or more currently in today’s use, “martyrs.”  But the root of the word means that one is first to be a “witness:”  for Christ, in this case.

SIDE NOTE regarding Strong’s Concordance:

For those who have never used Strong’s Concordance, it is an outstanding tool to understand the real meaning of this, or that, original word from the Bible.  For you see, sometimes our modern-day English definitions for a word are not even close to how the Apostles expected us to understand their Greek words:  when the Gospels and Revelation were first written 2,000 years ago.  As an example, go to http://www.eliyah.com/lexicon.html  (All links on this website open in a new window) and in the top field for Strong’s Concordance, type in “Revelation 11” (minus the quotation marks) and then hit “Search!”  When you arrive at Revelation 11, scroll down to verse 3.

(Please understand that the entire New Testament was originally written in Greek so you will find all numbers beginning with the letter “G.”  The entire Old Testament was written in Hebrew, so if you are studying that book, every number will begin with the letter “H.”)

Within verse 3, you will find all of the English words that the King James translators placed in their English Bible.  But you will also find every Greek word that the original writers (such as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and the others) actually used in their Gospels.  Their original words used, 2,000 years ago, are so important because our English language is constantly changing, with every generation.  So here in Revelation 11:3, locate the word “witnesses” and click on the blue link labeled “G3144.”  This was the actual Greek word (martys) that John’s hand wrote when he was creating Christ’s Book of Revelation.  Strong’s Concordance is an excellent tool, and every Christian should know how to use it.

As a further tool to help you, if you scroll down below how a certain word was used in Scriptures, you will find ALL of the other places this Greek word appears in the New Testament:  and you can see how else it might be applied to the verse you are studying.  For instance, using this very G3144 word, you will find that it was used for a person who first showed great strength by testifying in support of Christ, and because of their testimony, then suffered a violent death.  It was also sometimes used to describe folks who “watched” something occur, such as in Acts 7:58.  But then, quite sadly, in Acts 22:20, it was also used to describe the first martyr named Stephen.  And yes, Stephen showed great strength in testifying loudly regarding his beliefs in Christ:  making Stephen both a witness and martyr.

While all ancient prophets delivered their “assigned messages,” they did not actually testify “for Christ” and they were not all martyred “for Christ” because of this testimony.  John the Baptist came very close to this, but even with John’s death (this world’s greatest prophet, until that time:  according to Jesus), the entire world did not give gifts, one to another, because of his death.  These two final prophets are a new development, “Bible-wise.”

Now, this author truly apologizes for digressing above:  but Strong’s Concordance is such a valuable tool, for any person who truly loves God’s Scriptures.  Let us get back to our letter:

In Strong’s Concordance definitions, the term “common usage” is actually a better description regarding any words you find there.  But in Strong’s, you will quickly learn that this particular Greek word (martys) which was “commonly translated” to the English word “witnessing” required at least one of three conditions for its being used by John:  here in Revelation 11.  Legally, these last prophets will be a witness for Christ:  this implies a public testimony for Christ.  Historically, as their part in Earthly life, they shall be official spectators for Christ (or the “earthly” Eyes of Christ, as it were) during their commission.  Finally, and notice the order here:  after they have successfully spectated; and testified for Christ, to Christ, and fulfilled God’s Will (just as Jesus did) they shall then, and only then, die a violent death.  While all three of these are not required, they must be considered before using this word.  Having seen everything in advance (while he was in Heaven), the Apostle John most certainly considered all of this before inking this Greek word of “martys,” to his parchment.

This author would encourage every reader to click on the Strong’s Concordance link above.  For it fully describes the work of Christ’s two prophets, yet to come.  You will truly find an excellent lesson at the link above.  BUT!


1.  Will they testify to Christ regarding mankind’s actual will, here on this Earth?  This is what spectators do.

2.  Will they testify to mankind regarding Christ’s Will, for this Earth?  This is what witnesses do.

3.  Or will they do both?  Each reader must consider this.  This author feels strongly that they will do both because these are the only prophets that Christ “forewarned” us about.  Also, there is a valuable lesson to be learned here:  a lesson that forces one to consider the true value of Christ’s presence in today’s world.  And, moreover, meaning the true value of Christ’s presence in this world, WHICH HE CREATED!  For this is not “our world.”  This is His World, which we are all borrowing for just a few years:  while He is “sizing us up” for a potential position in His Kingdom, someday.  This is HIS WORLD!  Always was, is now, and always will be!  (Clearly, we are just temporary, in this world of His.)  Given this!  Would you now be interested in “fitting in” or “finding a place” in CHRIST’S WORLD?  This author would ask each reader two questions here.  Do you have potential?  And, just what potential (or “favorable aspects”) do you currently possess that Christ might be interested in using later, when He returns to REBUILD this planet Earth, according to His Father’s expectations (or requirements)?  Rebuild?  Well, Christ shall, fairly soon, “extinguish” the bad and keep those who He can see will help Him, and His Father, advance the Kingdom of Heaven:  which they are building, together.

Returning to the Greek word, “martys:”  the necessary usage of this word is that Revelation teaches that these two remaining prophets shall first testify according to Christ’s appointment.  But they will later prophesy as Revelation 11:3 teaches.  And sadly, true to the root of the word John used, they shall die for Christ:  in Revelation 11:7.

Revelation 11:7  And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.

So as witnesses and prophets . . . they shall first witness of Christ’s blessings which “have always been available” in this world; they shall testify about Christ’s “imminent and final” punishment that is coming (and yes, about to be delivered) to this world; they shall deliver and proclaim Christ’s prescribed punishments when they are delivered; and after all of this, Satan shall be permitted, by Christ, to kill them.

My friend, this world today understands very little about prophets.  This is quite understandable because no person living today has ever “seen” a prophet.  We cannot possibly understand what a prophet is just by reading about them.  Reading about prophets is not nearly the same as actually facing one and hearing their words, in person!  Christ’s Old Testament teaches, repeatedly, that all of His prophets carried a message from Christ to the children of Israel.  That message might have been a blessing, contingent upon certain acts by mankind; or that message might have been a curse, caused by certain acts of mankind.  But Christ’s prophets have always worked using both types of these messages:  according to Christ’s Command.  (Please try to imagine such a person standing in front of you teaching about things you are doing that disappoint Christ.)  In the Old Testament, Christ would then carefully observe how His world reacted to His prophets.  Historically, Christ has been His own witness regarding His prophets’ missions.  Meaning both, how His prophets delivered His messages and also how this world then responded to His messages.

In the Old Testament, no prophet was ever described by words referring to their being sent as both prophets and witnesses.  But in Revelation, Christ describes them as witnesses before calling them His prophets.  In whatever manner Christ chooses to present these last two witnesses/prophets/martyrs to His world, it will most likely explain why this entire world will surely fail to recognize them as true prophets of our LORD.

Because as stated above and as every reader here surely understands:  today’s world has never actually “seen” a prophet of God!  This shall prove to be a problem for today’s world, just as it was for folks, long ago.






Now, the “other half” of this lesson.  (Remember, Jesus taught His disciples that He came to save that which was lost!  As described above, Scriptures teach us that Christ shall do this “both times.”)  Let us see what Christ teaches this world about His most beloved (from all of mankind).  He calls them His Elect.

Revelation 14:5 . . . for they are without fault before the throne of God.

Christ does not teach this world very much about His Elect, but He does teach a few details.  Perhaps mankind should pay close attention to the few words Christ does teach us regarding His most favored people upon this Earth.

Revelation 14:1  And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.

Revelation 14:2  And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder:  and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:

Revelation 14:3  And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders:  and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

Revelation 14:4  These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.  These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.  These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

Revelation 14:5  And in their mouth was found no guile:  for they are without fault before the throne of God.


WHAT?  Without fault before the throne of God?  You will not find any other people described, in this manner, within any other Scripture of God!


Before we discuss this word, every Christian should understand the word “for” found in Revelation 14:5.  This Greek word actually means, for this reason.”  You can find this Strong’s Greek word G1063 defined:  by clicking on the blue link.  This now places even more importance in our understanding the word, guile.  (Link opens in a new window.)

Clearly, this is quite important to Christ and when one considers the consequences of having no guile found in them (by Christ!), this word should become extremely important to all of mankind.  Maybe, just maybe, religious folks should set all of their denominational vanities and differences aside because in Revelation 14:5, Christ clearly teaches us that not one single religious aspect is required to stand before the throne of God:  WITHOUT FAULT!

SIDE NOTE by jpw:

Never, for a moment, believe that this author is suggesting that one does not need to believe in God.  God’s Scriptures provide an indescribable “Heaven-sent” assistance for mankind’s path of finding their way, eventually, into the Kingdom of God.  There is no better path to be found; and there are no words, upon this Earth, to describe the value of God’s Scriptures to mankind!  PERIOD!  But mankind’s problem is that this is EXACTLY where religious folks begin to claim a very unscriptural “ownership” of who gets into Heaven and what God is actually trying to tell us in His Scriptures.  Well sorry, but religious folks just now learned part of the definition of the word, guile.  And religious folks just learned a small part of what those so-called unbelievers “from the other side of this world” can demonstrate to Christ (their Creator) in order to get to Heaven.  You know these folks from “the other side:”  the Buddhists, Hindu, Confucianists, and all sorts of assorted native tribes placed here by Christ, Himself (such as those who might have accidentally been born in the jungles of Brazil and have never had contact with the outside world)!

