This is a follow-up to our most recent letter, entitled REQUIEM.  This letter will not be fully understood until reading our most recent letter.  This will be a life-altering letter for some people:  we shall keep this letter short and simple . . .

. . . so that it might cut deep.


As a good example of “coming up short,” this author has long written about that infamous Beast of the Bible being mammon.  (Many people call it the Beast of Revelation.)  This author has described it as wealth.  Christ taught this author that truth about thirty-years ago.  This truth was confirmed many years later when this author studied Christ’s Qur’an.  There are verses in that book about Judgment Day, where some, who are about to enter Heaven look down into the fire and see others who they recognize.  They will say to those in the fire, “What did your great numbers gain you in life?  Are these the people you said would never reach Heaven?  It has already been spoken to them:  enter the Garden.”

Well, to this author, that term “great numbers” means mammon.  Christians use the term “number of a man” to describe the mark.  Well, that Greek word used for “of a man(Strong’s G444)(Link opens in a new window.)  is only applied in a general sense:  it is never, ever used to identify one specific person.  Oh, Satan knows our shortcomings and has convinced many that it only applies to the Pope, or some other person who’s letters-of-their name, or title, add up to six-hundred and sixty-six.  (The Roman Catholic church uses the life and details of Nero so as to prove that this “issue” is of no consequence today.  And yes, their “math” comes out correct also, thanks to Satan’s efforts of long ago!)  Satan, long ago, did all of this as a diversion so that we all believe that we are safe, here in our own lives:  oh how cunning Satan is.  If we can see “666” over there, then we are now safe over here.  This is wrong; and this is all the work of Satan!  According to the usage of that Greek word (G444), every living person has “a number” associated with themself and since the foundation of this world that number has always been the number of that person’s wealth.  But for now, never mind anything this author teaches about the beast, and its mark.  This letter is not about the mark of the beast.  This letter is about “coming up short!”

Recently, this author heard an Adventist pastor do a series about the Catholic church and then proved that the church (and its Pope) were that infamous beast of the Bible.  This author originally thought this can’t be right.  But the Scriptures that pastor quoted were absolutely correct.  He was right!  But how could he be right if this author was right?  This author’s Scriptures are correct also.  (One might consider that for just a moment before continuing, because the answer is fairly easy.)

This author was forced (humbly and with thankfulness) to decide that he was coming up a bit short regarding “the beast.”  Please do notice that Christ has never actually detailed what the beast is.  Obviously, He has a reason for never fully explaining this to us.  Obviously again, this beast is “more” than this author previously understood and is “more” than that Adventist pastor understands.  One could use the term “much more” and this author would not dare to argue against that term!  Regarding this author, all of this is a work-in-progress now, but this author is strongly leaning toward the notion that the beast is “anything” that Christ did not create.  (Meaning that it is everything that Satan has created on this earth.  Historically, everything that Satan has created in this world has had only one purpose attached to it:  to direct mankind AWAY from Christ, and especially His commands sent down to this world.  The things that Satan creates can be religion oriented, socially oriented, politically oriented, mammon oriented, and many other things.  Satan is not bound only to religion!)  And true to Christ’s Scriptures, this beast (and its mark) go all the way back to the foundation of this world:  meaning Revelation 13:8.

The best way to understand the significance of Revelation 13:8 is to place “slight break” after the word, “slain.”

Revelation 13:8  And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain . . . from the foundation of the world.

For you see, no Lamb was slain at the foundation of the earth.  This was obviously Jesus, who came four-thousand years after this earth was founded:  And Revelation clearly teaches that only that Lamb can open the book of life.  But the mark, and the beast, clearly existed at the foundation of this world.

Cain placed a special value on that grain which he (and not Christ!) grew and then held back on the portion he sacrificed to Christ.  Christ never placed a value on that grain nor on the effort Cain put forth producing that grain, but Cain held back.  (Reference Acts 5:1 – 10.)  Christ was not pleased with Cain’s offering.  Significantly, this is the first appearance of the word “sin” in the Bible.  (And this all took place BEFORE Cain slew Able!)  And yes, Christ later placed a mark on Cain.

