With the completion of our last several webpages, and especially our updated webpage titled “Coming Up Short,” this author is quite convinced that this is the final webpage for this website.  Christ stopped teaching this author after that Baptism page and the following two pages were written from Christ’s earlier teachings to this author.

A little over thirty-years ago, Christ tasked this author with “preparing” His last-days elect.  Not gathering (Danny Shelton did that); not teaching (Kenny Shelton, Wintley Phipps, C.D. Brooks, and a few others did that); not leading (Christ did that all by Himself!), nor anything else.  Know that this author is the least of all of these others!  This author told Christ, quite humbly, that He must be crazy:  not only was this author the wrong person for this job, but this author was clueless as what to do.  Scriptures teach that Christ’s elect cannot be fooled by Satan in these last days; and this author is the wrong man for that job.  (However, Christ took care of everything and this dim-witted author just wrote the words.  This sinning author deserves absolutely NO credit for anything found here!)  This website uses no SEO (Search Engine Optimization), although we could employ that tactic.  No, Christ will send whom He will to this website.  And Christ will see to it that every one of His elect are prepared before Satan begins his final push and especially before Christ’s angels begin sealing His elect.  This author trusts in Christ, that He is Perfect in all ways!  This author does absolutely nothing to promote this website.

Consider, or reject, everything written above as you so desire, but do understand that when Christ began teaching this author some thirty-years ago, He forbade this author from ever telling a lie.  Christ also forbade this author from ever belonging to a “faction.”  Mankind calls them denominations, but Christ calls them factions:  because each of them have rejected a “piece” of what Christ originally gave to the early Christian church:  some reject minor pieces and some reject extremely important pieces, such as Christ’s Ten Commandments.  All of them reject Christ’s Full Truths.  Full Truths?  Well, this author calls these churches “fractions,” because each of them only understand their own little piece of the incredible Truths of God that were placed in the Book of Enoch, the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Qur’an, the teachings of the Buddha, and the “original” Truths that were given to the Hindu faith.  (Hindu Truths that have been soiled, rearranged, and counterfeited since the days of Abraham, by their religious leaders.  Think about that:  four-thousand years of corruption, exactly as detailed in the lessons of William Miller’s prophetic dream:  counterfeited and soiled so much that they will literally watch a supposedly “holy” cow walk by as they are dying of starvation and poverty.)  All of these aforementioned people have been given enough Truth so as to find success on Judgment Day:  for it is written that on Judgment Day, Christ shall wrong no person.  (On Judgment Day, if Christ were to send a ten-year old child from rural southern India to hell because that child never believed in Jesus, then that child could claim that he was wronged by Christ.  Christ, Himself, wrote that this will not happen!)

But Christ has indeed placed additional Truths, in this world, so that if they desired, any “caring” person could access all of these Truths which Christ scattered all over this world.  These additional Truths are called, “Those other folks’ SCRIPTURES,” and any person who chooses can read them anytime they like.  Never mind what those folks believe today, what those folks teach today, or what they have done to those perfect Truths which Christ long ago sent down to them; but do mind what Christ sent down to them.  And no, this is not a requirement from Christ, but it is the only way to ever learn Christ’s Full Truths.

Question for all readers here:  Why is it that every single religion upon this earth rejects all other religions and their Scriptures which were delivered by our Creator?  It was Christ who created this entire world and all of mankind.  And it was Christ who babbled our speech so do not worry about His many names found across this world.  Consider that question greatly.




Well, with the completion of our last few pages, this author has now accomplished his assigned task:  and this author currently finds himself as the happiest person upon this earth.  Despite my pleas to Christ, He never stopped teaching this wretched author; and it worked.  (Because Christ made it work.)  After more than thirty-years of Christ teaching lesson, after lesson; after nearly thirty-years of not knowing where Christ’s elect even were:  Christ finally placed the Adventist movement in front of this author’s eyes.  They are not one single church; rather they are an entire group of churches that truly follow the Word of God; not just the New Testament, but the ENTIRE Word of God that was given to them.  Over the last few years, Christ has shown this author about their good leaders and their bad leaders:  and especially, what makes them good or bad.  Many of them are just not feeding Christ’s sheep, as we have described in many webpages here.  Our webpage entitled “The Christian Failure,” best describes all of this.

Again, it does not matter to this author what any person thinks about him.  Nothing in this letter has anything to do with any person finding success on Christ’s Judgment Day.  Quite literally, this letter is “window dressing” and kind of, sort of, a goodbye to this website.  If any person were to tell the above story to this author, they would be dismissed as a kook.  And all of that is just fine with this author, seriously.  This author only cares about one thing:  that Christ will send His elect to this website as He so chooses.




Our last webpage titled “Coming Up Short,” was a big wake-up call for this author after Christ showed him Ellen White’s words below:

Ellen White – The Great Controversy, page 609 (speaking of our last days!)

As the storm approaches, a large class who have professed faith in the third angel’s message, but have not been sanctified through obedience to the truth, abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition. By uniting with the world and partaking of its spirit, they have come to view matters in nearly the same light; and when the test is brought, they are prepared to choose the easy, popular side.  Men of talent and pleasing address, who once rejoiced in the truth, employ their powers to deceive and mislead souls.  They become the most bitter enemies of their former brethren. When Sabbathkeepers are brought before the courts to answer for their faith, these apostates are the most efficient agents of Satan to misrepresent and accuse them, and by false reports and insinuations to stir up the rulers against them.

Well, this author loves a good fight . . .

especially if this author is in the right, and the cause is righteous and honorable.  So this author is about to pick a fight because of Ellen White’s words above.  Christ told this author, just yesterday, that He would be with this author.

This author is going to pick a fight with today’s Christians, their leaders (who are defiling them according to Revelation 14:4), our politicians (because Satan completely “owns” both sides and does not care which side wins), and then that “great whore” of Revelation 19:2.  Even though all Scriptures and all prophecies teach that this author shall fail, this author looks forward to this fight with much anticipation.

This author works incredibly long hours and can only write for about one hour late at night, so this will take a while to get going.