Christians!  And yes, Jews and Muslims . . . you all need to get past your differing vanities about who is best in our Creator’s Eyes!  You all need to get past your belief that you, AND ONLY YOU, are the center of our Creator’s attention (meaning that “only you” believe that you are at the center of our CREATOR’S universe)!  Quite honestly, this author has been attempting to teach these very words for almost 30 years now.  Have I finally found that Scripture in Revelation 14:1 – 5?

Catholics – is there a lesson for you in Revelation 14:5, above?

All earlier Protestant faiths – is there a lesson for you in Revelation 14:5, above?

All newer non-Catholic faiths – is there a lesson for you in Revelation 14:5, above?

Jews – is there a lesson for you in Revelation 14:5, above?

Muslims – is there a lesson for you in Revelation 14:5, above?

(This author could go on, and on, and on here:  adding at least 33,000 more denominational lines here, but hopefully, the entire world can understand this lesson now.)

Setting all of mankind’s “religious junk” aside, let us return to what Christ, our One CREATOR, says about His Elect, His word “guile,” and where we might find two real-life (and outstanding) examples of “guile” upon Christ’s Earth.


Strong’s Concordance for “guile” in Revelation 14:5 is “dolos” or just G1388.  It is found HERE.  (Link opens in a new window.)  This is a very old English word from King James’ day:  no longer in use (and indeed, rarely understood these days).  But since the original translators used this word, more than 400 years ago, to describe Christ’s Truth (written in Greek, by John), mankind needs to pay a very special attention to this word.  As you will discover in the link above, this important word mostly means to deceive others:  but in all cases, it is required that a cunning trick, bait, lie, or deceit is first employed.  While at that website, scroll down just a bit and see how this word was used elsewhere in the New Testament.  You will quickly discover that “guile” is always considered, by Christ, to be an evil craft employed by those who possess this trait.  (Such as . . . those religious leaders who teach the world that only their denomination, and possibly a few like-minded folks, are going to be saved by Christ, when He returns:  an event found NOWHERE in Scripture!)  This evil craft is utterly despised by God!  This trait often uses a decoy, bait, or a cunning lie.  Indeed, the root of this ancient word is “to decoy.”  And of course, any successful decoy will always possess a cunning deceit, or lie.


The following is not well-understood in today’s world, but this “old English” word, guile, is also used by God to describe the “full intent” of His Third Commandment:  that of taking His Name in vain.  If you research this word “vain” in Strong’s Concordance (“H7723“), you will find that it also involves guile.  (When you get to that link, look for the phrase “especially guile” in the definition’s second line.)  Please understand, for the first time, that any person who speaks lies (in the name of God, for God, or about God) is indeed using God’s name in vain.  For example:  a Baptist might teach that if you are not born again, baptized, and also saved, then you are going to hell.  Sorry, but this is found nowhere in God’s Scriptures:  it is just “not there!”  PERIOD!  This Baptist just broke Christ’s Third Commandment given to Moses.  And they used a cunning lie (also found nowhere in Scripture) to convince you that our LORD spoke these words.  Oh, there are verses that say this-or-that person cannot go to heaven until certain requirements are fulfilled, but the going-to-hell part is found nowhere in Scripture.  Perhaps we little humans should leave Godly things “which we do not understand” up to God’s Master Plan (and God’s timing) for this universe, which He Created.  Maybe, just maybe, some of these earthly-accused folks will receive a second chance, somewhere in God’s Master Plan.  Maybe they will indeed get to heaven some day!  Baptists don’t know!  This author does not know!  So why then, do certain people teach these, and other denominational, ridiculous, and cunning lies to others?

More importantly, WHY do some people claim that Christ taught these lies to our world?  GUILE!  The word here, is guile.  God’s Elect possess no guile:

Revelation 14:5  And in their mouth was found no guile:  for they are without fault before the throne of God.

Now, since this is a very old English word (no longer in use) and therefore not well-understood in today’s world, please allow Christ to show what the opposite of this word means:


When looking for a good example in life, one can never go wrong with Abraham.  Why?  Because Abraham is the only known person, in the history of this world, known to be called “the Friend of God.”

James 2:23  And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness:  and he was called the Friend of God.

Oh, there may be others, but they are not found in any of God’s Scriptures, sent down from Heaven.  Christ personally buried the body of Moses, but He never called Moses His friend. He could have, you know:  it would have taken no effort on Christ’s part to say these words.  Please pay very close attention to a great lesson of Abraham, rarely understood today.

In Genesis 23, Abraham’s wife died, and he needed a cave to bury her.  Please do remember (from Genesis) that during his lifetime, Abraham saved a great many people throughout that entire region.  The combined armies of four marauding kings had just passed through the land:  plundering five kingdoms and every city therein; and taking a great many people as slaves.  Abraham, and his servants, destroyed those four armies and returned everything, except a tithe which was given to Christ (so as to give all credit to Christ for his military victory.)  The lesson here is that Abraham was known to all, far-and-wide; Abraham was a known hero; and indeed, Abraham’s feats remained “a legend” throughout the known world of his day.  Even in his younger years, every king of the region feared Abraham, and his LORD:  thereby increasing Abraham’s fame and fortunes greatly.

But now, here in Genesis 23, Abraham found himself in desperate need of a cave, so as to bury his beloved wife:

Genesis 23:3  And Abraham stood up from before his dead, and spake unto the sons of Heth, saying,

Genesis 23:4  I am a stranger and a sojourner with you:  give me a possession of a buryingplace with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight.

Genesis 23:5  And the children of Heth answered Abraham, saying unto him,

Genesis 23:6  Hear us, my lord:  thou art a mighty prince among us:  in the choice of our sepulchres bury thy dead; none of us shall withhold from thee his sepulchre, but that thou mayest bury thy dead.

Genesis 23:7  And Abraham stood up, and bowed himself to the people of the land, even to the children of Heth.

Genesis 23:8  And he communed with them, saying, If it be your mind that I should bury my dead out of my sight; hear me, and intreat for me to Ephron the son of Zohar,

Genesis 23:9  That he may give me the cave of Machpelah, which he hath, which is in the end of his field; for as much money as it is worth he shall give it me for a possession of a buryingplace amongst you.

Genesis 23:10  And Ephron dwelt among the children of Heth:  and Ephron the Hittite answered Abraham in the audience of the children of Heth, even of all that went in at the gate of his city, saying,

Genesis 23:11  Nay, my lord, hear me:  the field give I thee, and the cave that is therein, I give it thee; in the presence of the sons of my people give I it thee:  bury thy dead.

Genesis 23:12  And Abraham bowed down himself before the people of the land.

Genesis 23:13  And he spake unto Ephron in the audience of the people of the land, saying, But if thou wilt give it, I pray thee, hear me:  I will give thee money for the field; take it of me, and I will bury my dead there.

Genesis 23:14  And Ephron answered Abraham, saying unto him,

Genesis 23:15  My lord, hearken unto me:  the land is worth four hundred shekels of silver; what is that betwixt me and thee?  bury therefore thy dead.

Genesis 23:16  And Abraham hearkened unto Ephron; and Abraham weighed to Ephron the silver, which he had named in the audience of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, current money with the merchant.

My friend, do you find any deceit here on the part of Abraham?  Do you find anything that would be considered “cunning or sly” in today’s world?  Indeed, Abraham was forced to argue with the citizens of Heth:  so that he might give full value for the cave!  Abraham fully understood that had he accepted their offer; one particular individual was going to have to freely give away something that was of significant value to them.  Abraham would have no part of that!

Study this story.  You will find no deceit here, no lying, no craftiness, and you will find no guile!  Who today?  Who today would not “cash in” just a small bit of their reputation, or a small piece of their “legend” so as to get something for a lesser price, or even for free?

Please consider just one more unspoken truth here.  Actually, it is the central element of Abraham’s story here but many folks today, might have missed it.  As stated in Genesis, when Abraham entered that city to purchase a cave, he fully understood that he was asking one (unknown) person (who he had never met before!) to give up something that was probably of great value to them.  But Abraham treated that unknown person with the “SAME RESPECT” as he had for any of his friends, neighbors, servants, or either of his sons.  Imagine that!  Abraham did this for an unknown person!  And Abraham did this for a person that he might never meet again!

This is . . . fully . . . the absence of guile.  Does this not bring to mind that famous lesson of Christ’s eleventh Commandment?  That we must love all others (ALL OTHERS!) as Christ has so loved us.

Now, Abraham is probably this world’s best example of “no guile.”  The Book of Acts has a very good example of those who “possesses guile.”  In Acts 4, after Peter finished teaching a multitude about the deeds and teachings of Christ, the Holy Spirit shook the ground greatly and entered into all of the people who were present, including a certain married couple.  Later, in Acts 5, that married couple (who truly received God’s Holy Spirit) immediately promised Peter that they desired to sell their land then bring the full proceeds to Peter for further use in Christ’s and the Holy Spirit’s work.  Well, this couple later decided to lie about their promise:  they sold their land, but they held back on the quantity given to Peter.  Furthermore, they each lied about the matter (at separate times) to Peter.  In the verses below, Peter fully explained to them that the money was never really an issue with God.  The issue was their guile:

Acts 5:1  But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,

Acts 5:2  And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles’ feet.

Acts 5:3  But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?

Here is the husband’s guile!

Acts 5:4  Whiles it remained, was it not thine own?  and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power?  why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart?  thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.

Acts 5:5  And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost:  and great fear came on all them that heard these things.

Here is the wife’s guile, when she later repeated her husband’s lie to Peter!

Acts 5:9  Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord?  behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out.

Acts 5:10  Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost:  and the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carrying her forth, buried her by her husband.

