There is a very important story of Daniel that few, if any, Christians really understand.  This is truly a great lesson for mankind because it highlights, arguably, mankind’s greatest weakness:  mammon.  Mammon can include wealth, power, sex, status:  or sometimes, it might just be “one’s authority, dominion, or social status” (as in the case of “certain religious leaders today” and quite like many of those religious leaders described in the days of Jesus).  It is important to note that this word does not necessarily mean that a person has actually “obtained” their mammon.  And yes, this could be the case, however, this word always describes mankind’s “pursuit” of such things.  More importantly, it demonstrates mankind’s never-ending (and rarely abated) failure regarding our pursuit of mammon.  It occurs at the national level, regional level, local level, and most definitely at the personal level.  Three very important lessons, in one story of Daniel.  This truly is a lesson that Christ would like the entire world to learn, today:  because never before has this world failed so miserably regarding Christ’s Truths which have been placed in this very lesson!  And you are about to learn that Christ has taught this very lesson since the foundation of this world, but oh, how mankind prefers to rest upon the personal assurances of, um, “mankind.”


In the Book of Daniel, chapter 2, we find the dream of Nebuchadnezzar.  In his dream, he saw an “image.”  Mankind’s primary lesson here, from God, is in the “image,” not Nebuchadnezzar, himself.  All religious leaders, of today, explain the various layers of this image (gold, silver, brass, iron, and a mixture of iron and clay, holding it all up!) as if they understand these layers.  All religious leaders, of today, associate these various layers to nations and rulers.  End of lesson:  God is a great prophet and knows the future.

The true lesson that Christ wants us to learn here is found in Daniel 2:20 – 22.  Daniel was speaking to (and thanking) Christ after Christ revealed Nebuchadnezzar’s dream to Daniel,  Below, is Daniel summarizing the real lesson he learned from Christ’s revelation to him.  (Pay very close attention to Daniel’s words):

Daniel 2:20  Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever:  for wisdom and might are his:

Daniel 2:21  And he changeth the times and the seasons:  he removeth kings, and setteth up kings:  he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding:

Daniel 2:22  He revealeth the deep and secret things:  he knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with him.

Daniel is teaching this world to disregard these kings and disregard their names and nationalities:  they are but minor lessons here in his writings.  In Daniel’s day, these leaders came, and they went; in today’s world, identical leaders STILL come, and they go.  The lesson of Daniel (Christ) here has nothing to do with the nations of Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, nor any others.  (And you shall learn this in Revelation 14:8 and Revelation 18:2 at the conclusion of this letter.  So for now, please just consider that the ancient nation of Babylon or that golden head in Daniel 2, means nothing to this world beyond Daniel’s lesson which follows in just a bit.)

Regarding Christ’s lesson of Daniel 2, the sad fact of today’s world is that our religious teachers are only teaching mankind a small history (and geography) lesson.  They will teach you that the gold section is Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar), who was later defeated by the silver section of Medes and Persia (Cyrus the Great), who were later defeated by the brass section of Greece with their 300 Spartans and possibly the legendary Trojan Horse (Alexander the Great), who were later defeated by the iron section of Rome (and its various Caesars).  AND THEN!  And then, this great iron empire of Rome dissipated into so, so many “modern day” imaginary vanities, lies, mistakes, desires, and pursuit-of-mammon (fame and greatness) issues which our modern-day religious leaders desire to preach regarding Daniel’s infamous “feet of iron and clay.”  Today’s religious leaders fail to see the irony in the fact that while they can expertly identify the four kingdoms (FROM OUR PAST), no two-of-them can agree on the identity of the “feet of iron and clay” (AS THEY EXIST TODAY).

CRITICAL NOTE BY jpw:  There are over 33,000 Christian denominations in existence today.  No two-of-them can agree on the identity of Daniel’s infamous “feet of iron and clay” in our world, today!  This is quite significant, and very telling, but it is not the reason for this letter.

There can be only one reason for their failure:  it is because they do not fully understand the first four parts of Christ’s image!  And make no mistake here:  the image is from Christ; the lesson is from Christ; the lesson was merely written by Daniel’s hand (after Christ had fully explained it to him, as Daniel openly explained in Daniel 2:20).  Some denominations claim that these feet are the European Union of today (minus Germany).  Some claim that these feet are America.  Some claim that they are a consortium of nations that shall one day be ruled by Germany.  Some claim that Russia has a part in all of this.  Some claim that it is “democracy in general.”

Now, this author is not going to claim to know everything about the image of Daniel 2, but this author is going to put his common sense on the line here and state emphatically that if our religious leaders cannot agree on the final piece, then they clearly do not understand any part of CHRIST’S LESSON here.  Why?  Because the feet are the entire point of Christ’s lesson here!  So let us please use our common sense here, and just a bit (ok, a LOT!) of help from Christ’s Qur’an, later in this letter.  Yes, we all know there have always been kingdoms throughout mankind’s history.  Our Christian teachers are correct:  the gold head was Nebuchadnezzar; the silver section truly was Medes & Persia and Cyrus truly did later defeat Babylon; Greece was the brass section and Alexander the Great did later defeat the Persian Empire; and then we have Rome who was the iron section.  Your Christian teachers have these four facts correct!

This is easy!  We all have 20/20 hindsight!  But . . .

Regarding the current Christian explanation of our past, in Daniel 2, of what use is any of this information regarding YOUR life, here today?  Ask your religious teachers “just what jewel-of-knowledge did God place in Daniel 2 for me to accept into my life, or to help guide me in my life today?”  Ask yourself, “can any of this help me get to Heaven?  Will any of this help me get to Heaven?  Just what am I supposed to learn from ancient Babylon, Persia, and Greece?”  Please understand that when Christian denominations currently teach Daniel 2, there is NOT ONE jewel of God’s Knowledge or Truth (regarding YOUR life, today) found in their lessons of Daniel 2.  But please also understand that Christ’s Lesson here was never intended to be a history lesson.  (So do ask yourself, “just who would benefit from turning one of God’s greatest lessons into an unimportant history story.  Could it be Satan?  Why, yes it is!)  God does not explain history in His Scriptures only for the sake of presenting historical facts to mankind!  His Glory far exceeds this tiny Earthly nonsense.  No, when God tells a story to people, there are great lessons in His stories:  usually multiple lessons!  That is how great God’s Glory is.

And Daniel 2 is a big, BIG story of the Bible, especially for today’s world, because the feet of that image shall be destroyed when Christ returns to this world, soon!  All of this shall be explained below, at the national level and at the personal level; but for now, please consider the possibility that each reader here, and just one author here, most likely, are those feet!  For you see, Daniel 2 is a story that began about 2,500 years ago:  but it ends in today’s world!  In fact, you will shortly learn that Daniel 2 is mostly about this Western World, including all Jews, all Muslims, and especially all 33,000 Christian denominations/abominations that cannot agree on a single thing regarding Christ, our Creator!  Christians!  Your religious leaders have been lying to you for all of “their lives.”  (Just as the ancient Jewish leaders had long been lying to their folks when Jesus came to this world.  And now, here He comes again, soon!  So understand this now:  Christ is not sending this world His two final messengers to tell our religious leaders that they are doing a great job.  And Christ is not returning because our religious leaders were successful in His Commission to them.)  The great stone of Daniel 2 is coming for you and this author.  The great stone of Daniel 2 is Christ, Himself, in our near future:  possibly our very-near future.  So, please allow Christ’s Qur’an to “plow through” all of the Christian, or Jewish, mistakes you have ever been taught regarding Daniel 2.  This is no longer a mere “history lesson” for religious leaders to “preach about” once-a-year.  No, this is a current lesson of “life today,” from Christ, Himself; and it might just save your “Eternal life.”  Not your little life down here, but your next billion, or so, years in Heaven.




My friend, before we get into the Qur’an, ask yourself what a “kingdom” means to you.  Daniel’s story here is all about kingdoms.  Take your time and ponder that just a bit.  Hopefully, you will conclude that it normally means a leader, who has great power (compared to others), and controls the wealth and assets of his kingdom.  He also controls the lives of those who live within his kingdom.  That leader probably has a fairly strong army (within the general region) and has a bit of experience using that power, when needed.


Please understand that none of this is a bad thing.  Christ established David upon his throne and followed David with his son, Solomon.  Solomon was so powerful (thanks to David) that no nation ever attacked Israel in the days of Solomon.  In the Old Testament, Christ even notes that “there would be no blood on the hands of Solomon.”  History, and Scripture, is FULL of examples of Christ blessing this or that nation and making them powerful.  And you are about to learn, below, that Christ only does this when the leader is a good, and God-loving (meaning obedient) person.  Also, this leader requires this same goodness, and obedience throughout his realm.