There are a LOT of things in this world, today, that Christ did not create!  Christ knows this, Satan knows this, but mankind ignores these differences!  (And this is the sole reason that Satan shall continue to win, until Christ returns.)  The Catholic church, and its Pope, did not exist at the foundation of this world, but the Catholic church, and its Pope, are clearly part of the beast,  That pastor was right!

Now, please forget about the beast of Scriptures, entirely.

Everything written above was solely intended to demonstrate how easy it is for all of us to come up short regarding Christ and His Truths in this world.  Oh, we might be right on a particular matter, knowing that Scriptures support us.  But it is always possible, or even quite likely, that we are coming up a bit short of Christ’s “full Truth” in any matter!  We are all guilty of this:  especially this author.  But whenever you discover yourself coming up a bit short regarding Christ’s Truths, try to receive that newfound Knowledge as a blessing from Christ:  for it was probably Christ who sent that Knowledge to you.  This author intentionally came up just a bit short in that REQUEIM letter, and quite honestly, did so out of, well, maybe fear:  it was a most difficult letter for this author to write.  As a non-Adventist, there are some things that this author cannot say to Adventists.  Also, there are some Truths that Christ long ago taught this author but this author is afraid to even think about them.  Well, a few recent “user comments” on a YouTube video (at your spring Adventist Camp Meeting somewhere?) showed this author that he came up “glaringly” short on that REQUIEM page.  (This author is not perfect.)  Those YouTube comments quoted Ellen White and shall be included below.  (With a heartfelt hat-tip to @stinamj:  you gave this author the courage to say some things here.)




Again, this letter will only be understood by folks who have read this author’s REQUIEM webpage; this is only a short follow-up letter.  On that page, this author wrote that some (but not all) of today’s Adventists are the only folks left, in this world, who qualify as Christ’s remnant church found in Malachi 3:16 – 17.  This is not merely this author’s personal beliefs but is according to Christ’s Scriptural description regarding His remnant church in the last days.  We thoroughly documented this on the REQUIEM page.  This author Scripturally documented that the bulk of Christ’s elect shall come from the Adventist movement:  again, they are the only ones who qualify (according to Scriptures, not this author!).  Given this, there are a few more requirements regarding Christ’s elect:  namely that Christ finds no guile in them.  That word guile means to possess (and also use) a cunning deceit against others.  As an example, taking our LORD’s name in vain can involve guile, if you examine those words found in Christ’s Third Commandment using Strong’s Concordance (H7723) and (G1388)(Links open in a new window.)  This might include telling a person that they will go to hell if they do not observe a certain practice (or belief) that you do.  John witnessed that only the Lamb can unseal the books and determine who goes to hell, but you have just attempted to speak with Christ’s Authority and have shown to Christ that you possess guile.  All of this was proved, Scripturally, in our last REQUIEM letter, and in other letters found on this website.

So now, having stated everything above, this author can begin this very short letter.




This will be less than a 20-minute read.

And this author prays that some feelings will get hurt here.

We shall start with Christ’s elect.  There will only be 144,000 of them.  (Truth is Truth!  Never attempt to alter Christ’s Truths according to your own personal beliefs, expectations, nor especially, your desires.  Mankind must learn how to bend when Christ’s Truths come to them.  Any person who cannot willingly bend to Christ’s Truths has ZERO chance of ever understanding both Christ, our Creator; and then Christ, our Judge!  For you see, in Heaven, they are the same:  but on earth, they are different.  Think about that; because Heaven is not earth and earth is not Heaven:  it is WE who must bow to God’s Supremacy here on this earth.  This is something that most people, in these last days, find difficult, or even impossible, to live by.  We can thank today’s religious leaders for this failure of mankind, here in these last days!)  This Truth of Christ is a hard and fast number and Christ has explained that number, in great detail, throughout His Bible.  Christ’s explanations go all the way back to the ENTIRE chapter of Genesis 49!  (But please understand, that there will be many other saints, besides Christ’s elect, who do go to heaven!  But only Christ’s elect shall help him rule this world for a thousand years:  Revelation 20:4, 2 Timothy 2:12, 1 Corinthians 6:2, et al.)  There will not be 144,001 elect.  Also, that number is not symbolic of anything.  That number does not represent anything.  Some Adventist leaders teach these lies so as to fit their own personal expectations of Christ, and because of all of their hard work:  which in many cases, might have been worked in vain (and against Christ’s instructions).  Some of their spoken words, heard by this author, include:

“These 144,000 elect represent twelve different types of Christians,”

“These 144,000 are actually Jews who will be converted in our future,”

“That number merely symbolizes Christ’s redeemed.”

If you ever find any religious leader trying to dismiss Christ’s hard and fast number of 144,000 then run away from that leader as fast as you can.  He, she, and their personal doctrine is attempting to defile you as John taught in Revelation 14:4:  (remember that a “woman” is a church in prophecy)

Revelation 14:4  These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.  These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.  These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

But please, please understand that they are not the ONLY FRUITS unto God.  Many other people will be going to Heaven, after Judgment Day!


Oh, my dearest Adventist friends, there shall be a “whittling down” within the Adventist churches and it will quite likely take place soon.  Please continue slowly:

Ellen White – Early Writings, page 261

I saw that God has honest children among the nominal Adventists and the fallen churches, and before the plagues shall be poured out, ministers and people will be called out from these churches and will gladly receive the truth.  Satan knows this and before the loud cry of the third angel is given, he raises an excitement in these religious bodies, that those who have rejected the truth may think that God is with them.  He hopes to deceive the honest and lead them to think that God is still working for the churches.  But the light will shine, and all who are honest will leave the fallen churches, and take their stand with the remnant.




    1. Of, resembling, relating to, or consisting of a name or names.
    2. Assigned to or bearing a person’s name. “nominal shares.”
    3. Existing in name only; not real.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition


To repeat Ellen White above;

“. . . those who have rejected the truth may think that God is with them.”

You Adventists know Christ and you know His Scriptures, so we shall leave it at that.


That paragraph by Ellen White, above, is so incredibly “packed” with truths regarding today’s world, that one truly needs to read it about three times to fully grasp how perfectly her words apply in today’s world!  It is quite likely that we are in the very days which Ellen White described above.

Oh, but Scripture teaches that it gets worse:

Matthew 24:3  And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

(Verse 3 was quoted only to emphasize that the following verses are about us, today!)

Matthew 24:8  All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Matthew 24:9  Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you:  and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.

Adventists!  In Matthew 24:9 do you think Christ was describing the Sunday-keepers who have been defiled by their churches (and Satan), or was He describing many of you?  Adventists!  Have you now gone to “all nations?”  Let us continue:

Revelation 6:9  And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

Revelation 6:10  And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

Revelation 6:11  And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

Adventists!  In Revelation 6:11 above, do you think Christ was describing the Sunday-keepers who only keep about four of His Ten Commandments, none of His Laws, none of His ordinances, and none of His Feasts?  Or do you think Christ was describing many of YOU?  This is a matter that you must consider greatly!  You understand, and accept, Scriptures better than all other Christians.  You understand how Revelation teaches that the earth shall protect many of you.  (But not all!)  But please, please do not believe that you are exempt from Revelation 6:11 above.  Let us continue:

Revelation 12:17  And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

WORKING BACKWARDS HERE (solely for emphasis)!

Revelation 12:16  And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

Adventists, all of this is coming.  According to Ellen White, above and below, many of you shall be helped, but you are by no means exempt from the Time of Jacob’s Trouble which are about to take place:

Ellen White – Testimonies to Ministers, page 446

The same angel who visited Sodom is sounding the note of warning, “Escape for thy life.”  The bottles of God’s wrath cannot be poured out to destroy the wicked and their works until all the people of God have been judged, and the cases of the living as well as the dead are decided.  And even after the saints are sealed with the seal of the living God, His elect will have trials individually.  Personal afflictions will come; but the furnace is closely watched by an eye that will not suffer the gold to be consumed.  The indelible mark of God is upon them.  God can plead that His own name is written there.  The Lord has shut them in.  Their destination is inscribed “God, New Jerusalem.”  They are God’s property, His possession.