Guile!  This was just one good example of guile:  there are many more ways of possessing guile.  One very important aspect of guile was just found above.  We can hide many things from mankind, but we can hide “nothing” from God.  Not even the smallest matter.

Lest any person here is confused . . . how can any person, believing in God, ever think that God cares about “money” in this world, which He created?  Everything that is here already belongs to Him.  He made everything!  Ah, but our lies!  And those silly things that we think are (momentarily) more important than our Creator!  These things tell Christ a LOT about each of us.


Now, let us return to Christ’s Elect, here today.

144,000 of them.  There are not 144,001.

Christ gives this world still more important information regarding His Elect, but you will never learn this particular lesson in any Christian church:

Revelation 14:1  And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.

Revelation 14:2  And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder:  and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:

Revelation 14:3  And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders:  and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.

Revelation 14:4  These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.  These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.  These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

Revelation 14:5  And in their mouth was found no guile:  for they are without fault before the throne of God.

The Greek word for virgins used in verse 14:4 was G3933.  This word is never, ever used as being gender-specific!  (Meaning men only!)  You will find this word explained HERE.”  This Greek word applies to males and females ALWAYS AND EQUALLY!  This author fully believes (according to this Greek definition) that about half of Christ’s 144,000 elect will be females!  This author cannot provide Scriptural support here but is relying on the fact that this Greek word is applied to both genders, always and equally.  This author is also relying on the fact that Christ has always treated both genders equally, yet separately, regarding life’s functions and duties.  But quite honestly, none of this matters here.

What matters is the first sentence of Revelation 14:4.

Revelation 14:4  These are they which were not defiled with women.


This entire world understands that Christ, our Creator, sanctified the union of man and woman (beginning with Adam and Eve), so do not think that a married person is ever defiled by their spouse!  Neither man nor woman!


At this point, every Christian needs to recall what their religious teachers have forever taught them about what “women” represent in the Book of Revelation (and indeed, in all prophecies).  Nearly every Christian, in this world, has been well-instructed that the term “woman” in prophecy always means “a church.”  And they were taught correctly!  To Christ, the word “woman” means some sort of church.  It might be a good church, or it might be a bad church.

It means a church.  Any church.  It means all churches!

So just about now, every pastor and religious teacher is scrambling so as to bend, twist, or pervert Christ’s Word in Revelation 14:4.  Every pastor, teacher, and preacher must now convince all others that “just this once,” Christ’s use of the word “woman” does not mean “a church.”  But just this once!  They must ALL do this because no religious leader is capable of admitting (publicly or privately) that they might be a failure in Christ’s Eyes!

Given this . . . there exists a huge green elephant in the realm of Christianity:  which all Christian leaders have forever pretended to sweep under a tiny rug located at the front doors of their church.  This green elephant of Revelation 14:4 is “trumpeting” that they have all put blinders on, by denying the obvious (and mathematical) fact that with 33,000 “differing and opposing” denominations in existence today, the vast majority must be wrong.  Oh, but wait!  This elephant is also “trumpeting” that there is a very high probability that they are ALL wrong!

Revelation 14:4  These are they which were not defiled with women.

Also found in this verse:  for they are virgins.  (Meaning all churches!)

Moreover . . . there is a big white elephant here in Revelation 14:4 that no Christian denomination desires to own and that all Christian denominations simply pass-off to others when it comes their way.  This white elephant of Revelation 14:4 (which no denomination will accept) is that the vast majority of these “differing and opposing” Christian denominations are currently leading their members toward Satan and his teachings:  or more correctly, “toward Satan’s lies which they have slowly incorporated into their beloved church doctrine.”

Revelation 14:4  These are they which were not defiled with women.

Also found in this verse:  for they are virgins.  (Meaning every single church!  A virgin is a virgin!)

Christians . . . this truly is a bitter pill to swallow!  But the pill is good for you (because mankind’s time left here on this Earth is quickly coming to an end).  Stop reading right here.  Go back a little way and read all of this again, slowly.  And study Christ’s Word (not this author’s words!), because there remain, more of Christ’s Words to be found here in this verse.

Also found in Revelation 14:4:  These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.

The short lesson here is that we “must” follow the Word of God, wherever His words take us.  About 2,000 years-ago, Christ presented this same bitter pill to the Jewish faith, through His earthly body of Jesus.  Well, the Jews clearly failed back in that day.  Similarly, we today, might not appreciate or enjoy where Christ’s Words take us, but Christ promises that we will all be blessed and live happy lives when we reach that place of actually claiming and keeping His Laws, His Ways, and His Truths in our daily lives!

Please read on for the longer-lesson of Christ:

Through Revelation (and yes, even Ezekiel), Christ is once again presenting this “same bitter pill” which He also presented to the Jews, some 2,000 years ago.  Christians!  There is no difference here!  Christian churches really should take this lesson from Christ, TODAY, and change their ways so as to follow Christ’s Truths which He has placed throughout His Scriptures!  But history repeatedly teaches us that MOST OF THESE DENOMINATIONS WILL freely continue to remain married to their easy and comfortable “religious vanities” (guile) while twisting and changing the Word of God (guile) so as to suit their vanities/errors.  This is easier and requires no effort on their part:  for when a minister becomes confused, it is easier (guile) for them to consult their mentors:  often meaning Seminary professors and/or their first pastors (who should have discovered this guile in “their” old age), than to actually consider Christ’s true meaning, even when it is obvious (This completes our definition of guile!)  Know that mankind’s situation was the very same with the Jewish leaders in the days when Christ came down using the Earthly body of Jesus (for a few years).  And here we are, in these latter days, with our religious leaders again making the SAME 2,000-year-old mistakes!

But the incredible problem of “these latter days” . . . is that we do not have just the little body of Jesus returning to this world.  We have our ETERNAL CREATOR returning . . . to dispense HIS FINAL JUDGMENT upon this world we live in!  Things are different this time around.  There is no more help coming to this world; and every person needs to realize this.  Only God’s Judgment is coming this time.  This world’s Christian “naptime” is over!

Ask any historian . . . history teaches that while earthly knowledge and events are always changing, mankind rarely changes:  for we (mankind) have clearly demonstrated that we shall continue to make the same mistakes over, and over again.  Ever since Adam and Eve, actually.  This entire world’s history books are replete with this lesson of mankind:  this is not just a Western trait.

Once again, you will never, ever hear the above Truth of God spoken by your religious leaders or teachers.

Ask them, “In God’s prophecies, what exactly is a woman?”  Let them answer.

Ask them, “Are there any exceptions that you are aware of?”  Let them think and then answer.

Now, ask them to explain just the first complete sentence of Revelation 14:4 . . . all the way to the period!  They cannot.  Rather, they will not:  because quite honestly, they truly are able to explain these “easily understood” words of Christ to you.  They just do not want to.  (Guile.)

My friend, do not expect help from your religious leaders on this one topic.  Definitely use their help in nearly all other regards because they truly are experts at God’s Bible.  And no person can easily see their own faults:  you, and this author, included!  Please understand that this is just one Scripture which shines a great Light (of Christ) upon their weaknesses:  for the entire world to see.  So do excuse them on this matter; because we ALL have our own elephants in our “rooms of beliefs.”  So obviously, you will need to study this by yourself and find your own answer.  Do not just take this author’s word on the matter.  Ask the few questions above, study the Word of God on this matter, learn how to use Strong’s Concordance in the examples above.  Talk to your spouse and/or any other like-minded friends who seek the truth.  Strong’s Concordance is an invaluable tool:  because it is not your fault that God’s Word and God’s Truth was not sent down in English, or whatever language you call your own.  Strong’s Concordance is accepted worldwide, for bridging that Greek-to-English language gap!  Your 1-out-of-33,000 denominational leader’s “opinions” IS NOT accepted worldwide!

When you have done everything above, then stop reading this author’s words forever:  and never come back to this website!  And make no changes for a while!  Just chew on God’s Word in your mind.  This author has only made one promise (here on this website) in the past 25 years.  This promise actually comes from Christ, our Creator:

For when any person truly “chews on God’s Word” in their thoughts, in their heart, and on their lips:  Christ then promises to never leave such a person’s side!

Be patient and continue learning God’s Word:  unadulterated and straight from His Bible.  (And not from this author, nor any other person.)  Christ’s Bible is not really a puzzle, but rather it is just a Collection of His Truths, which He has sent down.  You never have to piece-it-together:  just keep gathering His Pieces, for this is how Christ works.  Keep studying Christ’s Bible (not the words of other people) and this author can promise (from his own experiences) that very soon, the Truths from one piece will come back to you as you read another piece.  Do you remember about “the patience and faith of the saints?”  Christ absolutely adores folks who have patience and faith!  Just keep reading, a bit every day.  When you find a Piece-of-Christ, place it in your life.  And then, just keep reading, a bit every day.  Find another Piece-of-Christ, place it in your life, and keep going.  For this is EXACTLY how saints are made!  Christ has never been a puzzle to be solved; Christ is our goal in life!  Christ’s Truths WILL always come to you with patience and faith:  Christ says this!  A little Piece here, a little Piece there; then a little patience with this one, and a little faith with that other one!  And know that if you can work at everything stated here, then Christ has witnessed your faith in Him.  When Christ has seen that you can remain patient while working through this earthly problem of mankind’s continually failing to understand God’s Word, then Christ might just decide that there is no guile found in you!  Because we all make mistakes:  God has no problem with a mistake here and there.

Ah, but guile . . . that is a different kind of mistake!  An evil mistake!  Guile is a “chosen” mistake!