But then, almost every time, comes “the later.”  With mankind, “the later” part always comes after Christ leaves!  (Hint – THIS is Christ’s lesson of Daniel 2.)  Power, wealth, stature, and especially inheritance always cause people to forget where it came from.  It causes people to decide that they don’t need God because everything is going just fine; and obeying God takes an effort!  They quickly forget that God has rules (or requirements)!  God has limits!

My friend, can you see where we are headed with Daniel 2?

Daniel 2:41  And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

While mankind might see a “kingdom” as merely a person or nation (strong or weak); Christ (caring nothing about people or nations), sees a kingdom as how this or that person, leader, or nation used the gifts which He granted to them.  Their continuing possession of those temporary gifts was entirely dependent upon their “application” of those gifts:  meaning their continuing desire to obey their LORD.  In this matter, mankind (and religious teachers) is right about the actual kingdoms mentioned; but they are missing God’s full Truth and His full Wisdom of His great Lesson here, which He wants (and honestly, requires) us to place in our lives.  This story of Daniel 2 is really not that difficult:  religious teachers should have been explaining this Truth of God since way before the time that Jesus walked this Earth.




Ordinary folks truly have only one goal in their life, whether they go to church, or not.  “Ordinary” is defined here as past the age of 25 for females and past the age of 30 – 35 for males (slower frontal lobe brain development:  it’s true!).  But ordinary folks only have one long-term goal in life:  they are merely trying to end up in Heaven, no matter what it takes.  Setting all short-term and required daily affairs aside, most decent folks only have one goal in their life.  They just want to know what it takes to get to Heaven!  Just tell them what they need to do, and they shall willingly, and happily, do it!  But now, enter “organized religion” upon the scene, and life gets really complicated through lies, mistakes, vanities, mammon, and otherwise Satan’s deep influence throughout all organized religions of today.  This author has a few webpages here detailing this by way of Scripture, but for now, just use God’s Sabbath (Saturday) as the perfect example.  That Fourth Commandment is so simple that even a child can understand it!  Yet, only a scant few of our current 33,000 Christian denominations have refused to allow Satan’s perversion of that Commandment!

May God Bless every person who only has this goal of desiring to do everything necessary to find Heaven!  Be patient, my friend.  And don’t worry about mistakes!  God really doesn’t mind the odd mistakes here and there, but He does enjoy seeing how you recover from your mistakes, and then walk away a better person.  For this shows Him a lot about you.  God sees you!  Other people might not, but God sees you.  This author cannot see you, but knows you are out there:  because this old author USED TO BE YOU!  This entire website has been written for folks who just want to live a simple life that ends up standing in God’s Heaven.  There is nothing complicated about God’s Scriptures and God intentionally made it so.

God is perfect!  And God has written His Scriptures in such a manner that any person who reads Scripture is fully able to live according to God’s Scriptures!  God’s Word is this good.  God’s Word is this perfect.  God’s expectations (requirements) are this simple and this easy.

However . . . when one begins to have questions, it becomes easy to “leave” God’s Scriptures and “ask other people” what something means.  Why?  Because we always want the answer NOW.  And this is our fault, not God’s.  So, trust in God that you will always find your answers in Scripture, but only when you are ready to accept His answer.  He really is “this” perfect.  But when you start asking “other people” for answers, then you have UNLOCKED one door to your eternal soul.  (It’s your door and it’s your soul, so it’s your choice.)  But oh, how Satan loves UNLOCKED doors.  And when you truly decide that you need to ask another person, which one of the 33,000 Christian denominations will you choose?  For they cannot even agree on whether Jesus died, or not.  They cannot even agree on whether Jesus was raised from the dead, or not.  And nary a one of them can tell you the time of day when Jesus walked out of His tomb!  Not one single denomination out of the 33,000 can tell you the precise hour that Jesus departed His tomb!  Yet, all of these details are found in their very Scriptures!  We have a webpage here that proves, by way of the Bible only, that Jesus announced the exact hour that he would depart the tomb (give or take a few fleeting moments).

So . . . my dearest friends, are these the people you want to bring your Scriptural questions to?  They can’t agree on anything!  Which one shall you choose?  (However, this author must admit that there are one, or two, “better ones” with a higher batting average regarding God’s Truths.)

Always remember . . . that the only people who want to make “Life, according to God’s Will” seem complicated are those who do not understand it themselves, those who want to change what they do not like, and those who have been fooled by Satan.  And you can confidently place “nearly” every Christian leader and teacher, of today, in all three of those categories!  Yes, ALL THREE!  (All of this shall be proved below, by way of Scripture.)

So now, learn a small (HUGE!) lesson about “wealth,” below, in the black text below.  Yes, it will come from the Qur’an, but that only means that it comes from our Christ.  In our Plowing 201 letter here, we showed how Christ corrected many current Christian errors in His Qur’an, that He sent down 500 years after we killed him, while He was using the earthly body of Jesus.

Our Plowing 101 and Plowing 201 letters should scream at your common sense to wake up and learn to start following what your common sense has always been trying to tell you.  Your common sense is actually a gift from Christ, also.  Use it and trust it:  just don’t use and trust another person’s common sense, including this author’s!  Always Scripture and Only Scripture:  God’s Way and God’s Will here on this Earth.

As stated before, do not be concerned with the “name.”  Allah, Yahweh, Christ, etc.  Because it was God who babbled our languages shortly after Noah’s Flood.  So please understand that God does not really care what names we used for Him, but rather, how we used His name(s) while we were here.

So, here we go . . . with a lesson of Daniel 2, as supported by Christ’s Qur’an.









Money, power, possessions . . . Christ calls it MAMMON.

While Christ is obviously right, mankind does not fully appreciate this word.

This author just happens to like the word “WEALTH.”

Each reader is free to find a better word here.

Because we all know what that word means too.

And we all know where it leads . . . in life.


Now, this author is not claiming that this lesson of wealth is the only lesson to be found in Daniel 2.  However, this author does believe this is God’s primary lesson placed in Daniel 2; especially for these end times we are living in today.  As you go through the verses of The Qur’an, quoted below, please understand that The Qur’an is not like the Bible.  The Bible was mostly about just one people:  the people of Israel, meaning the descendants of Jacob, one of Abraham’s grandchildren.  Sometimes the Bible was just about one person, such as Noah, Abraham, Joseph, or just a few others.

Rather, in His Qur’an, God teaches about all sorts of people, all over this world.  Many of them lived, or formerly lived in the Mid-East.  So, as God moves from people to people in the verses below, remember that who the people were does not matter.  Their mistakes matter.  Most of the time, they were punished for placing their wealth (and desires of mammon) ahead of God (and their desires to worship and obey God).  And yes, there are significant instances (such as Noah’s father, Abraham’s father, and a few more) who were punished or destroyed because of their false Gods:  usually wooden or stone figurines.  In his youth, Abraham was forever cast out of his village; at his father’s behest, believe it or not!  Abraham had just destroyed his father’s false gods (carved figurines).  Quite comically, Abraham left the largest one alone, and when questioned, he explained to his father that the largest one broke the smaller ones.  Well, after a quick vote, Abraham became an outcast and wanderer.  A wanderer who only followed God.

While reading many of the verses of the Qur’an, below, please keep the image of Daniel 2 in the back of your mind.  No person has ever proved what the feet of iron and clay are in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of Daniel 2.  While this author, too, shall not be able to prove it, this author believes every reader’s common sense (and 20/20 hindsight – after reading Christ’s Words in His Qur’an, below) will tell them that the feet of iron and clay represent the current, and scattered, wealth in this world.  It is true, historically, that after Rome, everything dissipated (scattered).  There has not been a single world-dominating (or regarding the ancient days, region-dominating) empire since Rome.  Some of the pieces of iron are large and some are smaller:  these pieces representing mammon, power, wealth, and “all else that goes with it.”  Some of the large pieces of clay do have a small amount of mammon, while the smaller pieces of clay have little to none.  After Rome, this world’s wealth and power (mammon), while “always” in a moving flux, have been, and currently are, scattered all over this world.  Spain used to be nearly as powerful as England, long ago.  France (Napoleon) and Germany (Hitler) had their short, but significant times.  Portugal, and even Denmark, had their time in the sun, long ago.  Today, we find Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Australia, India, the Persian Gulf, Saudi Arabia, and many others.  Throw Europe into that mix and you start to really see bits of iron and pieces of clay.  Germany, England, France, Italy, and many more.  (Large bits and smaller bits.)  The clay is potter’s clay:  soft and changeable, but not like the iron.  And yes, iron can be changed, but not as easily.  And let us not forget America, Canada, Mexico, and nearly all of South America.  Iron mixed with potter’s clay.  Slightly movable (meaning slowly changing), but there is no one single dominating worldwide ruler regarding mammon!  America, you think you are strong, but this world can get by just fine if you fail.  And do not take that the wrong way, but should America fail, the rest of the G20 industrial nations (pieces of iron) will get by just fine.  Also, America has never possessed a world-controlling leader, because that is not the “desired” American way.  But as Scripture teaches, everything can change.