My dearest friends, it would be easy for this author (a non-Adventist arm-chair quarterback!) to just ask, “Have your Adventist leaders prepared you for this?”  This author admits to sitting here, with pen and paper, as an arm-chair quarterback!  (Quite honestly, this author, as an outsider, did request a bit of Adventist help here, but that help was not available.  So this author shall go it alone.)

Please allow this child of God, who is writing this letter, to stand before every Adventist (and all other children of God) who might be reading this letter, and ask, face-to-face:

Can any person prepare themself for events which have NEVER BEFORE OCCURRED in mankind’s history?  This is new to all of us!  This pathetic author says no, we cannot prepare!  This author says that no religious leader can prepare you for what is coming!  (They cannot even prepare their selves for these events!)  Could this author be wrong?  Yes, “but I don’t think so.”

Adventists, this author intended for this letter to cut deep because this author feels as if you Adventists are now living in Scripture!  This author has no answers to anything written above, regarding the Truths found in this letter.

The best this author can do . . . is to invite you Adventists to commit to memory (and to dedicate your efforts in this world to), the words of Christ spoken below regarding our future.  (And please do remember that this is Christ speaking in Malachi, below:)

Malachi 3:16  Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another:  and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD, and that thought upon his name.

Malachi 3:17  And they shall be mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.




Adventists . . . there shall be a “whittling down” within your movement and it shall be quite ugly.  Former Adventists shall turn on Adventists.  Adventists might even turn on Adventists, if they nominally profess faith in the third angel’s message; for it is easy to profess faith in a thing, but never tend to the obedience side of it.

Ellen White – The Great Controversy, page 609 (speaking of our last days!)

As the storm approaches, a large class who have professed faith in the third angel’s message, but have not been sanctified through obedience to the truth, abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition.  By uniting with the world and partaking of its spirit, they have come to view matters in nearly the same light; and when the test is brought, they are prepared to choose the easy, popular side.  Men of talent and pleasing address, who once rejoiced in the truth, employ their powers to deceive and mislead souls.  They become the most bitter enemies of their former brethren.  When Sabbathkeepers are brought before the courts to answer for their faith, these apostates are the most efficient agents of Satan to misrepresent and accuse them, and by false reports and insinuations to stir up the rulers against them.

Obedience to God’s Truth!  Everything in this world (life) always comes down to our obeying the Word of God:  meaning His Scriptures!







Adventists, your “church” is NOT Christ’s remnant church and IT NEVER SHALL BE.  (Pay attention, closely, to those quotation marks!)  Yes, that hurts but please continue for Christ’s FULL Truth regarding this matter:  and your future in this world!  No “denomination” has ever qualified as Christ’s remnant church as we illustrated in our Requiem Page here.  Consider William Miller’s dream and especially the “order of events’ that transpired therein.  Christ’s lesson there had a wonderful (and miraculous!) beginning, but mankind (by way of our religious leaders!) caused the entire situation to continually deteriorate, over time.  (And they have done so in every society, every religion, and every denomination that ever existed.)  In that dream with a perfect beginning, things just kept getting worse and worse until “the man with the dirt brush” entered the room so as to clean up the mess that mankind had made.  Indeed, this is the full, and true, story regarding mankind’s entire existence on this earth, from the day it was created:  including Adam and Eve.

Consider Ellen White – Early Writings, page 261 which was quoted at the beginning of this letter.  “Nominal Adventists” is how she described some folks here in these last days.  Do you think that Christ’s remnant church will include nominal people?  (Again, the word “nominal” means “in name only.”)  Nominal people cannot stand without fault before the Throne of God!  Revelation 14:5

Next, consider Ellen White – The Great Controversy, page 609 quoted just above.  This author firmly believes that “the approaching storm” is just now beginning regarding the Adventist movement, and we shall explain this, in greater detail, below.  But do consider that quote just above!  Ellen White is describing your Adventist church of today.  (Those who have professed faith in the third angel’s message.)  Without a doubt, Ellen White is describing a downward spiraling of the Adventist movement in this world’s last days!