We are not finished with verse 4 just yet.  For the entire chapter of Revelation 14 is actually a very special message from Christ:  to all end-time ministers, teachers, and preachers.  Because this Earth is now ripe!  And what comes after ripeness?  Rottenness!  Every person who has ever grown a fruit or vegetable fully understands that nothing good comes after “ripe.”  But religious teachers of today continue to dismiss this Truth of God:  plodding forward with their old and antiquated lies that Satan wove into their religion beginning about 2,000 years ago.  (Ministers!  Do you think that it might be time to change your messages?  Satan knows what time it is!  DO YOU?)

Christ’s Answer and Christ’s Truth, regarding this matter for ministers, was placed in Revelation 14:4, long ago.  In just one verse below, Christ teaches that Christian ministers, of today, DO NOT KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS, TODAY:

Revelation 14:4  These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.  These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.  These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.


AUTHOR’S NOTE:  These are the only two reasons that the Christian faith has 33,000 denominations today.

“They which follow the Lamb.”  Does Christ say ministers are to follow their mentors?  Their denomination?  Their doctrine?  Their personal vanities or expectations of Christ?  Those lessons from their theological seminaries?  No!  Christ does not say any of this!

“Withersoever he goeth.”  Ministers!  Christ says to follow His Word and to follow it wherever it takes you; and not just where YOU want to go with it.  Period.  End of discussion.  Learn the Word of God and follow it wherever His Truths take you:  whether you like those Truths or not.  Whether your denomination likes those Truths or not.  Set all of your “inconveniences” aside and follow His Sabbath, His law against graven images, His clean meats, His seven Holy Feasts, and all of His other Commandments, Laws, and ordinances.  And yes, this includes living in a tent for seven days (in the Fall).  Do you find this inconvenient?  Did your mentors teach you this?

Zechariah 14:16  And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.

This verse just slammed a huge door in the face of any and every denomination which teaches of Christ EVER holding a so-called probation over mankind’s head:  as if this was some sort of threat from our Creator, Christ!  This false Christian belief completely rejects ALL who might, somehow, barely manage to find Christ in their “Eleventh Hour:”  as Christ, Himself taught this world.  This concept is one of the most selfish, unscriptural, and blasphemous Christian doctrines this author has come across:  outside of the Catholic Church, where this author grew up learning.  Because Christ taught the EXACT opposite while He was there upon His cross:  regarding the dying thief who was beside Him.  (Obviously, there is no “probation” found in our past.)  Indeed, this is a classic example of religious leaders attempting to promote their personal beliefs (actually meaning:  their personal desires and personal expectations!) above the actual teachings of Christ, our God.  For here in Zechariah 14:16, we just learned that Christ, in our future, shall not destroy even those folks who will gather to fight against Him at Armageddon!  (Obviously, there is no “probation” in our future.)  These folks shall be comprised of normal Christians:  meaning those Christians, who shall only be following their religious leaders’ teachings of His last two prophets being the “Anti-Christ”.  Every Christian, today, needs to understand that there is no Battle of Armageddon to be found anywhere in Scripture!  Yes, there shall be “a gathering of forces” at Armageddon, but there will be no actual “Battle of Armageddon” because Christ will return just before they “attempt to destroy” this entire world, which He created!  WHY?  Well, this author can only guess that it is because Christ does not want to destroy innocent Christians (and others!) who were merely LIED-TO by their Christian leaders.  Christ just explained all of this in Zechariah 14:16, above!

Now . . . returning to our original lesson of Zechariah 14:16 and Christ’s Feast of Tabernacles:

Zechariah 14:16  And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the feast of tabernacles.

When Christ returns to this earth to establish His Throne, and then rules this world for 1,000 years, every Christian, Jew, Muslim, and all others:  better believe that they will be living in a tent for seven days each Fall:  for this is one of the main parts of Christ’s Feast of Tabernacles.

Zechariah 14:17  And it shall be, that whoso will not come up of all the families of the earth unto Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, even upon them shall be no rain.

Zechariah 14:18  And if the family of Egypt go not up, and come not, that have no rain; there shall be the plague, wherewith the Lord will smite the heathen that come not up to keep the feast of tabernacles.

Ministers, do you think that Christ would like you to start keeping His Feast of Tabernacles here, today?  Or is that inconvenient regarding the lifestyles you have chosen for yourselves?  And how about Christ’s sheep that you tend?  Should you encourage them to follow the Will of God regarding these Feasts? Paul kept all of Christ’s commanded Feasts!  The day of Atonement is the only Feast Day which requires a fast.  Paul mentions this very fast in Acts 27:9.

AUTHOR’S NOTE CONCLUDED:  My dearest friend, please understand that long ago, Satan was the first to say these words:

Satan speaking:  “LORD, I recognize your Glory, Power, and Authority, but . . . ”

And here in today’s world, we find at least 33,000 Christian leaders teaching, “LORD, we recognize your Glory, Power, and Authority, but . . .

This author has just presented the truth of 33,000 “buts” here in this world.  This author has just detailed 1 of these 33,000 mankind’s “buts” in the above Tabernacles lesson, here in this religious world.  All Christians, (including ministers, pastors, and teachers) must understand that this number of 33,000 is increasing on a daily basis!  This author is highly confident in stating here; that to Christ, not one single “but” is acceptable.  Not one.

Oh, how Satan loves the word, “but!”  He practically invented this word.  Revelation 14:4:  (There is no “but” found in Revelation 14:4 below)

“They which follow the Lamb”

And more importantly,

“whithersoever He goeth.”


Now . . . every person, with an ounce of common sense, understands that we (mankind) cannot actually follow “the Lamb” (as we currently exist, in this world).  So, what does this message mean?  Well, it only leaves the Word of the Lamb:  commonly referred to the Word of God.  (Meaning the Laws of God, the Commandments of God, and the Ways of God.)  Wherever they take us!  There is no picking and choosing here!  This is EXACTLY what created our 33,000 denominations, today.  We have no authority to declare that this-or-that was hung on a cross, this-or-that is antiquated, this-or-that no longer applies, etc.

“Whithersoever he goeth?”  Yes!  This is mankind’s failure of today!  When God’s Word, or God’s Laws, or God’s Commandments, or God’s Ways stand in direct conflict regarding what you have been taught for all of your life (or what religious leaders are currently teaching this world!), then just follow the LAMB!  Wherever His Word leads you!  And do remember that it was the Lamb who created this world and all of mankind!  (John 1:1 – 14)  This is quite important:  and only 14 beautiful verses from our LORD.

To any casual browsers of this website, who might have just happened upon this page, it means the teachings of Christ:  who created this entire world.  And yes, it means all of His teachings and all of His Scriptures from all over this world:  including the Old Testament, New Testament, His Qur’an, and yes, even His Great Spirit which has been sent to the native Tribes, scattered throughout this world.  And no, this does not mean a Christian needs to follow a Scripture of the Muslims, or the teachings of the Buddha!  It means to just take “your” Scriptures that have been delivered from Christ, our Creator, and then truly follow His Scriptures.  All of them!  Christ is perfect in everything that He delivers to this world of ours!  Meaning that mankind is not free to just pick-and-choose:  as we have so clearly done, about 33,000 times!  But this also means that we must never sell our worldwide-Christ short:  according to any vain and proudful beliefs that we have “chosen” to follow.  Christ does not miss a single person on this Earth, which He created.  Christians, please do not get selfish here and try to claim sole ownership of that Being who created this entire universe and this tiny little world we live in!  Why?  Because you only understand a tiny little spec of this tiny little world in which you live.

But . . . we are only addressing Christians here, so let us return to that lesson.

Now, as a typical example of Christian mistakes made during these end-times:  when any minister, teacher, or preacher becomes confused on how to accept a certain Scripture, the LAST place they should turn is to their original teachers and/or mentors.  Because these are the very folks who got this world (and their denomination) to where we are in the first place!  When one refers back to their former teachers and mentors, they are NOT seeking an accurate and unadulterated viewpoint; they are merely seeking to comfort their “upset conscience!”  They are attempting to find “reinforcement” regarding what has always been comfortable in their system-of-beliefs.  (For you see, the Truths of Christ’s Scriptures is how Christ enters our life.  But the truth of “reinforcement” is how Satan enters our life.)  Ah!  But why does a person become uncomfortable with a thing, thereby requiring “reinforcement?”  It is normally because they have come to realize a hitherto unknown or not-followed truth of life (OR perhaps even a Truth of God:  such as His Sabbaths, His clean meats, His Holy Days such as Tabernacles, abortion, or any number of other violations of Christ’s crystal clear commands!) which stand in direct contrast to their old, incomplete, or flawed beliefs:  as these same teachers and mentors taught them long ago!  So, rather than digging up God’s Fertile Ground (meaning His Word) and thereby discovering the REMAINDER of God’s beautiful and massive “Iceberg of Truth,” they clearly prefer to walk away from God’s Beauty and stay with the easy (and wide) path which has always been comfortable to them.  This is what “reinforcement” is.  And this is typically all that “reinforcement” gets you.  But if you want a good apple, go to the Tree (Christ’s Scriptures):  never return to that “institutional barrel” which is the source of your Scriptural-rottenness and their mentors’ “card catalogs” of Satan’s-lies-gathered-by-mankind, over the past 2,000 years.  Always remember that history proves that Satan holds the Earthly barrel; but Christ holds His Father’s Scriptures!