So now, let us move on with Christ’s Qur’an and how He has always blessed and cursed villages, cities, peoples, and kingdoms by way of wealth.



The Qur’an 3:137 – 138

(We shall address these two sentences, later, at the conclusion of this letter.  A truly magnificent lesson for this world and describing the history of mankind in this world.)

God’s ways have operated before your time:  travel through the land, and see what was the end of those who disbelieved.  This is a clear lesson to people, and guidance and teaching for those who are mindful of God.

(Please remember that we shall bring everything here back to Daniel 2, later.)

The Qur’an 17:16 – 17

When We decide to destroy a people, We command those corrupted by wealth to reform, but they persist in their disobedience; Our sentence is passed and We destroy them utterly.  How many generations We have destroyed since Noah!  Your LORD knows and observes the sins of His servants well enough.

The Qur’an 11:100 – 103  (The Sura, or Book, of Hud)

(Hud was a prophet sent to the people of ‘Ad, who once lived in “ancient Arabia.”  They existed before Abraham and Ishmael settled in that land and were descendants of Noah.  They built great buildings and followed only their wealth and greed:  mammon.  After Hud delivered God’s warning to them, God destroyed them in a week-long blast of wind and sand.  The buildings remained, but only the few followers of Hud survived.)

We relate to you (Muhammad) such accounts of earlier peoples:  some of them are still standing; some have been mown down; We did not wrong them; they wronged themselves.  Their gods, which they called on beside God, were no use to them when what your LORD had ordained came about; they only increased their ruin.  Such is the punishment of your LORD for peoples in the midst of their sins:  His punishment is terrible and severe.  There truly is a sign in this for anyone who fears the punishment of the Hereafter.  That is a Day in which all people will be gathered together, a Day for all to see.


The Qur’an 16:112 – 113  (Christ’s Sura called, “The Bee”)

Remember, the books (Sura’s) of the Qur’an were all given their names by Christ (or Allah):  depending on your speech.  But in His book called The Bee, Christ names oh, so many peoples, who have always worked (just like bees) towards His behalf.  They kept His teachings, they followed His messenger’s words, and they remained obedient to what was sent down to them.  In this book, Christ describes the differing works of all of His Children, scattered across this earth.  But in the end, all of His bees (true bees!) produce a precious drink of many colors:  and there is a healing for all people in this precious drink, which His true bees produce, here on this world.

So, this author asks each reader here:  are you one of Christ’s true bees here in this world?  Doing your part, here in your part of HIS WORLD?

God presents the example of a town that was secure and at ease, with provisions coming to it abundantly from all places.  Then it became ungrateful for God’s blessings, so God afflicted it with the garment of famine and fear, for what its people had done.  A messenger (of God) who was one of them came to them, but they called him a liar.  So, punishment overwhelmed them in the midst of their evildoing.


This author truly apologizes for digressing here, but this topic is too important to just casually pass-by.  The 16th Book of Christ’s Qur’an is called “The Bee.”  Yes, it remains this author’s favorite book.  For you see, the first 14 verses of the Gospel of John prove that it was our Christ, who made this world, and made mankind.  Meaning ALL OF MANKIND!  Not just the Jews and Christians!  Well, Christ’s Sura called The Bee not only confirms the first 14 verses of the Gospel of John, but it takes God’s Truths to a whole new level!  Our worldly level!  (Meaning WAY BEYOND our silly Christian, Jewish, or even Muslim beliefs.)  Christ, or Allah, created this entire world and He is currently taking care of His entire world:  whether we see that, or not.  And it is not that hard to see; it is only that, few desire to see it!

So now, please understand that our Yahweh, Jehovah, Christ, or Allah has placed a very special lesson for this entire world, in His Book called “The Bee.”

The Qur’an 16:65 – 69  (The Bee)

It is God who sends water down from the sky and with it revives the earth when it is dead.  There truly is a sign in this for people who listen.  In livestock, too, you have a lesson – We give you a drink from the contents of their bellies, between waste matter and blood, pure milk, sweet to the drinker.  From the fruits of date palms and grapes you take sweet juice and wholesome provisions.  There truly is a sign in this for people who use their reason.  And your LORD inspired the bee, saying, “Build yourselves houses in the mountains and trees and what people construct.  Then feed on all kinds of fruit and follow the ways made easy for you by your LORD.”  From their bellies, comes a fruit of different colors in which there is healing for people.  There truly is a sign in this for those who think.

These verses, teaching our entire world, regardless of our religious beliefs, of Christ’s Truths regarding all of His children upon this world.  My dearest friends, just be one of Christ’s bees!  Walk away from the rest of mankind, if that is required for you, but do strive to be one of Christ’s bees, here on this world, which He created!  “A fruit of different colors:”  meaning all of His various children down here.  “In which there is healing for people:”  meaning all of His children!

Can you now, finally, see how this world’s 33,000 current Christian denominations have completely failed their Christ, our Creator?  This is what “mammon,” or in the case of religious mammon:  “power, control, authority, stature, and self-importance” brings to this world.  (Sorry, but it is quite difficult to categorize 33,000 failures into just 5 categories!)  It brings-to-mind, Satan’s inspired concept of “self-importance” back in the days of Eve, when she was in the Garden!  Jesus faced the same, back in his day, while he and Satan met upon that fabled mountaintop.  But Jesus refused any sort of self-importance; and any sort of differentiating himself from the rest of mankind:  because our LORD’s Scriptures do not permit this.  And this author is by no means excusing today’s Muslim faith in any of “The Whisperer’s” inspired “self-importance” and mammon detailed above!  (Muslims know who The Whisperer is.)

Please read on:


The Qur’an 28:58 – 60

We have destroyed many peoples that once reveled in their wanton wealth and easy living:  since then their dwelling places have barely been inhabited – We are the only heir.  Your LORD would never destroy a people without first raising a messenger in their midst to recite Our messages to them, nor would We destroy towns unless their inhabitants were evildoers.  Whatever things you have been given for the life of this world are merely a temporary gratification and vanity:  that which is with God is better and more lasting – will you not use your reason?

The Qur’an 30:42

Tell them to travel through the land, and see how those before you met their end – most of them were idolators.

The Qur’an 56:41 – 48  (describing the “cursed” on Judgment Day)

But those on the Left, what people they are!  They will dwell amid scorching wind and scalding water in the shadow of black smoke, neither cool nor refreshing.  Before, they indulged in luxury and persisted in great sin, always saying, “What?  When we are dead and have become dust and bones, shall we then be raised up?  And our forefathers also?”

NOTE BY jpw:

Christians, this would be a good time to read the story of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke 16:20.  (Link is provided below.)  It would also be a good time to remember a few words that Jesus spoke:

Matthew 19:23  Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Matthew 19:24  And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Oh, this author is well-aware of Matthew 19:26:

Matthew 19:26  But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

But this is exactly where religious leaders bend, twist, and pervert God’s Word, in their great fear of offending this western world’s wealthy Christians.  Believe it or not, nearly all religious leaders actually instruct their followers to ignore the first two verses of God’s Word above!  Why?  Because Satan has deceived them into believing that it is possible to instruct their followers how to “dance-around and then dance-past” this great Truth of our LORD!  So just keep following “them,” because “they, and only they, have the solution.”  Oh, and don’t forget to keep giving them your mammon, thank you very much!  And listen how they comfort you regarding their words that Matthew 19:24 are only symbolic-in-nature:  “Christ didn’t really mean that!”  And no, this author is not instructing any person to give their wealth away.  But if any westerner finds that thought in their heart, it should be of a concern to them:  because it is the back-of-their-brain (where our reasoning exists) telling them that they, indeed, are “in some form-or-fashion” in stubborn denial of God’s Truths on this earth.  (And only they can identify that form-or-fashion that exists in their life:  no other person can do this for them.)