Do you think her short paragraph, quoted, describes Christ’s remnant church, as He Scripturally detailed in Malachi 3:16 – 17?  In her words of The Great Controversy, page 609, this author sees a church that shall someday (soon) fall apart, just like the old Worldwide Church of God, founded by Herbert W. Armstrong, did in the 1990’s.  We detailed this matter in our prior Requiem Page.

So what does a person do with this Truth of God?

Well, you can’t ask your religious leaders:  for the SAME reason that William Miller could not ask his Baptist leaders to help with his concerns about their church failing Christ’s Scriptures, such as the fourth Commandment!  No Sunday keeping religious leader can ever explain Christ’s Fourth Commandment:  simple.  And no Adventist leader can ever explain why their Adventist church does not qualify as Christ’s remnant church:  simple.  (Well, maybe one can – referenced below.)  Just like William Miller did, you have to use Christ’s Scriptures and the common sense that you were born with, courtesy of God’s Grace.  Trust in yourself that you will always be able to identify unadulterated Truth!  And trust in William Miller’s determination that Christ’s Bible is able to stand upon its own “merits and simpleness.”  Trust in William Miller’s determination?  Well, it worked miracles for him because he placed the Word of God before anything, any teacher, or any person who was of this world!

Adventists, listen closely to the sermons your pastors teach.  If they teach something along the lines of:

the ancient temple symbolizing anything of today;

or the various quantities of clean and unclean beasts that Noah loaded onto his Ark;

or the deeds of Pontius Pilate during his judgment of Jesus;

or where we go after we die;

or any other aspect of Scripture that has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR FINDING SALVATION (meaning still being alive the day after Christ’s Judgment Day)!  These pastors are unwittingly helping Satan’s cause by way of diverting our attention away from the Ways of God and the Will of God being done in this earth!  This author would never say that these “erring” pastors are worshiping Satan, but this author will definitely say that Satan has “confused them” regarding the incredible importance of the Will of God being done (and taught) in this earth, as it is in Heaven:  for this has always been “Satan’s way.”   Ever since the days of Adam and Eve, Satan has always wanted to direct mankind AWAY from the Will of God, in this earth!  Any pastor who does not understand this truth of Satan has failed Christ.

Truly, these other matters need to be taught from time to time, but a proper perspective must always be maintained by pastors!  Quite honestly, when this author listens to your 3ABN radio shows, this author often wonders why he ALMOST NEVER hears a single word about the importance of our remaining obedient to Christ’s Commands (referenced in Matthew 28:20 and The Great Controversy, page 609).  This author has heard only a literal handful of SDA pastors who ever teach about Christ’s PRIMARY IMPORTANCE of our obeying Christ’s commands that have been sent down to this world.  (For this is exactly what Christ, and His Father, our LORD, are observing in each of us!  And this is exactly what is being recorded in Christ’s Book of Life!  Everything else is “window dressing.”  And Satan loves when we become distracted by “window dressing.”)

Now, if they teach details regarding the “sins of Babylon,” then that has a great deal with you getting past Christ’s Judgment Day.  Why?  Because if you are reading this letter, you are probably living in today’s Babylon.  In Revelation, Christ has many words regarding Babylon today and how His Wrath and His Judgment Day shall affect those living in Babylon today.  (Meaning, mostly, the Christians, atheists, and agnostics!)  Now, THIS is significant and applies to every living person today.  If they teach about Satan’s evils creeping into the Adventist movement, then THIS has a great deal with us finding success on Christ’s Judgment Day.  Also, if they teach about how evils might creep into our individual lives (by way of our not keeping evil people away from our personal lives) then THIS too shall be of great value to us, on Christ’s Judgment Day.  Never place Christ’s Judgment Day second to anything that is of this world, no matter the name of your religion, or denomination!  And never claim that your religion, or denomination, is better than any others.  Let the others work toward their Judgment Day and you just work toward your Judgment Day:  for your Judgment Day belongs to Christ.  And only Christ can unseal the Books.