Pastors, ministers, preachers, and teachers . . . your hearts are in the right place!  The entire world can see this, but you maintain a horrible diet.  In fact, you follow a deadly diet!  (Yes, these words might hurt, but this author firmly believes that these words might save also.)  Stop feasting on Satan’s ancient and now-beloved lies (crumbs) and find Christ’s Truths.  Most truths require “chewing and sometimes a considerable effort.”  Every one of you!  Every one of you already possesses the wisdom, knowledge, and the desire to chew your own food!  You have just lost your way!  When you ever return to your teachers and mentors (who unwittingly grew up in that rotten barrel:  and therefore consider everything therein, as normal), you are only seeking to comfort your conflicted feelings.  So, turn to God!  And whithersoever His Words goeth!  You possess the education, you possess the ability, and you possess the desire!  So, walk away from Satan’s barrel and return to the Tree:  where you already know you should have always been!  Return to the Word.

In this, you shall be shedding “two enormous elephants” that have been burdening your chosen path in this LIFE which Christ has given you.

SIDE NOTE by jpw:

Just as some examples:  how simple is a Saturday Sabbath to keep?  Or clean meats?  Or Christ’s Ten Commandments to keep?  (We have a webpage regarding that failure, here.)  Or Christ’s seven Holy Days given to Moses?  (Zechariah 14:19 clearly teaches that when Christ rules this world for 1,000 years, all nations shall keep His Feast of Tabernacles!)  Or even saying out loud that you now believe the first 14 verses of John’s Gospel:  that Christ created this world, Christ made mankind, Christ spoke to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and all of the others?  Or to stand before your church, some Sunday, and announce that you can prove that it was your beloved Christ who delivered all of the Laws and Ordinances to Moses, there in the desert.  And it was Christ who declared, in Malachi, that He would never change (knowing that His Gospels were next to come after Malachi, in His Great Plan for His world)?  Is that so hard?  Just these few little examples, which truly should cause many conflicted feelings, can truly open those eyes of Christ’s sheep which you tend!  Just these few little examples can be enough to turn the paths of Christ’s sheep back toward Christ’s direction:  meaning away from Satan’s lies and Satan’s crumbs that always lead in the opposite direction of Christ.  Oh, Satan’s crumbs are found everywhere, these days.  And oh, Satan has made them so delicious and so easy for us to grab.

This website is full of Christ’s Scriptures and Christ’s Truths that Christian teachers refuse to teach, today.  This website is also full of Christ’s “plain and simple” Truths which reveal a great many Christian LIES being taught today by most denominations.  (As just one perfect example, Jesus taught us to pray to His Father:  “Our Father, who art in Heaven . . .”  Yet, here today, nearly all denominations teach this world to pray to Jesus!  But Jesus never taught this!  This is quite significant!)

Quite honestly, this side note (and entire website) is only about Christ’s Truths that Christian teachers just refuse-to-chew today.  Or even smell.  Or even look at.  This sort of behavior is NOT what Christ taught this world.  This sort of behavior is NOT what Christ expects from His churches.  And this sort of behavior is exactly WHY Christ must return, fairly soon.

Pastors, ministers, preachers, and teachers . . . do not seek anything new.  You are not looking for anything that is new.  Just trust your own incredible knowledge of God’s Word so as to settle “your own” personal conflicts.  (When you stand before God on Judgment Day, He will not be questioning your mentors, friends, and teachers:  they shall stand on their own ground, before God.  No!  God will be questioning you!)  Conflicts are good.  This author could make a powerful case, that in today’s world of Satan’s continuing victories, some conflicts are truly a gift from God.  Accept these conflicts.  Defeat these conflicts.  Revelation teaches that our religious leaders, of today, clearly need more conflicts in their lives.  Why?  Because Satan knows what time it is!  And mankind does not.

And this old author would say a few words to all pastors, ministers, preachers, and teachers here:  possibly never before understood words.

Revelation 14:4  These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.  These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.  These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

REDEEMED FROM AMONG MEN?  Apparently, Christ’s elect have never been defiled by our “churches!”  Churches are identified as women all through Revelation.

RELIGIOUS LEADERS . . . Christ is SCREAMING at you here in Revelation 14:4!

Pastors, ministers, preachers, and teachers:  you must follow the Lamb’s Words yourself before you can help any other person; whithersoever His Words take you.  Then, Christ must see your actions as redeeming (or redeemable).  How does one do that?  By walking-Christ’s-walk:  meaning to actually do what Christ instructs.  And also never fearing about what might happen to you:  neither personally, nor professionally.  (More on this below.)  Only then will you have demonstrated (to Christ, not to your older and flawed mentors!) that you truly follow the Lamb.  Only then will you be able to accurately teach Christ’s Creation.  You are not like most folks:  only in that you long ago chose a path for yourself to lead others toward Christ!  All of Christ’s Scriptures teach you to not worry about leading others:  worry about following Christ!  The leading is easy.  You have chosen that path of a shepherd:  meaning tending other souls!  But they are Christ’s souls:  you only tend them.  They are not your souls.  So, redeem yourselves FIRST in the Eyes of Christ!  “Redeem yourselves?”  Yes.  Meaning to get Satan’s lies (and Satan’s now-beloved traditions and beliefs!) out of your lives, out of your minds, and out of the words you use to tend Christ’s sheep!  Throughout this website, this author calls these things, “vanities:”  but no, they only come from Satan.  In a way, this author is wrong to call them vanities.  They are actually Satan’s works conducted and perfected over the past 6,000 years.  But we each “cling” to our own “lies of Satan:”  this author included!  (Yes, this author is especially included!)  This is a difficult lesson, to be sure.

In Revelation 14:4 (above), Christ is informing you (our pastors!) that you cannot teach any person about Christ until you have the ways of Satan MOSTLY ERADICATED FROM YOUR OWN LIVES!  This author is stating firmly, in this letter, that you are not currently at that point:  regarding your own lives and your own beliefs.  Revelation 14:4 teaches this very Truth of today; and it does so quite clearly.

Note from jpw:  As a more complicated message (detailed on another webpage here:  tabbed “The Greatest Famine”) the scope of this letter prevents this author from fully detailing Christ’s very “pastoral” lesson which was deliberately placed in (and held-back until) Malachi.  But do learn now, that the very short Book of Malachi was Christ’s “Old Testament” farewell to this world.  (Christ’s Father, long ago, gave Him several missions to accomplish:  once Christ was granted permission to create this world for, and by, His Father:  our LORD.)  In the Old Testament days, Christ knew that His Gospels were coming next and He designed His Gospels (and His Revelation) to be FULLY CONTINGENT upon His Old Testament Foundation which He had personally laid:  brick-by-brick, in this world which He created.  (Reference the first 14 verses of John’s Gospel, John 8:56 – 58, Hebrews 11:26, Psalm 22, et al.)  Only mankind has failed to understand this.  (Satan has learned this as time has gone on.)  CONTINGENT?  Yes, that means “COMPLETELY DEPENDENT UPON.”  So, pastors and teachers, please stop dismissing Christ’s Old Testament Words as well, just old, antiquated, and worst of all:  hung-on-the-cross!  Christ’s Old Testament is very current, and it is the foundation of EVERYTHING that Christ delivered through that little body we call Jesus.  Jesus died!  Christ is Eternal!  Follow Christ!  Every person needs to frequently remind their self that Christ deliberately placed a unique statement in His closing words of His Old Testament.  These words are to remind us of how we are to apply and accept His forthcoming Gospels:

Malachi 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not . . .

The entire third chapter of Malachi is a very special “Pastoral lesson” for all Christian teachers today.  (Christian pastors, of today, only “think” that this ancient lesson is directed solely toward ancient Jewish leaders.  This is because it is more comfortable, today, to believe that these “authoritative and highly instructional” words of Christ are not directed toward Christian pastors and teachers who might be reading them here, today.  And here we find again that word “comfort.”  Opps, sorry, change that word to “guile” one more time.)  In Malachi 3, Christ (our Creator) truly teaches the “never-ending and never-changing” typical pastoral failures of mankind:  Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or otherwise!  Later, in verse 13, it teaches of how these pastoral failures are actually teaching “anti” (meaning “against”) Christ, our Creator.  (Hardly any Christian faiths of today keep even one of the ordinances that Christ gave in His Old Testament.)  Pastors, please understand that verse 16 follows a large “manuscript break” in this special conversation of Christ’s:  meaning that “Christ is changing subjects now.”  Christ next describes those who continue to fear the LORD, despite what YOU are teaching them to the contrary:  here in these latter-days.  For indeed, in Malachi 3:18, our LORD, Christ’s Father, is speaking to Christ; (this author is merely paraphrasing this verse for today’s world):  “Then you shall return, My Christ, and you shall judge between the righteous and the wicked; and between those who serve God and those that do not.”

This would be an excellent time to remind all Christian pastors and teachers who are already dismissing Christ’s words above:

Malachi 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not . . .

Never, ever, BUT EVER . . . teach this world that ANYTHING was hung on the cross, with Jesus!  Who, in this world, would ever want to teach this world that our Christ would change?  Satan!  This is an utter abomination to our LORD.  Do not dismiss one single Word from Christ’s Old Testament!  Why?  Because in doing so, you are dismissing our LORD, the Father of Christ:  and elevating this Jesus fellow to a position well-above His Father, who is our LORD!  Christ will have none of this!  (Christ only taught this world to pray to our Father, yet all Christian leaders today, teach this world to pray to this Jesus fellow, who died.  Christ, our Creator, never died!  Christ only wants us to pray to His Father!  And we can’t even get that right!)  Pastors!  Did your mentors/teachers teach you to pray to Jesus?  Did they teach you to worship Jesus?  Set your modern-day vanities aside and just try to consider our ETERNAL LORD.  And follow that LORD:  whithersoever He goeth.  Leave your teachers, mentors, misguided friends if you must!  Follow only the Word of God:  whithersoever He goeth!