My friend . . . this author cannot explain Christ’s lesson of Matthew 19:26.  But neither did Christ lie in His two prior verses above!  This is a most difficult matter, especially in our world today.  Every person, of wealth, needs to consider this lesson greatly:  expecting no help from our modern-day Christian leaders.  This author does have a webpage here, titled “The Christian Failure.”  This author cannot help you there, but this author does ISOLATE a great deal of Christ’s Scriptures regarding Abraham and also the life that Abraham lived.  Once there, you can make your own decisions:  free from our existing 33,000 Christian abominations.  One undeniable Truth regarding Matthew 19:26 is that Abraham was a wealthy (no, very wealthy) man and Abraham was the ONLY person ever called the Friend of God.  One cannot dance-around any Truths of God; one can only live their life fully, and earnestly, in accordance to the Will of God, instructed throughout His Scriptures.  This author cannot say if that will help, but it was a great lesson that this author learned from Abraham’s life.

Knowing that this issue is probably a great one, regarding this western world of today’s Jews, Christians, and many Muslims, this author will give his only advice.  Will it work?  I don’t know.  But do learn an easy, yet great, lesson of wealth-failure (in Luke 16:20 – 31)  found HERE.”  (Link opens in a new window.)  Then learn an easy, but far greater lesson of wealth-success regarding Abraham’s life as discussed on our webpage, titled “The Christian Failure.”  When you get there, to a search (Ctrl+F) for the word, Abraham.  You will find his story quickly.  This author would be remiss in failing to note that the first book of the Bible, called Genesis, contains 50 chapters.  13 of these chapters describe the life of Abraham and 14 of these chapters describe the life of Joseph.  The Book of Genesis, as spoken by Christ to Moses, is God’s lesson of mankind’s first 2,500 years.  And Christ spends more than half of these chapters (27 out of 50, total) describing just two wealthy men, who made it to Heaven.  And quite honestly, this author would be remiss in failing to note that neither of these two men were Christians, neither of these two men ever went to church, neither of these two men ever acknowledged Jesus as their savior, neither of these two men ever kept the Sabbath, and both of these men ate both clean, and unclean, meats.  Do you think there might be a lesson to be learned, here in this wealthy world, regarding the lives of these two men?  God so loved Joseph, that He even placed the story of Joseph in His Qur’an, so the Muslims could learn it.

This author can only advise wealthy folks to pay a most particular attention to the Word of God:  more than most others.  Why?  Because yours is a particularly perilous path through this one life (and one chance) that God has given us all here.  This author does not have the answers to “life in this world.”  But God’s Scriptures certainly do have that answer.  In fact, God’s Scriptures are the only place where your answers can be found.  They cannot be found on the lips of our religious teachers, they cannot be found in the pen of this pathetic author’s hand; but they can ALWAYS be found in the Word of God.  It is called Scripture:  and all Scriptures from God are designed to first cause us to find a great love for what He has given us, and then from that love, for us to find a true desire to obey all of His Truths in our lives.  We don’t do this out of fear; we do this out of love and a strong desire to meet Him some day.  In this love and desire to meet Him, we use His Scriptures to discover more and more of His Commandments, and laws, and Ways that will guide us through this life and keep us away from many, and all, perils (Satan included; and Satan especially).  Again, not out of fear, but out of love for His Truths.  Wealthy folks!  When you read the stories of Abraham and Joseph, remember “all of this:”  because quite honestly, Christ’s Qur’an teaches that “all of this” is exactly what wealthy folks have, historically, cast aside!  Read the verses, here in this letter again, and see if this is not true.

But now, here today, we must return to the actual Truths of God, as they exist in today’s world.  Can a wealthy person be the same as poor people?  This author says, “no,” due to Matthew 19:24 above.  But Abraham proved that it “can be done and it has been done.”  It is of God’s Truth, that Abraham is the only person ever to be identified as the Friend of God.  However, the emphasis here is not on the NAME of Abraham, but rather on the deeds causing him to become the “ONLY!”  Hopefully, you are starting to learn, from Christ’s Qur’an, that it is the wealthy people who most commonly fail to properly love and then obey our LORD.

Quite honestly, this western world would do exceedingly well if they followed Christ’s teachings of His Qur’an here, more than they currently follow their Christian teachers’ and leaders’ lies regarding wealth.  People lie, people make mistakes; but Christ never lies, and Christ never, ever makes mistakes.  The least sentence found in Christ’s Qur’an is far better than the best religious teacher the Christian faith has ever produced.

Please read on:

The Qur’an 57:1 – 7

Everything in the heaven and earth glorifies God – He is the Almighty, the Wise.  Control of the heavens and earth belongs to Him; He gives life and death; He has power over all things.  He is the First and the Last, the Outer and the Inner; He has knowledge of all things.  It was He who created the heavens and earth in six Days and then established Himself on the throne.  He knows what enters the earth and what comes out of it; what descends from the sky and what ascends to it.  He is with you wherever you are; He sees all that you do; control of the heavens and earth belongs to Him.  Everything is brought back to God.  He makes night merge into day and day into night.  He knows what is in every heart.  Believe in God and His Messenger, and give out of what He has made pass down to you:  those of you who believe and give will have a great reward.


(The Ninth Book of the Qur’an, called “Repentance,” is actually a very informative story of how God sits in heaven watching the silly things that we, mankind, do.  And Christians, always remember that this is not the prophet, Muhammad talking; this is Christ, our Creator, speaking in ALL of these verses!)

The Qur’an 9:69 – 70

You (people) are like those who lived before you:  they were even stronger than you, with more wealth and children; they enjoyed their share in this life as you have enjoyed yours; like them, you have indulged in idle talk.  Their deeds go to waste in this world and the next; it is they who will lose all in the life to come.  Did they never hear the stories about their predecessors, the peoples of Noah, ‘Ad, Thamud, Abraham, Midian, and the ruined cities?  Their messengers came to them with clear evidence of the truth:  God would not deceive them; they deceived themselves.

The Qur’an 9:75 – 78

There are some among them who pledged themselves to God, saying “If God gives us some of His bounty, we shall certainly give alms and be righteous,” yet when He did give them some of His bounty, they became mean and turned obstinately away.  Because they broke their promise to God, because of all the lies they told, He made hypocrisy settle in their hearts until the Day they meet Him.  Do they not realize that God knows their secrets and their private discussions?  That God knows all that his hidden?

The Qur’an 40:79 – 85

It is God who provides livestock for you, some for riding and some for your food; you have other benefits in them too.  You can reach any destination you wish on them:  they carry you, as ships carry you on the sea.  He shows you His signs:  which of God’s signs do you ignore?  Have they not travelled through the land and seen how those who lived before them met their end?  They were more numerous than them, stronger than them, and made a more impressive mark on the land, yet what they achieved was of no use to them at all.  When messengers came to them with clear signs, they reveled in the knowledge they had, and so they were engulfed by the very punishment they mocked:  when they saw Our punishment, they said, “We (now) believe in God alone:  we reject any partner we (formerly) ascribed to Him,” but believing after seeing Our punishment did not benefit them at all.  This has always been God’s way of dealing with His creatures:  there and then were the creatures lost.


The 69th Book is called “The Inevitable Hour.”  In that Book, Christ teaches this world about certain activities that will occur on Judgment Day, but more so, He teaches us about “the Hour” that “each one of us” shall spend standing in front of Him on Judgment Day:  awaiting His Judgment.  It is a most sobering and truthful story.  But sadly, every Christian – of every denomination – has been told that they will never have to partake of Christ’s Inevitable Hour.  Sadder still, this is just one of Satan’s successes within the ancient Christian churches:  it is now accepted dogma (meaning ZERO Scriptural support).  Yet Christ, Himself, teaches that not one single person shall escape The Inevitable Hour.  Christians, you are free to believe your teachers, leaders, and church doctrines.  You are also free to believe Christ, your Creator.  This would be a good time to add that it was Christ, Himself, who personally named every book placed in His Qur’an.  He also personally decided the order of all books in His Qur’an.

The Qur’an 69:13 – 29    (With verse 29 placed in bold, Christ speaking here:)

When the Trumpet is sounded a single time, when the earth and its mountains are raised high and then crushed with a single blow, on that Day the Great Event will come to pass.  The sky will be torn apart on that Day, it will be so frail.  The angels will be on all sides of it and, on that Day, eight of them will bear the throne of your LORD above them.  On that Day you will be brought to judgment and none of your secrets will remain hidden.  Anyone who is given his Record in his right hand will say, “Here is my Record, read it.  I knew I would meet my Reckoning,” and so he will have a pleasant life in a lofty Garden, with clustered fruit within his reach.  It will be said, “Eat and drink to your heart’s content as a reward for what you have done in days gone by.”  But anyone who is given his Record in his left hand will say, “If only I had never been given any Record and knew nothing of my Reckoning.  How I wish death had been the end of me.  My wealth has been no use to me, and my power has vanished.”

The Qur’an 42:29 – 30

Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and earth and all the living creatures He has scattered throughout them:  He has the power to gather them all together whenever He will.  Whatever misfortune befalls a people, it is because of what their own hands have done.