Given this . . . love Christ, your Creator,

but fear Christ, your Judge!

(Exactly as Solomon concluded in Ecclesiastes 12:13.)

This is exactly what guides us towards righteousness.


Adventists!  Ellen White was one of your founders and she taught that there was a great division coming within her/your church!  (And Christ’s remnant church cannot have any divisions within it; because as Malachi inferred, they will huddle in their homes if this becomes necessary!)  And she taught to always follow the Word of God, found in Scriptures.  Your church is NOT Christ’s remnant church, as you have been taught.

But . . . and this is important . . . on our Requiem Page, we demonstrated, quite clearly and Scripturally, that only you Adventists qualify for Christ’s remnant church!  (Yes, but only some of you!)  NO OTHER CHRISTIANS QUALIFY!  But as Ellen White teaches in The Great Controversy, page 609, Christ’s remnant church (MEANING SOME OF YOU!) shall be sanctified only through obedience to Christ’s Truths; meaning His commands placed within His Scriptures:  not the words of your many of your pastors who are coming up short by way of their “window dressings” and thereby defiling many, according to Christ’s Word found in Revelation 14:4.  Regarding Ellen White’s teaching that Christ’s remnant church shall be sanctified only through obedience to the Truth, this author would refer each reader back to Ecclesiastes 12:13, once again.







Adventists!  Here are those truths, regarding YOUR lives, that this author has not had the courage to write.  This author cannot address your present life, but this author can address your future place, with Christ!

One of your well-known church leaders recently delivered a sermon entitled “We are not the Remnant church . . . Yet.”  (With his emphasis being placed on that word, “yet!”)  You can find that (hour-long) sermon here.”

This author is not an historian:  and given this, this author considers that particular sermon as some of the finest, and truest, words spoken since Jesus left this world.  Most certainly, they are the greatest words (regarding our “only” goal in life) spoken since the days of William Miller and Ellen White!  Shortly, we shall close this letter using just one of his very important words of that sermon.  That pastor or elder (this author is not sure of these things) was absolutely right.  But he came up just a bit short regarding his use of the term “ . . . yet.”  Oh, his words were absolutely correct, but the Truths that he spoke came up a bit short.  Please continue (and learn how you might sometimes be right, but regarding Christ’s Full Truths, you might be coming up just a bit short . . . like this author usually does):


The Adventist churches (and its movement) has never been, and never will be, Christ’s remnant church!


But . . . and this is important . . . Christ’s remnant church shall indeed be found WITHIN the Adventist movement?


How can this author declare this with any authority?  Simple!  You folks are the only Christians who qualify.  More on this shortly.  It should also be noted that not all of your religious leaders, and pastors, shall be in Christ’s remnant church either.  But some will.  More on this shortly, also.


Adventists . . . there shall be a great division in your church . . . and probably soon:  this old author can see hints of it beginning today regarding the majority of your pastors never teaching the importance of obeying Christ’s commands that comes with His gift of baptism.   Ellen White taught of this, so please do not ignore her prophetic words below.  Also, please consider if ANY of her words below describe a remnant church that still obeys Christ?  And please make no “judgments” until you consider our two side notes that follow:

Ellen White – The Great Controversy, page 609 (as quoted above)

As the storm approaches, a large class who have professed faith in the third angel’s message, but have not been sanctified through obedience to the truth, abandon their position and join the ranks of the opposition. By uniting with the world and partaking of its spirit, they have come to view matters in nearly the same light; and when the test is brought, they are prepared to choose the easy, popular side.  Men of talent and pleasing address, who once rejoiced in the truth, employ their powers to deceive and mislead souls.  They become the most bitter enemies of their former brethren. When Sabbathkeepers are brought before the courts to answer for their faith, these apostates are the most efficient agents of Satan to misrepresent and accuse them, and by false reports and insinuations to stir up the rulers against them.