Drag your entire denomination with you . . . if you must.  In this, you will be standing for Christ!

(Please understand, that our complete lesson of Malachi is detailed on our webpage tabbed:  “The Greatest Famine.”)

So now . . . learn this old (but now new-again) lesson for yourselves, pastors!  And learn about a previously unknown, and special, Book being written in Heaven:  currently being written, solely because of your current failures in today’s world!  Indeed, Christ has issued a command that this new book be written just for Him:  it was to be a book of “His jewels.”  Prior to verse 3:16, Christ was teaching about the seemingly eternal mistakes of mankind’s religious leaders.  Next, comes a major break in Christ’s conversation.  (Pastors and teachers, research this major break yourselves.)  Christ next discusses those who are now completely lost, today, due to their religious leaders’ failures in this world.

This author suspects that in these latter days, Christ’s Book of Remembrance “might just be” Christ’s Book of His Elect:  which His angels shall seal in Revelation 7:3 – 8.  But this author could be wrong:  there is no Scriptural evidence regarding this matter!  This Book of Remembrance, commanded by Christ, could possibly also include many, many others:  such as latter-day pastors who turned away from this world’s mistakes and Satan’s lessons; and toward their LORD and His Word; and managed to bring many of Christ’s sheep back into His Fold.  The words of Malachi do not preclude this.  For a pastor can, and truly should, fear the Lord as much as any other person:

Malachi 3:16  Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another:  and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

Malachi 3:17  And they shall be mine, saith thr LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.

Malachi 3:18  Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.

Note by jpw:  Once again, Malachi 3:18 is Christ’s Father, our LORD, commanding Christ to return to this world; and then judge this world (for our LORD)!  Also, every Christian who understands William Miller’s Dream should take very careful note of the words found in Malachi 3:17 above.  Malachi wrote these words about 2,400 years ago.


Once again, this author, very much apologizes for digressing!  But this time, it was so important for our world’s condition today; and especially the Christian condition of today.  Everything above can be found, in much greater detail, on our webpage entitled, “The Greatest Famine.”

Now, let us return to Revelation 14:4:  where Christ teaches that His Elect have not been defiled by “women.”  How can a church possibly defile a person?  Whether you are a man, woman, or child:  we are now past the virgin part of this lesson.  So, let us keep learning from Christ’s lesson here.  Remember that this Truth of God should be acceptable to every person upon this Earth because it was our Christ who taught this lesson in Revelation:  every person does not have to enjoy this lesson, but they should accept this lesson of Christ.  To make all of this easier, let us try to understand just how any church might defile a person.  (And quite sadly, notice that the words Christ used in His Revelation 14:4 mean “any woman:”  or more correctly, it includes “every woman.”  All of this meaning, “just prior to His return.”)

All of this meaning . . . “every church today.”

Regarding only the North American continent, Christ’s words in Revelation 14:4 mean that none of His Elect, from North America, have been polluted (“defiled”) by any of the existing 217 “variations of Christian mistakes” (today, we use the politically correct word of “denominations”) regarding our ONE GOD, who made this ONE EARTH and who made only ONE MANKIND.  And this particular number of “217” applies only to three countries:  Mexico, Canada, and the United States.  The actual number for our entire world is staggering!  It is said to be well over 33,000.  References shall be found HERE, HERE, and HERE, but does it really matter?  Mankind’s 33,000 disagreements versus “The One Word” which God has sent and determined for this world?  Do you remember our math from earlier in this letter?  There are more than 80 disagreements (we call them “denominations”) for EVERY SINGLE PAGE of Christ’s New Testament!

So now, please consider Christ’s First Commandment to this world:

Genesis 20:3  Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

The word “me” can only mean ONE.  To Christ, every “variation of mistakes” (let’s just call them “denominations” here:  so every reader knows what we are talking about) upon this Earth means exactly one more “other god” that mankind is worshipping (other than Him)!  To make this easier, please forget the word “worship” here, just for now.  The North American continent is now FOLLOWING AND OBEYING about 217 “other gods.”  Never mind how you see this or how your pastor sees this.  All that matters is how God sees this!  Sorry, but God’s Truths really are this simple!  God’s First Commandment teaches this very simple lesson.  (Christians!  If you can swallow just this one pill, here, then everything else in this letter shall become easier.)  God’s First Commandment demonstrates that regarding Himself, God will not accept even one “shade-of-gray” issue.  Or, as stated earlier in this letter, God will not accept even one “but” from any person nor any denomination.

This author asks each reader to take a momentary break from their own life just now.  And consider a few things regarding God’s Life and God’s point-of-view.  Think about how He might view all of this nonsense we have invented down here.  Remember, God created this little place we currently live in.  And here we are today, cutting Him into little, tiny pieces:  which leaves Him out of everything down here.  Not a pretty picture!


So, please consider God’s First and most important Commandment to mankind.

He is only ONE.

But we, here, have managed to create many false ones.

We truly have!

Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindu, native Tribes, etc.  We are all guilty here.  Yes, this author is guilty here (but still trying!).

Mankind has taken ONE and divided it into such small pieces that the little pieces cannot possibly work, by themselves.  Christ did not do this:  we did this!

We need the ONE.  Now, more than ever!  Our next letter (webpage) will be only about how we might still find our ONE in this mess which we have created.  There is only one way; and it comes straight from our ONE:  meaning Christ, Himself.


Given this . . . and using your own senses of right-and-wrong, ask yourself now:  if our 33,000+ churches (all believing different, and often opposing, things) is good in God’s Eyes!  The Catholics believe that all who do not follow the Pope, and receive their so-called Holy Sacraments, are going to hell.  The Baptists believe the opposite, changing the requirements to needing to be born-again, baptized, and saved.  The Mormons require each follower to obey the words of their so-called “200-years-ago” American prophet named Joseph Smith, or they are going to hell.  This author, on many other webpages here, has explained the major heresies and evil deeds of Luther, Calvin, Smith, and others.  The actual name of any of these 33,000+ Christian denominations is of no consequence here!  Because it only takes “TWO” denominations in this world to constitute an abomination to Christ!  You know that Christ:  that One part of our LORD who created this little piece of “dirt, dust, and water” that we call Earth!

The saddest part of all of this is that almost all of these 33,000+ differing church-going folks are truly fine, decent, and God-seeking people!  They live their lives quietly, peacefully, and honestly.  They work hard, go to school, help their neighbors, and smile at others in the grocery stores.  They raise their children to obey the Ten Commandments:  as well as their denomination has taught them to understand; and they choose their friends who follow the same decent path.  They truly desire to find just a bit of their Creator’s actual Truth which has been placed upon this Earth, for them to live by!  A bit here and a bit there; and more of the same, as they grow older!  But quite sadly, it is their self-centered religious leaders who have perverted their CREATOR’S Truths and also prevented these fine people from finding these actual, and reasonable, Truths of our One Christ, which have been scattered across this Earth.  (Hence, we currently find ourselves living in the great famine of Amos 8:11.  The sad part of Amos 8:11 is that Christ clearly stated that He would personally send this famine for a reason!  That reason IS BECAUSE of the failures of our Christian leaders, today.)

Our religious leaders confound this world by teaching just a portion of God’s Truths and then mixing-in an enormous amount of their own personal vanities (and personal expectations) regarding God:  all of these being acquired through their own personal life-lessons.  Read that to mean:  just like Satan teaches!  For you see, Satan is actually this world’s leading expert regarding God’s Truths:  he truly is.  But Satan only presents “just enough of God’s Truths” so that mankind will then accept his cunning lies (and here, we find that word “guile” again!) which he has placed within with God’s Truths.  Hence, Satan’s creation of denominations, divisions, and false religious beliefs!

READ THAT TO MEAN:  just like in the days of Jesus.





Religious leaders of today often wonder (privately . . . and frequently in their public sermons!) how the ancient Jews could have mis-read so many of their own beloved Scriptures so as to entirely miss the coming of Jesus, back in their day.  They also wonder how Christ’s own Apostles could have mis-read and mis-understood these same Scriptures.  But these same religious leaders of today mis-read “even more so” these same Scriptures pointing to the details of Christ’s return in our approaching days:  these same Scriptures teaching our world today that we are not following the Ways of Christ, the Commandments of Christ, nor the Laws of Christ in our lives.

READ THAT TO MEAN:  just like in the days of Jesus.

Religious leaders today fail to understand Christ’s teachings regarding His clear statement:  that “only those who endure until the end” in Matthew 24:13, HERE shall be saved.  Instead of Christ’s Truths, they teach of some Satan-inspired Rapture:  meaning a complete escape from all of Christ’s spoken Truths (and requirements in this world), so that no person within their denomination shall be required to “endure until the end.”  (You see, only Satan desires mankind to feel that they are not obligated to learn and obey Christ’s Scriptures; and Heaven-forbid their being required to obey Christ’s Old Testament Laws!  This is just too much!)  The vast majority of religious teachers, today, teach one, of two major falsehoods:

Forget Christ’s Scriptures!  Because you won’t even be here when those things happen!

Forget Christ’s Scriptures!  Just follow our teachings and you will not be touched when those days arrive!  WE will get you to Heaven.

READ THAT TO MEAN:  just like in the days of Jesus.