The Qur’an 34:31 – 36  (These very important verses were sent to the Muslims, but they are not only about the Muslims; they are about every person who ever lived upon this Earth.)

The disbelievers say, “We will believe neither this Qur’an nor the Scriptures (meaning Bible) that came before it.”  Muhammad, if only you could see how the wrongdoers will be made to stand before their LORD, hurling reproaches at one another.  Those who were oppressed will say to the oppressors, “If it were not for you, we would have been believers!”  The oppressors will say to them, “Was it we who prevented you from following right guidance after it had reached you?  No!  You yourselves were sinners.”  The oppressed will say to them, “No, it was your scheming, night and day, ordering us to disbelieve in God and set up rivals to Him.”  When they see the punishment, they will fall silent with regret, and We shall put iron collars on the disbelievers’ necks.  Why should they be rewarded for anything other than what they have done?  Never have We sent a warner to a people without those among them who were corrupted by wealth saying,  “We do not believe in the message you have been sent with.”  They would say (to their warner), “We have greater wealth and more children than you, and we shall not be punished.”  Prophet, say unto them, “My LORD gives in abundance to whoever He will and sparingly to whoever He will, though most people do not understand.”  Prophet, understand that neither wealth nor children will bring you nearer to Us, but those who believe and do good deeds will have multiple rewards for what they have done.

The Qur’an 43:6 – 7

We have sent many a prophet to earlier people and they mocked every one of them.

The Qur’an 23:62 – 64

We do not burden any soul with more than it can bear – We have a Record (Book) that tells the truth – they will not be wronged.  But the disbelievers’ hearts are steeped in ignorance of all this; and there are other things besides this that they do.  When We bring Our punishment on those corrupted with wealth, they will cry for help:

The Qur’an 64:15

Your wealth and your children are only a test for you.  There is great reward with God:  be mindful of God as much as you can; hear and obey; be charitable.  It is for your own good.  Those who are saved from their own meanness will be the prosperous ones:  if you make a generous loan to God, He will multiply it for you and forgive you.  God is ever thankful and forbearing.

The Qur’an 89:6 – 30

Muhammad, have you considered how your LORD dealt with the people of ‘Ad, the city of Iram with their lofty pillars, whose like has never been made in any other land, and the Thamud, who hewed into the rocks in the valley, and the mighty and powerful Pharaoh?  All of them committed excesses in their lands, and spread corruption there:  your LORD let a scourge of punishment loose on them.  Your LORD is always watchful.  The nature of mankind is that, when your LORD tries you through honor and blessings, you say, “My LORD has honored me;” but when the LORD tries you through the restriction of His provisions, you say, “My LORD has humiliated me.”  No indeed!  You do not honor orphans, you do not urge one another to feed the poor, you consume inheritance greedily, and you love wealth with a passion.  No indeed!  When the earth is pounded to dust, pounded and pounded, when your LORD comes with the angels, rank upon rank, when Hell is that Day brought near – on that Day, mankind will finally pay attention, but what good will that be for you then?  People will say, “Would that I had provided for this life to come!”  On that Day, no one will punish as He punishes, and no one will bind as He binds.  But you [who remembered the LORD], with soul at peace:  return to your LORD well pleased and well pleasing; go in among My servants; and into My Garden.



At the beginning of this letter, this author stated that we would re-visit the first quote from the Qur’an that was placed in this letter:  the Qur’an 3:137 – 138.  (It shall be quoted again, below.)  Quite honestly, this author decided that these two verses would be the conclusion of the entire matter, the moment he came across these words early in his research.  Forget all Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindi, and the others.  This verse is Christ’s description of all mankind throughout the history of this world which He created:  no matter the name of any faith.  But, and this is important, this was Christ’s message to mankind some 500-years AFTER He ascended to Heaven using the earthly body of Jesus.  This was Christ’s message, with full knowledge of what He had previously revealed to John in the Book of Revelation.


Christians!  Christ closed His entire Old Testament with a few words in the Book of Malachi (the final book of the Old Testament):

Malachi 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not . . .

Christians!  If your religious teachers tell you that everything (or even ANYTHING!) changed with Jesus, then run away from these teachers as fast as you can; for they follow the old teachings of Satan.  Read the verses above, once again and ask yourself one question.  On Judgment Day, would you like to be standing in front of Christ next to your lying teachers who told you that you would never face God’s Judgment Day, or would you like to be standing in front of Christ with a book in your right hand that says you did your best to follow our LORD’s Scriptures.  My friends, Christ’s Qur’an is plowing very straight rows for you, in the verses quoted above.  And the verses quoted above are only the tip-of-the-iceberg regarding what you will find in the “whole” of Christ’s Qur’an.


The two verses of the Qur’an, quoted below, describe the biggest failure of mankind, in just a few words.  There is nothing religious here.  There is nothing regarding this-or-that faith here.  What is important to Christ, our Creator, here is only the matter of belief, or disbelief.  THAT!  That is Christ’s conclusion regarding the main failure of mankind, here on this Earth.  For if any person were truly observant, regarding our LORD (and His Works upon this Earth), that person would instantly recognize the importance of our LORD, the true place of our LORD, and our dire need for our LORD, here in this world.  And yes, it was Yahweh, Christ, Allah, or any other names mankind has been given to call our Creator.  This author just happens to be a Christian so this author shall use the name of “Christ” here; the other names are completely acceptable to this author also.  But it was our Christ who created this world and created mankind:  and Christ did so at our LORD’s Command, and according to our LORD’s Will.  The name of one’s faith, or denomination, is not in play here regarding our observations of Christ’s Work, nor our LORD’s Will.

One can easily see in the great many verses explained above, that it has mostly been wealth, and our mere pursuit of wealth, that has caused the destruction of so many peoples, nations, and lands!  And we remain blind to this fact, even though the evidence is all around us, here on this earth!  Amazing!  For this author, the below verses are Christ’s explanation of Daniel, Chapter 2.  So now, please consider the great importance of just two sentences that Christ placed in His Qur’an.  (Meaning, 500 years after this world had killed Him:  this world which He created, according to His Father’s Will.  Do Christ’s two sentences, below, sound like anything changed here after Jesus arrived?)

The Qur’an 3:137 – 138

God’s ways have operated before your time:  travel through the land, and see what was the end of those who disbelieved.  This is a clear lesson to people, and guidance and teaching for those who are mindful of God.

Wealth is one commodity that God never created upon this earth.  Satan created it, in the days of Eve.  It was Satan who caused Eve to place a value upon that piece of fruit.  That fruit had no value previously!  It was Satan who caused Cain to place a value upon his sacrifice to God.  (Read in Genesis 4:7, where you find Christ’s first documented use of the word “sin” in His Scriptures.)  Cain thought the harvest belonged to him because he did all of the work.  For whatever reason that God had no respect for Cain’s offering, it is most likely that Cain held back on the quantity or the quality.  Perhaps Cain offered the withered portions from the edges of his fields.  Abel raised animals for food and Cain raised crops for food, but the commodity mattered not to God because everything belongs to Him.  There are many possibilities regarding Cain’s failure, but the lesson here is that God cannot be fooled.

Genesis 4:2  And she (meaning Eve) again bare his brother Abel.  And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.

People today truly should be able to examine our past and see how many nations were destroyed because of their abuses regarding wealth.  Sometimes, it truly was their wealth that destroyed them from within (such as the Roman Empire); and sometimes it was a strong army, assisted by God, because God decided that they had abused their wealth for long enough.  Other times, it was a strong army that destroyed them only because they believed their wealth would protect them and what wealthy person typically wants their sons to serve in the army.  There are kings, such as these, described throughout the Old Testament.  Christ has always used whatever methods that He deemed appropriate.  But in doing so, Christ has always left a message for the rest of mankind to learn, by way of His chosen method!  Christ only desires that mankind learns His Lessons sent down to us:  meaning the Will of our LORD.  It is only we, mankind, who have forever chosen to ignore Christ’s “other lessons” which He has forever left behind for us to discover.

People today can see how those great nations did not have wealthy beginnings.  Rather they had noble beginnings with noble leaders (noble, meaning righteous); and this is why God originally blessed those folks.  (Cyrus the Great is a classic example.  Cyrus, a Persian and descendant of Ishmael, was so great that Christ named him, in His Bible, 150-years before Cyrus was even born!)

People today truly should be able to see how those great nations deteriorated only after they obtained wealth and especially after they chose to leave God’s Ways, God’s Laws, and the morals of their founders.  Every single time!  There are no exceptions throughout mankind’s entire history!  Yet, mankind continues to ignore everything relating to God, these days.