A personal side note by jpw:

When this author was young, Christ started teaching this author a great many Truths of God.  So this author wrote, and kept on writing.  This young author believed he might fix everything if Christ’s Truths were presented to today’s world by referencing today’s ways.  Well, Christ’s lessons went on, and on and this author kept on writing.  Well, this old author now understands that he cannot fix a single thing in this world:  not if it is written in Scripture or prophecy anyway!  Simple!  (Adventists, consider this Truth of God, greatly.)  After about ten years, this author decided that “if I can’t save the world, maybe I can save just a few.”  About five years later, this author just stopped writing!  (What’s the use?  All I get is hate emails.)  Oh, but Christ was still teaching!

Years later, this author heard one old-timey Adventist pastor speak some outrageous Truths (perhaps five years ago.)  And that pastor was right!  This author figured, “Well, if he can say that!  If he can say that, then I can write Christ’s Full Truths that are still coming my way.”

A most personal side note by jpw:

Adventists, your denomination is not the remnant church that you have been taught about all of your life.  Christ’s remnant church is described in Malachi 3 and your church does not qualify.  Ellen White’s quote, just above, teaches that things shall only deteriorate, within your church, from this point forward.  But the Full Truth of Christ, regarding you Adventists, is that some of you are the only people who meet Christ’s descriptions regarding His elect and His remnant church.  Not all of you, and not all of your pastors, but many of you, yes.  Christ purposely designed this world so that life is all about our choices.  The faith part is easy, so to speak, until you realize that you have to show your faith (to Christ) by way of your works and choices made here.  (Again, Ellen White, The Great Controversy, page 609.)  Fail in one and you have failed in both:  for our LORD made His Son, our Christ, a “package deal,” so to speak.  No Sunday keeper meets Christ’s descriptions of His Elect.  Same for those who fail to obey Christ’s commands:  such as clean and unclean meats, keeping graven images, taking our LORD’s name in vain, supporting murder, abortion, adultery, failing to punish sinners (criminals), and a host of other western issues that violate Christ’s Laws and commands.

This letter was about coming up short.  This author first demonstrated his own “coming up short.”  Oh, we are all guilty of this!  Every single one of us!  Never be afraid of learning more about Christ’s Truths, and therefore moving closer to Christ, your Creator.  Regarding our REQUIEM letter, many Adventists are coming up short:  seeing as how Christ shall choose His elect, and ALSO, many of His saints, from this Adventist movement who have not yet been defiled by their churches.  The number of Christ’s elect is a hard and fast number:  and Scriptures teach that Christ shall tend to their care.  Oh, but Christ never numbered His saints!

Adventists!  Please understand that William Miller did not create the Adventist Movement:  Christ did this, and He did so for a reason!  Adventists!  Please understand that Ellen White declared that she was not a prophet!  Her hand might have moved the pen, but the words came from Christ!  And she knew this.  And she was right!  Adventists!  If you cannot bring all of these miracles back to Christ, then you are, well, nominal.  Forget the people part of this, for a moment, and always assign those gifts, sent your way, directly to Christ, our Creator!  For if you can truly see the Hand of God, in all of those things which you profess to be True, then this knowledge shall deliver a sense of obedience to your heart and you shall find true joy in following the Words of Christ, who created you!  And yes, when you sin (as we all do) you shall find a bit of fear, regarding that same Christ, who shall judge every one of us.  This is actually a good “fear” and we should keep it as small as possible.  (That was kind of a joke, but it was kind of true also:  having been written by a “sinning author.”)

Adventists!  Do you remember that YouTube video (by Danny Shelton) that this author linked to about eight paragraphs above?  (If you have not seen it yet, you really ought to.)  This author said that Danny Shelton came up a bit short when he used that term, “ . . . yet.”  Oh, he was correct, but now every Adventist understands that his term, “ . . . yet,” means Ellen White’s prophecy found in The Great Controversy, page 609, quoted a few times here in this letter.

Adventist, your arriving at his term ” . . . Yet” shall not be a pleasant journey.

There shall be a great whittling down.

But you must somehow get to his ” . . . Yet” part.



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