Religious leaders today teach that their faith, and only their faith, is going to Heaven.  Because only “they” reside at the center of God’s Universe; and this is because “only they” fully understand the Truth of God in this world.  All who believe differently from their words are blasphemers, and quite sadly, destined for hell.

READ THAT TO MEAN:  just like in the days of Jesus.

Religious leaders today completely ignore and/or deny Christ’s current Scriptures!  Consider Revelation 11:3, where He teaches us the incredible details of His final two witnesses that shall be sent to this world.  Religious leaders today completely ignore the Truth of God placed in Revelation 11:10 where it describes ALL WHO DWELL upon the Earth shall give gifts, one to another, when these last two witnesses of Christ’s have been killed.  Since there is no Rapture, this great mistake will include all Christians, when that day arrives.

READ THAT TO MEAN:  just like in the days of Jesus.

Of the 33,000+ Christian denominations that exist today, no two of them can agree on even the first three events that will occur after our sky is split open and our atmosphere is rolled up as if it were two scrolls.  While everything is clearly stated in Scripture, these Christian denominations cannot even agree whether Christ is returning to rule this world for 1,000 years, or if Christ is coming down just for a quickie:  only to take “their parishioners” back to Heaven:  thereby leaving all sinners (meaning the “rest of us”) to be slaughtered by the Wrath of God!  Every denomination prefers to follow their leaders’ personal expectations and desires regarding “their denomination’s false god.”  Because of their marriage to their own earthly vanities (and even more so, their marriage to their false publications of mistakes), they then FULLY dismiss the actual details taught to us by “Our LORD’S true Christ.”  They do this by teaching that Christ’s Scriptures are:  “well, just ‘symbolic’ or ‘represent something else’ that we believe in.  We will teach you about these things!”

READ THAT TO MEAN:  just like in the days of Jesus.


As a slight side note here:  this author would like to make one more comparison of today’s religious leaders to those Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus’ day.  Maybe, just maybe, those ancient religious leaders (who killed Jesus) weren’t so bad, or stupid, as we might believe!  Seriously!  So please consider one little personal, and modern day lesson from this “author’s life” and this “author’s opinion.”  And yes, I could be wrong.  But I do not believe so, here:

There is one really, really good evangelical Christian pastor, teaching today, who shall remain unnamed here.  His name is not important and you will learn why at the end of this very short note.  This author (jpw) holds this pastor in the highest regard:  because of this man’s knowledge of Scripture, his character, his demeanor, his admitted faults, and for a host of other reasons.  He is a good man and worthy of much praise!  But he is a pastor, just like all other pastors.  This truly fine man has written and/or produced many pamphlets, leaflets, booklets, books, videos, and probably much more.  (This author does not really know this pastor, except by the wonders of today’s technology.  Quite honestly, this author has never even seen this pastor.)  But this man is a pastor within a fairly large denomination.  As such, this pastor has become “married to” many things which he ought not:  including, but not limited to, the doctrines of his denomination, the doctrines of his denomination’s predecessors, and therefore, the false doctrines of his own publications.  Yes, his own earlier publications!  And this is the lesson here.  This author has noticed that when a subject comes up that might be contrary to this pastor’s denominational doctrine (or especially to his own publications which he is now married to!), this pastor will always reject a “clearly presented Truth of God” and then bend, twist, or symbolize the conversation back to one of his publications which he is married to.  It would be easy to call them “lies” here, but this would be very, very wrong!  Every person makes mistakes:  including our pastor here, this author, and every person reading this webpage.  We all make mistakes!  To describe our mistakes as “lies” is far too harsh of a description.

So, we all certainly have our mistakes . . . and it is easy for us all to marry our mistakes:  even when they stand in direct conflict regarding a Truth of God that has been placed before us!  (This old author has been writing for about 30-years now.  Half of that time has been spent fighting this very fight!  It was quite difficult at first.  Because I lost every fight against God.  It is a very hard decision to accept that you have long been standing “against” God regarding this, that, or any sort of His Word:  for it is a fight you know you shall lose, after you have come to accept a particular Truth or Word of God.  Any reader here can still find many of my earlier mistakes, here on this website.  I changed just a handful of critical mistakes and left the rest, as they are now.  I have been asked to explain a few of my earlier mistakes to some very sharp readers.  And I did explain them; and then asked these folks what they would do:  given my explanation and my own personal growth.  Not one person has ever said I should change, or remove, my mistakes.  But I still wonder sometimes.  We are all growing.  After I explain my own growth to folks, it seems like they want my mistakes left on the website, as is.)

The “pastoral” lesson here is that as long as we continue to breathe, we shall all continue to discover “hitherto unknown and undiscovered” Truths of God in this world!  Even our pastors and teachers!  This is life!  This is how Christ designed this life we live!  (This author can see this very fight within Nicodemus in John 3.  Nicodemus was a pastor, of sorts.  But did Nicodemus win his “internal” fight?  See his public fight, for yourself, in John 7:49 – 52 and then his private fight in John 19:38 – 40.”)  The problem with pastoral publications, is that they are static!  They never go away!  But mankind continues to learn and progress (meaning to “grow”), hopefully.  So with time, our static beliefs might just turn out to be wrong.  This is the very reason we should never “marry” our static beliefs.  In a pastoral sense, this means to never marry our earlier mistakes!  (Enoch wrote about this, but sadly, the pastor above, dismisses Enoch as utter nonsense.  But there is nothing fatally wrong with this belief.)  When we marry ourselves to “anything” which our hands, and beliefs, might have created, we then limit ourselves regarding any future growth!  Yes, that means we are restricting (and indeed, CHOKING!) any future growth in finding Christ’s incredible Truths that we might not yet understand!

This side note is finished now.  Once again, sorry for digressing!






My friend, aside from the special side note above, are you getting the gist of the attempted conversation above?  God promised this world, in Malachi 3:6, that He would never change!  He sent this as a very special promise, so that we might prevent ourselves from becoming confused when others teach us that Christ changed things (meaning everything or even any little thing!) when He came as Jesus (these are lies delivered to our religious leaders by Satan).  Indeed, this is an incredible promise given by God.  Hopefully, every reader here should have also noted, by now, that while mankind has ALWAYS needed to change, Christ’s Book of Revelation clearly teaches that mankind has not changed one bit (in 6,000 years!).  Despite our science, technology, light-speed digital knowledge, and medical gains over the years, mankind has never really changed what Christ finds in our hearts, on our lips, and in our deeds:  since the days of Adam and Eve!  Six-thousand years!  Every reader should also note that our religious leaders have also “not changed.”  Not one little bit!  Never allow yourself to believe that today’s religious leaders are exempt from these great truths of our world, today!  The Old Testament is full of stories of how government and religious leaders never changed throughout our history.  The effects of power, money, authority, vanities, and corruption has never changed in its effects upon mankind.  We are the same, today, as we have always been.

Bringing this lesson to our current days:  can you now see why Christ’s Elect (144,000 of them) are not described as being gathered from the Christian faith, nor any of its denominations?  (Christ could have easily stated this:  it would have taken “no effort” on His part to do so.  All Christian leaders need to think about that:  and listen, carefully, to the teachings of our Creator.  For there is much Wisdom to be found in our Creator’s Words!)  Rather, Christ teaches that His Elect are called from the twelve Tribes of Israel and, again, not one of them is identified by Christ as being Christian, Jew, Muslim, or otherwise.  But they TRULY ARE identified (by Christ, Himself!) as never having been defiled by any church (woman) in this world:  Jewish, Christian, Muslim, or otherwise.  This is significant.  And this is exactly why every one of the current 33,000+ Christian denominations speak great and never-ending words to bend, twist, pervert, symbolize, and spiritualize this great event so that it will include their flock:  but no other flock!  (Once again, “just like in the days of Jesus.”)  But please do note that Christ provided incredible and explicit details (regarding their special “education”), defined requirements (regarding “no guile” being possessed), and precise numbers regarding this great historical event which has yet to occur.  Moreover, one must always consider the possibility that this event might be developing as you read this very letter.  For Christ gave a very strong indication that His Elect would be specially trained regarding both Satan’s lies and mankind’s lies.  This training most likely comes by way of Christ, Himself, or any of His appointed angels:

Matthew 24:24  For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

If it were possible?  This strongly indicates some sort of special training (regarding Scriptures) that is far beyond Satan’s ability to defeat.  And there are exactly 144,000 such folks:  that Satan shall never be able to deceive!

Despite what many denominations teach to the contrary, every reader here can rest, comfortably, knowing that our Christ (OUR CREATOR!) understands the difference between 144,000 and 144,001.  (Nothing “spiritual” to be found in these words!  Nothing “symbolic” to be found in these words!)

Every reader here can rest, comfortably, knowing that our Christ (OUR CREATOR!) understands the difference between His Twelve Tribes of Israel (Jacob) and the “33,000+ Christian denominations” which exist in these last days.  (Again, there is nothing “spiritual,” nor “symbolic,” to be found in these words of Christ!)

Every person can read the first five books of the Old Testament (called the Torah) and quickly learn that Christ has not lost track of a single person’s lineage, going all the way back to Adam and Eve.  While today’s religions are clueless and obviously care less about this matter, Christ knows EXACTLY WHERE the people who comprise His Twelve Tribes of Israel ARE TODAY!  After all, He made many specific and “Eternal Promises” regarding these people (meaning us!):  to Abraham, Jacob, and King David.  Christ promised to remember every single one of their descendants.