Americans?  Were you able to see any of these Truths of God in the many Qur’an verses quoted in this letter?  Do you see any parallels between your great nation and those great nations of long ago?  (Good and strong morals at the founding, then great blessings by God and a significant history of righteous and strong individuals; followed by a slow corruption by wealth and then a “complete abandonment” of God, and His Ways?  It is all there, in mankind’s history!  It is all there, in America’s history!  America, your future is found in mankind’s history:  Christ has assured this!  This author is an American:  I can say these things to my own.  But Britain, Canada, France, Germany, nearly all of Europe, and many other nations:  your Truths of God are also found here in this letter!  But this author has no right to fault your nations.)

But more importantly, and absolutely CRITICAL here, this author must now ask all Christians.  Is each reader able to read the Scripture verses presented above and then understand the impending doom (and troubles) that God has reserved for us?  Reserved?  Well yes!  He documented “yours and this author’s Reservation” some 2,000 years ago to John, as the Book of Revelation was being written.  Only your religious teachers deny this Reservation with God.  America!  Your Reservation with your Creator is nigh upon you!

Westerners!  (Meaning Canada, Mexico, Europe, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and many others.)  Do you think you have a special exemption from ALL of the warnings that Christ placed in His Qur’an, above?  Do you think you have an exemption from the approaching Troubles announced by God, in His Book of Revelation?  Do you truly think your moral standards are that much better than America’s?  So then, just how does your society address adultery, Sunday worship, clean meats, homosexuality, drug use, and abortion?  How many babies are murdered in your Western nation every year?  That number is easily found on the Internet.

Westerners and Americans!  The Bible teaches, repeatedly, about the Time of Jacob’s Trouble coming in our last days.  While every religious teacher (of any faith or denomination) teaches that you can ignore this Scripture (for this or that reason which they invented), this author is telling you, here in this letter, that if you are a Westerner of any (or even no) faith, then you are a descendant of Jacob, and the Time of Jacob’s Trouble includes you!  Just as ALL OF THOSE who have gone before your particular nation (and your particular religion), all of this truly is your choice:  you can listen to other “men” or you can listen to Christ, your Creator!

The Qur’an 3:137 – 138

God’s ways have operated before your time:  travel through the land, and see what was the end of those who disbelieved.  This is a clear lesson to people, and guidance and teaching for those who are mindful of God.

To this Western World (Christians, Jews, and all others), please take God’s advice in His verses quoted above.  Travel through the lands of this world and SEE what the end of those was who placed their pursuit of wealth ahead of their pursuit of God.  Or just travel through your history books (or the Internet) and READ what was the end of those who slowly departed from their beliefs, became disbelievers, and then turned evil through their prideful, sinful, and arrogant ways.  (And yes, if you place your pursuit of wealth, or mammon, ahead of your pursuit of God, then you are definitely a disbeliever!  You can argue that logic all day long, but in the end, God is right!  And if you think that you DO NOT place your pursuit of wealth ahead of your pursuit of God, then give your entire wealth away!  And follow God!  Do this, and you will have passed Christ’s test of wealth.)  Or just read the Book of Daniel and learn about the image of Nebuchadnezzar and the story of Nebuchadnezzar.  His Babylon fell because he placed himself (and his wealth, power, and his self-importance) above his love for the God of Daniel.  In Daniel 2, Nebuchadnezzar was a young, ambitious, and impressionable king with barely two-years on the throne.  Very few religions of today teach that the first verse of Daniel 3 occurred (and was written) perhaps 40, or 50, years after Daniel 2 was finished!  Every Jew, Christian, and Muslim should read from Daniel 2:46 to Daniel 3:1.

FIVE LITTLE VERSES!  Less than 1 minute of reading-time.  You can read them here.”  (Link opens in a new window)

But in these five little verses, Nebuchadnezzar went from being a young man, to a very old man:  and wealthy the entire time!  Daniel made a believer out of young Nebuchadnezzar, for an unknown period of time.  But wealth eventually consumed that king; as evidenced in Daniel 3:1.  Daniel 4 clearly teaches why Nebuchadnezzar failed in God’s Eyes.

And for those who are interested, one should compare the story of Nebuchadnezzar with the story of Solomon.  Same story, but completely different results.  The Book of Ecclesiastes (written by a very old Solomon) clearly teaches why Solomon got to Heaven.

What?  Solomon in Heaven??  Who does this author think he is???

SIDE NOTE by jpw:  When this author was young (mid-30’s) and read the Bible for the first time, he truly wondered if David made it to heaven, because of his serious sins against Bathsheba and her husband, Uriah.  David basically murdered his captain and close companion, Uriah:  so that David might hide his own infidelity, deny his illegitimate child, and also take beautiful Bathsheba as his own.  A horrible sin!  Multiple horrible sins!  Solomon was one of this young author’s favorite people in the Bible, but oh, how Solomon sinned because of his wealth, and his personal vanities that grew from his wealth!  Solomon sinned greatly through his vanities, but he never departed from his sense of doing right to all others.  Well, the Book of Ecclesiastes clearly demonstrates that Solomon fixed his “problem” shortly before his death.  Oh, how this young author wished that Solomon would make it to heaven, on Judgment Day.  Confession time?  The Book of Ecclesiastes remains one of this author’s favorite books in the entire Bible.  (Only because, in his Book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon manages to confess his sins to the entire world:  for the whole world to see.  Solomon did not confess his sins in order to save himself; rather Solomon confessed his sins only to help all others who might be on the same path!)

Well . . . long story short here!  If any Christian decides to read Christ’s Qur’an, they will see that David is already in Heaven (at this very moment) and Solomon too, is already in Heaven (at this very moment).  Very comforting words to sinners, of today, wondering if they might still be able to change their ways.  The Qur’an does not mention very many others, but those Christian denominations, of today, which teach loudly, that “nobody goes to Heaven until Christ returns” need to study Christ’s Scriptures a whole lot more!  Or just stop listening to Satan.  Or just stop teaching their nonsense and confess to the entire world that they “just don’t know!”  Solomon did exactly this in Ecclesiastes.  Speaking of his own nonsense and confessing his sins to the entire world helped Solomon, greatly.  In fact, it got him to Heaven!  These Christian denominations might also spend some time learning the Truths of Christ placed in His Revelation 6:9 – 10, and then especially verse 11.  And then remember what helped Solomon get to heaven.  Christian teachers, there is nothing wrong with the words, “I don’t know.”  Those three words do not make you stupid; in fact, they make you smarter!  Just casually, this author can think of six-million European Jews who are qualified to utter the words spoken in Revelation 6:10.  This author can also think of approximately seven-million Muslims who have been, and are being killed in China, today!  While that number is increasing every day (as of the year 2021), all of these souls certainly qualify to utter the words spoken in Revelation 6:10.  Add to these, perhaps 40 – 50 million others throughout mankind’s history, but this author has not put pen-to-paper on this issue.  And does this author even dare to mention the issue of murdered babies by way of abortion?  In Christian nations?  Meaning that “Christ” who created all LIFE?




Near the beginning of this letter, this author promised to explain Revelation 14:8 and 18:2.  That time has come.

The image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2 was not as much about the names of those various kingdoms as it was their repeated misuse of wealth, God’s moving wealth to different peoples, and later, God’s scattering of wealth upon this earth (after this earth “grew-up” and filled up).  The upper portions of the image were more about the distribution (movement) of wealth through warfare, the constant misuse of wealth, and the never-ending arrogance of mankind, regarding wealth.  The feet of the image (regarding our last 1,500 years, after Rome fell) are about the scattering of wealth to various peoples, so that no one leader, nor government, would rule “their known world” with an iron, brass, silver, or golden fist.  It has never happened since the days of Rome:  meaning that one nation has never controlled all of the wealth, all of the governments, and all of the military strength of “their known world.”  Napoleon tried, and Hitler tried, and a few others had the desire, but Daniel 2 teaches that is just is not going to happen:  ever again, as a matter of fact.  So, the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream (and yes, Babylon itself) is about wealth, mankind’s pursuit of wealth, and how God deals with both of those.

Mankind’s problem today is that, like it or not, WE ARE THE FEET.  Some folks reading this letter live in the iron and other folks live in the clay:  it depends on your nationality.  Worse yet, Daniel 2 teaches that Christ Himself (the stone) is coming to destroy those feet.  The stone does not hit the gold, silver, brass, or iron.  It hits, and destroys, the feet of iron and clay.  Then, and only then, does the entire statue (or system of mammon/wealth) collapse upon itself.  This begs one question:  why would Christ want to come down and destroy us, now, in these current times?  Could it be that we are still misusing the wealth He has allotted to us Westerners?  Have we been corrupted by wealth?  Are we enjoying our Western wealth so much that we have departed from our LORD?  Meaning His Ways, His Laws, His Commandments, His Sabbath, and our humble obedience to Him?  (Muslims, if you live in a Western nation, or live in an oil-rich Mid-East nation, you are NOT excused from Allah’s Lessons in His Bible and His Qur’an!)