To whoever is reading (or even writing!) this letter . . . Christ knows who you are, where you come from, and where you belong amongst His vast expanse of humanity upon His Earth.  Just because we (and our religious leaders) do not understand, this does not mean that Christ does not understand!  In Christ’s Book of Numbers, Chapter 26, so many names and lineages are presented as to make one’s head spin while reading these names.  (It does, to this author.)  Yet Christ knows every one of them (and us).  Just read the first verse of Numbers, Chapter 26, and continue (with amazement) as Christ sorts through His generations of children.  One can learn this lesson again in Numbers, Chapter 34:  beginning with the first verse!  For you see, Christ has not lost track of one single person’s place in this world which He created!  It only took this old author a scant 30-years (of believing) to learn this lesson.  Oh, this author used to be so bored when reading these chapters:  and often wondered why these “seemingly senseless” chapters were even sent down to this world.  And there, we find another lesson this old author finally learned:  that God is always right, and we are normally wrong in our understanding of Him.  It is just better for us to live our little lives here and leave Godly things:  well, up to God.

When considering Christ’s lessons regarding His Elect, please note that they are His most beloved, but:  NOT BECAUSE they went to any of His churches, NOT BECAUSE they followed any certain “Book,” and NOT BECAUSE they worshipped a man named Jesus, who died (regardless of what your 33,000 “denominations” teach you).  No, Christ (our Creator!) stated that:  “in them, was found no guile!”  Nothing symbolic here, nothing spiritual here:  just a very simple, understandable, and quite frankly, inarguable Truth of God that has been delivered to mankind.


His Elect shall stand before the Throne of God without fault.

Oh, but how every existing Christian denomination teaches the complete opposite.  And oh, how every existing Christian denomination teaches that no person can possibly stand before our LORD, GOD, in Heaven “without fault.”  But what did Christ just teach us about His Elect?

Christ could have said many other things here:  it would have taken no effort on His part.  He could have said that His most beloved followed this-or-that faith, believed in this-or-that doctrine or concept, followed this-or-that belief in a dead man who was once named Jesus.  (Remember, Jesus died!)

But Christ IS, WAS, and WILL ALWAYS BE, our Creator!  He was that God, who created this Earth and who created mankind.  All of mankind:  including those “other faiths and other native tribes” which Christian teachers refuse to recognize as belonging to Christ.  Jesus died:  Christ, our Creator, never died!  Only John understood all of this because of the time he spent in Heaven, learning Revelation.  Every Christian should understand that the Gospel of John was the last Gospel to be written.  And John wrote it AFTER he returned from his time in Heaven, learning and writing the Book of Revelation.  John did not write his Gospel until AFTER he had written Revelation.  Only John knew the position Christ actually “held” in His Father’s Heaven.  And only John knew the position Christ actually “held” in His Father’s KINGDOM!  No other Gospel writer understood the words Jesus spoke below:

John 10:15  As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father:  and I lay down my life for the sheep.

John 10:16  And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold:  them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

Christ IS, WAS, and WILL ALWAYS BE, this world’s God on Judgment Day!  Christ (meaning not just Jesus) is that God whose Father (our LORD) granted the authority to judge all of mankind.  All of mankind:  including those “other faiths and other native tribes” which Christian teachers refuse to recognize as Christ’s.  Jesus died:  Christ, our Creator, never died!  Yes, Jesus taught the Christians, but before (and after) this, Christ taught this entire world!  (He just did not do it by way of using the name, Jesus.)  This world was created by our Christ!  Christians, you really need to get past this little (and tabernacle) name of Jesus, so that you might finally understand our Creator, who we Christians call Christ!  (That was a big hint to all Christians and Jews here!  Did you just catch that “tabernacle” message, which hearkens back to Christ’s Feast of Tabernacles that He commanded to Moses?  This would be that same Feast, of Christ, that all of mankind will all be keeping, annually, while He rules this world for a thousand years!  And there is a tremendous reason that Christ will require all of us to keep the Feast of Tabernacles while He is ruling this world:  it just happens to be the most important part of our future, to be found in Heaven!  Please understand, that Christ issued an enormous hint about our future life, and our primary purpose in Heaven, should we ever get to Heaven; and Christ did this in Zechariah 14:18, detailed above.  And the entirety of mankind has missed Christ’s Wisdom here!)

In a small (and incomplete) sort of way, Jesus only belongs to the Christians.  This is actually wrong, but this is how the world sees it, so let this go for a moment.  But Christ, our Creator, has always belonged to this entire world, which He taught by way of His Father’s Scriptures; and which He shall return to, and then judge!  And He shall judge this world according to His Father’s Permission.  Jesus will never return to this world:  nor shall Jesus ever judge this world.  Jesus was a very temporary “tabernacle” of Christ, used by our Creator!  Christ, as Jesus, completed His assigned mission given to Him by His Father, our LORD:  Jesus showed us that it truly is possible to live our lives according to those Commandments, Laws, Ordinances, and Feasts which Christ gave to Moses; for Jesus obeyed all of them!  (And in this author’s opinion, Jesus showed us that it is not really all that difficult to follow Christ’s commands:  other than a few folks possibly hating us.)  Very soon, in our approaching last days, CHRIST, OUR CREATOR, SHALL RETURN, RULE, AND THEN JUDGE HIS WORLD!

My dearest Christians . . . throughout this letter, this author has been searching for those words (any words!) that might help you get past that little earthly body, we call Jesus, in order to help you find that Being who created this world!  Christians call Him Christ.  Jews call Him Yahweh.  Muslims call Him Allah.  So Christians!  Get over the various names which mankind has for our One Creator!  Christ “babbled” our speech long ago (in the Book of Genesis):  according to His Desire!  His DesireHIS DESIRE!  So obviously, Christ does not really care what name we call Him by.  Get past mankind’s various names which we call-out to our One Creator:  and to His various, and Glorious, works upon His world.  And this includes all of His works, “over there.”  Over there?  Yes, meaning those folks on the other side of this world who you claim are going to hell because they never believed in the name of Jesus.  Get over that earthly name of “Jesus” and learn the true lessons that our Creator, Christ, delivered through that little earthly body.  Lessons such as obeying all of His earlier commands described in His “Older” Testament!  Even His gift of Baptism carries the requirement that we obey ALL of His commands sent down to this world earlier.

My dearest Christians . . . this author is one of you!  If you cannot get past this little name of “Jesus,” then you will never find the Wisdom of God, which has been placed everywhere upon this Earth.  You will not even be able to find the Wisdom of God, which has been placed in your very Bible!  And just who does not want you to ever find your true Creator (and His Wisdom)?  Satan!  And where has Satan historically performed his greatest works?  Um, well, there are currently over 33,000 divisions within that ONE church which Christ desired to BUILD HERE!  GOD did not do this.


My dearest friend, no matter what mankind sees in this world, this world truly is a very simple place.  We are all the same, deep down, inside of us:  Jew, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or any native Tribe.  There is only one God who made this world and who has instructed this world.  Apparently, this one God could care less what we call Him.  Always remember:  that GOD babbled our speech, but He did not babble His Truths.  For His Truths are the same all over this world!  His Word remains True:  all over this world!

Elohim, Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Christ, the Great Spirit, or Jesus!


Since Christ delivered all of these names to this world, in the name of His Father, Christ’s Father (who is our LORD, GOD in Heaven!) obviously does not really care which of Christ’s names we use when we pray to Him.  The fact-of-this-matter is that on Judgment Day, there is only ONE place where we shall ALL gather.  And when we find ourselves in that place, there is no Scripture (anywhere upon this Earth) which teaches that we will be required to explain the names of our LORD.  But every Scripture, upon this Earth, truly teaches that we shall all be required to explain the lives we chose to live here, the ways we treated Christ’s other children here, and the paths we chose in that life which Christ gave to us.  Every Scripture that has been sent down to the Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindi, Buddhist, Confucianist, and native Tribes of this world:  teach this SAME Truth of God.  Imagine that!  Seven completely different types of believers, created by Christ, which cover this entire world today; and then Seven Spirits of God being sent to the four corners of this world:  found “all through” Christ’s Book of Revelation!  Huh!  Now, to this Christian author, it would be “best” if these various paths of mankind included worshipping that God who created this world, but no!  This author is completely wrong in this thought:  because this author has no right, no authority, and certainly no desire to tell Christ that He made a mistake here, in our little world, which He created!  For those native Tribes and others, who never had the chance of learning about our Creator, our Creator promises that He shall know all of us by our works.  This author, in his old age, fully accepts that if a Sioux Indian (on the North American Continent) truly followed the Will of GOD’S Great Spirit in their life here, 400-years ago, then that Sioux Indian shall be judged well, on Judgment Day.  Because this old author fully accepts Christ’s promise that His Father’s seven Spirits shall truly deliver the Truth of God all across this little world:  and shall do so according to Christ’s Will.  This incredible Truth of God extends to Aboriginal Australians, Indigenous Brazilians, all African Tribes, and even the Man-on-the-Moon:  if he is still up there (from this author’s youth).  This old author has finally learned to surrender everything to Christ’s Will in all matters.  There are no other options for this author, nor any reader of this webpage.  This author’s personal vanities (and personal expectations) regarding Christ mean nothing to Christ.  For Christ clearly teaches this world that everything shall be recorded in His Book of LIFE, which is kept in Heaven.  (And yes, His Gospels shall indeed be spread across this world, according to His Will:  but His Gospels are not a requirement for any person’s finding their way to Heaven.  This requirement shall not be found in a single Scripture that Christ has placed upon His Earth.)


This is promised!





 Copyright 2021 by jpw@wisdomi.org