My dearest friends . . . Revelation 14:8 and 18:2 describe, to a significant degree, what Christ is coming to destroy here!  Oh, Christ (Allah) certainly has an entire list of deeds to accomplish, according to our LORD’s Will, but “wealth” is fairly high on that list.  Please read on:

Revelation 14:8  And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

Babylon is fallen, is fallen.  Mammon/wealth, on this planet, is done and it is finally done.  It is dead and gone forever, and it will never return:  now that Christ rules this world.

She made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.  The wrath of her fornication?  Well, this entire world has never, EVER, been so far from God, as it is today.  This is because of mammon (wealth)!  This includes the entire Christian West and a great number of Muslim nations.  Oh, it includes more than that, but “that” is beyond the scope of this letter.  All nations?  Well, that would certainly be described by the iron and the clay.

Revelation 18:2  And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.

Again, we find the same two words, repeated again, Babylon is fallen, is fallen.  So mammon is gone and gone forever, but in this case, Christ continues to show how our abuse of wealth now includes even us “normal folks” living in the iron and the clay.  But here in Revelation 18:2, Christ goes further and teaches that even the ordinary person, walking down the street has become an abomination to Him!  (Devils, foul spirits, unclean and hateful birds!)  In the prior example of Revelation 14:8, Christ was describing the worldly, or national levels:  meaning our rulers and those who make national, and worldly, decisions.  2,600 years ago (in Daniel 2), Christ was describing various kings, princes, and their inner circles, but not the average citizen of those nations.  No, this aspect of the average citizen possessing wealth is a recent development in human history.  Few people, of today, understand this, but just 300 years ago, no average person possessed anything considered to be “of wealth.”  This presents a new problem for Christ:  because now, He is not having to address a few scattered kings and princes, but rather “nearly every Westerner of every faith!”  Muslims and Jews, this author is including YOU in that assessment.  (Muslims, should you ever decide to read Allah’s Bible, you will find yourselves identified all through His Book of Revelation:  regarding the various kings of the north and south, the rams and the he-goats, et al.  Oh, you are clearly identified in Revelation and you shall surely be present at the place called Armageddon.)

All Westerners should take careful note that here in Revelation 18:2, Christ is delivering a wake-up call to every individual reading (and writing) this webpage.  Never think yourself better than others, who are different, my friend.  For we are all guilty, to some degree, of abusing our mammon/wealth in the Eyes of God.  The bad news here is that WE do not get to judge “the “degree of our abuse:”  only God does.

So, where does one turn for help in this world that is corrupted by mammon?  Certainly not to our politicians and leaders!  As a matter-of-fact, they are the very people who brought us to the situation we find ourselves in!  God is extremely angry with this Western World.  You just read that above.  Our politicians and leaders are “drunk with the wrath of mammon’s (wealth’s) fornication,” despite what they might tell you, to the contrary.  Listen to God;  never, but ever listen to mankind!  And know that there is one very special place that any person can turn to in safety.  Because Satan is not allowed there.  Your religious and political leaders shall not be able to find it, without your help.  Yet, you will find many good souls, around you, waiting to greet you when you get there; and you shall call them your friends.  And together, you shall come to understand the words of Solomon, in Ecclesiastes:  “a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

SIDE NOTE BY jpw:  Christ’s Father (yes . . . His Father, our LORD God, who rules the Kingdom), long ago, sent down a very special and rare Scripture describing you and your local friends in that special place, here in these end-times.  Malachi 3:16 – 18.  (Link opens in a new window.)  Indeed, Christ’s Father, our LORD, shall love you, and your friends, so much that He will order a new Book to be written only about you, and your friends, and some others just like you, scattered throughout the various faiths and scattered throughout the various lands of this world:  but this new Book shall be only about “you few,” and yes, some others just like you, across this world.  When all of the names have been written in that Book, Christ’s Father, the LORD of hosts, shall then instruct Christ to return (in verse 18) and judge this world for Him.  And this verse explains why Christ taught that only His Father, our LORD, knew the exact day of His return.

(This author apologizes for digressing.  I do this a lot, but am getting better:  it is a work-in-progress.)

Now, that special place, mentioned above, is called the Scriptures of our LORD.  They are called the Torah.  They are called the Gospels.  They are called the Qur’an.  Indeed, The Scriptures of our LORD go by many names here, but they are easily found, and they are unerring!  The best part is that they are Satan’s Achilles Heel.  Satan cannot defeat our LORD and Satan cannot change what our LORD has written.  He can lie to us, he can teach us other misguided ways, and he can fool our teachers into delivering his lies, through their false belief that they are delivering our LORD’s Scriptures.

This is what happens when religious teachers bend, twist, distort, symbolize, or just change the Scriptures of our LORD, as they were originally delivered to this world.  Scriptures do not become out-of-date, old, antiquated, fall-behind-the-times:  nor the grand-daddy of them all, “no longer apply!”  THIS, exactly, is the work of Satan in this world.  And you can see Satan’s handiwork in our churches on a daily basis:  now that you know how to look for it.




Daniel 2:34  Thou sawest till that a stone was cut out without hands, which smote the image upon his feet that were of iron and clay, and brake them into pieces.

Revelation 14 and 18  “. . . and Babylon is fallen, is fallen.”

All of this meaning Christ has arrived, and our LORD’s Judgment Day has come with Him.  But until that day takes place, it should teach us all that our LORD’s stone is coming to smite us:  not other folks, somewhere over there, on the other side of this world.  For it is we who are the wealthy feet of Daniel 2!  The wealth of this world has caused the vast majority of nations to depart from believing in God, worshiping God, obeying God and His Ways, and thanking God, humbly and daily, for all of His Blessings!  Oh, His stone of Daniel 2 is most certainly coming for us!  Scripturally, it is easy to see, but personally, it is difficult to accept.

My dearest friend, regarding wealth and worship, please accept just a piece of wisdom from this old author.  The absolute worst thing one can do now, is to say, “I can do both.”  For you have just read a great many verses about a great many people, throughout this world and throughout our history, who were a lot smarter and possessed more wealth, than you.  They failed.  Christ sent a messenger to every single one of them, meaning even down to the level of villages, or communities, sometimes.  Yet, they all failed.  If you still think that you possess the ability and knowledge to pursue both Christ and wealth, then you have not learned a single lesson here.  But far worse, your personal vanities have caused you to pay ZERO attention to ANY of the MANY Scriptures that Christ has sent down to this world, which He created.  Why?  Because Christ is screaming loudly, throughout ALL of His Scriptures, scattered throughout this world, that “It cannot be done.”

Travel throughout this world and you will find that not one of our LORD’s Scriptures, placed elsewhere in this world, disagrees with any other Scripture:  especially regarding wealth.  Oh, one Scripture might not include Jesus, might not include Moses, might not include Muhammad, and might not include the Buddha, etc.  But this does not make our LORD wrong!  It only makes our “religious teachers” wrong and short-sighted!  In fact, this Truth of God shines Christ’s Light directly upon their personal vanities and shortcomings.  (But never forget, that we all have our own vanities and shortcomings in this world:  this author certainly does.)  On our other webpage here, titled “PLOWING 201,” we demonstrated that Yahweh/Christ/Allah/(et al) has promised us that every people has been sent a messenger.  His messages have always been “tailored” for the errors that He was addressing regarding various peoples, communities, and times.  But His Truths have never, ever changed!  God’s Will has never, ever changed!  And more than this, God’s Truths, God’s Ways, and God’s Will have never been out-of-date, out-of-touch, nor no-longer-apply.  In fact, this author can guarantee every reader here, that once they learn these fairly easy things through Scripture, then every believer will finally learn that God’s Wisdom is way-ahead-of-us and God’s Wisdom has long been waiting for us to catch-up to Him!
















This letter is done:

My dearest and beloved friends:  this letter is done.  You can leave this page now and know that the full lesson, which this author intended, has been delivered.  However, this author cannot leave this page without leaving a few personal notes below.  This is only because this old author knows, beyond any shadow-of-doubt, that the following words will never be spoken by any religious leader (Jewish, Christian, nor Muslim leader) in these end-times.  (Sorry, but it is true.)

We are currently living in the end days of those feet in Daniel 2:  meaning the iron mixed with clay portion of God’s lesson.  The statue (or image) of Daniel 2 is mammon.  But no religion, of today, is able to teach this lesson because every religion, of today, is consumed by mammon (or self-importance)!  So, they want to direct your attention to the gold, silver, brass, and iron:  yet every single one of them fails at the feet!  Why is this?  It is because no religious teacher/leader is able to admit that they (and we all) are the feet!  Also, no religious leader, nor teacher, is able to admit that they failed in their not seeing all of this.  We western (religious and nonreligious) folks are the feet:  even those who claim to be believers.  We have all allowed our pursuit of mammon and wealth to guide our lives and help us establish our senses of right and wrong.  Jesus taught us to consider the lilies of the field and how they toil not.  Jesus taught us not to worry about where our next meal, or our clothing shall come from.  We, today, read these verses in absolute disbelief!  Regarding our utter failure and shame today, Jesus was right, long ago:  proving Solomon’s lessons that mankind never really changes; the times change and the seasons change, but mankind never really changes.  Oh, it is easy for all of us to claim that we worship God and Christ, but we are lying.  Our religious leaders are lying.  Just the fourth Commandment is proof that we believe we know more than God, regarding how to best live our lives down here.  Clean and unclean meats demonstrate the same.  And let us not forget perhaps our most flagrant dismissal of Jesus’ words:

Matthew 6:24  No man can serve two masters:  for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.  Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

It doesn’t get any simpler than that!  Well, maybe the Saturday Sabbath is.  And maybe the clean and unclean meats are.  Possibly the second Commandment that forbids any “graven images” of any sort.  And then there is always that little Commandment that forbids murder (abortion):  it might be simpler too!

Christians . . . this author has a question for you also.  Do you follow Christ, our Creator, or do you follow your religious leaders, who quite honestly, you barely know?  This will be most important on Judgment Day.  So one day, listen to your religious teachers when they discuss the feet of iron and clay in Daniel 2.  Then realize that if they cannot get the feet right, then they have failed at Christ’s entire lesson in Daniel.  Because the “feet” are the entire point of Daniel’s story!  AND WE ARE THE FEET!

Mammon came and went, in the ancient days and it destroyed everything it touched.  (Please reference Christ’s numerous Scriptures quoted above from all around this world and throughout our entire history.)  But today, we cannot look upon one single nation and say, “There are the feet of Daniel’s image today:  it is THAT nation, right over there.”  No!  The feet of iron and clay are now scattered throughout this world, and there will never again be one single dominating nation (such as Babylon, Persia, Greece, or Rome).  This author’s entire point here is that if you have internet, and are reading this letter on this author’s website, then you are (almost certainly) living in one of those semi-wealthy to very-wealthy nations that comprise the clay and iron, respectively.  Yes, this author too.  But we can’t help “where” we live!  God understands this.  But God certainly expects us to deal with it, accordingly!

Accordingly?  This means to obey His commandments and ordinances:  ALL OF THEM!  Whether you like them or not!  There is no picking-and-choosing!  This includes loving all others, as God has loved us (Christ’s Eleventh Commandment).  Muslims, Allah worded this slightly differently in His Qur’an:  roughly translated (here in this letter) to “forgive others as Allah forgives you; and even more so, forgive others as you hope Allah shall similarly forgive your own failures when you stand before Him on Judgment Day.”  Allah revealed His reasoning, here, to Ishmael’s mother, Hagar, in the story ending at Genesis 16:12.  (Christians have been falsely taught, for all of their lives, that they shall be “excused” from our LORD’s Judgment Day:  because their religious leaders, hundreds of years ago, listened to Satan.  And these ancient lies of Satan continue today:  through all of the 33,000 Christian “disagreements” or “denominations.”  It is called DOGMA!  Look it up:  it is the perfect word.  It means ZERO Scriptural support!  It was the perfect word in the days of Jesus and it is the perfect word in these days just before Christ returns.)  And, finally, this means to worship God in the ways that He sent down through your Scriptures, or even any other people’s Scriptures, if you so choose, because they all come from our One LORD.

Malachi 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not . . .

And if you choose “no Scriptures,” success is still possible!  This author would not recommend it, given all of the Wisdom, Truth, and Understanding our LORD has made available to us, but it truly can be (and has been) done by many good and honest people:  this author can give thousands of examples throughout mankind’s history, and possibly millions of examples.  This author will not go into detail here, regarding the atheists, agnostics, and some others because this has been illustrated all through this website:  also, it is beyond the scope of the letter regarding Plowing.  But for those who choose this path, this author strongly suggests that you do, at least, honor and respect your unknown God, to make up for your shortcomings.  (For you are probably not aware that it is written, in every Scripture, that if any person actually DENIES or CURSES the God who created this world, or His Father’s Holy Spirit, then He will DENY AND CURSE that person on His Judgment Day.  So, if this is your chosen path, just keep your mouth shut, keep your mind shut, and live your life the absolute best that you can:  fully realizing that there will always be things that no person shall ever understand here.)  And this author can produce hundreds of Scriptures that demonstrate that eventually, toward the end of your life, you will be required to have demonstrated, to God, a nearly exemplary life (even if it takes until the eleventh hour):  because you shall be relying ONLY on your life-lived, to get your name written in God’s Book of Life.

This is all possible only because God truly has given every person the full understanding of those rights-and-wrongs which were placed within their heart at conception!  (So don’t worry, God will wait for you, even a bit longer than the rest:  so that you might stop telling yourself lies and then, with age, begin following those Truths that have always been in your heart.)  You can lie to yourself, but you cannot lie to God.  And never forget that God can see everything that is in your heart.  (Many inmates, in prisons, have learned this valuable lesson.)  So follow this path, if that is your desire, and this author hopes that you live a life which respects all others, and loves all others.  Mistakes are allowed as long as they are followed by lessons-learned.  And should the lessons ever overwhelm you, you now understand where you might find your help.  Not in any of our 33,000 mistaken, deceived-by-Satan, and stuck-in-their-dogma (lies!) denominations; but rather, in a little book that can be found everywhere, or is yours for free on the Internet, or can be purchased for the price of a cup of coffee.  This old author stole his first Bible from a Holiday Inn, just north of Notre Dame College, a great many years ago:  it had been placed there by the Gideons.  Wonderful folks, the Gideons!

Religious folks will scream and holler at the last two paragraphs, but only because they do not understand:  neither do they possess the patience nor even the faith of God’s saints.  But Christ, our Creator, fully understands that a life well-lived, according to the rights-and-wrongs that His LORD’s Spirit has placed WITHIN us, will always lead to Him:  even if one does not believe.  But those errant religious folks are right, in one, or two, regards!  For they can see that this world’s (and our) time here is short.  This author has been writing notes like this, to unbelievers, for more than 25 years now:  and this author always told readers to just take some time and think about everything.  It is better to do nothing and wait for knowledge, than to act quickly and make a mistake.  Mark Twain once said, “A lie can travel half way around the world, while the truth is putting on its shoes.”  (Link opens in a new window.)

Mark Twain was right, but here today, in the year 2021, this author is suggesting to you that your time to decide the path of your life is much closer than you might think.  Indeed, “our” time to decide is very, very short now.  “Now” would be a very good time to get on the internet and do a search for:  “who are the ten virgins of the Gospel.”  It is a fairly short story, but it is an outstanding story of those who truly believed and made-ready; and those who said they truly believed and went through the processes, but never actually lived as they knew would be required of them, in the end.  (Meaning they took “just a bit too long” in demonstrating their beliefs to God).  And what about those who took “that bit too long?”

Well . . . it is not too long of a story and that “bit too long part” is just too sorrowful for this author to write about.  So, this author shall put forth a question here instead.  Just “how long” does an ETERNITY last?  Oh, we all know “about” how long a lifetime lasts; but how long does an ETERNITY last?  This author is unable to describe an eternity, or even understand an eternity.  And it makes this author quite sad thinking about all of the silly (and easily observed) ways that Satan has caused us to follow here, so that we might lose our eternity . . . exactly as he did!




Once again, as this author has written, throughout this website, this author would like to clearly state that should any Christian, Jew, or even an atheist/agnostic, desire to read just a few verses from Christ’s Qur’an, then these folks should know that this author has studied nearly every English translation of the Qur’an and has only found one translation that this author considers to be masterful; and true to every other English Scripture that exists.  That translation is by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem.  This author has his 2004 version and cannot imagine any improvements being possible, but Mr. Haleem is the expert here:  he does have later versions available.  The quality of his work is beyond comparison, and the paperback versions often cost less than a cup of coffee.

This Christian author can promise every reader here, that if you read the Qur’an, it will not make you a Muslim; but it will absolutely make you a better Christian, or Jew!  Even if you are an unbeliever, it will absolutely make you a better person.  It did, this author.

You can find a copy of his translation at this link:





No Copyrights apply to this webpage – jpw (2021)